Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Development 224
- Application software 200
- JavaScript (Computer program language) 111
- Web site development 77
- Computer programming 68
- Java (Computer program language) 67
- Python (Computer program language) 63
- Web applications 58
- Database management 52
- Programming 48
- Application program interfaces (Computer software) 45
- Cloud computing 44
- Internet programming 39
- Programming languages (Electronic computers) 39
- Microsoft .NET Framework 37
- Web sites 34
- Computer programs 33
- Data mining 33
- Design 33
- iOS (Electronic resource) 29
- Computer software 28
- Big data 26
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 25
- Go (Computer program language) 24
- Node.js 24
- Web Development 23
- Client/server computing 21
- Mobile computing 21
- SQL (Computer program language) 21
- Ajax (Web site development technology) 20
721Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- See also -- Working with JSON using the Dataset API and SQL together -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- See also -- Functional programming with the Dataset API using domain objects -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- See also -- Chapter 4: Common Recipes for Implementing a Robust Machine Learning System -- Introduction -- Spark's basic statistical API to help you build your own algorithms -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- See also -- ML pipelines for real-life machine learning applications -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- See also -- Normalizing data with Spark -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- See also -- Splitting data for training and testing -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- See also -- Common operations with the new Dataset API -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- See also -- Creating and using RDD versus DataFrame versus Dataset from a text file in Spark 2.0 -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- There's more... -- See also…”
Libro electrónico -
722Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Vorwort -- Werte und Variable -- 1.1 JavaScript ausführen -- 1.2 Typen und der Operator typeof -- 1.3 Kommentare -- 1.4 Variablendeklarationen -- 1.5 Bezeichner -- 1.6 Zahlen -- 1.7 Arithmetische Operatoren -- 1.8 Boolesche Werte -- 1.9 null und undefined -- 1.10 String-Literale -- 1.11 Template-Literale -- 1.12 Objekte -- 1.13 Objektliteral-Syntax -- 1.14 Arrays -- 1.15 JSON -- 1.16 Destrukturierung -- 1.17 Destrukturierung für Fortgeschrittene -- 1.17.1 Mehr zum Thema Objektstrukturierung -- 1.17.2 Restdeklarationen -- 1.17.3 Standardwerte -- 1.18 Übungen -- Steuerstrukturen -- 2.1 Ausdrücke und Anweisungen -- 2.2 Semikolonergänzung -- 2.3 Verzweigungen -- 2.4 Falsy- und Truthy-Werte -- 2.5 Vergleichs- und Gleichheitsoperatoren -- 2.6 Vergleiche unterschiedlicher Typen -- 2.7 Boolesche Operatoren -- 2.8 Die switch-Anweisung -- 2.9 while- und do-Schleifen -- 2.10 for-Schleifen -- 2.10.1 Die klassische for-Schleife -- 2.10.2 Die for-of-Schleife -- 2.10.3 Die for-in-Schleife -- 2.11 break und continue -- 2.12 Ausnahmen abfangen -- 2.13 Übungen -- Funktionen und funktionale Programmierung -- 3.1 Funktionen deklarieren -- 3.2 Funktionen höherer Ordnung -- 3.3 Funktionsliterale -- 3.4 Pfeilfunktionen -- 3.5 Funktionale Array-Verarbeitung -- 3.6 Closures -- 3.7 Harte Objekte -- 3.8 Strikter Modus -- 3.9 Argumenttypen prüfen -- 3.10 Mehr oder weniger Argumente bereitstellen -- 3.11 Standardargumente -- 3.12 Restparameter und der Verteilungsoperator -- 3.13 Benannte Argumente durch Destrukturierung simulieren -- 3.14 Hoisting -- 3.15 Exceptions auslösen -- 3.16 Exceptions abfangen -- 3.17 Die finally-Klausel -- 3.18 Übungen -- Objektorientierte Programmierung -- 4.1 Methoden -- 4.2 Prototypen -- 4.3 Konstruktoren -- 4.4 Die Klassensyntax -- 4.5 Get- und Set-Methoden -- 4.6 Instanzfelder und private Methoden…”
Libro electrónico -
723Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Planning the Web API -- Creating a Web API with Python and Flask -- Step 1: Create a new project -- Step 2: Install Flask -- Step 3: Create an entry point -- Step 4: Create a Flask app -- Use case: a Web API for an e-commerce site -- Step 1: Create a Web API for an e-commerce site -- Step 2: Return JSON instead of text -- Step 3: Add code to read and write to a database -- Step 4: Improve the code -- Run the code -- Refactor the code -- Step 5: Document the API -- Assignment -- Solution -- Challenge -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Augment Web Apps with AI Services -- Introduction -- Business domain, e-commerce -- Problem and data domain -- Feature breakdown -- Prompt strategy -- Creating a model -- Coming up with a plan -- Importing libraries -- Reading the CSV file -- Creating test and training datasets -- Creating a model -- How good is the model? …”
Libro electrónico -
724por Leonard, AnghelTabla de Contenidos: “…Creating a multiline SQL, JSON, and HTML string -- Before JDK 8 -- Starting with JDK 8 -- Introducing text blocks (JDK 13/15) -- Hooking text blocks syntax -- 2. …”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico -
725por Braun, DanielTabla de Contenidos: “…6.6 Umwandlung zwischen verwandten Klassen (Typecasting) -- 6.7 Abstrakte Methoden und Klassen -- 6.8 Einlesen von Personendaten -- 6.9 Übungen -- 7 Arrays und Listen -- 7.1 Arrays -- 7.1.1 Deklaration -- 7.1.2 Lesen und Schreiben -- 7.1.3 Arrays und Schleifen -- 7.1.4 Personenverwaltung mit Arrays -- 7.1.5 Umwandlung zwischen Strings und Arrays -- 7.1.6 Mehrdimensionalität -- 7.1.7 Start-Parameter -- 7.2 Listen -- 7.2.1 Arten von Listen -- 7.2.2 Deklaration -- 7.2.3 Elemente hinzufügen -- 7.2.4 Elemente lesen -- 7.2.5 Elemente löschen -- 7.2.6 Elemente ändern -- 7.2.7 Listen durchlaufen -- 7.2.8 Unterschied zwischen ArrayList und LinkedList -- 7.2.9 Personenverwaltung mit Liste -- 7.3 Übungen -- 8 Fehlerbehandlung -- 8.1 Arten von Fehlern -- 8.2 Fehler abfangen -- 8.2.1 Umwandlungsfehler -- 8.2.2 Index-Fehler -- 8.2.3 Andere Fehler -- 8.2.4 Fehlerbehandlung bei Funktionen -- 8.3 Mehrere Arten von Fehlern abfangen -- 8.4 finally-Block -- 8.5 Übungen -- 9 Dateisystem -- 9.1 Textdateien schreiben -- 9.2 Textdateien lesen -- 9.3 Dateien löschen und umbenennen -- 9.4 Ordner -- 9.4.1 Erstellen -- 9.4.2 Löschen -- 9.4.3 Umbenennen -- 9.4.4 Inhalt anzeigen -- 9.5 Objekte speichern -- 9.5.1 CSV-Dateien -- 9.5.2 Binäre Dateien -- 9.6 Übungen -- 10 Externe Bibliotheken -- 10.1 JSON-Bibliothek -- 10.1.1 Das Format -- 10.1.2 Bibliothek einbinden -- 10.1.3 Bibliothek verwenden -- 10.2 Eigene .jar-Dateien erstellen -- 10.2.1 Bibliotheken -- 10.2.2 Ausführbare .jar-Dateien -- 10.3 Abhängigkeiten in großen Softwareprojekten -- 10.4 Übungen -- 11 Grafische Benutzerschnittstellen -- 11.1 Fenster -- 11.2 Textfelder -- 11.3 Buttons -- 11.4 Layout -- 11.4.1 BorderLayout -- 11.4.2 FlowLayout -- 11.4.3 GridLayout -- 11.5 Grafische Benutzerschnittstelle für die Personenverwaltung -- 11.5.1 Personendaten einlesen -- 11.5.2 Personendaten anzeigen…”
Publicado 2022
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726Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Using GenServers -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Implementing OAuth in Our Application -- Solidifying the new user experience -- Shoring up our tests -- Building a good development seeds file -- Hooking up our polls index -- Adding Ueberauth support -- Adding OAuth login support for Twitter with Ueberauth -- Setting up our application with Twitter -- Configuring the Twitter login process in Phoenix -- Modifying the users schema -- Implementing the Twitter login in Phoenix -- Adding OAuth login support for Google with Ueberauth -- Configuring Google to allow OAuth -- Configuring Ueberauth in Google -- Implementing Google OAuth for Ueberauth and Phoenix -- Summary -- Chapter 12: Building an API and Deploying -- Building our API -- Building an API in Code -- Expanding Our API Request -- Authenticating Against our API -- Allowing a user to navigate to their profile page -- Introducing API keys to the database -- Validating API Keys -- Dealing with Error Handling in APIs -- Implementing an API Resource Show -- Adding an Error Handler for 404s for JSON -- Deploying Phoenix applications to production -- Initial requirements for deployment into production -- Alternative Deployment Strategies -- Summary -- Other Books You May Enjoy -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
727Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table of Contents -- About the Author -- About the Technical Reviewers -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: Introduction to Apache Spark -- Overview -- History -- Spark Core Concepts and Architecture -- Spark Cluster and Resource Management System -- Spark Applications -- Spark Drivers and Executors -- Spark Unified Stack -- Spark Core -- Spark SQL -- Spark Structured Streaming -- Spark MLlib -- Spark GraphX -- SparkR -- Apache Spark 3.0 -- Adaptive Query Execution Framework -- Dynamic Partition Pruning (DPP) -- Accelerator-aware Scheduler -- Apache Spark Applications -- Spark Example Applications -- Apache Spark Ecosystem -- Delta Lake -- Koalas -- MLflow -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Working with Apache Spark -- Downloading and Installation -- Downloading Spark -- Installing Spark -- Spark Scala Shell -- Spark Python Shell -- Having Fun with the Spark Scala Shell -- Useful Spark Scala Shell Command and Tips -- Basic Interactions with Scala and Spark -- Basic Interactions with Scala -- Spark UI and Basic Interactions with Spark -- Spark UI -- Basic Interactions with Spark -- Introduction to Collaborative Notebooks -- Create a Cluster -- Create a Folder -- Create a Notebook -- Setting up Spark Source Code -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Spark SQL: Foundation -- Understanding RDD -- Introduction to the DataFrame API -- Creating a DataFrame -- Creating a DataFrame from RDD -- Creating a DataFrame from a Range of Numbers -- Creating a DataFrame from Data Sources -- Creating a DataFrame by Reading Text Files -- Creating a DataFrame by Reading CSV Files -- Creating a DataFrame by Reading JSON Files -- Creating a DataFrame by Reading Parquet Files -- Creating a DataFrame by Reading ORC Files -- Creating a DataFrame from JDBC -- Working with Structured Operations -- Working with Columns -- Working with Structured Transformations…”
Libro electrónico -
728Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Reviewing the PWA ticket application -- Using the JSON server for an API -- Making a database and the API -- Using faker -- Generating QR codes -- Rendering the website -- The PWA ticket rendering architecture and logic -- The PWA ticket JavaScript architecture -- The PWA ticket service worker architecture -- The ResponseManager -- Using the request method to determine the caching strategy -- Matching routes with caching strategies -- Cache invalidation strategies -- Unique hash names and long time-to-live values -- Maximum items in a cache -- Purging stale responses using time to live -- Executing ResponseManager -- The Invalidation Manager -- maxItems strategy -- The time-to-live invalidation strategy -- Using a real-time asset manifest -- How much should you cache? …”
Libro electrónico -
729Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Using entities -- Using JSON to create entities -- About action -- What is context? …”
Libro electrónico -
730Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- The OTel project -- OTel -- Summary -- Chapter 12: Distributing Your Apps -- Technical requirements -- Go Modules -- The routine using modules -- CI -- Caching -- Static analysis -- Releasing your application -- Summary -- Part 5: Going Beyond -- Chapter 13: Capstone Project - Distributed Cache -- Technical requirements -- Understanding distributed caching -- System requirements -- Requirements -- Design and trade-offs -- Creating the project -- Thread safety -- Choosing the right approach -- Adding thread safety -- The interface -- TCP -- HTTP -- Others -- Eviction policies -- Sharding -- Summary -- Chapter 14: Effective Coding Practices -- Technical requirements -- Reusing resources -- Using sync.Pool in a network server -- Using sync.Pool for JSON marshaling -- Executing tasks once -- singleflight -- Effective memory mapping -- API usage -- Advanced usage with protection and mapping flags -- Avoiding common performance pitfalls -- Leaking with time.After -- Defer in for loops -- Maps management -- Resource management -- Handling HTTP bodies -- Channel mismanagement -- Summary -- Chapter 15: Stay Sharp with System Programming -- Real-world applications -- Dropbox's leap of faith…”
