Mostrando 3,161 - 3,180 Resultados de 5,487 Para Buscar '"Genlis"', tiempo de consulta: 0.13s Limitar resultados
  1. 3161
    por Mauquoy, Jules
    Publicado 1936
  2. 3162
    Publicado 2001
  3. 3163
    por Fedyaniak, Sergius S. (O.S.B.)
    Publicado 1958
  4. 3164
    por Weyergans, Franz
    Publicado 1960
  5. 3165
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…8.4.1 R&D Activities from Industry and Government Agencies 217 -- 8.4.2 Academic Activities 218 -- 8.4.3 3GPP Activities in General 219 -- 8.5 3GPP Enhancement on Supporting Drones 220 -- 8.5.1 3GPP Drone Study Item and Work Item in RAN1 220 -- 8.5.2 3GPP Drone Study Item and Work Item in RAN2 223 -- 8.6 5G Challenges, Solutions, and Further Studies 225 -- 8.6.1 Challenges, New Emerging Usages, and Requirements for 5G 225 -- 8.6.2 3GPP Features Addressing These New Requirements 227 -- eMBB 227 -- URLLC 228 -- Massive Machine-Type Communications 228 -- V2X 228 -- Next Gen Core Network 229 -- Positioning 229 -- 8.6.3 Further Study Needed for Aerial Vehicles in 5G 229 -- Acronyms 231 -- References 231 -- 9 Connected Automobiles 235 /Murali Narasimha and Ana Lucia Pinheiro -- 9.1 Introduction 235 -- 9.2 Levels of Vehicle Automation 238 -- 9.3 Multi-Access Edge Computing in 5G 239 -- 9.4 Platoon-Based Driving Use Case 240 -- 9.4.1 Platoon Model 242 -- 9.4.2 Edge Computing for Platooning 249 -- 9.5 High Definition Maps Use Case 251 -- 9.5.1 HD Maps Procedures 253 -- Map Download Procedure 253 -- Map Update Procedure 254 -- 9.5.2 Edge Computing for HD Maps 257 -- 9.6 Summary 259 -- Acknowledgment 261 -- References 261 -- 10 Connected Factory 263 /Amanda Xiang and Anthony C.K. …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 3166
    por Weigend, Michael
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 1.2 Hardware‌ und Software‌ -- 1.3 Programm als Algorithmus -- 1.4 Syntax und Semantik -- 1.5 Interpreter‌ und Compiler‌ -- 1.6 Programmierparadi‌gmen -- 1.7 ‌Objektorientierte‌ Programmierung -- 1.7.1 Strukturelle Zerlegung -- 1.7.2 Die Welt als System von Objekten -- 1.7.3 Objekte besitzen Attribute und beherrschen Methode‌n -- 1.7.4 Objekte sind Instanz‌en von Klasse‌n -- 1.8 Hintergrund: Geschichte der objektorientierten Programmierung -- 1.9 Aufgaben -- 1.10 Lösungen -- Kapitel 2: Der Einstieg - Python im interaktiven Modus‌‌ -- 2.1 Python installieren -- 2.2 Python im interaktiven Modus‌‌ -- 2.2.1 Start des Python-Interpreter‌s in einem Konsolenfenster -- 2.2.2 Die IDLE-Shell‌ -- 2.2.3 Die ersten Python-Befehle ausprobieren -- 2.2.4 Hotkeys -- 2.3 Objekt‌e -- 2.4 Name‌‌n -- 2.5 Hintergrund: Syntax-Regeln für Bezeichner -- 2.6 Schlüsselwörter -- 2.7 Anweisung‌en -- 2.7.1 Ausdruckanweisung‌en -- 2.7.2 Impor‌t-Anweisungen -- 2.7.3 Zuweisun‌gen -- 2.7.4 Erweiterte Zuweisungen -- 2.7.5 Hintergrund: Dynamische Typisierung‌ -- 2.8 Aufgaben -- 2.9 Lösungen -- Kapitel 3: Python-Skript‌e -- 3.1 Ausprobieren, nachmachen, besser machen! …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 3167
