Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Globalization 766
- History 762
- Globalización 703
- Historia 651
- Management 603
- Social aspects 514
- Taxation 473
- Law and legislation 461
- Economic aspects 430
- Economic conditions 426
- Economics 399
- Business & Economics 384
- Development 350
- Economic policy 331
- Economic development 289
- Political Science 273
- Education 250
- Finance 250
- Technological innovations 249
- Sustainable development 239
- Government policy 236
- Politics and government 230
- Political aspects 221
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 220
- Leadership 218
- Marketing 214
- International cooperation 211
- Aspectos sociales 207
- Environmental aspects 205
- Globalización económica 205
27461por Allen, AdrianaTabla de Contenidos: “…The polemics of urban planning and developmentConclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 3: On being smart about cities: Seven considerations for a new urban planning and design; Smart cities or smart urbanism; The smart city as discourse; Previous city transitions; Cities in the Anthropocene; Smart urbanism: an agenda for planning and design; Conclusion; Acknowledgement; References; Chapter 4: Is big sustainable?: Global comparison of city emissions; Introduction; Climate change; An energy-hungry society; Identifying emission drivers; When is big sustainable?…”
Publicado 2015
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27462Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
27463Publicado 2003Tabla de Contenidos: “…; WHAT IS ARCHITECTURE?; The Global Information Grid; Need There Be Architecture?…”
Libro electrónico -
27464por Huffman, Jane E.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Wildlife Forensics; Contents; Developments in Forensic Science; About the Editors; List of Contributors; Foreword; Acknowledgements; 1 Wildlife Ownership; Introduction; Ancient Rome and the Concept of Res Nullius; Common Law England: The King's Ownership; The New World: Hunting for the Market; Management: The Property Right of States; Federal Law and the Regulatory State; Globalization: Working toward Worldwide Conservation Practices; Conclusion; Cases Cited; References; 2 Society for Wildlife Forensic Science; Introduction; Formation of the Society; The Code of Ethics…”
Publicado 2011
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27465Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…2 Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis: Signaling, Genes, and the Control of IdentityIntroduction; Cellular Events; Genes and Signaling - the Global Picture; Coordination of Genes and Cellular Processes: a Role for Hormones; Genes and Pattern; Conclusion and Future Directions; References; 3 Endosperm Development; Introduction; Overview of Endosperm Structure and Development; Endosperm Cell Fate Specification and Differentiation; Transfer Cells; Starchy Endosperm Cells; Aleurone Cells; Embryo-Surrounding Region; Genomic Resources; Transcriptional Profiling of Endosperm Development…”
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27466Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright and Credits -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Section 1: Introduction -- Chapter 1: Introducing Software Architecture -- Software architecture in a nutshell -- A software architect's duties -- Introducing the different architecture disciplines -- EA -- Positioning software architecture within the global architecture landscape -- Summary -- Section 2: The Broader Architecture Landscape -- Chapter 2: Exploring Architecture Frameworks and Methodologies -- Introducing frameworks and methodologies…”
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27467Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Empirical analysis of quality management assessment system of physical education in college and universityStudy on the pressure and influence factors of P.E. teachers in Jiangxi Province under the background of curriculum reform; Study on Chinese health preservation and university students' self-management of health-from the global perspective of health; Things in sports training; Constructivism study of sports teaching from the perspective of ecological system theory; The positive influence of online education technology on college PE teaching…”
