Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Data processing 35
- Computer graphics 31
- Digital techniques 31
- Literatura religiosa 31
- Numerical analysis 25
- Python (Computer program language) 22
- Mathematics 20
- Development 19
- Image processing 19
- Signal processing 18
- Application software 17
- Computer science 15
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 13
- Digital video 12
- Programming 12
- Programming languages (Electronic computers) 12
- Software engineering 11
- Cartas Pastorales 10
- Computer programs 10
- Biblia 9
- Engineering mathematics 9
- Java (Computer program language) 9
- Perl (Computer program language) 9
- Technology: general issues 9
- Artificial intelligence 8
- Computer programming 8
- Mathematical models 8
- Web site development 8
- deep learning 8
362Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Titel -- Impressum -- Referenzkarte -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Einleitung -- Kapitel 1: Datentypen und Optionals -- 1.1 Willkommen auf dem Spielplatz -- 1.2 Variablen und Konstanten -- 1.3 Zahlendatentypen konvertieren -- 1.4 Werte runden -- 1.5 Minimum und Maximum -- 1.6 Der Datentyp Bool -- 1.7 Optionals -- 1.8 Programmieren mit Optionals -- Kapitel 2: Zeichenketten des Typs String -- 2.1 String-Interpolation -- 2.2 Zeichenketten vergleichen -- 2.3 Textabschnitte finden und ersetzen -- 2.4 Zeichenketten in Zahlentypen konvertieren -- 2.5 Die Klasse NSNumber -- 2.6 Texte teilen -- 2.7 Subscripting mit Unicode -- 2.8 Anfang und Ende von Zeichenketten -- Kapitel 3: Arrays und Dictionaries -- 3.1 Arrays - Listen von Elementen -- 3.2 Arrays sortieren und filtern -- 3.3 Dictionaries, die schnellen Wörterbücher -- 3.4 Arrays aus Dictionaries -- Kapitel 4: Fallunterscheidungen und Schleifen -- 4.1 Die if-Struktur -- 4.2 Die switch-case-Struktur -- 4.3 Die for-Schleife -- 4.4 Schleifen und Arrays -- 4.5 Rückwärts durch die for-Schleife -- 4.6 Die while-Schleife -- 4.7 Schleifen mit Fallunterscheidungen -- 4.8 Werte als Diagramme anzeigen -- 4.9 Gültigkeitsbereiche -- Kapitel 5: Funktionen -- 5.1 Die erste Funktion -- 5.2 Benannte Parameter -- 5.3 Funktionen mit Rückgabewert -- 5.4 Tupel und anonyme Typen -- 5.5 Eine unbestimmte Anzahl von Parametern -- 5.6 Funktionen mit Standardwerten -- 5.7 Parameter sind unveränderlich -- 5.8 Aliasse -- Kapitel 6: Closures -- 6.1 Closures sind Funktionen -- 6.2 Closures als Parameter -- 6.3 Arrays sortieren mit Closures -- 6.4 Variablen einfangen -- 6.5 Asynchrone Closures mit Grand Central Dispatch -- 6.6 Parallele Verarbeitung -- 6.7 Asynchrone Aufrufe mittels Completion- Handler -- Kapitel 7: Klassen und Objekte -- 7.1 Das erste Projekt -- 7.2 Erste Schritte im Workspace-Fenster -- 7.3 Die Klasse Person…”
Libro electrónico -
363Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Anaconda from Continuum Analytics -- Interactive visualization -- Event listeners -- Layouts -- Circular layout -- Radial layout -- Balloon layout -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Getting Started with the Python IDE -- The IDE tools in Python -- Python 3.x versus Python 2.7 -- Types of interactive tools -- IPython -- Plotly -- Types of Python IDE -- PyCharm -- PyDev -- Interactive Editor for Python (IEP) -- Canopy from Enthought -- Anaconda from Continuum Analytics -- Visualization plots with Anaconda -- The surface-3D plot -- The square map plot -- Interactive visualization packages -- Bokeh -- VisPy -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Numerical Computing and Interactive Plotting -- NumPy, SciPy, and MKL functions -- NumPy -- NumPy universal functions -- Shape and reshape manipulation -- An example of interpolation -- Vectorizing functions -- Summary of NumPy linear algebra -- SciPy -- An example of linear equations -- The vectorized numerical derivative -- MKL functions -- The performance of Python -- Scalar selection -- Slicing -- Slice using flat -- Array indexing -- Numerical indexing -- Logical indexing -- Other data structures -- Stacks -- Tuples -- Sets -- Queues -- Dictionaries -- Dictionaries for matrix representation -- Sparse matrices -- Dictionaries for memoization -- Tries -- Visualization using matplotlib -- Word clouds -- Installing word clouds -- Input for word clouds -- Web feeds -- The Twitter text -- Plotting the stock price chart -- Obtaining data -- The visualization example in sports -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Financial and Statistical Models -- The deterministic model -- Gross returns -- The stochastic model -- Monte Carlo simulation -- What exactly is Monte Carlo simulation? …”
Libro electrónico -
