Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Personajes célebres 880
- Historia 459
- History 255
- Biblia 144
- Procesos célebres 125
- Biografías 119
- Història 101
- Prosa griega 89
- Crítica e interpretación 82
- Música 76
- Liturgia 75
- Litúrgia 71
- Personas célebres 71
- Iglesia Católica 62
- Mujeres célebres 61
- Biografia 60
- Església Catòlica 59
- Leadership 59
- Management 53
- Filosofía 52
- Social aspects 51
- History and criticism 45
- Philosophy 43
- Mujeres 40
- Bíblia 39
- Biblia- 38
- Historia y crítica 38
- Política y gobierno 38
- Santos- 37
6801por Tsvetovat, MaksimTabla de Contenidos: “…; Get Oriented in Python and NetworkX; Read Nodes and Edges from LiveJournal; Snowball Sampling; Saving and Loading a Sample Dataset from a File; Centrality; Who Is More Important in this Network?; Find the "Celebrities"; Degree centrality in the LiveJournal network; Find the Gossipmongers; Find the Communication Bottlenecks and/or Community Bridges; Putting It Together; Who Is a "Gray Cardinal?"…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
6802por Avery, NicoleTabla de Contenidos: “…Taking actionChapter 3: Family finances; The family budget; Managing pocket money; Taking action; Part II: Ages and stages; Chapter 4: Navigating with a new baby; Getting organised for the birth; Preparing the kids for a new baby; Preparing friends and family; Preparing food; Preparing for celebrations; Preparing baby's clothes; Preparing the hospital bag; When baby comes home; Sleep (or lack thereof); Taking action; Chapter 5: Tactics for toddlers; Defining your discipline style; Case study of a two and a half year old toddler; Teaching independence skills; Routines for toddlers…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
6803Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Presence of Social Settings and Occasions That Assist with Community CelebrationSummary; Chapter 2: Public Education and Public Awareness; A. …”
Libro electrónico -
6804por Selig, MegTabla de Contenidos: “…Climb a Few Rungs on the Happiness Ladder; Section VIII: The Termination Stage: Celebrating and Moving On; Secret 1. Know Your Final Destination; Secret 2. …”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
6805Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction : a Festschrift to celebrate Detlev Vagts' contribtuions to transnational law / Pieter H.F. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
6806Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…El Hospital del Arte - Un reportaje sobre los esfuerzos del Vaticano para conservar, día a día, sus célebres pinturas, esculturas, frescos, y bibliotecas. …”
6807Publicado 1808Tabla de Contenidos: “…Muchos han sido los acontecimientos celebres que han ocurrido en el discurso de la revolucion (h. 17r.-18v.). 9. …”
Manuscrito -
6808Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Your Personal Upgrade -- Chapter 7: Driving Change -- Change Is a Must -- Change Culture: No Status Quo Allowed -- Pitfall: Don't Create Change Fatigue -- Algorithm for Changes -- Defining and Choosing the Initiatives -- Bite-Sizing for Momentum -- Introducing the Plan -- Initiation -- Execute -- Track -- Celebrate Often -- Learn from Setbacks -- Summarize and Learn -- Celebrate -- Improve -- Clean Your Plate -- Speed of Change -- Stale Velocity -- Arbitrary Deadlines -- Improving How You Are Improving -- Pushing for Change -- No One Wants to Be a Pushover -- Preliminary Legwork -- Appealing to Their Self-Interest -- Hearing Objections Beforehand -- Creating a Shared Vision -- Pitfall: Avoid the Consensus Trap -- Your Personal Upgrade -- Chapter 8: R& -- D as the Innovation Center -- Cost Center? …”
Libro electrónico -