Libro electrónico -
731por Seemann, MarkTabla de Contenidos: “…4.2.3 Lockerung der statischen Analyse -- 4.3 Von außen nach innen -- 4.3.1 JSON entgegennehmen -- 4.3.2 Eine Reservierung vornehmen -- 4.3.3 Unit-Test -- 4.3.4 DTO und Domänenmodell -- 4.3.5 Fake-Objekt -- 4.3.6 Schnittstelle für das Repository -- 4.3.7 Objekte im Repository erstellen -- 4.3.8 Abhängigkeiten konfigurieren -- 4.4 Vervollständigen Sie den Slice -- 4.4.1 Schema -- 4.4.2 SQL-Repository -- 4.4.3 Konfiguration mit der Datenbank -- 4.4.4 Führen Sie einen Smoke Test durch -- 4.4.5 Test der Außengrenze mit einer Fake-Datenbank -- 4.5 Fazit -- Kapitel 5: Kapselung -- 5.1 Speichern Sie die Daten -- 5.1.1 Prämisse der Priorität der Transformation -- 5.1.2 Parametrisierter Test -- 5.1.3 DTO ins Domänenmodell kopieren -- 5.2 Validierung -- 5.2.1 Ungültige oder fehlende Datumsangaben -- 5.2.2 Rot-Grün-Refactor -- 5.2.3 Natürliche Zahlen -- 5.2.4 Robustheitsgrundsatz -- 5.3 Schutz von Invarianten -- 5.3.1 Immer gültig -- 5.4 Fazit -- Kapitel 6: Triangulierung -- 6.1 Kurzzeit- und Langzeitgedächtnis -- 6.1.1 Legacy Code und Gedächtnis -- 6.2 Kapazität -- 6.2.1 Überbuchung -- 6.2.2 Advokat des Teufels -- 6.2.3 Vorhandene Reservierungen -- 6.2.4 Advokat des Teufels und Rot-Grün-Refactor -- 6.2.5 Wann haben Sie hinreichend viele Tests? …”
Publicado 2022
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732por Rodenburg, JortTabla de Contenidos: “…13.4 Routing HTTP requests to controllers and methods -- Exercises -- Summary -- 14 JSON serialization/ deserialization and custom model binding -- 14.1 Implementing the BookingController class -- 14.1.1 Introduction to data deserialization -- 14.1.2 Using the [FromBody] attribute to deserialize incoming HTTP data -- 14.1.3 Using a custom model binder and method attribute for model binding -- 14.1.4 Implementing the CreateBooking endpoint method logic -- 14.2 Acceptance testing and Swagger middleware -- 14.2.1 Manual acceptance testing with an OpenAPI specification -- 14.2.2 Generating an OpenAPI specification at runtime -- 14.3 The end of the road -- Summary -- appendix A Exercise answers -- Chapter 2: .NET and how it compiles -- Chapter 4: Manage your unmanaged resources! …”
Publicado 2021
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733Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Dictionary -- 9.4 Inventory UI for using and equipping items -- 9.4.1 Displaying inventory items in the UI -- 9.4.2 Equipping a key to use on locked doors -- 9.4.3 Restoring the player's health by consuming health packs -- Summary -- Part 3 Strong finish -- 10 Connecting your game to the internet -- 10.1 Creating an outdoor scene -- 10.1.1 Generating sky visuals by using a skybox -- 10.1.2 Setting up an atmosphere that's controlled by code -- 10.2 Downloading weather data from an internet service -- 10.2.1 Requesting HTTP data using coroutines -- 10.2.2 Parsing XML -- 10.2.3 Parsing JSON -- 10.2.4 Affecting the scene based on weather data -- 10.3 Adding a networked billboard -- 10.3.1 Loading images from the internet -- 10.3.2 Displaying images on the billboard -- 10.3.3 Caching the downloaded image for reuse -- 10.4 Posting data to a web server -- 10.4.1 Tracking current weather: Sending post requests -- 10.4.2 Server-side code in PHP -- Summary -- 11 Playing audio: Sound effects and music -- 11.1 Importing sound effects -- 11.1.1 Supported file formats -- 11.1.2 Importing audio files -- 11.2 Playing sound effects -- 11.2.1 Explaining what's involved: Audio clip vs. source vs. listener -- 11.2.2 Assigning a looping sound -- 11.2.3 Triggering sound effects from code -- 11.3 Using the audio control interface -- 11.3.1 Setting up the central AudioManager -- 11.3.2 Volume control UI -- 11.3.3 Playing UI sounds -- 11.4 Adding background music -- 11.4.1 Playing music loops -- 11.4.2 Controlling music volume separately -- 11.4.3 Fading between songs -- Summary -- 12 Putting the parts together into a complete game -- 12.1 Building an action RPG by repurposing projects -- 12.1.1 Assembling assets and code from multiple projects -- 12.1.2 Programming point-and-click controls: Movement and devices…”
