Mostrando 26,881 - 26,900 Resultados de 33,119 Para Buscar '"Global"', tiempo de consulta: 0.20s Limitar resultados
  1. 26881
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Kihara’s genome concept and advancements in wheat cytogenetics in his school -- 2 How a gene from Japan revolutionized the world of wheat: CIMMYT’s quest for combining genes to mitigate threats to global food security -- Part II Germplasm and Genetic Diversity -- 3 Genetic resources of Triticum -- 4 Development of core set of wheat (Triticum spp.) germplasm conserved in the National Genebank in India -- 5 Transfer to wheat of potentially new stem rust resistance genes from Aegilops speltoides -- 6 Genetic variation and its geographical distribution in Aegilops caudata L.: morphology, hybrid sterility and gametocidal genes -- Part III Cytogenetics and Allopolyploid Evolution -- 7 Wheat chromosome analysis -- 8 New aneuploids of common wheat -- 9 Chromosomal changes over the course of polyploid wheat evolution and domestication -- Part IV Toward Whole Genome Sequencing -- 10 Comprehensive functional analyses of expressed sequence tags in common wheat -- 11 Development of the BAC physical maps of wheat chromosome 6B for its genomic sequencing -- Part V Structural and Functional Genomics -- 12 Sequencing of wheat chromosome 6B: toward functional genomics -- 13 Genetic mechanisms of vernalization requirement duration in winter wheat cultivars -- 14 Building ultra-dense genetic maps in the presence of genotyping errors and missing data -- Part VI Functional Gene Analysis and Molecular Tools -- 15 Exploiting comparative biology and genomics to understand a trait in wheat, Ph1 -- 16 The specific features of anthocyanin biosynthesis regulation in wheat -- 17 Association of wheat miRNAs with hybrid incompatibility in interspecific crosses of Triticum and Aegilops -- 18 High efficiency wheat transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens -- 19 extra early-flowering (exe) mutants in einkorn wheat generated by heavy-ion beam irradiation -- Part VII Biotic Stress Response -- 20 Stem rust resistance - two approaches -- 21 Germplasm enhancement for resistance to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in wheat -- 22 Next Generation Sequencing enabled genetics in hexaploid wheat -- Part VIII Abiotic Stress Response -- 23 Genomics approaches to dissect the genetic basis of drought resistance in durum wheat -- 24 Hybrid breeding in wheat -- 25 Broadening the genetic diversity of common and durum wheat for abiotic stress tolerance breeding -- 26 Early maturity in wheat for adaptation to high temperature stress -- 27 Gene expression profiles involved in development of freezing tolerance in common wheat -- Part IX Improvement of Grain Quality -- 28 Coping with wheat quality in a changing environment - Proteomics evidence for stress caused by environmental changes -- 29 Starch modification: a model for wheat MAS breeding -- 30 Quality characteristics of soft kernel durum - a new cereal crop -- 31 Proposal of international gluten research group -- 32 Enlargement of the genetic diversity for grain quality in bread wheat through alien introgression -- 33 Complex G x E interactions and QTL clusters govern end-use quality traits in hexaploid wheat -- 34 A consistent QTL for flour yield on chromosome 3B in the soft winter wheat variety, Kitahonami -- Part X Marker-Assisted Breeding -- 35 Recent improvements in Japanese wheat varieties -- 36 Determining the order of resistance genes Qsng-3BS, Fhb1 and Sr2 and combining them in coupling on wheat chromosome 3BS -- 37 Meta-analysis of resistance to Fusarium head blight in tetraploid wheat – implications for durum wheat breeding -- 38 Interest of a multiparental and outcrossing wheat population for fine mapping -- 39 The effect of Earliness per se (Eps) genes on flowering time in bread wheat -- Part XI Toward Sustainable Wheat Production -- 40 Recapitulating the OECD-CRP session (sponsored by the OECD’s Co-operative Research Program on Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems -- 41 Exploring genetic resources to increase adaptation of wheat to climate change -- 42 Genomic approaches towards durable fungal disease resistance in wheat -- 43 Review and new progress in wheat wide hybridization for improving the resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses -- 44 Global crop improvement networks to bridge technology gaps -- 45 Genomic selection in plants: empirical results and implications for wheat breeding -- 46 Dietary fibre: wheat genes for enhanced human health -- BM Appendix I: Program -- Appendix II: Poster Presentation List -- Appendix III: Committees…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 26882