6809Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Last supper -- Masters of the Universe -- Money illusions -- Factories for unhappy people -- War versus money -- Shop floors -- Misinformed -- Smiling and killing -- Pay grades -- Much more than this -- Attached -- Bonus season -- Plenty -- Tipping points -- Financial nihilism -- Cosmetic consumption -- The physical impossibility of spending the amount earned by someone living -- Celebrity finance -- Manqué not monkey -- Wizard and muggles -- In the midnight hour -- Last rites -- Safe as -- Snuff movies -- Silent mass murder -- Part 5: Cracks -- Financial gravity -- Air pockets -- Mass extinction -- ER -- This is not a seminar!…”
Libro electrónico -
6810por Caldera de Heredia, GasparTabla de Contenidos: “….-307 r.) . Inc.: Fue çélebre en la antigüedad çierto juego dedicado a la diosa Minerva (h . 306 r.) . …”
Publicado 1655
Manuscrito -
6811Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…. '; End of Exam/End of Year Celebration; Fascinating Glimpse of the Future; Victory College -- A Reflection; 4. …”
Click para texto completo desde fuera UPSA
Click para texto completo desde UPSA
Libro electrónico -
6812Publicado 2019“…The wide range of perspectives that were contributed to this book on the occasion of David Bohm’s centennial celebration provide ample evidence for the physical consistency of ontological quantum mechanics. …”
Libro electrónico -
6813por Esteban, José, 1935-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Otras revistasEL TEATRO; El estreno de Fermín Galán; Los estrenos de Valle-/nclán; Otros estrenos; EL CINE; PINTURA y ESCULTURA; La Escuela de Valleca; LA RADIO; VIDA COTIDIANA; LA MALA VIDA; CRÍMENES CÉLEBRES; El caso de la Encajera; El asesinato de Hildegart; LA FIESTA MÁS NACIONAL; La muerte de un torero; DEPORTES; TRANVÍAS, AUTOBUSES Y TAXIS; ADIOS, MADRID REPUBLICANO, ADIOS; ALGUNOS DEL 98 EN EL MADRID REPUBLICANO; ANTONIO MACHADO; PÍO BARAJA; RAMÓN MARÍA DEL V ALLE-INCLÁN; CRONOLOGÍA DEL MADRID REPUBLICANO; BIBLIOGRAFÍA…”
Publicado 2000
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
6814por Castellón Masalles, FerranTabla de Contenidos: “…MICROGESTOS Y EXPRESIONES NO VERBALES -- 2.1 MICROGESTOS -- 2.1.1 Expresiones de sentimientos -- 2.1.2 Clasificación de emociones representadas en microgestos -- 2.2 LOS GESTOS DE MENTIRAS Y ENGAÑO -- 2.2.1 La voz -- 2.2.2 Los ojos -- 2.2.3 El sistema nervioso autónomo -- 2.2.4 Mentiras célebres -- 2.2.5 Otros gestos de mentiras -- 2.3 OTROS GESTOS -- 2.3.1 Gestos de contrariedad o sorpresa -- 2.3.2 Gestos de disgusto o asco -- 2.4 FORMAS SOCIALES DE EVITAR GESTOS NO DESEADOS 2.4 FORMAS SOCIALES DE EVITAR GESTOS NO DESEADOS -- 2.5 GESTOS DE MANOS Y CUERPO 2.5 GESTOS DE MANOS Y CUERPO -- 2.5.1 Signos, ilustraciones y manipulaciones -- 2.5.2 Gestos abiertos y cerrados -- 3. …”
Publicado 2014
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
6815Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ingredients to keep you going -- Know what will help you succeed -- Put it into context -- Sympathize with the situation -- They can't be good at everything -- Be a catalyst -- Perform as a team -- Fight them to know them -- Just flow with it -- Train them right -- Make it easy -- Prioritize ideas -- Slice it thinly -- Find the shortest route -- Timebox it -- Keep it simple -- Use the 80/20 rule -- Constrain yourself -- Be really good at one thing -- Be unfashionable -- Fail fast, fail often -- Find the gaps -- Play a good game -- Look for commonalities -- Don't improve only the obvious -- Align with expectations -- Attract what you want -- Don't ask what they want -- Lead by example -- Be prepared -- Frame it -- Focus on the details -- Reduce the options -- Make it obvious -- Take a walk -- Celebrate success…”
Libro electrónico -
