Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Ensenyament 379
- Mss 291
- Educació 211
- Educació infantil 194
- Revistes 168
- Experiències 138
- Personajes célebres 129
- Historia 124
- Música 105
- Educació primària 81
- Educació física 80
- History 79
- Biblia 71
- Artificial intelligence 70
- Matemàtica 70
- Derecho 69
- Història 64
- Mestres 63
- Derecho internacional 62
- Infants 50
- Llenguatge i llengües 50
- Escoles bressol 49
- Escoles 47
- Educació infantil (Primer cicle) 44
- Intervius 44
- Bíblia 43
- Formació 42
- Innovacions 42
- Lectura 42
- Avaluació educativa 37
3165Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…8.4.1 R&D Activities from Industry and Government Agencies 217 -- 8.4.2 Academic Activities 218 -- 8.4.3 3GPP Activities in General 219 -- 8.5 3GPP Enhancement on Supporting Drones 220 -- 8.5.1 3GPP Drone Study Item and Work Item in RAN1 220 -- 8.5.2 3GPP Drone Study Item and Work Item in RAN2 223 -- 8.6 5G Challenges, Solutions, and Further Studies 225 -- 8.6.1 Challenges, New Emerging Usages, and Requirements for 5G 225 -- 8.6.2 3GPP Features Addressing These New Requirements 227 -- eMBB 227 -- URLLC 228 -- Massive Machine-Type Communications 228 -- V2X 228 -- Next Gen Core Network 229 -- Positioning 229 -- 8.6.3 Further Study Needed for Aerial Vehicles in 5G 229 -- Acronyms 231 -- References 231 -- 9 Connected Automobiles 235 /Murali Narasimha and Ana Lucia Pinheiro -- 9.1 Introduction 235 -- 9.2 Levels of Vehicle Automation 238 -- 9.3 Multi-Access Edge Computing in 5G 239 -- 9.4 Platoon-Based Driving Use Case 240 -- 9.4.1 Platoon Model 242 -- 9.4.2 Edge Computing for Platooning 249 -- 9.5 High Definition Maps Use Case 251 -- 9.5.1 HD Maps Procedures 253 -- Map Download Procedure 253 -- Map Update Procedure 254 -- 9.5.2 Edge Computing for HD Maps 257 -- 9.6 Summary 259 -- Acknowledgment 261 -- References 261 -- 10 Connected Factory 263 /Amanda Xiang and Anthony C.K. …”
Libro electrónico -
3166por Weigend, MichaelTabla de Contenidos: “…-- 1.2 Hardware und Software -- 1.3 Programm als Algorithmus -- 1.4 Syntax und Semantik -- 1.5 Interpreter und Compiler -- 1.6 Programmierparadigmen -- 1.7 Objektorientierte Programmierung -- 1.7.1 Strukturelle Zerlegung -- 1.7.2 Die Welt als System von Objekten -- 1.7.3 Objekte besitzen Attribute und beherrschen Methoden -- 1.7.4 Objekte sind Instanzen von Klassen -- 1.8 Hintergrund: Geschichte der objektorientierten Programmierung -- 1.9 Aufgaben -- 1.10 Lösungen -- Kapitel 2: Der Einstieg - Python im interaktiven Modus -- 2.1 Python installieren -- 2.2 Python im interaktiven Modus -- 2.2.1 Start des Python-Interpreters in einem Konsolenfenster -- 2.2.2 Die IDLE-Shell -- 2.2.3 Die ersten Python-Befehle ausprobieren -- 2.2.4 Hotkeys -- 2.3 Objekte -- 2.4 Namen -- 2.5 Hintergrund: Syntax-Regeln für Bezeichner -- 2.6 Schlüsselwörter -- 2.7 Anweisungen -- 2.7.1 Ausdruckanweisungen -- 2.7.2 Import-Anweisungen -- 2.7.3 Zuweisungen -- 2.7.4 Erweiterte Zuweisungen -- 2.7.5 Hintergrund: Dynamische Typisierung -- 2.8 Aufgaben -- 2.9 Lösungen -- Kapitel 3: Python-Skripte -- 3.1 Ausprobieren, nachmachen, besser machen! …”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
