Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Development 95
- Application software 88
- Java (Computer program language) 75
- Análisis factorial 51
- History 46
- Management 44
- Computer software 41
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 38
- Data processing 31
- Python (Computer program language) 30
- Computer programming 29
- Cloud computing 28
- Object-oriented programming (Computer science) 28
- JavaScript (Computer program language) 26
- Web site development 26
- Computer Science 25
- Microsoft .NET Framework 23
- Technological innovations 23
- Programming 22
- Programming languages (Electronic computers) 20
- Psicología 20
- Web applications 20
- Software patterns 19
- Automation 18
- Software engineering 18
- e 17
- libro digital 17
- libro electrónico 17
- libros electrónicos 17
- Testing 17
1501Publicado 2007“…Major topics include Geometry Light and Shadows Rendering Image Effects Physics Simulation GPU Computing Contributors are from the following corporations and universities: 3Dfacto Adobe Systems Apple Budapest University of Technology and Economics CGGVeritas The Chinese University of Hong Kong Cornell University Crytek Czech Technical University in Prague Dartmouth College Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment Eindhoven University of Technology Electronic Arts Havok Helsinki University of Technology Imperial College London Infinity Ward Juniper Networks LaBRI–INRIA, University of Bordeaux mental images Microsoft Research Move Interactive NCsoft Corporation NVIDIA Corporation Perpetual Entertainment Playlogic Game Factory Polytime Rainbow Studios SEGA Corporation UFRGS (Brazil) Ulm University University of California, Davis University of Central Florida University of Copenhagen University of Girona University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of North Carolina Chapel Hill University of Tokyo University of Waterloo Section Editors include NVIDIA engineers: Cyril Zeller, Evan Hart, Ignacio Castaño, Kevin Bjorke, Kevin Myers, and Nolan Goodnight. …”
Libro electrónico -
1502Publicado 2021“…Authenticity methodologies will avoid adulteration but will also aid the control of accidental contaminations, e.g., in factories, where several oils are produced or used at the same time, or cross-contaminations…”
Libro electrónico -
1503Publicado 2009“…Coverage includes Designing services with UML, sharing designs via HTML files, and transforming designs to and from Java with IBM Rational Software Architect Creating services with IBM Rational Application Developer, and deploying them with IBM WebSphere Application Server Implementing effective service governance with IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Integrating existing services into new business processes with IBM WebSphere Integration Developer and IBM WebSphere Process Server Connecting services with IBM WebSphere Message Broker Developing, testing, deploying, and managing portlets with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory and IBM WebSphere Portal Systematically securing services with IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager…”
Libro electrónico -
1504por Sharan, Kishori. author“…It discusses how to use the RowSetFactory, to obtain a RowSet object of a specific type. …”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
1505Publicado 2016“…Importantly, contrary to the usual assumption that the bacterial aggregates formed during protein production are totally inactive, the presence of a fraction of molecules in a native-like structure in these assemblies endorse them with a certain degree of biological activity, a property that is allowing the use of bacteria as factories to produce new functional materials and catalysts. …”
Libro electrónico -
1506por Singer, Adam B. author“…Explore the abstract factory pattern as we design a cross-platform plugin infrastructure for making the calculator extensible. …”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -
1507Publicado 2008“…This book Illuminates the tradeoffs associated with testing, so you can make better decisions about what and how to test Introduces TestNG, explains its goals and features, and shows how to apply them in real-world environments Shows how to integrate TestNG with your existing code, development frameworks, and software libraries Demonstrates how to test crucial code features, such as encapsulation, state sharing, scopes, and thread safety Shows how to test application elements, including JavaEE APIs, databases, Web pages, and XML files Presents advanced techniques: testing partial failures, factories, dependent testing, remote invocation, cluster-based test farms, and more Walks through installing and using TestNG plug-ins for Eclipse, and IDEA Contains extensive code examples Whether you use TestNG, JUnit, or another testing framework, the testing design patterns presented in this book will show you how to improve your tests by giving you concrete advice on how to make your code and your design more testable…”
