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  1. 27061
  2. 27062
    Publicado 2021
    “…Laboratory equipment for jar tests is proposed, including mixers and instructions for calculating a mixing intensity (necessarily expressed by the global shear rate/velocity gradient G). Mixing intensities for various purposes are recommended. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 27063
    por Krämer, Dennis
    Publicado 2022
    “…Homeoffice und Homeschooling, aber auch die Ausweitung eines Onlineangebots an Nachbarschaftshilfen und solidaritätsbekundender Hashtags zählen zu den Zeitzeugnissen einer digitalen Krisenkommunikation. Zugleich hat sich global eine Apparatur der Regulierung formiert: Drohnen zur Kontrolle von Quarantäne, Pandemie-Apps, Wärmebildkameras und die Überwachung einzelner Stadtbezirke machen deutlich, wie unterschiedlich Gesellschaften der Krise begegnen und welche Rolle hierbei Technologien spielen. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 27064
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface xiii Table of Engineering Applications xvii Part 1 Introduction 1 Mathematica Environment and Basic Syntax 3 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Selecting Notebook Characteristics 4 1.3 Notebook Cells 8 1.4 Delimiters 12 1.5 Basic Syntax 12 1.5.1 Introduction 12 1.5.2 Templates: Greek Symbols and Mathematical Notation 15 1.5.3 Variable Names and Global Variables 18 1.6 Mathematical Constants 19 1.7 Complex Numbers 21 1.8 Elementary, Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, and a Few Special Functions 22 1.9 Strings 25 1.9.1 String Creation: StringJoin[] and ToString[] 25 1.9.2 Labeled Output: Print[], NumberForm[], EngineeringForm[], and TraditionalForm[] 26 1.10 Conversions, Relational Operators, and Transformation Rule 28 1.11 Engineering Units and Unit Conversions: Quantity[] and UnitConvert[] 30 1.12 Creation of CDF Documents and Documents in Other Formats 33 1.13 Functions Introduced in Chapter 1 34 Exercises 35 2 List Creation and Manipulation: Vectors and Matrices 39 2.1 Introduction 39 2.2 Creating Lists and Vectors 39 2.2.1 Introduction 39 2.2.2 Creating a List with Table[] 45 2.2.3 Summing Elements of a List: Total[] 46 2.2.4 Selecting Elements of a List 47 2.2.5 Identifying List Elements Matching a Pattern: Position[] 49 2.3 Creating Matrices 51 2.3.1 Introduction 51 2.3.2 Matrix Generation Using Table[] 54 2.3.3 Accessing Elements of Arrays 55 2.4 Matrix Operations on Vectors and Arrays 56 2.4.1 Introduction 56 2.4.2 Matrix Inverse and Determinant: Inverse[] and Det[] 57 2.5 Solution of a Linear System of Equations: LinearSolve[] 58 2.6 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: EigenSystem[] 59 2.7 Functions Introduced in Chapter 2 61 References 61 Exercises 61 3 User-Created Functions, Repetitive Operations, and Conditionals 69 3.1 Introduction 69 3.2 Expressions and Procedures as Functions 69 3.2.1 Introduction 69 3.2.2 Pure Function: Function[] 74 3.2.3 Module[] 78 3.3 Find Elements of a List that Meet a Criterion: Select[] 80 3.4 Conditionals 82 3.4.1 If[] 82 3.4.2 Which[] 83 3.5 Repetitive Operations 83 3.5.1 Do[] 83 3.5.2 While[] 83 3.5.3 Nest[] 84 3.5.4 Map[] 84 3.6 Examples of Repetitive Operations and Conditionals 85 3.7 Functions Introduced in Chapter 3 92 Exercises 92 4 Symbolic Operations 95 4.1 Introduction 95 4.2 Assumption Options 101 4.3 Solutions of Equations: Solve[] 101 4.4 Limits: Limit[] 105 4.5 Power Series: Series[], Coefficient[], and CoefficientList[] 108 4.6 Optimization: Maximize[]/Minimize[] 112 4.7 Differentiation: D[] 114 4.8 Integration: Integrate[] 120 4.9 Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations: DSolve[] 126 4.10 Solutions of Partial Differential Equations: DSolve[] 136 4.11 Laplace Transform: LaplaceTransform[] and InverseLaplaceTransform[] 138 4.12 Functions Introduced in Chapter 4 145 References 145 Exercises 146 5 Numerical Evaluations of Equations 151 5.1 Introduction 151 5.2 Numerical Integration: NIntegrate[] 151 5.3 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations: NDSolveValue[] and ParametricNDSolveValue[] 154 5.4 Numerical Solutions of Equations: NSolve[] 178 5.5 Roots of Transcendental Equations: FindRoot[] 180 5.6 Minimum and Maximum: FindMinimum[] and FindMaximum[] 182 5.7 Fitting of Data: Interpolation[] and FindFit[] 186 5.8 Discrete Fourier Transforms and Correlation: Fourier[], InverseFourier[], and ListCorrelate[] 189 5.9 Functions Introduced in Chapter 5 194 References 195 Exercises 196 6 Graphics 209 6.1 Introduction 209 6.2 2D Graphics 209 6.2.1 Basic Plotting 209 6.2.2 Basic Graph Enhancements 213 6.2.3 Common 2D Shapes: Graphics[] 217 6.2.4 Additional Graph Enhancements 222 6.2.5 Combining Figures: Show[] and GraphicsGrid[] 238 6.2.6 Tooltip[] 241 6.2.7 Exporting Graphics 244 6.3 3D Graphics 244 6.4 Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 6 253 References 254 Exercises 254 7 Interactive Graphics 263 7.1 Interactive Graphics: Manipulate[] 263 References 287 Exercises 287 Part 2 Engineering Applications 8 Vibrations of Spring Mass Systems and Thin Beams 293 8.1 Introduction 293 8.2 Single Degree-of-Freedom Systems 294 8.2.1 Periodic Force on a Single Degree-of-Freedom System 294 8.2.2 Squeeze Film Damping and Viscous Fluid Damping 298 8.2.3 Electrostatic Attraction 302 8.2.4 Single Degree-of-Freedom System Energy Harvester 304 8.3 Two Degrees-of-Freedom Systems 307 8.3.1 Governing Equations 307 8.3.2 Response to Harmonic Excitation: Amplitude Response Functions 307 8.3.3 Enhanced Energy Harvester 310 8.4 Thin Beams 315 8.4.1 Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of a Cantilever Beam with In-Span Attachments 315 8.4.2 Effects of Electrostatic Force on the Natural Frequency and Stability of a Beam 318 8.4.3 Response of a Cantilever Beam with an In-Span Attachment to an Impulse Force 323 References 326 9 Statistics 327 9.1 Descriptive Statistics 327 9.1.1 Introduction 327 9.1.2 Location Statistics: Mean[], StandardDeviation[], and Quartile[] 327 9.1.3 Continuous Distribution Functions: PDF[] and CDF[] 329 9.1.4 Histograms and Probability Plots: Histogram[] and ProbabilityScalePlot [] 331 9.1.5 Whisker Plot: BoxWhiskerChart[] 332 9.1.6 Creating Data with Specified Distributions: RandomVariate[] 334 9.2 Probability of Continuous Random Variables 334 9.2.1 Probability for Different Distributions: NProbability[] 334 9.2.2 Inverse Cumulative Distribution Function: InverseCDF[] 337 9.2.3 Distribution Parameter Estimation: EstimatedDistribution[] and FindDistributionParameters[] 337 9.2.4 Confidence Intervals: CI[] 340 9.2.5 Hypothesis Testing: LocationTest[] and VarianceTest[] 342 9.3 Regression Analysis: LinearModelFit[] 343 9.3.1 Simple Linear Regression 343 9.3.2 Multiple Linear Regression 347 9.4 Nonlinear Regression Analysis: NonLinearModelFit[] 351 9.5 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Factorial Designs: ANOVA[] 354 9.6 Functions Introduced in Chapter 9 358 10 Control Systems and Signal Processing 359 10.1 Introduction 359 10.2 Model Generation: State-Space and Transfer Function Representation 359 10.2.1 Introduction 359 10.2.2 State-Space Models: StateSpaceModel[] 360 10.2.3 Transfer Function Models: TransferFunctionModel[] 362 10.3 Model Connections Closed-Loop Systems and System Response: SystemsModelFeedbackConnect[] and SystemsModelSeriesConnect[] 363 10.4 Design Methods 369 10.4.1 Root Locus: RootLocusPlot[] 369 10.4.2 Bode Plot: BodePlot[] 371 10.4.3 Nichols Plot: NicholsPlot[] 372 10.5 Signal Processing 374 10.5.1 Filter Models: ButterworthFilterModel[], EllipticFilterModel[], ... 374 10.5.2 Windows: HammingWindow[], HannWindow[], ... 381 10.5.3 Spectrum Averaging 385 10.6 Aliasing 388 10.7 Functions Introduced in Chapter 10 390 Reference 391 11 Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics 393 11.1 Introduction 393 11.2 Conduction Heat Transfer 394 11.2.1 One-Dimensional Transient Heat Diffusion in Solids 394 11.2.2 Heat Transfer in Concentric Spheres: Ablation of a Tumor 398 11.2.3 Heat Flow Through Fins 401 11.3 Natural Convection Along Heated Plates 405 11.4 View Factor Between Two Parallel Rectangular Surfaces 408 11.5 Internal Viscous Flow 411 11.5.1 Laminar Flow in Horizontal Cylindrical Pipes 411 11.5.2 Flow in Three Reservoirs 412 11.6 External Flow 416 11.6.1 Pressure Coefficient of a Joukowski Airfoil 416 11.6.2 Surface Profile in Nonuniform Flow in Open Channels 419 References 423 Index 425.…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 27065