3167Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.4.6 BOR constraints for non-singular expressions -- 4.4.7 Cause-effect graphs and predicate testing -- 4.4.8 Fault propagation -- 4.4.9 Predicate testing in practice -- 4.5 Tests Using Basis Paths -- 4.6 Scenarios and Tests -- Summary -- Exercises -- Chapter 5: Test Generation from Finite State Models -- 5.1 Software Design and Testing -- 5.2 Finite State Machines -- 5.2.1 Excitation using an input sequence -- 5.2.2 Tabular representation -- 5.2.3 Properties of FSM -- 5.3 Conformance Testing -- 5.3.1 Reset inputs -- 5.3.2 The testing problem -- 5.4 A Fault Model -- 5.4.1 Mutants of FSMs -- 5.4.2 Fault coverage -- 5.5 Characterization Set -- 5.5.1 Construction of the k-equivalence partitions -- 5.5.2 Deriving the characterization set -- 5.5.3 Identification sets -- 5.6 The W-method -- 5.6.1 Assumptions -- 5.6.2 Maximum number of states -- 5.6.3 Computation of the transition cover set -- 5.6.4 Constructing Z -- 5.6.5 Deriving a test set -- 5.6.6 Testing using the W-method -- 5.6.7 The error detection process -- 5.7 The Partial W-method -- 5.7.1 Testing using the Wp-method for m - n -- 5.7.2 Testing using the Wp-method for m>n -- 5.8 The UIO-Sequence Method -- 5.8.1 Assumptions -- 5.8.2 UIO sequences -- 5.8.3 Core and non-core behavior -- 5.8.4 Generation of UIO sequences -- 5.8.5 Explanation of gen-uio -- 5.8.6 Distinguishing signatures -- 5.8.7 Test generation -- 5.8.8 Test optimization -- 5.8.9 Fault detection -- 5.9 Automata Theoretic Versus Control-Flow Based Techniques -- 5.9.1 n-switch-cover -- 5.9.2 Comparing automata theoretic methods -- 5.10 Tools -- Summary -- Exercises -- Chapter 6: Test Generation from Combinatorial Designs -- 6.1 Combinatorial Designs -- 6.1.1 Test configuration and test set -- 6.1.2 Modeling the input and configuration spaces -- 6.2 A Combinatorial Test Design Process -- 6.3 Fault Model -- 6.3.1 Fault vectors…”
Libro electrónico -
3168Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…9.1.3 Why Testing Assumptions Can Be Unsatisfactory -- 9.1.4 Interpreting Student's T When It Rejects -- 9.1.5 Dealing with Unequal Variances: Welch's Test -- 9.1.6 R Function t.test -- 9.1.7 Student's T versus Welch's Test -- 9.1.8 The Impact of Outliers When Comparing Means -- 9.2 Comparing Medians -- 9.2.1 A Method Based on the McKean-Schrader Estimator -- 9.2.2 A Percentile Bootstrap Method -- 9.2.3 R Functions msmed, medpb2, split, and fac2list -- 9.2.4 An Important Issue: The Choice of Method can Matter -- 9.3 Comparing Trimmed Means -- 9.3.1 R Functions yuen, yuenbt, and trimpb2 -- 9.3.2 Skipped Measures of Location and Deleting Outliers -- 9.3.3 R Function pb2gen -- 9.4 Tukey's Three-Decision Rule -- 9.5 Comparing Variances -- 9.5.1 R Function comvar2 -- 9.6 Rank-Based (Nonparametric) Methods -- 9.6.1 Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test -- 9.6.2 R Function wmw -- 9.6.3 Handling Heteroscedasticity -- 9.6.4 R Functions cid and cidv2 -- 9.7 Measuring Effect Size -- 9.7.1 Cohen's d -- 9.7.2 Concerns about Cohen's d and How They Might Be Addressed -- 9.7.3 R Functions akp.effect, yuenv2, and med.effect -- 9.8 Plotting Data -- 9.8.1 R Functions ebarplot,, g2plot, and boxplot -- 9.9 Comparing Quantiles -- 9.9.1 R Function qcomhd -- 9.10 Comparing Two Binomial Distributions -- 9.10.1 Improved Methods -- 9.10.2 R Functions twobinom and twobicipv -- 9.11 A Method for Discrete or Categorical Data -- 9.11.1 R Functions disc2com, binband, and splotg2 -- 9.12 Comparing Regression Lines -- 9.12.1 Classic ANCOVA -- 9.12.2 R Function CLASSanc -- 9.12.3 Heteroscedastic Methods for Comparing the Slopes and Intercepts -- 9.12.4 R Functions olsJ2 and ols2ci -- 9.12.5 Dealing with Outliers among the Dependent Variable -- 9.12.6 R Functions reg2ci, ancGpar, and reg2plot -- 9.12.7 A Closer Look at Comparing Nonparallel Regression Lines -- 9.12.8 R Function ancJN…”