6816Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Developing a Sales Meeting CalendarConducting a Sales Meeting; Avoiding the Pitfalls: What Not to Do; Leave 'Em Wanting More; Part IV: Sales Meetings and Key Performance Indicators; Chapter 11: Measuring What Matters: Key Performance Indicators; The Big Three KPIs; Looking at other Measurable Matrices; Using CRM Software; Looking at the Ultimate Performance Indicator; Chapter 12: Assessing Performance: Keeping Score and Celebrating Wins; Talking about the Money: Sales Forecasts, Budgets, and Goals; Avoiding Complacency: Competition Is Good!…”
Libro electrónico -
6817Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Coins and prefabsTimers and countdowns; Code Sample 2.6; Celebrations and fireworks!; Code Sample 2.7; Play testing; Building; Summary; Chapter 3: Project B - the Space Shooter; Looking ahead - the completed project; Getting started with a space shooter; Creating a player object; Player input; Code Sample 3.1; Configuring the game camera; Bounds locking; Code Sample 3.2; Health; Code Sample 3.3; Death and particles; Code Sample 3.4; Enemies; Code Sample 3.6; Code Sample 3.7; Code Sample 3.8; Enemy spawning; Code Sample 3.9; Summary; Chapter 4: Continuing the Space Shooter…”
Libro electrónico -
6818Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…From Pencils to WhatsApp: A Little History Lesson Book Overview and Outline My Communication Bona Fides Next Chapter 1: Technology Is Eating the World - The Dizzying Nature of Today's Existence Whoops Accelerating Technological Change Goldfish and Declining Attention Spans A Communications Revolution Unprecedented Automation and Artificial Intelligence The Age of the Entrepreneur Disruption Is Cool SEO, Google, and the Really Long Tail Marketing Madness Mobile Mania BYOD The Rise of the Tech Celebrity A New Body Politic Other Trends Next Notes Chapter 2: The Increasingly Overwhelmed Employee - Is This the New Normal? …”
Libro electrónico -
6819por Wang, WallyTabla de Contenidos: “…; Stalking on the Internet; Finding Personal Information on the Internet; Stalking Celebrities; Protecting Yourself; 15: Propaganda as News and Entertainment; The News as Reality TV; Corporate Influence on the News; The News Only Reports the Facts - And Anything Else Anyone Will Tell Them; The News as History…”
Publicado 2006
Libro electrónico -
6820Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Yevadian -- Il cristianesimo dell'India meridionale alla luce delle evoluzioni del commercio romano nell'oceano Indiano / Federico de Romanis -- État des connaissances sur la Palestine à l'époque d'Hérode le Grand / Bruno Bioul -- Excavating the Social-Setting of Jesus and the Primitive Church / Anthony Giambrone -- Les "damiers" de mémorisation, de l'ancienne Mésopotamie à Isaac de Ninive: un marqueur des textes de sagesse orientaux / Francisco José López Sáez -- Les Actes des Apôtres, première historiographie chrétienne / Daniel Marguerat -- L'Epideixis, ovvero la forma narrativa della regola della fede / Élie Ayroulet -- L'empreinte chrétienne dans le Satyricon de Pétrone / Stéphane Ratti -- The Gens Annaea and Early Christianity: Problems and Research / Ilaria Ramelli -- La presenza del Cristiani a Pompei ed Ercolano: ipotesi e valutazioni / Danilo Mazzoleni -- Assessing Some of the Evidence for the Spread of Christianity in the Parthian Empire / Cornelia Horn -- Christianity in Armenia before its institutionalization as State religion (around 300 AD) between history and literary tradition / Grigor Grigoryan -- History of Christianity in Iran / Sherly Avedian -- L'Hymne de la perle: le plus célèbre poème de la littérature syriaque. Un nouveau regard sur un sommet de la littérature syriaque révèle un midrash de la Pshytta enchâssé au coeur des Actes de Thomas / Pierre Perrier -- Charition Greek Drama of AD First Century and St. …”