364Publicado 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter5 Creating Masks5.1 Key, Matte, Alpha, and Mask; 5.2 Creating a Luma-Key; 5.3 Creating a Chroma-Key; 5.4 Creating a Mask; 5.4.1 The Difference Mask; 5.4.2 The Color Difference Mask; 5.4.3 Geometric Primitives; 5.4.4 Drawing Shapes; 5.4.5 Painting a Mask; 5.4.6 Combo Masks; Chapter6 Rotoscoping; 6.1 About Rotoscoping; 6.2 Splines; 6.3 Articulated Rotos; 6.4 Interpolation; 6.5 Keyframes; 6.5.1 On 2's; 6.5.2 Bifurcation; 6.5.3 Extremes; 6.5.4 Final Inspection; 6.6 Motion Blur; 6.7 Semi-Transparency; Chapter7 Image Blending; 7.1 The Mix Operation; 7.2 The Multiply Operation…”
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365Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Understanding the Player scene -- Gauging the Asteroid scene -- Unraveling the quest system -- Breaking down the World scene -- Logging the player in to the server -- Authenticating players -- Syncing the World scenes -- Separating server and client responsibilities -- Shooting bullets on all instances -- Calculating an asteroid's damage -- Storing and retrieving data on the server -- Implementing the quest system's client side -- Implementing the quest system's server side -- Summary -- Part 3: Optimizing the Online Experience -- Chapter 10: Debugging and Profiling the Network -- Technical requirements -- Introducing Godot's Debugger -- Mastering the Stack Trace tab -- Debugging with the Errors tab -- Exploring the Profiler tab -- Exploring the Visual Profiler tab -- Exploring the Monitors tab -- Getting to know the Video RAM tab -- Grasping the Misc tab -- Understanding the Network Profiler -- Identifying the project's bottlenecks -- Using the Network Profiler -- Using the Monitors tab -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Optimizing Data Requests -- Technical requirements -- Understanding network resources -- Decreasing the requests count -- Reducing the weapon fire count -- Decreasing Asteroid's syncing count -- Compressing data with the ENetConnection class -- Summary -- Chapter 12: Implementing Lag Compensation -- Technical requirements -- Introducing lag issues -- Dealing with unreliable packets -- Common compensation techniques -- Implementing server-side motion -- Bridging the gaps with interpolation -- Playing ahead with prediction -- Gazing into the future with extrapolation -- Summary -- Chapter 13: Caching Data to Decrease Bandwidth -- Technical requirements -- Understanding caching -- Setting up the HTTPRequest node -- Understanding the HTTP protocol -- Setting up the scenes and database -- Implementing texture caching…”
Libro electrónico -
366por Patel, Ram N.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Numerical Methods, Calculus, and Statistics -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Numerical Integration -- 6.2.1 Double and Triple Integrals -- 6.3 Numerical Differentiation -- 6.4 Interpolation -- 6.4.1 Multidimensional Interpolation -- 6.5 Curve Fitting -- 6.6 Numerical Optimization -- 6.7 Linear Equations -- 6.7.1 Gauss Elimination -- 6.7.2 Ill-conditioned Problems -- 6.7.3 Pivoting to Handle Ill-conditioned Problems -- 6.8 Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations -- 6.8.1 Gauss-Seidel (GS) Method -- 6.8.2 GS Solution for a System of Equations -- 6.8.3 Newton-Raphson (NR) Method -- 6.8.4 NR Solution for a System of Equations -- 6.9 Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations -- 6.9.1 Euler's Method for Solution of Differential Equations -- 6.9.2 Euler's Modified Method…”
Publicado 2014
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367Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Plug specification -- Creating a module plug -- Creating a function plug -- Routing requests -- Handling requests in a controller -- Rendering views -- Layouts -- Authenticating users -- Implementing a JSON API -- Authenticating users in the API -- Interactive applications using channels -- Preparing the server -- Joining channels on the client -- Exchanging events -- Authenticating socket connections -- Tracking users statuses using Presence -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Finding Zen through Testing -- Unit testing -- Testing functions without side-effects -- Testing functions with side-effects -- Creating mocks with Mox -- Testing interactions with the repository separately -- Testing the documentation -- Integration testing -- Testing Phoenix Channels -- Testing macros -- Property-based testing -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Deploying to the Cloud -- Releasing with Distillery -- Configuring the release -- Interpolating environment variables -- Creating the release -- Creating a custom release task -- Containerizing our application -- Creating a development container -- Orchestrating more than one container -- Composing the deployment containers -- Deploying to Kubernetes -- Configuring the cloud database -- Creating a namespace -- Creating secrets -- Publishing the production image -- Deploying your first pod -- Creating a Kubernetes job -- Exposing your pods to the world -- Continuous deployment with Travis CI -- Connecting the deployed Elixir nodes -- Testing the connected nodes -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Keeping an Eye on Your Processes -- Collecting metrics -- Exposing Prometheus metrics -- Creating custom Prometheus metrics -- Local Prometheus server -- Deploying Prometheus in Kubernetes -- Calculating percentiles -- Setting Grafana variables -- A window to your nodes -- Connecting to a containerized node…”