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27468Publicado 2003Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Summary -- CHAPTER TWELVE: Issues in Leadership: Implications for Transformational Leaders -- Leadership and Gender -- Empowering Leadership -- Leadership in Turbulent Times -- Transformational Leadership and Globalization -- Summary -- CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Leadership That Matters: A New Synthesis -- Approaches to Transformational Leadership -- Common Elements Among Transformational Approaches -- Transformational Leadership: A New Synthesis -- Conclusion -- APPENDIX ONE: Bibliography -- APPENDIX TWO: Development of The Leadership Profile -- The Ten TLP Dimensions -- TLP Reliability -- TLP Validity -- Summary -- Notes -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- Z -- About the Authors…”
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27469The post-screen through virtual reality, holograms and light projections where screen boundaries liePublicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Light Projections: On the Matter of Light and the Lightness of Matter -- The City Rises -- The Light Rises, or, Light as the Matter of Light -- Cities of Screens -- Light Projections (1): Light that Dissolves and Constructs... and of Latency -- Light Projections (2): Walls that Fall Apart... and Re-Form -- Light Projections (3): Particles that Gain a Body... and Transform -- Projection Mapping (1): The Image that Devours Structure -- the Voracity that is a Media History -- Projection Mapping (2): The Exterior that Reveals -- the Permanence that Fades -- The Ground Beneath Our Feet -- Conclusion/Coda -- Postscripts to the Post-Screen: The Holiday and the Global Pandemic -- Twin Obsessions (1): Difference -- Twin Obsessions (2): The Gluttony -- The Post-Screen in the Time of Covid-19 -- Index -- Backcover…”
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27470por Mennicken, AndreaTabla de Contenidos: “…References -- Part II The Politics of Evidence -- 6 Homo Statisticus: A History of France's General Public Statistical Infrastructure on Population Since 1950 -- The Representative Household Survey -- The Biographical Investigation -- The Matched Panels -- Homo Statisticus: Three Types of Being Constructed by the Statistical Infrastructure -- Conclusion -- References -- 7 A New Calculable Global World in the Making: Governing Through Transnational Certification Standards -- Introduction: The Evolving Politics of Calculable Worlds…”
Publicado 2021
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27471por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Foreword -- Table of contents -- Executive Summary -- Governments are waking up to the opportunities and challenges brought by digital transformation -- Despite the ongoing effects of the crisis, information technology services continue to grow and spur a positive outlook -- Developing apace, communication infrastructures and services are upgrading for a new surge of data -- ICT usage keeps growing but remains unequally distributed across countries and among firms and individuals Digital innovation and new business models are driving transformation, including of jobs and tradeEffective use of ICTs in life and for work requires more specialist and generic skills in ICTs complemented by better foundational skills -- Concerns about digital security and privacy restrain ICT adoption and business opportunities -- The promises of artificial intelligence are accompanied by important policy and ethical questions -- The potential of blockchain hinges on grappling with technical hurdles and policy challenges List of acronyms, abbreviations and units of measurePart I Policies -- Chapter 1 Going digital -- The digital transformation is high on the global agenda -- The 2016 CancÃðn Ministerial on the Digital Economy has set the OECD agenda for the digital transformation -- Box 1.1. …”
Publicado 2017
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27472por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Résumé -- Le bien-être est élevé, mais doit être préservé sur la durée -- L'économie est vulnérable vis-à-vis des risques concernant les échanges et le marché immobilier -- La marge budgétaire devrait s'élargir plus lentement au cours des prochaines années -- La productivité progresse peu et le taux d'activité est orienté à la baisse -- 1 Principaux éclairages sur l'action publique -- Perspectives, risques et réponses des pouvoirs publics sur le plan macroéconomique -- La croissance de la production devrait être robuste, mais ralentir -- La politique monétaire