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Simultaneous clock and data gate sizing algorithm with common global objective / Gregory Shklover, Ben Emanuel. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 26883
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…User Privileges -- SQL Commands and Functions -- Binary Log Statements -- Replication Statements -- Replication Related Functions -- Conclusion -- Chapter 8: Monitoring Replication -- Types of Monitoring -- MySQL Configuration -- Monitoring Granularity -- Important MySQL Information -- MySQL Error Log -- Show Master Status -- Show Slave Status -- Show Global Status -- Meta Files -- Meta Tables -- Monitoring Products -- Dedicated Monitoring Products -- System Monitoring Products -- The Implementation of Monitoring -- MySQL Enterprise Monitor -- Cacti -- MySQL Performance Monitor (MPM) -- Poor Man's Replication Monitor -- Troubleshooting Replication Incidents -- Conclusion -- Appendix: A MySQL Replication Test Environment -- Manual Steps to Configure MySQL Replication -- Using MySQL Sandbox -- MySQL Sandbox Installation -- MySQL Software Releases -- Replication Setup with MySQL Sandbox -- References -- Using Virtual Servers -- VirtualBox Installation -- Testing and Verifying MySQL Replication -- Conclusion -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 26884
    por Robinson, Keith, 1977-
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.5 Essential operations and tasks3.6 Performance to arrangement; 3.7 Finishing your work; Scene 4 Global Record: Capturing Arrangements on the Fly; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 The Global Record concept; 4.3 Music on the fly; 4.4 User interfacing: two parallel worlds; 4.5 The linear approach; 4.6 The nonlinear approach; Scene 5 Arrangement View Concepts; 5.1 Musical timeline; 5.2 Layout; 5.3 Navigating; 5.4 The Arrangement View; 5.5 Working with automation; 5.6 Arranging concepts; Scene 6 Session View Concepts; 6.1 Real-time "launching base"; 6.2 Layout; 6.3 Clips; 6.4 Tracks versus Scenes…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 26885
    por Neuburg, Matt
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…III Cocoa -- 10.Cocoa Classes -- Subclassing -- Categories -- Splitting a Class -- Class Extensions -- Protocols -- Informal Protocols -- Optional Methods -- Some Foundation Classes -- Useful Structs and Constants -- NSString and Friends -- NSDate and Friends -- NSNumber -- NSValue -- NSData -- Equality and Comparison -- NSIndexSet -- NSArray and NSMutableArray -- NSSet and Friends -- NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary -- NSNull -- Immutable and Mutable -- Property Lists -- The Secret Life of NSObject -- 11.Cocoa Events -- Reasons for Events -- Subclassing -- Notifications -- Receiving a Notification -- Unregistering -- Posting a Notification -- NSTimer -- Delegation -- Cocoa Delegation -- Implementing Delegation -- Data Sources -- Actions -- The Responder Chain -- Deferring Responsibility -- Nil-Targeted Actions -- Swamped by Events -- Delayed Performance -- 12.Accessors and Memory Management -- Accessors -- Key-Value Coding -- KVC and Outlets -- Key Paths -- Array Accessors -- Memory Management -- Principles of Cocoa Memory Management -- The Rules of Cocoa Manual Memory Management -- What ARC Is and What It Does -- How Cocoa Objects Manage Memory -- Autorelease -- Memory Management of Instance Variables (Non-ARC) -- Memory Management of Instance Variables (ARC) -- Retain Cycles and Weak References -- Unusual Memory Management Situations -- Nib Loading and Memory Management -- Memory Management of Global Variables -- Memory Management of CFTypeRefs -- Memory Management of Pointer-to-Void Context Info -- Properties -- Property Memory Management Policies -- Property Declaration Syntax -- Property Accessor Synthesis -- Dynamic Accessors -- 13.Communication Between Objects -- Visibility by Instantiation -- Visibility by Relationship -- Global Visibility -- Notifications -- Key-Value Observing -- Model-View-Controller…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 26886