Libro electrónico -
734por Deitel, PaulTabla de Contenidos: “…Files and Exceptions -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Files -- 9.3 Text-File Processing -- 9.3.1 Writing to a Text File: Introducing the with Statement -- 9.3.2 Reading Data from a Text File -- 9.4 Updating Text Files -- 9.5 Serialization with JSON -- 9.6 Focus on Security: pickle Serialization and Deserialization -- 9.7 Additional Notes Regarding Files -- 9.8 Handling Exceptions -- 9.8.1 Division by Zero and Invalid Input -- 9.8.2 try Statements -- 9.8.3 Catching Multiple Exceptions in One except Clause -- 9.8.4 What Exceptions Does a Function or Method Raise? …”
Publicado 2021
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735Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “… Example Target System Setup Using Engine and Body Control Modules -- Fuzz Testing Setup Using Duplicate Engine and Body Control Modules -- Fuzz Testing Setup Considerations -- 8.4 Chapter Summary -- References -- Chapter 9 Improving Fuzz Testing Coverage by Using Agent Instrumentation -- 9.1 Introduction to Agent Instrumentation -- 9.2 Problem Statement: Undetectable Vulnerabilities -- 9.2.1 Memory Leaks -- 9.2.2 Core Dumps and Zombie Processes -- 9.2.3 Considerations for Addressing Undetectable Vulnerabilities -- 9.3 Solution: Using Agents to Detect Undetectable Vulnerabilities -- 9.3.1 Overview of the Test Environment -- 9.3.2 Modes of Operation -- Synchronous Mode -- Asynchronous Mode -- Hybrid Approach -- 9.3.3 Examples of Agents -- AgentCoreDump -- AgentLogTailer -- AgentProcessMonitor -- AgentPID -- AgentAddressSanitizer -- AgentValgrind -- An Example config.json Configuration File -- 9.3.4 Example Results from Agent Instrumentation -- Bluetooth Fuzz Testing -- Wi‐Fi Fuzz Testing -- MQTT Fuzz Testing -- File Format Fuzz Testing -- 9.3.5 Applicability and Automation -- 9.4 Chapter Summary -- References -- Chapter 10 Automating File Fuzzing over USB for Automotive Systems -- 10.1 Need for File Format Fuzzing -- 10.2 Problem Statement: Manual Process for File Format Fuzzing -- 10.3 Solution: Emulated Filesystems to Automate File Format Fuzzing -- 10.3.1 System Architecture Overview -- 10.3.2 Phase One Implementation Example: Prepare Fuzzed Files -- 10.3.3 Phase Two Implementation Example: Automatically Emulate Filesystems -- 10.3.4 Automating User Input -- 10.3.5 Monitor for Exceptions -- 10.4 Chapter Summary -- References…”
Libro electrónico -
736Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…(default n) -- The zappa_settings.json file -- Deploying and testing hello world -- Basic uses -- Initial deployments -- Update -- Status -- Tailing logs -- Rollback -- Undeploy -- Package -- Summary -- Questions -- Chapter 3: Building a Flask Application with Zappa -- Technical requirements -- What is Flask? …”
Libro electrónico -
737Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- How it works... -- Reading JSON files -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Accessing a database -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Reading flat files -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Reading text files -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Chapter 4: Visualizing Your Analytics…”
Libro electrónico -
738Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Chapter 7: IaC Using CloudFormation and Ansible -- Introduction -- AWS CloudFormation and writing the CloudFormation template -- Terms and concepts related to AWS CloudFormation -- For YAML -- For JSON -- How to do it... -- Writing a CF template -- Defining parameters -- Using parameters -- Creating stack using the CF template -- Creating a production-ready web application infrastructure using CloudFormation -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- Automation with Ansible -- Workflow -- Installation -- How to do it... -- File structure and syntax -- Deploying a web server using Ansible -- Creating an AWS infrastructure using the Ansible EC2 dynamic inventory -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- Chapter 8: Automating AWS Resource Control Using AWS Lambda -- Introduction…”