Libro electrónico -
3169por Amberg, EricTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Inhaltsübersicht -- Teil I - Grundlagen und Arbeitsumgebung -- Teil II - Informationsbeschaffung -- Teil III - Systeme angreifen -- Teil IV - Netzwerk- und sonstige Angriffe -- Teil V - Web-Hacking -- Teil VI - Angriffe auf WLAN und Next-Gen-Technologien -- Aktualität der Inhalte -- Die Webseite zum Buch -- Worauf warten Sie noch? …”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico -
3170Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover -- 5G IoT and Edge Computing for Smart Healthcare -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of contributors -- 1 Edge-IoMT-based enabled architecture for smart healthcare system -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Applications of an IoMT-based system in the healthcare industry -- 1.3 Application of edge computing in smart healthcare systems -- 1.4 Challenges of using edge computing with IoMT-based system in smart healthcare system -- 1.5 The framework for edge-IoMT-based smart healthcare system -- 1.6 Case study for the application of edge-IoMT-based systems enabled for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus -- 1.6.1 Experimental results -- 1.7 Future prospects of edge computing for internet of medical things -- 1.8 Conclusions and future research directions -- References -- 2 Physical layer architecture of 5G enabled IoT/IoMT system -- 2.1 Architecture of IoT/IoMT system -- 2.1.1 Sensor layer -- 2.1.2 Gateway layer -- 2.1.3 Network layer -- 2.1.4 Visualization layer -- 2.2 Consideration of uplink healthcare IoT system relying on NOMA -- 2.2.1 Introduction -- 2.2.2 System model -- 2.2.3 Outage probability for UL NOMA -- Outage probability of x1 -- Outage probability of X2 -- Asymptotic -- 2.2.4 Ergodic capacity of UL NOMA -- 2.2.5 Numerical results and discussions -- 2.3 Conclusions -- References -- 3 HetNet/M2M/D2D communication in 5G technologies -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Heterogenous networks in the era of 5G -- 3.2.1 5G mobile communication standards and enhanced features -- 3.2.2 5G heterogeneous network architecture -- 3.2.3 Intelligent software defined network framework of 5G HetNets -- 3.2.4 Next-Gen 5G wireless network -- 3.2.5 Internet of Things toward 5G and heterogenous wireless networks -- 3.2.6 5G-HetNet H-CRAN fronthaul and TWDM-PON backhaul: QoS-aware virtualization for resource management…”
Libro electrónico -
3171por Mathur, Aditya P.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Generation of UIO sequences -- Explanation of gen-UIO -- 3.8.5. Distinguishing signatures -- 3.8.6. …”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
3172por Filelfo, FrancescoTabla de Contenidos: “….: Iure quidem Pallas te Florentina uocare / felicem rerique solet gens inclyta diuis (h . 54 r.) . 25 . Francisci Philelfi Satyra ad Franciscum Beninum (h . 56 v.-58 v.) . vv.: Fare animi pars magna mei pro munere tanto / quid francisce tibi referam? …”
Publicado 1428
Manuscrito -