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Policy and politics in the community -- Where policy hits the pavement: contemporary issues in communities / An introduction to community activism / Taking action: contaminated water and elevated blood lead levels in Flint / Creating a culture of health and working with communities / Taking action: activism: a community rises / Family and sexual violence, nursing, and U.S. policy / Human trafficking: the need for nursing advocacy / Taking action: policy, politics, and advocating for medicinal cannabis use / Think globally, act locally: nursing and global health / Infectious disease in a highly connected world: nurses' role to prevent, detect, respond…”
  7. 26887
    por OECD
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Résultats, évaluation et apprentissage de l'Union européenne -- Gestion axée sur les résultats de développement -- Un nouveau cadre global de gestion axée sur les résultats de développement…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 26888
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Abnahme der politischen Legitimität nationaler Regierungen -- Multilateralismus als gegenwärtige Form globaler Gouvernanz -- Ein Vakuum globaler Gouvernanz? …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 26889
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Using named slots to delegate rendering of multiple sections -- Using scoped slots to wrap prop-passing logic -- Exercise 4.04 - Implementing a card component using named slots -- Understanding Vue refs -- Exercise 4.05 - Wrapping Countable.js in Vue application -- Using events for child-parent communication -- Registering events with &lt -- script setup&gt -- (or setup hook) -- Activity 4.01 - A local message view with reusable components -- Summary -- Chapter 5: The Composition API -- Technical requirements -- Creating components with the setup() lifecycle method -- Exercise 5.01 - creating a greeting component with setup() -- Creating a component with setup() and h() -- Exercise 5.02 - creating a dynamic greeting component with the setup() and h() functions -- Working with data -- Setting a reactive local state with ref() -- Setting a reactive local state with reactive() -- Exercise 5.03 - binding a component with ref() and reactive() -- Computing a reactive state from another local state with computed() -- Exercise 5.04 - implementing computed data with computed() -- Using watchers with watch() -- Exercise 5.05 - using watchers to set new values -- Understanding composable lifecycle functions -- Exercise 5.06 - using the lifecycle functions to control the data flow -- Creating your composable (custom hook) -- Exercise 5.07 - creating your first composable -- Activity 5.01 - creating a BlogView component with the Composition API -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Global Component Composition -- Technical requirements -- Understanding mixins -- Exercise 6.01 - creating your mixin -- Understanding plugins -- Exercise 6.02 - creating a custom Axios plugin -- Globally registering components -- Using non-SFC Vue components -- Understanding components -- Rendering dynamic components by name or component reference…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 26890
    por Li, Patrick
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Securing JIRA -- User directories -- Managing user directories -- Connecting to LDAP -- Users -- User Browser -- Adding a user -- Enabling public signup -- Enabling CAPTCHA -- Groups -- Group Browser -- Adding a group -- Editing group membership -- Deleting a group -- Project roles -- Project Role Browser -- Adding a project role type -- Editing a project role -- Deleting a project role -- Managing default members -- Assigning project role members -- JIRA permissions hierarchy -- Global permissions -- JIRA system administrator versus JIRA administrator -- Configuring global permissions -- Granting global permissions -- Revoking global permissions -- Project permissions -- Permission schemes -- Adding a permission scheme -- Editing a permission scheme -- Deleting a permission scheme -- Copying a permission scheme -- Configuring a permission scheme -- Granting a permission -- Revoking a permission -- Applying a permission scheme -- Issue security -- Issue security scheme -- Adding an issue security scheme -- Configuring an issue security scheme -- Adding a security level -- Assigning users to a security level -- Setting a default security level -- Deleting a security level -- Applying an issue security scheme -- Troubleshooting permissions -- Workflow security -- The Help Desk project -- Setting up groups -- Setting up user group association -- Setting up permission schemes…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 26891
    por Holland, Margaret B.