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.4.6 BOR constraints for non-singular expressions -- 4.4.7 Cause-effect graphs and predicate testing -- 4.4.8 Fault propagation -- 4.4.9 Predicate testing in practice -- 4.5 Tests Using Basis Paths -- 4.6 Scenarios and Tests -- Summary -- Exercises -- Chapter 5: Test Generation from Finite State Models -- 5.1 Software Design and Testing -- 5.2 Finite State Machines -- 5.2.1 Excitation using an input sequence -- 5.2.2 Tabular representation -- 5.2.3 Properties of FSM -- 5.3 Conformance Testing -- 5.3.1 Reset inputs -- 5.3.2 The testing problem -- 5.4 A Fault Model -- 5.4.1 Mutants of FSMs -- 5.4.2 Fault coverage -- 5.5 Characterization Set -- 5.5.1 Construction of the k-equivalence partitions -- 5.5.2 Deriving the characterization set -- 5.5.3 Identification sets -- 5.6 The W-method -- 5.6.1 Assumptions -- 5.6.2 Maximum number of states -- 5.6.3 Computation of the transition cover set -- 5.6.4 Constructing Z -- 5.6.5 Deriving a test set -- 5.6.6 Testing using the W-method -- 5.6.7 The error detection process -- 5.7 The Partial W-method -- 5.7.1 Testing using the Wp-method for m - n -- 5.7.2 Testing using the Wp-method for m>n -- 5.8 The UIO-Sequence Method -- 5.8.1 Assumptions -- 5.8.2 UIO sequences -- 5.8.3 Core and non-core behavior -- 5.8.4 Generation of UIO sequences -- 5.8.5 Explanation of gen-uio -- 5.8.6 Distinguishing signatures -- 5.8.7 Test generation -- 5.8.8 Test optimization -- 5.8.9 Fault detection -- 5.9 Automata Theoretic Versus Control-Flow Based Techniques -- 5.9.1 n-switch-cover -- 5.9.2 Comparing automata theoretic methods -- 5.10 Tools -- Summary -- Exercises -- Chapter 6: Test Generation from Combinatorial Designs -- 6.1 Combinatorial Designs -- 6.1.1 Test configuration and test set -- 6.1.2 Modeling the input and configuration spaces -- 6.2 A Combinatorial Test Design Process -- 6.3 Fault Model -- 6.3.1 Fault vectors…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 3168
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…9.1.3 Why Testing Assumptions Can Be Unsatisfactory -- 9.1.4 Interpreting Student's T When It Rejects -- 9.1.5 Dealing with Unequal Variances: Welch's Test -- 9.1.6 R Function t.test -- 9.1.7 Student's T versus Welch's Test -- 9.1.8 The Impact of Outliers When Comparing Means -- 9.2 Comparing Medians -- 9.2.1 A Method Based on the McKean-Schrader Estimator -- 9.2.2 A Percentile Bootstrap Method -- 9.2.3 R Functions msmed, medpb2, split, and fac2list -- 9.2.4 An Important Issue: The Choice of Method can Matter -- 9.3 Comparing Trimmed Means -- 9.3.1 R Functions yuen, yuenbt, and trimpb2 -- 9.3.2 Skipped Measures of Location and Deleting Outliers -- 9.3.3 R Function pb2gen -- 9.4 Tukey's Three-Decision Rule -- 9.5 Comparing Variances -- 9.5.1 R Function comvar2 -- 9.6 Rank-Based (Nonparametric) Methods -- 9.6.1 Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test -- 9.6.2 R Function wmw -- 9.6.3 Handling Heteroscedasticity -- 9.6.4 R Functions cid and cidv2 -- 9.7 Measuring Effect Size -- 9.7.1 Cohen's d -- 9.7.2 Concerns about Cohen's d and How They Might Be Addressed -- 9.7.3 R Functions akp.effect, yuenv2, and med.effect -- 9.8 Plotting Data -- 9.8.1 R Functions ebarplot,, g2plot, and boxplot -- 9.9 Comparing Quantiles -- 9.9.1 R Function qcomhd -- 9.10 Comparing Two Binomial Distributions -- 9.10.1 Improved Methods -- 9.10.2 R Functions twobinom and twobicipv -- 9.11 A Method for Discrete or Categorical Data -- 9.11.1 R Functions disc2com, binband, and splotg2 -- 9.12 Comparing Regression Lines -- 9.12.1 Classic ANCOVA -- 9.12.2 R Function CLASSanc -- 9.12.3 Heteroscedastic Methods for Comparing the Slopes and Intercepts -- 9.12.4 R Functions olsJ2 and ols2ci -- 9.12.5 Dealing with Outliers among the Dependent Variable -- 9.12.6 R Functions reg2ci, ancGpar, and reg2plot -- 9.12.7 A Closer Look at Comparing Nonparallel Regression Lines -- 9.12.8 R Function ancJN…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 3169