    por Kaya, Arslan
    Publicado 2020
    “…Approximation of Turkish Law with European Union Law maintains its importance and actuality apart from the context of full membership goal as well. Global trade requires interplay between all world countries with regard to the development and formation of public and private law. …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 27066
    Publicado 2022
    “…How can we use Green Six Sigma urgently and effectively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the harmful effects of global warming? This practical and workable book covers topics that are highly relevant to the times we live in: Climate change challenges and initiatives to mitigate them Examination of the Green Six Sigma approach, its tools and techniques as well as modifications to incorporate both the digital revolution and sustainability Applications of the Green Six Sigma approach to a variety of areas relevant to climate change and in all economic sectors including energy, transport, manufacturing, services and agriculture Green Six Sigma in retrofitting houses and climate adaptation Guides to the implementation of sustainable climate change initiatives This book is an eye-opening resource, perfect for anyone responsible for sustainability or climate change initiatives at their organisations, NGOs or regulatory agencies. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 27067
    Publicado 2022
    “…Also, in recent research studies, they are regarded as one of the disruptive technologies that will transform our future life, business, and the global economy. The recent explosion of digital data in a wide variety of domains, including science, engineering, Internet of Things, biomedical, healthcare, and many business sectors, has declared the era of big data, which cannot be analysed by classical statistics but by the more modern, robust machine learning and deep learning techniques. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 27068
    Publicado 2022
    “…Attention has also been focused on carbapenemase testing in order to provide advanced phenotypic and molecular assays for the identification of CRE, as a valid tool for active global surveillance, and from this perspective, the study of resistance mechanisms can provide significant support for the development of new and appropriate antimicrobial molecules. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 27069
    Publicado 2022
    “…Around 10% of the global population lives in the world’s coastal zones, mostly concentrated in the world’s largest megacities. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 27070
    Publicado 2022
    “…On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic and the disease now affects nearly every country and region. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 27071
    Publicado 2007
    “…This book coincides with a global consciousness about the necessity to take care of the early years in order to create good outcomes for all young children, to reduce inequalities, and provide more cohesive and accessible early childhood services…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 27072
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface by Werner Fricke Foreword Introduction Part I: Participation in organizational changes Chapter 1 An example of tensions and dilemmas in organizational action research 'On the infinitely large in the infinitely small' in Team Product Suppor t What and why 1.Tensions between participation as involvement and/ or as co-determination 2.Tensions, positionings and the exercising of power 3.Experimental change of communication patterns in Team Product Support 4.Tensions between the smaller project context and larger organizational, societal and global agendas 5.Tensions in the management of organizational difference through dissensus Reflections Chapter 2 A historical view of employee participation: four understandings What and why 1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 27073
    Publicado 2019
    “…Sitting at the intersection between musical production, the creative industries and gender politics, this volume brings together research that considers the gender politics of the music industry itself. It takes a global approach to these issues, and incorporates a range of genres and theoretical approaches. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 27074
    por Allard, Paul
    Publicado 2021
    “…Issus d’une réflexion collective, pluridisciplinaire et inscrite dans la longue durée portée par des enseignants-chercheurs et de jeunes docteurs ayant côtoyé ou partagé de près les recherches du professeur Jean-Marie Guillon, les textes rassemblés dans cet ouvrage sont centrés sur la question de l’engagement des acteurs, que ce soit à l’échelle de la micro-histoire ou à un niveau plus global. À partir de problématiques relevant des champs respectifs de l’histoire politique, sociale et économique – terrains renouvelés par les approches de l’histoire culturelle –, l’acte d’engagement individuel ou collectif est interrogé à la lumière de moments exceptionnels censés faire appel à des gestes qui le sont tout autant, ou à des usages mémoriels particuliers et souvent instrumentalisés au profit de toutes sortes d’objectifs. …”
  15. 27075
    por Roeder, Larry W.
    Publicado 2013
    “…In the 21st century, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are at the forefront of global efforts for peace, social justice, and environmental reform. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 27076
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Augustine, Florida</p> <p>Summary and Conclusions</p> <p>Part III Green Building Design </p> <p>Chapter 7 The Green Building Design Process </p> <p>Conventional versus Green Building Delivery Systems</p> <p>High-Performance Green Building Delivery System</p> <p>Executing the Green Building Project</p> <p>Owner Issues In High-Performance Green Building Projects</p> <p>Setting Priorities And Making Other Key Initial Decisions</p> <p>Selecting The Green Building Team</p> <p>Role Of The Leed Accredited Professional Or Green Globes Professional In The Process</p> <p>Integrated Design Process</p> <p> Role of the Charrette in the Design Process</p> <p>Green Building Documentation Requirements</p> <p>LEED Documentation</p> <p>Green Globes Documentation</p> <p>Case Study: Theaterhaus, Stuttgart, Germany</p> <p>Summary and Conclusions</p> <p>Chapter 8 The Sustainable Site and Landscape </p> <p>Land and Landscape Approaches for Green Buildings</p> <p>Land Use Issues</p> <p>Sustainable Landscapes</p> <p>Green, or living, roofs</p> <p>Vertical landscaping</p> <p>Enhancing ecosystems</p> <p>Enhancing Ecosystems</p> <p>Stormwater Management</p> <p>Low-Impact Development</p> <p>Heat Island Mitigation</p> <p>Light Trespass and Pollution Reduction</p> <p>Assessment of Sustainable Sites: The Sustainable Sites Initiative</p> <p>Case Study: Iowa Utilities Board/Consumer Advocate Office</p> <p>Summary and Conclusions</p> <p>Chapter 9 Low-Energy Building Strategies </p> <p>Building Energy Issues</p> <p>High-Performance Building Energy Design Strategies</p> <p>HVAC Systems</p> <p>Water-Heating Systems</p> <p>Electrical Power System Components</p> <p>Innovative Energy Optimization Strategies</p> <p>Smart Buildings and Energy Management Systems (EMS)</p> <p>Ozone Depleting Chemicals in HVAC Systems</p> <p>Case Study: The Pertamina Energy Tower -- A Primer on Sustainable Skyscraper Design</p> <p>Chapter 10 Built Environment Hydrologic Cycle </p> <p>Global Water Resource Depletion</p> <p>Hydrologic Cycle Terminology</p> <p>Benefits of Water Efficiency</p> <p>High-Performance Building Hydrologic Cycle Strategy</p> <p>Building Plumbing Fixture and Controls</p> <p>Nonportable Water