Libro electrónico -
739Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Event type specific observables -- An introduction to RxQt -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Creating Custom Operators in RxCpp -- Philosophy of Rx operators -- Chaining stock operators -- Writing basic RxCpp custom operators -- Writing an RxCpp operator as a function -- Writing an RxCpp operator as a Lambda -- Composing custom RxCpp operators -- Different genres of custom operators -- Writing a custom creational operator -- Writing a custom transformation operator -- Writing a custom operator that involves Schedulers -- Writing custom operators that can be chained -- Using the lift< -- t> -- operator to write a custom operator -- Converting an arbitrary Lambda to a custom Rx operator -- Creating a custom RxCpp operator in the library -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Design Patterns and Idioms for C++ Rx Programming -- The OOP and Design patterns movement -- Key Pattern catalogs -- The GOF catalog -- The POSA catalog -- The Design pattern redux -- From Design patterns to Reactive programming -- Flattening the hierarchy to navigate through it -- From Iterators to Observables -- The Cell pattern -- The Active object pattern -- The Resource Loan pattern -- The Event bus pattern -- Summary -- Chapter 12: Reactive Microservices Using C++ -- The C++ language and web programming -- The REST programming model -- The C++ REST SDK -- HTTP client programming using the C++ REST SDK -- HTTP server programming using the C++ REST SDK -- Testing the HTTP server using CURL and POSTMAN -- The libcurl and the HTTP client programming -- Kirk Shoop's libCURL Wrapper library -- The JSON and HTTP protocol -- The C++ REST SDK-based REST server -- Invoking REST services using the RxCurl library -- A word about the Reactive micro-services architecture -- Fine-grained services -- Polyglot persistence -- Independent deployment -- Service orchestration and choreography…”
Libro electrónico -
740Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Preface -- Part 1: Introduction -- Chapter 1: Introducing React -- Technical requirements -- Understanding the benefits of React -- Understanding JSX -- Creating a component -- Creating a CodeSandbox project -- Understanding the React entry point -- Understanding the React component tree -- Creating a basic alert component -- Understanding imports and exports -- Understanding the importance of modules -- Using export statements -- Using import statements -- Adding Alert to the App component -- Using props -- Understanding props -- Adding props to the alert component -- Using state -- Understanding state -- Implementing a visible state in the alert component -- Adding a close button to Alert -- Using events -- Understanding events -- Implementing a close button click handler in the alert -- Implementing an alert close event -- Summary -- Questions -- Answers -- Chapter 2: Introducing TypeScript -- Technical requirements -- Understanding the benefits of TypeScript -- Understanding TypeScript -- Catching type errors early -- Improving developer experience and productivity with IntelliSense -- Understanding JavaScript types -- Using basic TypeScript types -- Using type annotations -- Using type inference -- Using the Date type -- Using the any type -- Using the unknown type -- Using the void type -- Using the never type -- Using arrays -- Creating TypeScript types -- Using object types -- Creating type aliases -- Creating interfaces -- Creating classes -- Creating enumerations -- Creating union types -- Using the TypeScript compiler -- Summary -- Questions -- Answers -- Chapter 3: Setting Up React and TypeScript -- Technical requirements -- Creating a project with webpack -- Introducing webpack -- Creating the folder structure -- Creating package.json -- Adding a web page -- Adding TypeScript -- Adding React -- Adding Babel…”
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