Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Personajes célebres 880
- Historia 459
- History 255
- Biblia 144
- Procesos célebres 125
- Biografías 119
- Història 101
- Prosa griega 89
- Crítica e interpretación 82
- Música 76
- Liturgia 75
- Litúrgia 71
- Personas célebres 71
- Iglesia Católica 62
- Mujeres célebres 61
- Biografia 60
- Església Catòlica 59
- Leadership 59
- Management 53
- Filosofía 52
- Social aspects 51
- History and criticism 45
- Philosophy 43
- Mujeres 40
- Bíblia 39
- Biblia- 38
- Historia y crítica 38
- Política y gobierno 38
- Santos- 37
7721Publicado 2021“…"A brand-new monograph celebrating the work of nendo, one of the most sought-after design studios working today. nendo's extensive, idiosyncratic body of work flows seamlessly across disciplines, and is executed in every medium imaginable - from paper clips to watches, shoes, chocolates, glassware, and furniture, all the way up to interior design projects and freestanding architecture. …”
Libro -
7722Publicado 2021“…Gilbert Highet (1906-1978) was one of Columbia University's greatest teachers and in his day the most celebrated classical scholar in America. One may regard his life and career as both extraordinary and controversial. …”
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7723Publicado 2021“…The terms that shape current social science and humanities theorizing are marked by a hierarchical version of "the human" in which thinking is celebrated and eating is demoted to a mundane necessity. …”
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7724Publicado 2011“…"This is the first collection of scholarly essays on the 'Homeric Hymns', a corpus of 33 hexameter poems celebrating gods that were probably recited at religious festivals, among other possible performance venues, and were frequently attributed in antiquity to Homer. …”
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7725Publicado 1984“…El Curso de filosofía positiva fue la principal obra del filósofo y sociólogo francés Auguste Comte, una de las personalidades filosóficas más célebres del siglo XIX, quien además fue el fundador del positivismo. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Teología de las Islas Canarias, Biblioteca del Seminario Diocesano de Vitoria-Gasteiz, Red de Bibliotecas de la Archidiócesis de Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Teruel y Albarracín, Biblioteca Provicincial Misioneros Claretianos - Provincia de Santiago, Biblioteca del Seminario Diocesano de Jaén, Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull)Libro -
7726Publicado 1985“…José María de Mena, el más célebre historiador de Sevilla, recorre en esta obra la historia de esta gran ciudad andaluza, remontándose a los esplendorosos y enigmáticos tiempos de los tartesios. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro -
7727por Weems, Mickey“…The Circuit, an expression of Gay culture, comprises large dance events (gatherings, celebrations, communions, festivals). Music and dance drive a complex, shared performance at these events-electronic house music played by professional DJs and mass ecstatic dancing that engenders communitas. …”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
7728por Derail-Imbert, Agnès“…Principalement à l'attention des agrégatifs 2012 et 2013, le 8e volume des « Actes de la recherche à l'ENS » est consacré au célèbre The Sun Also Rises d'Hemingway. Tandis que les grands romans modernistes des années 1920 renouvelaient les représentations de l'intériorité par la technique du courant de conscience ou du monologue intérieur, tandis que s'expérimentait un autre rapport à la temporalité, à travers des jeux sophistiqués sur les anachronies du récit, Hemingway mettait au point dans ce roman ce qui allait devenir le grain distinctif de son célèbre style : une écriture « blanche », comme on la qualifierait plus tard, au ras de l'expérience, journalistique, factuelle, objective. …”
Publicado 2012
Electrónico -
7729por Business Insurance“…Shatter the glass ceiling and close the wage gap Shift your perspective on what "work/life balance" means Celebrate and navigate the workplace's changing demographics Learn how successful women get it done The insurance and risk management fields look very different today than they did even 10 years ago; there is much to celebrate, but even more still left to be done. …”
Publicado 2017
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7730por Weissman, Stephen“…How then did this poor, lonely, and utterly miserable child become such an extraordinary comedian, known and celebrated worldwide? Chaplin cut his teeth as a youngster in British music halls, where he honed his art both as a slapstick comic and in serious theater. …”
Publicado 2011
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7731Publicado 2017“…Van precedidos de los ya célebres apuntes biográficos de James Guillaume, gran teórico y militante anarquista, amigo de Bakunin…”
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7732Publicado 2022“…August 2020 marked the thirtieth anniversary of the publication of Ex Corde Ecclesiae, Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities. To celebrate the anniversary, the office of the Vice President of Australian Catholic University and its Canon Law Centre planned to host a symposium with the participation of scholars and experts from around the world. …”
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7733Publicado 2006“…Cuando, tras la guerra, regresa a su patria, las dificultades para adaptarse de nuevo a la sociedad lo empujan a emprender un largo viaje en busca de la verdad y la paz espiritual que lo llevará desde los sórdidos barrios de París hasta las nevadas cumbres del Himalaya. Adaptación de la célebre novela de Somerset Maugham…”
7734Publicado 2009“…Pel·lícula basada en l'experiència personal de l'escriptora Julie Powell, una jove que decideix dedicar un any de la seva vida en cuinar totes les receptes d'un llibre clàssic de la cèlebre cuinera Julia Child. El film mostra paral·lelament com la xef va descobrir la seva afició a la cuina quan vivia a París durant els anys 50, i com la jove protagonista, dècades després, redacta un bloc diari explicant les seves experiències cuinant cada recepta…”
7735Publicado 2021“…This Open Access book celebrates Professor Peter Marwedel's outstanding achievements in compilers, embedded systems, and cyber-physical systems. …”
Libro electrónico -
7736Publicado 2013“…This volume consists of original papers written by 50 philosophers from all over the world in honour of Ingvar Johansson to celebrate his 70th birthday. The papers cover traditional issues in metaphysics and the philosophy of mind, applied ethics and applied metaphysics, the nature of human rights, the philosophy of economics and sports. …”
Libro electrónico -
7737Publicado 2019“…MDPI planned to publish a Special Issue in Gels to celebrate the 40th anniversary of this discovery, which received submissions of 13 original papers and one review from various areas of science. …”
Libro electrónico -
7738Publicado 2017“…Combining close textual analysis with wider theoretical concerns, Cox traces this philological transformation in the works of the dramaturgist Śāradātanaya, the celebrated Vaiṣṇava poet-theologian Veṅkaṭanātha, and the maverick Śaiva mystic Maheśvarānanda…”
Libro electrónico -
7739Publicado 2020“…The result of a collaboration between the Centre for Classical Studies of the University of Lisbon and the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies of the University of Coimbra to celebrate the five hundredth anniversary of the birth of Jerónimo Osório, the book Portuguese and European Humanism. …”
Libro electrónico -
7740Publicado 2019“…MAVEBA takes place every two years always in Firenze, Italy. This edition celebrates twenty years of uninterrupted and successfully research in the field of voice analysis…”