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368Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Installing SDKMAN -- Installing Kotlin through SDKMAN -- Kotlin's REPL -- Compiling and executing Kotlin files -- Using Gradle -- Install Gradle through SDKMAN -- Creating a distributable Gradle command -- Creating a Gradle project file -- Creating our Hello World code -- Using IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio -- Importing Gradle files with IntelliJ IDEA -- Basic Kotlin syntax -- General features -- Packages -- String concatenation and interpolation -- Comments -- Control structures -- if expression -- when expression -- for loop -- while and do loops -- Going further -- Other Books You May Enjoy -- Index…”
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369Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Priority queues and heaps -- Inserting -- Pop -- Testing the heap -- Selection algorithms -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Searching -- Linear Search -- Unordered linear search -- Ordered linear search -- Binary search -- Interpolation search -- Choosing a search algorithm -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Sorting -- Sorting algorithms -- Bubble sort -- Insertion sort -- Selection sort -- Quick sort -- List partitioning -- Pivot selection -- Implementation -- Heap sort -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Selection Algorithms -- Selection by sorting -- Randomized selection -- Quick select -- Partition step -- Deterministic selection -- Pivot selection -- Median of medians -- Partitioning step -- Summary -- Chapter 12: Design Techniques and Strategies -- Classification of algorithms -- Classification by implementation -- Recursion -- Logical -- Serial or parallel -- Deterministic versus nondeterministic algorithms -- Classification by complexity -- Complexity curves -- Classification by design -- Divide and conquer -- Dynamic programming -- Greedy algorithms -- Technical implementation -- Dynamic programming -- Memoization -- Tabulation -- The Fibonacci series -- The Memoization technique -- The tabulation technique -- Divide and conquer -- Divide -- Conquer -- Merge -- Merge sort -- Greedy algorithms -- Coin-counting problem -- Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm -- Complexity classes -- P versus NP -- NP-Hard -- NP-Complete -- Summary -- Chapter 13: Implementations, Applications, and Tools -- Tools of the trade -- Data preprocessing -- Why process raw data? …”
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370Publicado 2025Tabla de Contenidos: “…., posito quod Sol et alii planete moverentur -- I .7 Utrum motus localis sit causa caloris -- I .8 Utrum aer superior et ignis in suis speris calefiant ex motu celi -- I .9 Utrum lumen in istis inferioribus a corporibus celestibus generetur -- I .10 Utrum quatuor elementa sint continue proportionalia -- I .11 Utrum omne lumen sit calefactivum -- I .12 Utrum omne corpus oppositum luminoso sit calefactibile per lumen -- I .13 Utrum aliquod agens possit agere in passum distans ab eo sine hoc quod agat in intermedium -- I .14 Utrum aliquod agens fortius agat in remotum quam in sibi propinquum -- I .15 Utrum unum contrarium possit movere localiter alterum sibi contrarium -- I .16 Utrum media regio aeris sit semper frigida -- I .17 Utrum flamme apparentes de nocte in aere fiant ibi naturaliter -- I .18 Utrum, serenitate existente, appareant in celo de nocte hiatus, seu aperture, et voragines et sanguinei colores -- I .19 Utrum stelle comate sint de natura celi aut elementari -- I .20 Utrum motus stelle comate sit naturalis -- I .21 Utrum comete significent guerras, mortes principum, pestilentias et huiusmodi -- I .22 Utrum omnes comete sint eiusdem speciei inter se et cum galaxia -- I .23 Utrum impressiones humide fiant a calido -- I .24 Utrum omnes impressiones aquee sint eiusdem speciei -- I .25 Utrum nix et pluvia generentur in media aeris regione -- I .26 Utrum grando debeat magis fieri in hieme vel estate aut in temporibus mediis, sicut in vere aut autumno -- I .27 Utrum nebula sit signum serenitatis -- I .28 Utrum aqua naturaliter ascendat ad orificia fontium -- I .29 Utrum fontes et fluvii veniant ex aqua pluviali vel ex mari vel aliunde -- I .30 Utrum fontes et flumina derivantur a montibus -- I .31 Utrum habitationes terre permutentur -- I .32 Utrum habitatio terre permutetur propter mare -- I .33 Utrum habitatio terre permutetur propter permutationem in qualitatibus secundis -- Liber