    por Amberg, Eric
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Inhaltsübersicht -- Teil I - Grundlagen und Arbeitsumgebung -- Teil II - Informationsbeschaffung -- Teil III - Systeme angreifen -- Teil IV - Netzwerk- und sonstige Angriffe -- Teil V - Web-Hacking -- Teil VI - Angriffe auf WLAN und Next-Gen-Technologien -- Aktualität der Inhalte -- Die Webseite zum Buch -- Worauf warten Sie noch? …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 3170
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover -- 5G IoT and Edge Computing for Smart Healthcare -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of contributors -- 1 Edge-IoMT-based enabled architecture for smart healthcare system -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Applications of an IoMT-based system in the healthcare industry -- 1.3 Application of edge computing in smart healthcare systems -- 1.4 Challenges of using edge computing with IoMT-based system in smart healthcare system -- 1.5 The framework for edge-IoMT-based smart healthcare system -- 1.6 Case study for the application of edge-IoMT-based systems enabled for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus -- 1.6.1 Experimental results -- 1.7 Future prospects of edge computing for internet of medical things -- 1.8 Conclusions and future research directions -- References -- 2 Physical layer architecture of 5G enabled IoT/IoMT system -- 2.1 Architecture of IoT/IoMT system -- 2.1.1 Sensor layer -- 2.1.2 Gateway layer -- 2.1.3 Network layer -- 2.1.4 Visualization layer -- 2.2 Consideration of uplink healthcare IoT system relying on NOMA -- 2.2.1 Introduction -- 2.2.2 System model -- 2.2.3 Outage probability for UL NOMA -- Outage probability of x1 -- Outage probability of X2 -- Asymptotic -- 2.2.4 Ergodic capacity of UL NOMA -- 2.2.5 Numerical results and discussions -- 2.3 Conclusions -- References -- 3 HetNet/M2M/D2D communication in 5G technologies -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Heterogenous networks in the era of 5G -- 3.2.1 5G mobile communication standards and enhanced features -- 3.2.2 5G heterogeneous network architecture -- 3.2.3 Intelligent software defined network framework of 5G HetNets -- 3.2.4 Next-Gen 5G wireless network -- 3.2.5 Internet of Things toward 5G and heterogenous wireless networks -- 3.2.6 5G-HetNet H-CRAN fronthaul and TWDM-PON backhaul: QoS-aware virtualization for resource management…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 3171
    por Mathur, Aditya P.
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Generation of UIO sequences -- Explanation of gen-UIO -- 3.8.5. Distinguishing signatures -- 3.8.6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 3172
    por Filelfo, Francesco
    Publicado 1428
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….: Iure quidem Pallas te Florentina uocare / felicem rerique solet gens inclyta diuis (h . 54 r.) . 25 . Francisci Philelfi Satyra ad Franciscum Beninum (h . 56 v.-58 v.) . vv.: Fare animi pars magna mei pro munere tanto / quid francisce tibi referam? …”
  13. 3173
    Publicado 1920
  14. 3174
  15. 3175
  16. 3176
  17. 3177
    por González Ortiz, Juan José
    Publicado 2011
    Accés lliure
  18. 3178
  19. 3179
  20. 3180
    Publicado 2007
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