Sources</p> <p>Wastewater Strategies</p> <p>Baseline Water Model Example</p> <p>Use of Low-Flow Fixture Strategy</p> <p>Use of Alternative Water Sources Strategy</p> <p>Case Study: Lott Clean Water Alliance, Olympia, Washington</p> <p>Blackwater Case Study: Blackwater Recycling System, Salesforce Tower, San Francisco</p> <p>Summary and Conclusions</p> <p>Chapter 11 Closing Materials Loops </p> <p>The Challenge of Materials and Product Selection</p> <p>Selecting Building Materials and Products with a Focus on A Closed-Loop Materials System</p> <p>Life Cycle Assessment</p> <p>Materials and Product Certification</p> <p>Key and Emerging Construction Materials and Products</p> <p>Case Study Of Closing The Loop: Ecoworx® Carpet Tiles</p> <p>Design for Deconstruction and Disassembly</p> <p>Case Study: Project XX Office Building, Delft, Netherlands</p> <p>Summary and Conclusions</p> <p>Chapter 12 Built Environment Carbon Footprint </p> <p>Human Impact on the Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle</p> <p>Climate Change and the Carbon Cycle</p> <p>Climate Change Mitigating</p> <p>Defining the Carbon Footprint of The Built Environment</p> <p>Reducing the Carbon Footprint of the Built Environment</p> <p>Focusing on Mitigating Project Climate Change Impact</p> <p>Carbon Neutrality and Its Applicability to Buildings</p> <p>Focusing on Mitigating Project Climate Change Impacts</p> <p>Carbon Neutrality Case Study: The Hong Kong Zero Carbon Building</p> <p>Carbon Neutrality Case Study: Glaxosmithkline Carbon Neutral Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry (Nottingham, Uk)</p> <p>Carbon Footprint Case Study: Rinker Hall, University of Florida </p> <p>Chapter 13 Indoor Environmental Quality </p> <p>Indoor Environmental Quality: The Issues</p> <p>Integrated IEQ Design</p> <p>Addressing the Main Components of Integrated IEQ Design</p> <p>HVAC Systems and IEQ</p> <p>Emissions from Building Materials</p> <p>The WELL and FITWEL Building Standards</p> <p>Summary and Conclusions</p> <p>Part IV Green Building Implementation </p> <p>Chapter 14 Construction Operations and Commissioning</p> <p>Site Protection Planning</p> <p>Managing Indoor Air Quality during Construction</p> <p>Construction Materials Management</p> <p>Construction and Demolition Waste Management</p> <p>Commissioning</p> <p>Summary and Conclusions</p> <p>Chapter 15 Green Building Economics </p> <p>General Approach</p> <p>The Business Case for High-Performance Green Buildings</p> <p>Economics of Green Building</p> <p>Quantifying Green Building Benefits</p> <p>Managing First Costs</p> <p>Tunneling through the Cost Barrier</p> <p>Summary and Conclusions</p> <p>Chapter 16 Resilience Resilience in the Context of Sustainable Construction</p> <p>Resilience Concepts and Scope</p> <p>Codes and Standards for Built Environment Resilience</p> <p>Designing Resilient Buildings</p> <p>Green Building Assessment and Resilience…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 27077
    Publicado 2014
    “…Global awareness of environmental issues has resulted in the emergence of economically and environmentally friendly bio-based materials free from the traditional side effects of synthetics. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 27078
    Publicado 2021
    “…Yet it has been largely ignored by cultural critics, especially in the context of the Global South. Seeking to make visible not only the pervasiveness of oil in society and culture but also its power, Oil Fictions stages a critical intervention that aligns with the broader goals of the energy humanities.Exploring literature and film about petroleum as a genre of world literature, Oil Fictions focuses on the ubiquity of oil as well as the cultural response to petroleum in postcolonial states. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 27079
    Publicado 2023
    Libro electrónico
  20. 27080
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Genealogies of Tamil Catholicism -- ‎2. Microstoria and the Global in the Local -- ‎3. The Beginnings of Catholic Literature in Tamil -- ‎3.1. …”
    Libro electrónico