II -- II .1 Utrum locus naturalis elementi aque sit ubi nunc est mare -- II .2 Utrum mare fluat et refluat -- II .3 Utrum aqua maris sit salsa -- II .4 Utrum fontes et fluvii debeant esse salsi -- II .5 Utrum ventus sit exalatio calida et sicca -- II .6 Utrum Auster veniat a polo antartico e Boreas ab artico -- II .7 Utrum terremotus sit possibilis -- II .8 Utrum terremotus, ventus et tonitruum et similia sint eiusdem nature -- II .9 Utrum fulgur sit exalatio calida et sicca ignita -- Liber III -- III .1 Utrum visus refrangatur a corporibus densis et politis -- III .2 Utrum halo fiat ex refractione radiorum ab ipsa nube ad visum -- III .3 Utrum sit aliquis color spiritualis -- III .4 Utrum colores apparentes in iride sint ibi vere et realiter -- III .5 Utrum iris debeat apparere secundum circuli periferiam -- III .6 Utrum iris possit apparere maior semicirculo -- III .7 Utrum iris quandoque appareat secundum portionem circuli maioris et quandoque secundum portionem minoris -- Appendix I : Three Questions on the Fourth Book of Aristotle’s Meteorology in Manuscript D -- Utrum sint tantum quatuor qualitates prime -- Utrum qualitatum primarum due sint active et due passive, scilicet caliditas et siccitas active, et alie passive -- Utrum caliditas sit magis qualitas activa quam frigiditas -- Appendix II : Two Questions on Aristotle’s Meteorology Interpolated into Oresme’s prima lectura in Manuscript C -- 1 Utrum iris potest fieri a Luna -- 2 ⟨Utrum impressiones ignite que generantur sursum in aere differant materialiter⟩ -- Appendix III : Nicole Oresme, Questiones in Meteorologica de ultima lectura , IV .1 -- Appendix: The Questions and Their Sources -- Bibliography -- Index…”
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371Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Creating all things hidden -- Drawing the hidden Canvas -- Picking the values -- Storing more data and using a lookup array -- Highlighting the country on mouse over -- Visualizing data per country and adding a tooltip -- Adding new data to our old globe -- Coloring the globe -- Adding a tooltip -- The HTML -- Building the static parts of the tooltip -- Showing and hiding the tooltip -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Shaping Maps with Data - Hexbin Maps -- Reviewing map visualization techniques -- Choropleth maps -- Cartograms -- Dot density maps -- Value and use of the hexagon -- Making a hexbin map -- Reviewing the hexbin algorithm -- Setting it up -- Drawing the map -- Drawing a point grid for our hexagons -- Keeping only the points within the map -- Making the hex tile -- Retrieving the hexagon center points -- Drawing the hex tiles -- Joining data points to the layout points -- Dressing our data for the final act -- Turning our visual into an interactive app -- Adding additional information on hover and click -- Changing the hexagon size -- Changing the color scale interpolator -- Browsing different datasets -- Encoding data as hexagon size -- Summary -- Chapter 12: Publishing Your Visualization with GitHub Pages -- What we will publish -- Understanding the type of content you can publish -- Hosting your code on GitHub -- Making sense of some key terms and concepts -- Tracking historic changes of your files -- Collaborating on a project -- Working on project branches -- Setting up a GitHub account -- Creating a repository -- Editing a file on GitHub -- Uploading files to the repository -- Publishing your project on GitHub Pages -- Preparing the files for publishing -- Keeping your paths absolute -- Changing the main HTML filename to index.html -- Publishing your project -- Summary -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
372Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…6.4 Shapers and Leaky Buckets -- 6.5 Excess Traffic and Oversubscription -- 6.6 Comparing and Applying Policer and Shaper Tools -- 6.7 Conclusion -- Reference -- 7 Queuing and Scheduling -- 7.1 Queuing and Scheduling Concepts -- 7.2 Packets and Cellification -- 7.3 Different Types of Queuing Disciplines -- 7.4 FIFO - First in, First out -- 7.5 Fair Queuing -- 7.6 Priority Queuing -- 7.7 Weighted Fair Queueing -- 7.8 Weighted Round Robin -- 7.9 Deficit Weighted Round Robin -- 7.10 Priority-Based Deficit Weighted Round Robin -- 7.10 Conclusions about the Best Queuing Discipline -- Further Reading -- 8 Advanced Queueing topics -- 8.1 Hierarchical Scheduling -- 8.2 Queues Lengths and Buffer Size -- 8.3 Dynamically Sized versus Fixed-size Queue Buffers -- 8.4 RED - Random Early Discard -- 8.5 Using RED with TCP Sessions -- 8.6 Differentiating Traffic Inside a Queue with WRED -- 8.7 Head versus Tail RED -- 8.8 Segmented and interpolated RED Profiles -- 8.9 Conclusion -- Further Reading -- PART III CASE STUDIES -- 9 The VPLS Case Study -- 9.1 High-Level Case Study Overview -- 9.2 Virtual Private Networks -- 9.3 Service Overview -- 9.4 Service Technical Implementation -- 9.5 Network Internals -- 9.6 Classes of Service and Queue Mapping -- 9.7 Classification and Trust Borders -- 9.8 Admission Control -- 9.9 Rewrite Rules -- 9.10 Absorbing Traffic Bursts at the Egress -- 9.11 Queues and Scheduling at Core-Facing Interfaces -- 9.12 Queues and Scheduling at Customer-Facing Interfaces -- 9.13 Tracing a Packet Through the Network -- 9.14 Adding More Services -- 9.15 Multicast Traffic -- 9.16 Using Bandwidth Reservations -- 9.17 Conclusion -- Further Reading -- 10 Case Study IP RAN and Mobile Backhaul QOS -- 10.1 Evolution from 2G to 4G -- 10.2 2G Network Components -- 10.3 Traffic on 2G Networks -- 10.4 3G Network Components -- 10.5 Traffic on 3G Networks -- 10.6 LTE Network Components -- 10.7 LTE Traffic Types -- 10.8 LTE Traffic Classes -- 10.9 Conclusion -- References -- Further Reading…”
Libro electrónico -
373Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…8 USER‐CONTROLLED INPUT AND OUTPUT -- Introduction -- 8.1 User‐Defined Input -- 8.2 Output Options -- 8.3 Graphical Input -- 8.4 More Features Using Section Dividers -- 8.5 Reading and Writing Data from Files -- 8.6 Debugging Your Code -- Summary -- Matlab® Summary -- Key Terms -- Problems -- 9 USER‐DEFINED FUNCTIONS -- Introduction -- 9.1 Creating Function Files -- 9.2 Creating Your Own Toolbox of Functions -- 9.3 Anonymous Functions and Function Handles -- 9.4 Function Functions -- 9.5 Subfunctions -- Summary -- Matlab® Summary -- Key Terms -- Problems -- 10 MATRIX ALGEBRA -- Introduction -- 10.1 Matrix Operations and Functions -- 10.2 Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations -- 10.3 Special Matrices -- Summary -- Matlab® Summary -- Key Terms -- Problems -- 11 OTHER KINDS OF ARRAYS -- Introduction -- 11.1 Data Types -- 11.2 Numeric Data Types -- 11.3 Character and String Data -- 11.4 Symbolic Data -- 11.5 Logical Data -- 11.6 Sparse Arrays -- 11.7 Categorical Arrays -- 11.8 Time Arrays -- 11.9 Multidimensional Arrays -- 11.10 Cell Arrays -- 11.11 Structure Arrays -- 11.12 Table Arrays -- Summary -- Matlab® Summary -- Key Terms -- Problems -- 12 SYMBOLIC MATHEMATICS -- Introduction -- 12.1 Symbolic Algebra -- 12.2 Solving Expressions and Equations -- 12.3 Symbolic Plotting -- 12.4 Calculus -- 12.5 Differential Equations -- 12.6 Converting Symbolic Expressions to Anonymous Functions -- Summary -- Matlab® Summary -- Problems -- 13 NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES -- 13.1 Interpolation -- 13.2 Curve Fitting -- 13.3 Using the Interactive Fitting Tools -- 13.4 Differences and Numerical Differentiation -- 13.5 Numerical Integration -- 13.6 Solving Differential Equations Numerically -- Summary -- Matlab® Summary -- Key Terms -- Problems -- 14 ADVANCED GRAPHICS -- Introduction -- 14.1 Images -- 14.2 Graphics Objects -- 14.3 Animation…”
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374Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Preface xxi / /Acknowledgments xxv / /Summary of Notations xxvii / /About the Cover xxix / /About the Companion Website xxxi / /1 Mathematical Background and Analysis Techniques 1 / /1.1 Introduction 1 / /1.2 The Fourier Transform and Fourier Series 5 / /1.3 Pulse Distortion with Ideal Filter Models 16 / /1.4 Correlation Processing 19 / /1.5 Random Variables and Probability 20 / /1.6 Random Processes 41 / /1.7 The Matched Filter 44 / /1.8 The Likelihood and Log-Likelihood Ratios 46 / /1.9 Parameter Estimation 47 / /1.10 Modem Configurations and Automatic Repeat Request 55 / /1.11 Windows 57 / /1.12 Matrices Vectors and Related Operations 66 / /1.13 Often Used Mathematical Procedures 70 / /1.14 Often Used Mathematical Relationships 71 / /2 Digital Signal Processing and Modem Design Considerations 81 / /2.1 Introduction 81 / /2.2 Discrete Amplitude Sampling 81 / /2.3 Discrete-Time Sampling 87 / /2.4 Signal Reconstruction Following Discrete-Time Sampling 91 / /2.5 Baseband Sampling 92 / /2.6 Bandpass Sampling 92 / /2.7 Corrections for Nonideal Modulators and Demodulators 99 / /2.8 Multirate Signal Processing and Interpolation 106 / /Appendix 2A Amplitude Quantization Function Subprogram 121 / /Appendix 2B Hilbert Transform Parameters 122 / /Appendix 2C Derivation of Parabolic Interpolation Error 126 / /3 Digital Communications 133 / /3.1 Introduction 133 / /3.2 Digital Data Modulation and Optimum Demodulation Criteria 135 / /3.3 Information and Channel Capacity 139 / /3.4 Bit-Error Probability Bound on Memoryless Channel 148 / /3.5 Probability Integral and the Error Function 150 / /4 Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Modulation Demodulation and Performance 153 / /4.1 Introduction 153 / /4.2 Constant Envelope Phase-Modulated Waveforms 154 / /4.3 Non-Constant Envelope Phase-Modulated Waveforms 175 / /4.4 Phase-Modulated Waveform Spectrums and Performance 178 / /5 Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Modulation Demodulation and Performance 207 / /5.1 Introduction 207 / /5.2 Coherent Detection of BFSK - Known Frequency and Phase 207 / /5.3 Noncoherent Detection of BFSK - Known Frequency and Unknown Phase 210 / /5.4 Case Studies: Coherent and Noncoherent BFSK Performance Simulation 211 / /5.5 Noncoherent Detection of BFSK - Unknown Frequency and Phase 214 / /5.6 BFSK Spectral Density with Arbitrary Modulation Index 219 / /6 Amplitude Shift Keying Modulation Demodulation and Performance 227 / /6.1 Introduction 227 / /6.2 Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) 227 / /6.3 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) 234 / /6.4 Alternate QAM Waveform Constellations 236 / /6.5 Case Study: 16-ary QAM Performance Evaluation 236 / /6.6 Partial Response Modulation 237 / /7 M-ary Coded Modulation 251 / /7.1 Introduction 251 / /7.2 Coherent Detection of Orthogonal Coded Waveforms 252 / /7.3 Noncoherent Detection of M-ary Orthogonal Waveforms 253 / /7.4 Coherent Detection of M-ary Biorthogonal Waveforms 256 / /8 Coding for Improved Communications 261 / /8.1 Introduction 261 / /8.2 Pulse Code Modulation 261 / /8.3 Gray Coding 268 / /8.4 Differential Coding 269 / /8.5 Pseudo-Random Noise Sequences 270 / /8.6 Binary Cyclic Codes 273 / /8.7 Cyclic Redundancy Check Codes 274 / /8.8 Data Randomizing Codes 276 / /8.9 Data Interleaving 277 / /8.10 Wagner Coding and Decoding 279 / /8.11 Convolutional Codes 283 / /8.12 Turbo and Turbo-Like Codes 299 / /8.13 LDPC Code and TPC 313 / /8.14 Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem Codes 315 / /Appendix 8A 328 / /Appendix 8B 329 / /9 Forward Error Correction Coding Without Bandwidth Expansion 339 / /9.1 Introduction 339 / /9.2 Multi-h M-ary CPM 340 / /9.3 Case Study: 2-h 4-ary 1REC CPM 350 / /9.4 Multiphase Shift Keying Trellis-Coded Modulation 362 / /9.5 Case Study: Four-State 8PSK-TCM Performance Over Satellite Repeater 367 / /10 Carrier Acquisition and Tracking 375 / /10.1 Introduction 375 / /10.2 Bandpass Limiter 377 / /10.3 Baseband Phaselock Loop Implementation 378 / /10.4 Phase-Error Generation 378 / /10.5 First-Order Phaselock Loop 380 / /10.6 Second-Order Phaselock Loop 380 / /10.7 Third-Order Phaselock Loop 390 / /10.8 Optimum Phase Tracking Algorithms 396 / /10.9 Squaring Loss Evaluation 406 / /10.10 Case Study: BPSK and QPSK Phaselock Loop Performance 408 / /10.11 Case Study: BPSK Phase Tracking Performance of a Disadvantaged Transmit Terminal 410 / /11 Waveform Acquisition 413 / /11.1 Introduction 413 / /11.2 CW Preamble Segment Signal Processing 416 / /11.3 Symbol Synchronization Preamble Segment 432 / /11.4 Start-of-Message (SOM) Preamble segment 452 / /11.5 Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation 452 / /12 Adaptive Systems 463 / /12.1 Introduction 463 / /12.2 Optimum Filtering - Wiener's Solution 464 / /12.3 Finite Impulse Response-Adaptive Filter Estimation 465 / /12.4 Intersymbol Interference and Multipath Equalization 469 / /12.5 Interference and Noise Cancellation 472 / /12.6 Recursive Least Square (RLS) Equalizer 473 / /12.7 Case Study: LMS Linear Feedforward Equalization 474 / /12.8 Case Study: Narrowband Interference Cancellation 474 / /12.9 Case Study: Recursive Least Squares Processing 480 / /13 Spread-Spectrum Communications 485 / /13.1 Introduction 485 / /13.2 Spread-Spectrum Waveforms and Spectrums 487 / /13.3 Jammer and Interceptor Encounters 499 / /13.4 Communication Interceptors 502 / /13.5 Bit-Error Performance of DSSS Waveforms with Jamming 504 / /13.6 Performance of MFSK with Partial-Band Noise Jamming 512 / /13.7 Performance of DCMPSK with Partial-Band Noise Jamming 514 / /13.8 FHSS Waveforms with Multitone Jamming 515 / /13.9 Approximate Performance with Jammer Threats 521 / /13.10 Case Study: Terrestrial Jammer Encounter and Link-Standoff Ratio 522 / /14 Modem Testing Modeling and Simulation 531 / /14.1 Introduction 531 / /14.2 Statistical Sampling 532 / /14.3 Computer Generation of Random Variables 539 / /14.4 Baseband Waveform Description 545 / /14.5 Sampled Waveform Characterization 547 / /14.6 Case Study: BPSK Monte Carlo Simulation 548 / /14.7 System Performance Evaluation Using Quadrature Integration 550 / /14.8 Case Study: BPSK Bit-Error Evaluation with PLL Tracking 551 / /14.9 Case Study: QPSK Bit-Error Evaluation with PLL Tracking 553 / /15 Communication Range Equation and Link Analysis 557 / /15.1 Introduction 557 / /15.2 Receiver and System Noise Figures and Temperatures 560 / /15.3 Antenna Gain and Patterns 568 / /15.4 Rain Loss 571 / /15.5 Electric Field Wave Polarization 573 / /15.6 Phase-Noise Loss 578 / /15.7 Scintillation Loss 583 / /15.8 Multipath Loss 583 / /15.9 Interface Mismatch Loss 584 / /15.10 Miscellaneous System Losses 585 / /15.11 Nonlinear Power Amplifier Analysis and Simulation 585 / /15.12 Computer Modeling of TWTA and SSPA Nonlinearities 588 / /15.13 Establishing Signal Levels for Simulation Modeling 590 / /15.14 Case Study: Performance