Mostrando 27,481 - 27,500 Resultados de 33,119 Para Buscar '"Global"', tiempo de consulta: 0.16s Limitar resultados
  1. 27481
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; ""Memcache""; ""Going RESTful""; ""Cluster status via REST""; ""REST resilience""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 10: Going Global""; ""Getting set up in the cloud""; ""Under manual control""; ""Discovery â€? …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 27482
    por Ali, Syed. author
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Four-Tier Architecture""""Five-Tier Architecture""; ""Six-Tier Architecture""; ""Global Architecture""; ""Autoscaling""; ""Rolling Deployments""; ""Licensing""; ""Support""; ""Support Model for Customers""; ""Network Operations Center""; ""Self-Service Support""; ""Bug Reporting""; ""Inventory Management""; ""Hardware""; ""Processors""; ""Memory""; ""Storage""; ""System Profiles""; ""Tuning TCP/IP""; ""CPU Scheduling""; ""Conclusion""; ""Chapter 2: Hosted Cloud Solutions Using Google Cloud Platform""; ""To Cloud or Not to Cloud""; ""Types of Clouds""; ""Private Cloud""; ""Public Cloud""…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 27483
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Method 1: Continuous form of FI as a function of the velocity and acceleration of the system's trajectoryMethod 2: Discrete form as a function of the probability density of system states; Binning approach; Algorithm; Appendix 2.2 FI at tipping points; References; 3 Sustainable process index; Measuring ecological impact-the normative base of the SPI; Assigning footprints to material flows; Calculating areas for materials subject to global material cycles; Calculating areas for all other materials; LCA with the SPI; Applications of the SPI; Characteristics of the SPI assessment…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 27484
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; An Unfortunate Unconformity; The 2008 Global Financial Crisis; Legacy of Failure; Post-2008…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 27485
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Board Meeting AttendanceCommittee Meeting Attendance; Communications; Personal Giving; Ambassadorship and Advocacy; Confidentiality; Conflict of Interest; Board Orientation; Board of Directors' Meeting Evaluation Form; Resources; ASAE; Board Source Learning Center and Store; Policy Governance; CompassPoint Workshops; IFC Global Corporate Governance Forum; Organizational Websites; References; About the Authors; Index; End User License Agreement…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 27486
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…IntroductionFinding a protein in multiple databases; Introducing Bio.PDB; Extracting more information from a PDB file; Computing molecular distances on a PDB file; Performing geometric operations; Implementing a basic PDB parser; Animating with PyMol; Parsing mmCIF files using Biopython; Chapter 8: Other Topics in Bioinformatics; Introduction; Accessing the Global Biodiversity Information Facility; Geo-referencing GBIF datasets; Accessing molecular-interaction databases with PSIQUIC; Plotting protein interactions with Cytoscape the hard way; Chapter 9: Python for Big Genomics Datasets…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 27487
    por Norris, Scott
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction, Architecture, and Availability""; ""A new, common platform design""; ""The vRealize Operations Manager component architecture""; ""The user interface""; ""Collector""; ""Controller""; ""Analytics""; ""Persistence""; ""Global xDB""; ""Alarms xDB""; ""HIS xDB""; ""FSDB""; ""vRealize Operations Manager node types""; ""The master / master replica node""; ""The data node""…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 27488
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Die Statistiken derUS-Regierung über globale Militärausgaben (1970) -- Danksagung -- Über die Autorinnen…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 27489
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Creating and Initializing Arrays -- Using Arrays -- Multidimensional Arrays -- Reference Types -- Reference Versus Primitive Types -- Manipulating Objects and Reference Copies -- Comparing Objects -- Boxing and Unboxing Conversions -- Packages and the Java Namespace -- Package Declaration -- Globally Unique Package Names -- Importing Types -- Importing Static Members -- Java Source File Structure -- Defining and Running Java Programs -- Summary -- Chapter 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 27490
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Processes of identity formation at workProcesses of identity formation - summary; Diversity in a global context; Key learning points and conclusions; Case study and discussion questions; 02 Perception, making decisions and people management; Learning objectives; Introduction; Social perception and cultural perspectives; Perception; Common errors of perception; Decision making; Implications for HR practice and people management; Key learning points and conclusions; Case study and discussion questions; 03 Motivation at work: engagement and facilitation; Learning objectives; Introduction…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 27491
    por International Energy Agency.
    Publicado 2001
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Demand Restraint33 -- Other Response Mechanisms34 -- Organisation34 -- CHAPTER III: The Response Potential -- of Individual IEA Countries 35 -- Australia37 -- Austria47 -- Belgium57 -- Canada67 -- Czech Republic79 -- Denmark89 -- Finland97 -- France109 -- Germany121 -- Greece137 -- Hungary147 -- Ireland157 -- Italy165 -- Japan177 -- Luxembourg187 -- The Netherlands193 -- New Zealand205 -- Norway215 -- Portugal225 -- Spain235 -- Sweden245 -- Switzerland253 -- Turkey263 -- The United Kingdom277 -- The United States293 -- CHAPTER IV: The Emergency Response Potential -- of Candidate Countries 307 -- Poland309 -- Republic of Korea323 -- Slovak Republic335 -- ANNEX I: The Legal Basis for IEA Member Country -- Emergency Response Organisations 347 -- ANNEX II: The Legal Basis for the 90-Day Stock -- Obligations and Compulsory Stockdraw -- of Member Countries 351 -- ANNEX III: Summary of European Union Legislation -- Concerning Crisis Measures and Oil Stocks 357 -- ANNEX IV: Developments in IEA Emergency -- Mechanisms 1974/2000 361 -- Energy Websites of IEA Member Countries369 -- List of Abbreviations370 -- TABLES AND FIGURES -- Table 1: Annual World Oil Supply and Demand, 1975-200014 -- Table 2: Development of Member Countries' Emergency Stockholding Systems26 -- Table 3: Development of Emergency Stocks: Share of Companies, -- Government and Agency Stocks26 -- Table 4: Statutory Power over Company Stocks27 -- Figure 1: OECD Energy Demand15 -- Figure 2: OECD Oil Use by Sector, 1973 and 199816 -- Figure 3: Global Primary Oil Stocks17 -- Figure 4: Stocks in Days of Net Imports: IEA Net Importers18 -- Figure 5: Total Products and Crude Oil Closing Stocks, August 200029 -- Figure 6: Structure of IEA Product Demand and Stocks30 -- Figure 7: Maximum Drawdown Profile for IEA Public Stocks31 -- Figure 8: Quality Characteristics of Public Crude Oil Stocks32…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 27492
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Panorama regional de la educación técnica y la formación profesional para las pymes -- Hacia una estrategia de formación de capital humano para las pymes: conclusiones y recomendaciones de política pública -- Notas -- Referencias -- Articulación productiva, clusters y cadenas globales de valor: buscando respuestas para las pymes -- Introducción -- Articulación productiva: una modalidad de actuación para mejorar el desempeño productivo y la competitividad de las pymes -- Resultados y lecciones de las experiencias en América Latina -- Referencias…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 27493
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Retreat from Conventional Forms of OrganizationNew Conditions, New Organization; Globalization; Implications for organization; New technologies; Implications for organization; The Knowledge-based economy; Hypercompetition; Demands for social accountability; New Conditions, New Forms Summarized; New and Conventional Organizational Forms Compared; The network paradigm; Setting and disseminating the goals of the organization; Identifying duties and roles; Maintaining a value-adding system; Summary; Questions for Discussion; Notes; Part II: New Internal Forms…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 27494
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Victoria Camps Cervera -- Miedo, escepticismo y liberalismo: notas en torno al pensamiento de Judith Shklar / Pablo Badillo O'Farrell -- La visión seniana de la justicia global / Jesús Conill Sancho. Modernidad y postmodernidad. …”
  15. 27495
    por Ulrich, William M.
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 8: Modernization of Reliability and Maintainability Information System (REMIS) into the Global Combat Support System-Air Force (GCSS-AF) FrameworkIntroduction; REMIS Increment-1; REMIS Increment-3; Conclusion; Chapter 9: Federal Agency Case Study: Role of Modernization in a Greenfield Replacement/COTS Project; The Plan; Project Phase One - Initial Assessment: Enterprise Assessment; Project Phase One - Initial Assessment: Detailed Assessment; Project Phase Two - Detailed Assessment; Project Phase Two - Transition Plan and Deployment; Lessons Learned; Summary…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 27496
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Spurring Change Trends and Demands -- Conclusion -- Chapter 3: Adult Learning and Living in the Digital Age -- Personal Development -- Wellness -- The Workplace -- Entertainment -- Spirituality -- Informal and Formal Education -- Conclusion -- Chapter 4: Biological Concerns: Development, Aging, and Neuroscience -- Models and Stages -- Cognitive Development Theories -- Intrinsic Motivation -- Learning Preferences -- Neuroplasticity -- Critical Connections with Prior Experiences -- Conclusion -- Part 2: Scaffolding Essential Skills for Learning in the Digital Age -- Chapter 5: Andragogy Illustrated -- Andragogy Concepts and Background -- Learning Developing from Social Role Tasks -- Applications of Andragogy -- Conclusion -- Chapter 6: Motivation's Essential Role -- Motivation Defined -- Motivation Needed -- Extrinsic Motivation -- Intrinsic Motivation -- Leveraging Intrinsic Motivation with Technology Toolkit (LIMT Toolkit) -- Conclusion -- Chapter 7: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving -- Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving -- Strategies to Cultivate: Critical Thinking and Problem-Based Learning -- Conclusion -- Chapter 8: Self‐Directed Learning Discovered -- Background of SDL -- Strategies for Cultivating SDL -- Conclusion -- Chapter 9: Required Intercultural Competencies -- Understanding Diversity in a Globally Connected World -- Diversity Theories and Models -- Strategies for Diversity Awareness -- Conclusion -- Chapter 10: Transformative Learning Perspectives -- Transformative Learning Theory Specifics…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 27497
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…CHAPTER 11 Drop Caps -- Creating a Simple Drop Cap -- Drop Cap Aesthetics -- Difficult Drop Caps -- CHAPTER 12 Global Formatting with Styles -- Defining Our Terms -- Why Use Styles? …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 27498
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…WITH Clause -- With the GROUP BY DSL -- With the HAVING DSL -- With the ORDER BY DSL -- ORDER BY CASE -- ORDER BY NULL -- Paginate Query Results -- Insert Statements -- With Multiple Rows -- With Sequences -- With Select -- Update Statements -- Delete Statements -- Tuple Syntax -- Alternative Data Access Modes -- Streaming Access -- Lazy Access -- Transactions -- With Locking -- Configuration -- Connection Management -- Schema, Catalog, and Multi-tenant Deployment -- Query Management -- Query Lifecycle Integration -- Chapter 3: Working with jOOQ -- Generating Code -- Tools of jOOQ Code Generation -- Configure jOOQ for Code Generation -- Generate Code with Maven -- Generate Code from the Command Line -- Generate Code Programmatically -- Results of Code Generation -- Tables -- Global Artifacts -- Add Custom Code to Generated Code -- Working with Generated Code -- CRUD with Generated Code -- Enhancements from UpdatableRecord -- Formatting -- Optimistic Locking -- Advanced Database Operations -- Joins -- Non-SQL Grouping -- Batch Operations -- Explicit Batching -- Batch Import -- Advanced Query Syntax -- Merge and Upsert -- Window Functions…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 27499
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""A Little JavaScript History""""Functions in JavaScript""; ""The arguments Object""; ""Anonymous Functions""; ""Nested Functions""; ""JavaScript Scope""; ""The Global Scope""; ""Function Scope""; ""Immediate Function Execution Expressions""; ""Working with Object-Oriented JavaScript""; ""Literal Object Notation""; ""The new Notation and Constructor Functions""; ""The Object Base Type""; ""The Object.create Function""; ""JavaScript Prototype Inheritance""; ""The this Keyword""; ""Creating JavaScript Namespaces""; ""Closures and Encapsulation""; ""JSON""…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 27500
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Spaces of Conflict -- Provincialising degrowth Alternatives to development and the Global South -- Financing post-growth? Green financial products for changed logics of production -- 'Status quo avant-gardists' and 'prevention innovators' Food for thought for the geographical post-growth debate -- The growth fixation of the European Union A commentary on the draft Green Deal -- Lessons from Practice -- We have a responsibility to a be a bit more pragmatic…”
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