se resserre et la politique budgétaire est globalement neutre -- Les risques extérieurs sont orientés à la baisse -- Le marché de l'immobilier reste le principal facteur de vulnérabilité intérieur -- Stabilité financière : les autorités de réglementation du secteur financier doivent rester vigilantes -- Politique budgétaire, fiscalité et réforme des dépenses publiques -- Budgétisation publique : s'accommoder d'une situation budgétaire moins favorable -- Il conviendrait de ne pas recourir à des mécanismes de financement spéciaux dérogeant à la règle -- La réforme fiscale demeure un axe central de la politique économique -- Améliorer l'efficience de la dépense publique -- Pour une hausse de la productivité dans le secteur des entreprises -- Des performances très satisfaisantes en ce qui concerne la corruption, mais des difficultés existent néanmoins -- Les niveaux d'emploi doivent s'affermir -- La Norvège doit réformer en profondeur le système des congés de maladie rémunérés et les prestations d'invalidité -- Pensions de vieillesse et âge de la retraite : la réforme des retraites dans le secteur public est un progrès, mais tous les problèmes n'ont pas été résolus -- Améliorer l'intégration des immigrés sur le marché du travail -- Améliorer le système d'enseignement et les compétences…”
Publicado 2020
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27473por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Résumé -- Évaluation et Recommandations -- Une croissance dynamique a fait monter le niveau des revenus et réduit la pauvreté, mais des inégalités subsistent -- L'Inde enregistre une croissance rapide, mais l'investissement privé est faible -- Des politiques monétaire, financière et budgétaire adéquates pour jeter les bases d'une croissance plus forte -- Un cadre monétaire efficace -- Améliorer la transmission de la politique monétaire -- Renforcer le cadre budgétaire -- Fixer des objectifs pluriannuels à la politique budgétaire, tout en la laissant jouer un rôle de stabilisation -- Améliorer la crédibilité de la politique budgétaire -- Engager une réforme fiscale globale pour favoriser une croissance inclusive -- Utiliser l'impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques et l'impôt sur le patrimoine pour accroître les recettes et favoriser l'inclusion sociale -- Réformer la fiscalité des entreprises afin de soutenir l'investissement en réduisant les distorsions et l'incertitude -- Favoriser une croissance plus forte et plus inclusive -- Renforcer la croissance à long terme en renforçant l'investissement et la productivité -- Faciliter les acquisitions foncières favoriserait une reprise des projets d'investissement, en particulier dans le secteur manufacturier -- Déréglementer l'investissement direct étranger -- Faciliter davantage l'exercice des activités économiques et renforcer le dynamisme des entreprises -- Créer des emplois plus nombreux et de meilleure qualité -- Améliorer l'enseignement et les compétences -- Mieux soutenir les populations pauvres et vulnérables -- La réforme en cours sur les prix subventionnés pourrait servir de modèle à d'autres pays -- L'inclusion financière est en bonne voie -- Parvenir à un développement régional solide et équilibré…”
Publicado 2019
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27474por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Derramas de la empresa multinacional en los países asiáticos y latinoamericanos en desarrollo: tendencias y políticas-Resumen-Introducción-Tendencias globales de la IED-Políticas para atraer -Derramas de la EMN-Políticas para ampliar las derramas de la EMN-Comentarios finales y sugerencias de políticaBibliografía…”
Publicado 2008
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27475por Prosise, JeffTabla de Contenidos: “…Web Applications; Structure of an ASP.NET Application; The Web.config File; The Global.asax File; Application State; The Application Cache; Session State; The Application; Chapter 10. …”
Publicado 2002
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27476Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Compliance Officers and Ruler Whackers The Coaches and Motivators; Identifying Gaps; The Next Step; Impact & Excellence; Chapter 4: Nonprofits and Measurement Cultures; Nonprofit Structures; Governance; Administration; Programs; Measurement Cultures: Foundational to Nonprofit Success; Measurement Cultures: The Global Perspective; Nonprofits and Measurement Cultures: The Internal Picture; Audiences for Data; Nonprofit Governance; Program Staff; Development Staff; Corporate Funders; Foundation and Government Funders; Private Donors; Program Participants; Partnering Organizations…”