Simulation of SRRC-QPSK with SSPA Nonlinearity 592 / /15.15 Link Budget Analysis 596 / /16 Satellite Orbits 603 / /16.1 Introduction 603 / /16.2 Satellite Orbits 606 / /16.3 Earth Stations 607 / /16.4 Path Loss Doppler and Doppler-rate 609 / /16.5 Satellite Viewing 609 / /16.6 Satellite Orbit Selection 610 / /16.7 Satellite Orbit Position Estimation From Parameter Measurements 611 / /16.8 Case Study: Example Satellite Encounters 612 / /17 Communications Through Bandlimited Time-Invariant Linear Channels 617 / /17.1 Introduction 617 / /17.2 Inphase and Quadrature Channel Response 618 / /17.3 Inphase and Quadrature Channel Response to Arbitrary Signal 619 / /17.4 Pulse Modulated Carrier Signal Characteristics 621 / /17.5 Channel Response to a Pulsed Modulated Waveform 622 / /17.6 Example Performance Simulations 623 / /17.7 Example of Channel Amplitude and Phase Responses 624 / /17.8 Example Channel Amplitude Phase and Delay Functions 627 / /18 Communications in Fading Environments 633 / /18.1 Introduction 633 / /18.2 Ricean Fading Channels 634 / /18.3 Ricean Cumulative Distribution 635 / /18.4 Application of Ricean Channel Model 635 / /18.5 Performance of Several Binary Modulation…”
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375Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover -- Digital Signal Processing 101 -- Digital Signal Processing 101: Everything you Need to Know to Get Started -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1 - Numerical Representation -- 1.1 Integer Fixed Point Representation -- 1.2 Fractional Fixed Point Representation -- 1.3 Floating Point Representation -- 2 - Complex Numbers and Exponentials -- 2.1 Complex Addition and Subtraction -- 2.2 Complex Multiplication -- 2.3 Polar Representation -- 2.4 Complex Multiplication Using Polar Representation -- 2.5 Complex Conjugate -- 2.6 The Complex Exponential -- 2.7 Measuring Angles in Radians -- 3 - Sampling, Aliasing, and Quantization -- 3.1 Sampling Effects -- 3.2 Nyquist Sampling Rule -- 3.3 Quantization -- 3.4 Signal to Noise Ratio -- 4 - Frequency Response -- 4.1 Frequency Response and the Complex Exponential -- 4.2 Normalizing Frequency Response -- 4.3 Sweeping Across the Frequency Response -- 4.4 Example Frequency Responses -- 4.5 Linear Phase Response -- 4.6 Normalized Frequency Response Plots -- 5 - Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters -- 5.1 Finite Impulse Response Filter Construction -- 5.2 Computing Frequency Response -- 5.3 Computing Filter Coefficients -- 5.4 Effect of Number of Taps on Filter Response -- 6 - Windowing -- 6.1 Truncation of Coefficients -- 6.2 Tapering of Coefficients -- 6.3 Sample Coefficient Windows -- 7 - Decimation and Interpolation -- 7.1 Decimation -- 7.2 Interpolation -- 7.3 Resampling by Noninteger Value -- 8 - Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters -- 8.1 Infinite Impulse Response and Finite Impulse Response Filter Characteristic Comparison -- 8.2 Bilinear Transform -- 8.3 Frequency Prewarping -- 9 - Complex Modulation and Demodulation -- 9.1 Modulation Constellations -- 9.2 Modulated Signal Bandwidth -- 9.3 Pulse-Shaping Filter -- 9.4 Raised Cosine Filter…”
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376Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…References -- 4 An accurate deep learning-based computer-aided diagnosis system for early diagnosis of prostate cancer -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Methods -- 4.2.1 Feature Extraction -- 4.2.2 CNN-based classification -- 4.3 Experimental results -- 4.4 Conclusion -- References -- 5 Adaptive graph convolutional neural network and its biomedical applications -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Related work -- 5.2.1 Evolution of graph convolutional neural networks -- Spatial graph convolutional neural networks -- Spectral graph convolutional neural networks -- 5.2.2 Neural network on molecular graph -- 5.2.3 Attention on graph -- 5.2.4 Neural network for survival analysis -- 5.3 Method -- 5.3.1 Spectral graph convolution-LL layer -- Learning residual graph Laplacian -- Re-parameterization on feature transform -- 5.3.2 Adaptive graph convolution network architecture -- 5.3.3 Graph attention network on adaptive graph -- 5.3.4 DeepGraphSurv framework -- 5.4 Experiment -- 5.4.1 Drug-property prediction -- Baseline model -- Dataset -- Experimental result -- 5.4.2 DeepGraphSurv and survival prediction -- Dataset -- Baseline model -- Experimental result -- 5.5 Conclusion -- References -- Further reading -- 6 Deep slice interpolation via marginal super-resolution, fusion, and refinement -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Related work -- 6.2.1 Traditional slice interpolation methods -- 6.2.2 Learning-based super-resolution methods -- 6.3 Problem formulation and baseline convolutional neural networks approaches -- 6.4 The proposed algorithm -- 6.4.1 Marginal super-resolution -- 6.4.2 Two-view fusion and refinement -- 6.4.3 Comparison with baseline convolutional neural networks approaches -- 6.5 Experiments -- 6.5.1 Implementation details -- 6.5.2 Dataset -- 6.5.3 Evaluation metrics…”
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377Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Source Signals -- 4.5.2. Interpolation -- 4.5.3. Binaural Techniques -- 4.5.4. …”
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378Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.1.2 Take the measurements -- 4.1.3 Analyze I: Interpolate between measurements -- 4.1.4 Analyze II: Optimize the business metric -- 4.1.5 Validate the optimal parameter value -- 4.2 Optimizing two or more continuous parameters -- 4.2.1 Design the two-parameter experiment -- 4.2.2 Measure, analyze, and validate the 2D experiment -- Summary -- 5 Contextual bandits: Making targeted decisions -- 5.1 Model a business metric offline to make decisions online -- 5.1.1 Model the business-metric outcome of a decision -- 5.1.2 Add the decision-making component -- 5.1.3 Run and evaluate the greedy recommender -- 5.2 Explore actions with epsilon-greedy -- 5.2.1 Missing counterfactuals degrade predictions -- 5.2.2 Explore with epsilon-greedy to collect counterfactuals -- 5.3 Explore parameters with Thompson sampling -- 5.3.1 Create an ensemble of prediction models -- 5.3.2 Randomized probability matching -- 5.4 Validate the contextual bandit -- Summary -- 6 Bayesian optimization: Automating experimental optimization -- 6.1 Optimizing a single compiler parameter, a visual explanation -- 6.1.1 Simulate the compiler -- 6.1.2 Run the initial experiment -- 6.1.3 Analyze: Model the response surface -- 6.1.4 Design: Select the parameter value to measure next -- 6.1.5 Design: Balance exploration with exploitation -- 6.2 Model the response surface with Gaussian process regression -- 6.2.1 Estimate the expected CPU time -- 6.2.2 Estimate uncertainty with GPR -- 6.3 Optimize over an acquisition function -- 6.3.1 Minimize the acquisition function -- 6.4 Optimize all seven compiler parameters -- 6.4.1 Random search -- 6.4.2 A complete Bayesian optimization -- Summary -- 7 Managing business metrics -- 7.1 Focus on the business -- 7.1.1 Don't evaluate a model -- 7.1.2 Evaluate the product -- 7.2 Define business metrics -- 7.2.1 Be specific to your business…”
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379Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Size Queue Buffers 149 -- 8.4 RED 150 -- 8.5 Using RED with TCP Sessions 152 -- 8.6 Differentiating Traffic inside a Queue with WRED 154 -- 8.7 Head versus Tail RED 156 -- 8.8 Segmented and Interpolated RED Profiles 158 -- 8.9 Conclusion 160 -- Reference 161 -- Further Reading 161 -- Part III CASE STUDIES 163 -- 9 The VPLS Case Study 165 -- 9.1 High?]…”
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380por Clark, Iain J.Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.2 Volatility Surfaces for Precious Metals -- 3.2.1 Pips Spot Delta -- 3.2.2 Pips Forward Delta -- 3.2.3 Notation -- 3.2.4 Market Volatility Surfaces -- 3.2.5 At-the-Money -- 3.2.6 Strangles and Risk Reversals -- 3.2.7 Temporal Interpolation -- 3.3 Survey of the Precious Metals -- 3.3.1 Gold -- 3.3.2 Silver -- 3.3.3 Platinum -- 3.3.4 Palladium -- 3.3.5 Rhodium -- 4 Base Metals -- 4.1 Futures, Options and TAPO Contracts -- 4.1.1 Futures -- 4.1.2 Options -- 4.1.3 Traded Average Price Options -- 4.2 Commonly Traded Base Metals -- 4.2.1 Copper -- 4.2.2 Aluminium -- 4.2.3 Zinc -- 4.2.4 Nickel -- 4.2.5 Lead -- 4.2.6 Tin -- 5 Energy I - Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Coal -- 5.1 Crude Oil -- 5.1.1 WTI -- 5.1.2 Brent -- 5.1.3 Calibration of WTI Volatility Term Structure -- 5.1.4 Calibration of WTI Volatility Skew -- 5.1.5 Brent and Other Crude Markets -- 5.1.6 A Note on Correlation -- 5.2 Natural Gas -- 5.2.1 Deseasonalising Forward Curves -- 5.3 Coal -- 6 Energy II - Refined Products -- 6.1 The Refinery Basket -- 6.2 Gasoline -- 6.3 Heating Oil/Gas Oil -- 6.4 Petroleum Gases and Residual Fuel Oil -- 6.5 Seasonality and Volatility -- 6.6 Crack Spread Options -- 7 Power -- 7.1 Electricity Generation -- 7.2 Nonstorability and Decorrelation -- 7.2.1 Spot Markets -- 7.2.2 Futures and Forward Markets -- 7.2.3 Options Markets -- 7.3 Modelling Spikes in Electricity Markets -- 7.3.1 Reduced Form Models -- 7.3.2 Structural Models -- 7.4 Swing Options -- 7.5 Spark Spread Options -- 8 Agricultural Derivatives -- 8.1 Grains -- 8.1.1 Wheat -- 8.1.2 Corn -- 8.1.3 Rice -- 8.1.4 Oats -- 8.1.5 Barley -- 8.2 Oilseeds -- 8.2.1 Soybeans -- 8.2.2 Canola -- 8.3 Softs -- 8.3.1 Coffee -- 8.3.2 Cotton -- 8.3.3 Cocoa -- 8.3.4 Sugar -- 8.3.5 Orange Juice -- 8.3.6 Lumber -- 8.4 Pulp and Paper -- 8.5 Livestock -- 8.5.1 Feeder Cattle -- 8.5.2 Live Cattle -- 8.5.3 Lean Hogs…”
Publicado 2014
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