Tabla de Contenidos:
“…Classic Problems of Probability; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1 Cardano and Games of Chance (1564); 1.1 Discussion; 2 Galileo and a Discovery Concerning Dice (1620); 2.1 Discussion; 3 The Chevalier de Méré Problem I: The Problem of Dice (1654); 3.1 Discussion; 4 The Chevalier de Méré Problem II: The Problem of Points (1654); 4.1 Discussion; 5 Huygens and the Gambler's Ruin (1657); 5.1 Discussion; 6 The Pepys-Newton Connection (1693); 6.1 Discussion; 7 Rencontres with Montmort (1708); 7.1 Discussion; 8
Jacob Bernoulli and his Golden Theorem (1713); 8.1 Discussion…”
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