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Conclusions -- References -- 6: People-Land Relationships on the Path to Sustainable Food Security -- LTS and Sustainable Food Security in the Global Development Rhetoric -- Storylines and Evidence Emerge from a Look at the Literature -- Aggregate Land Scarcity Exacerbated by Population Growth, Unsustainable Land Use, and Climate Change -- Land Access and Inequality -- Incentives and Risks -- Gender -- Shocks and Hazards -- Illustrating the Case: Food Security Challenges and Patterns of Land Tenure in South Asia -- Connecting the Dots between the LTS and Food Security in South Asia -- From Global to Local: Evidence Supports Linking Efforts on LTS and Food Security -- References -- 7: A Complex Relationship: Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Land Tenure Security -- Land Tenure Security and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions -- Global Overview -- Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Tenure Security Contextualized: A Case of Zambia -- Does Weak Land Tenure Security Attract Investors in the Zambian Context? …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 26892
    por Díaz, Bárbara
    Publicado 2005
    “…Francisco de Vitoria seduce por la claridad de sus planteamientos, por su libertad intelectual y por la actualidad de sus enfoques, surgidos en un mundo que comenzaba a hacerse global bajo la indiscutida hegemonía de Carlos V. …”
  13. 26893
    por El Tiby, Amr Mohamed, 1956-
    Publicado 2011
    “…The book will cover materials about Islamic banking and also will show how each of these issues defers from the non-Islamic Banking, shading light on the effect of the global economic crisis on Islamic banks vs. conventional banks. …”
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    Libro electrónico
  14. 26894
    Publicado 2013
    “…El objetivo general es tener una visión global de los fenómenos ondulatorios, algunos de los cuales se tratarán con más detalle en módulos posteriores (las ondas acústicas en el módulo “Acústica” y las electromagnéticas en el resto de esta asignatura, con una parte concreta dedicada a la luz). …”
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    Libro electrónico
  15. 26895
    Publicado 2021
    “…Wikidata constituye una de las bases de conocimiento abierto y global más importantes y es la fuente de conocimiento de la famosa Wikipedia. …”
    Acceso desde Summa
    Acceso abierto desde Zenodo
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  16. 26896
    Publicado 2018
    “…A partir de disciplinas como la sociología, la ciencia política y el derecho, se avanza en una perspectiva global y compleja acerca de la infuencia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el campo jurídico y en el Estado…”
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    Libro electrónico
  17. 26897
    Publicado 2020
    “…Asimismo, se interesa en la interrelación entre ambos sectores y, a su vez, entre ellos, el mercado y el contexto sociopolítico tanto a nivel local como global. En sus capítulos relata y explica cómo fue la creación de la carrera de Diseño de Indumentaria y Textil en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires; la evolución del diseño textil como especialidad independiente; el vínculo que existe entre estas áreas con la producción de bienes y servicios; el valor fundamental de la figura del diseñador como un actor cultural; las lógicas que imperan en estas disciplinas y en la industria; el concepto de proyectualidad como pilar de estas carreras y, finalmente, realiza una especulación sobre cómo podrían vincularse en el futuro el diseño y la industria…”
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    Libro electrónico
  18. 26898
    Publicado 2022
    “…El Concilio Vaticano II (1962-1965) se convirtió pronto en un símbolo de la reno­vación global de la Iglesia. Inaugurado bajo el impulso profético de Juan XXIII, y llevado a término por Pablo VI, más de 2.500 Padres conciliares participaron en sus trabajos. …”
  19. 26899
    Publicado 2019
    “…Teniendo en cuenta que las redes sociales son sólo uno de los medios de comunicación social que existen, proponemos un enfoque global con el objetivo de coordinar el uso de todas las herramientas disponibles en la Web 2.0, 3.0 y 4.0 (Pinterest, Instagram, Slideshare, Snapchat, etc.). …”
    Acceso con credenciales UPSA.
    Libro electrónico
  20. 26900
    Publicado 2013
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