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27477Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Iterative MethodsReduction Methods; The Date Type; Inherited Methods; Date-Formatting Methods; Date/Time Component Methods; The RegExp Type; RegExp Instance Properties; RegExp Instance Methods; RegExp Constructor Properties; Pattern Limitations; The Function Type; No Overloading (Revisited); Function Declarations versus Function Expressions; Functions as Values; Function Internals; Function Properties and Methods; Primitive Wrapper Types; The Boolean Type; The Number Type; The String Type; Singleton Built-in Objects; The Global Object; The Math Object; Summary…”
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27478Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…part 1 Part I: Geometry Manipulation / chapter I 1: Dynamic GPU Terrain / chapter I Bandwidth-Eifficient Procedural Meshes in the GPU via Tessellation / chapter I 3: Real-Time Deformation of Subdivision Surfaces on Object Collisions / chapter I 4: Realistic Volumetric Explosions in Games / part 2 Part II: Rendering / chapter II 1: Next-Generation Rendering in Thief / chapter II 2: Grass Rendering and Simulation with LOD / chapter II 3: Hybrid Reconstruction Antialiasing / chapter II 4: Real-Time Rendering of Physically Based Clouds Using Precomputed Scattering / chapter II Sparse Procedural Volume Rendering Doug McNabb -- part 3 Part III: Lighting -- chapter III 1: Real-Time Lighting via Light Linked List / chapter III Deferred Normalized Irradiance Probes John Huelin, Benjamin Rouveyrol, and Bartlomiej Wron ́ski -- chapter III Volumetric Fog and Lighting Bartlomiej Wron ́ski -- chapter III Physically Based Light Probe Generation on GPU Ivan Spogreev -- chapter III 5: Real-Time Global Illumination Using Slices / part 4 Part IV: Shadows / chapter IV Practical Screen-Space Soft Shadows Ma ́rton Tama ́s and Viktor Heisenberger -- chapter IV Tile-Based Omnidirectional Shadows Hawar Doghramachi -- chapter IV 3: Shadow Map Silhouette Revectorization / part 5 Part V: Mobile Devices / chapter V 1: Hybrid Ray Tracing on a PowerVR GPU / chapter V 2: Implementing a GPU-Only Particle-Collision System with ASTC 3D Textures and OpenGL ES 3.0 / chapter V 3: Animated Characters with Shell Fur for Mobile Devices / chapter V 4: High Dynamic Range Computational Photography on Mobile GPUs / part 6 Part VI: Compute / chapter VI 1: Compute-Based Tiled Culling / chapter VI 2: Rendering Vector Displacement-Mapped Surfaces in a GPU Ray Tracer / chapter VI 3: Smooth Probabilistic Ambient Occlusion for Volume Rendering / part 7 Part VII: 3D Engine Design / chapter VII 1: Block-Wise Linear Binary Grids for Fast Ray-Casting Operations / chapter VII 2: Semantic-Based Shader Generation Using Shader Shaker / chapter VII 3: ANGLE: Bringing OpenGL ES to the Desktop…”
Libro electrónico -
27479Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…""The Horn and Schunck method""""The Lucas and Kanade method""; ""Checking out the optical flow on Android""; ""Image pyramids""; ""Gaussian pyramids""; ""Laplacian pyramids""; ""Gaussian and Laplacian pyramids in OpenCV""; ""Basic 2D transformations""; ""Global motion estimation""; ""The Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi tracker""; ""Checking out the KLT tracker on OpenCV""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 6: Working with Image Alignment and Stitching""; ""Image stitching""; ""Feature detection and matching""; ""Image matching""; ""Homography estimation using RANSAC""…”
Libro electrónico -
27480por Olsson, Mikael. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…""Chapter 14: Inheritance""""Upcasting""; ""Downcasting""; ""Multiple inheritance""; ""Chapter 15: Overriding""; ""Hiding derived members""; ""Overriding derived members""; ""Base class scoping""; ""Calling base class constructor""; ""Chapter 16: Access Levels""; ""Private access""; ""Protected access""; ""Public access""; ""Access level guideline""; ""Friend classes and functions""; ""Public, protected and private inheritance""; ""Chapter 17: Static""; ""Static fields""; ""Static methods""; ""Static local variables""; ""Static global variables""; ""Chapter 18: Enum""; ""Enum example""…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico