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  1. 3541
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…OTHER EXPRESSIONS; 7.3.1. It's time; 7.3.2. I'd rather (would rather); 7.3.3. Suppose; 7.4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 3542
    por Zabalza Beraza, Miguel A.
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…b) Un segundo criterio que se puede aplicar para diferenciar los modelos de elaboración se refiere al estatus profesional (...)b.1) Los modelos técnicos; b.2) Los modelos prácticos; b.3) Los modelos mixtos; c) Modelos según el grado de fundamentación y estructura de la propuesta; c.1) El modelo I+D+D (Investigación-Desarrollo-Difusión); 2.2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 3543
    por Peña Marina, Fidel
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Modelos de Innovación; 1.2. Innovación y esfuerzo I+D; 1.3. Otras variables explicativas de la innovación; 1.3.1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 3544
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…L'arqueologia com a eina d'estudi / Arnau Navarro i López del Castillo -- Difusió del patrimoni cultural a partir de la ludificació: el misteri de la Catedral de la Seu d'Urgell / Meritxell Nieto i Santacreu, Míriam Esteban i Soto, Carles Gascón i Chopo, Clara Arbués i Garcia -- El País d'Art i d'Història Transfronterer de les Valls Catalanes del Tec i del Ter: un exemple de gestió patrimonial transfronterera / Aurèlia Greiveldinger, Clara Pedrosa -- Les pintures romàniques de Dòrria i el seu entorn. …”
  5. 3545
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.6.4 Ionic composition of waters3.6.5 Comparison with previous literature; 3.7 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; 3.8 References; Chapter 4: Application of bank filtration in aquifers affected by ammonium - The Delhi example; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Nitrogen; 4.2.1 Occurrence and effects; 4.2.2 Guideline values; 4.2.3 Nitrogen in surface water bodies; 4.2.4 Nitrogen in sewage water; 4.3 The Delhi Case Study; 4.3.1 Overview; 4.3.2 Study area; 4.3.3 Field studies; 4.3.4 Laboratory studies; 4.3.5 1D Transport modelling; 4.4 Overview of Remediation and Post-Treatment Options…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 3546
    por Vazquez Gonzalez, Carlos
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Art. 3 CEDH; 2. Art. 5.1,d) CEDH; II. RESOLUCIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES DEL CONSEJO DE EUROPA; 1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 3547
    por Jagger, Jon, 1966-
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “… Real literalsWhat is 1.D?; Money or deciMal?; Character literals; No octal character escapes; String literals; Platform independent newlines; Historical note; Happy birthday, Joel; Overspecification...; Hexadecimal escape character pitfalls; The null literal; 9.4.5 Operators and punctuators; >>== tokenization oddity; Tokenization anecdote; 9.5 Pre-processing directives; To pre-process, or not pre-process?…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 3548
    por Terrell, David L.
    Publicado 1996
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital Conversion; 8.1 D/A and A/D Conversion Fundamentals; 8.2 Weighted D/A Converter; 8.3 R2R Ladder D/A Converter; 8.4 Parallel A/D Converter; 8.5 Tracking A/D Converter; 8.6 Dual-Slope A/D Converter; 8.7 Successive Approximation A/D Converter…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 3549
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…part, I Electromagnetics of Bounded Simple Media -- chapter 1 Electromagnetics of Simple Media* / chapter 2 Electromagnetics of Simple Media: -- One-Dimensional Solution* / chapter 3 Two-Dimensional Problems and Waveguides / chapter 4 Three-Dimensional Solutions* / chapter 5 Spherical Waves and Applications / chapter 6 Laplace Equation: -- Static and Low-Frequency Approximations* / chapter 7 Miscellaneous Topics on Waves* / part, II Electromagnetic Equations of Complex Media -- chapter 8 Electromagnetic Modeling of Complex Materials* / chapter 9 Waves in Isotropic Cold Plasma: -- Dispersive Medium* / chapter 10 Spatial Dispersion and Warm Plasma* / chapter 11 Wave in Anisotropic Media and Magnetoplasma* / chapter 12 Optical Waves in Anisotropic Crystals / chapter 13 Time-Domain Solutions / chapter 14 Electromagnetics of Moving Media -- Uniform Motion / part, III Appendices -- chapter Appendix 1A Vector Formulas and Coordinate Systems / chapter Appendix 1B Retarded Potentials and Review of Potentials for the Static Cases / chapter Appendix 1C Poynting Theorem / chapter Appendix 1D Low-Frequency Approximation of Maxwell’s Equations R, L, C, and Memristor M / chapter Appendix 2A AC Resistance of a Round Wire When the Skin Depth δ Is Comparable to the Radius a of the Wire / chapter Appendix 2B Transmission Lines: -- Power Calculation / chapter Appendix 2C Introduction to the Smith Chart / chapter Appendix 2D Nonuniform Transmission Lines / chapter Appendix 4A Calculation of Losses in a Good Conductor at High Frequencies: -- Surface Resistance R S / chapter Appendix 6A On Restricted Fourier Series Expansion / chapter Appendix 7A Two- and Three-Dimensional Green’s Functions / chapter Appendix 8A Wave Propagation in Chiral Media / chapter Appendix 8B Left-Handed Materials and Transmission Line Analogies / chapter Appendix 9A Backscatter from a Plasma Plume due to Excitation of Surface Waves* / chapter Appendix 10A Thin Film Reflection Properties of a Warm Isotropic Plasma Slab between Two Half-Space Dielectric Media* / chapter Appendix 10B First-Order Coupled Differential Equations for Waves in Inhomogeneous Warm Magnetoplasmas* / chapter Appendix 10C Waveguide Modes of a Warm Drifting Uniaxial Electron Plasma* / chapter Appendix 11A Faraday Rotation versus Natural Rotation / chapter Appendix 11B Ferrites and Permeability Tensor / chapter Appendix 11C Thin Film Reflection Properties of a Warm Magnetoplasma Slab: -- Coupling of Electromagnetic Wave with Electron Plasma Wave / chapter Appendix 13A Maxwell Stress Tensor and Electromagnetic Momentum Density / chapter Appendix 13B Electric and Magnetic Forces and Newton’s Third Law / chapter Appendix 13C Frequency and Polarization Transformer (10–1000 GHz): -- Interaction of a Whistler Wave with a Collapsing Plasma in a Cavity* / chapter Appendix 14A Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Moving Bounded Plasmas* / chapter Appendix 14B Radiation Pressure Due to Plane Electromagnetic Waves Obliquely Incident on Moving Media* / chapter Appendix 14C Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves Obliquely Incident on a Relativistically Moving Uniaxial Plasma Slab* / chapter Appendix 14D Brewster Angle for a Plasma Medium Moving at a Relativistic Speed* / chapter Appendix 14E On Total Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves from Moving Plasmas* / chapter Appendix 14F Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Bounded Plasmas Moving Perpendicular to the Plane of Incidence* / chapter Appendix 14G Moving Point Charge and Lienard–Wiechert Potentials / part, IV Chapter Problems -- chapter Problems…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 3550
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title page -- Copyright and credits -- Dedication -- Foreword -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Part 1: Learning from Unreal Engine 5 -- Chapter 1: Understanding Unreal Engine 5 and its Layers -- Technical requirements -- Introducing Unreal Engine 5 -- Installing Unreal Engine 5 and preparing your development environment -- The "Fuzzy" layer - bridging the gap from C++ to Blueprint -- Property Specifiers -- Function Specifiers -- Useful inheritance -- Translating back from Blueprint to C++ -- Worked example -- Summary -- Questions -- Answers -- Chapter 2: "Hello Patterns" -- Technical requirements -- S.O.L.I.D. principles -- Single responsibility -- Open-closed -- Liskov substitution -- Interface segregation -- Dependency inversion -- Exploring solutions to common problems -- The moving box problem -- The rotating box problem -- The cascading cast chain problem -- The trade-off -- Summary -- Chapter 3: UE5 Patterns in Action - Double Buffer, Flyweight, and Spatial Partitioning -- Technical requirements -- Double buffer -- Flyweight -- Spatial partitioning -- Introducing World Partition -- Understanding when objects are loaded -- Ensuring actors are loaded when required -- Enabling World Partition on an existing level -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Premade Patterns in UE5 - Component, Update Method, and Behavior Tree -- Technical requirements -- Understanding and creating components -- Applying the update method for prototyping gameplay -- Working with behavior trees -- Creating the AI controller -- Creating the Blackboard asset -- Building the behavior tree -- Summary -- Part 2: Anonymous Modular Design -- Chapter 5: Forgetting Tick -- Technical requirements -- Before we begin -- A world that ticks -- A clock that stops -- Event driven systems -- Summary…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 3551
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…L'arqueologia com a eina d'estudi / Arnau Navarro i López del Castillo -- Difusió del patrimoni cultural a partir de la ludificació: el misteri de la Catedral de la Seu d'Urgell / Meritxell Nieto i Santacreu, Míriam Esteban i Soto, Carles Gascón i Chopo, Clara Arbués i Garcia -- El País d'Art i d'Història Transfronterer de les Valls Catalanes del Tec i del Ter: un exemple de gestió patrimonial transfronterera / Aurèlia Greiveldinger, Clara Pedrosa -- Les pintures romàniques de Dòrria i el seu entorn. …”
  12. 3552
    Publicado 2003
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…A Professional Guide to Audio Plug-ins and Virtual Instruments; Copyright; Contents; About the author; Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1 Overview; Pro Tools plug-in types; TDM; Pro Tools HD TDM systems; AudioSuite; RTAS; HTDM; MOTU Audio System (MAS) plug-ins for Digital Performer; VST plug-ins; Logic Audio plug-ins; Windows plug-ins; Managing plug-ins; Freeing up your DSP resources; In summary; 2 Optional Digidesign Plug-ins; Reverb One; D-Verb; DPP-1; DINR; Broadband Noise Reduction; In action; Hum Removal; Summary; Maxim; Bruno/Reso; Sound Replacer; D-FI; Lo-Fi; Sci-Fi; Recti-Fi; Vari-Fi…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 3553
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Complexity of the algorithm; 3.8. From 1D to 2D; 3.9. Translation invariant transform; 3.9.1. ε -decimated DWT; 3.9.2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 3554
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Recent developments in video compression; 2.5. Compressing 1D signals; 2.6. The compression of 3D objects; 2.7. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 3555
    por Minns, Peter D.
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.8.2 D-Type Equations for Figure 4.264.9 AN ASYNCHRONOUS SERIAL TRANSMITTER SYSTEM; 4.9.1 Equations for the Asynchronous Serial Transmitter; 4.10 CLOCKED WATCHDOG TIMER; 4.10.1 D Flip-Flop Equations; 4.10.2 Output Equation; 4.11 SUMMARY; 5 The One Hot Technique in Finite-State Machine Design; 5.1 THE ONE HOT TECHNIQUE; 5.2 A DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM; 5.3 A SHARED MEMORY SYSTEM; 5.4 FAST WAVEFORM SYNTHESIZER; 5.4.1 Specification; 5.4.2 A Possible Solution; 5.4.3 Equations for the d Inputs to D Flip-Flops; 5.4.4 Output Equations…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 3556
    por Dimri, V. P.
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Simulation of one-dimensional and two-dimensional Fractal Time/Space Series; 1.10.1. Synthesis of 1D fGn Using fGp Algorithms; 1.10.2. Synthesis of 2D fGn Using fGp Algorithms; 1.11. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 3557
    Publicado 2011
  18. 3558
  19. 3559
    Publicado 1995
  20. 3560