Libro electrónico -
1508Publicado 2006“…Topics include: The basics of XML, including DTDs, namespaces, XML Schema, XPath, and Transformations The SAX API, including all handlers, filters, and writers The DOM API, including DOM Level 2, Level 3, and the DOM HTML module The JDOM API, including the core and a look at XPath support The StAX API, including StAX factories, producing documents and XMLPull Data Binding with JAXB, using the new JAXB 2.0 annotations Web syndication and podcasting with RSS XML on the Presentation Layer, paying attention to Ajax and Flash applications If you are developing with Java and need to use XML, or think that you will be in the future; if you're involved in the new peer-to-peer movement, messaging, or web services; or if you're developing software for electronic commerce, Java and XML will be an indispensable companion…”
Libro electrónico -
1509por Costa Tutusaus, Lluís“…La fiabilitat del qüestionari va ser est=0,69, i l'anàlisi factorial va permetre extreure 5 components: Alimentació, Activitat Física, Hàbits Tòxics, Ús racional de l'oci tecnològic i Higiene. …”
Publicado 2014
Accés lliure
Tesis -
1510Publicado 2017“…Robots can climb stairs, open doors, win Jeopardy, analyze stocks, work in factories, find parking spaces, advise oncologists. …”
Libro electrónico -
1511por Grissom, Robert J.“…A prerequisite of introductory statistics through factorial analysis of variance and chi-square is recommended"--…”
Publicado 2012
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
1512Publicado 2004“…He began manufacturing lamps at a factory in Menlo Park. At the end of 1880, Edison was ready to move his system into commercial production and made plans to produce other components in New York. …”
Libro electrónico -
1513por Pitt, Esmond“…All you need to know about: understanding RMI in the context of Java and object-oriented programming using RMI to create applications in networked environments ranging from LANs to the Internet mastering serialization, remote interfaces, clients, the RMI registry, servers, security, and mobile code applying advanced concepts e.g. activation, socket factories, Internet firewalls, distributed garbage collection, and design patterns working with alternatives or extensions to the standard RMI implementation e.g., JNDI naming services and CORBA IIOP. …”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
1514por Valls Vidal, Clara“…En primer lloc, s'obtenen les propietats psicomètriques d'una bateria de tests per a mesurar els constructes Individuació amb la Mare (IM), Individuació amb el Pare (IP) i Patrons Familiars Disfuncionals (PFD) en una mostra de 501 joves adults de Barcelona. Les anàlisis factorials mostren una estructura de quatre factors per a cadascun dels constructes: Connexió, Autonomia, Obertura y Por a perdre l'amor per a IM, Connexió, Autonomia, Intrusió y Por a perdre l'amor per a IP y Sentir-se atrapat, Pressió parental, Cura injusta y Sentiment d'abandó per a PFD. …”
Publicado 2015
Accés lliure
Tesis -
1515Publicado 2020“…Part II covers: elements of reliability theory, data mining, cluster analysis, analysis of categorical data, nonparametric tests, simple and multiple linear regression analysis, analysis of variance, factorial designs, response surfaces, and statistical quality control (SQC) including phase I and phase II control charts. …”
Libro electrónico -
1516Publicado 2017“…Master Excel’s most useful descriptive and inferential statistical tools Understand how values cluster together or disperse, and how variables move or classify jointly Tell the truth with statistics—and recognize when others don’t Infer a population’s characteristics from a sample’s frequency distribution Explore correlation and regression to learn how variables move in tandem Use Excel consistency functions such as STDEV.S( ) and STDEV.P( ) Test differences between two means using z tests, t tests, and Excel’s Data Analysis Add-in Identify skewed distributions using Excel’s new built-in box-and-whisker plots and histograms Evaluate statistical power and control risk Explore how randomized block and split plot designs alter the derivation of F-ratios Use coded multiple regression analysis to perform ANOVA with unbalanced factorial designs Analyze covariance with ANCOVA, and properly use multiple covariance Take advantage of Recommended PivotTables, Quick Analysis, and other Excel 2016 shortcuts…”
Libro electrónico -
1517Publicado 2020“…Furthermore, the book explores useful patterns and delves into the implementation of many idioms, including pimpl, named parameter, and attorney-client, teaching techniques such as avoiding repetition with the factory pattern. There is also a chapter dedicated to unit testing, where you are introduced to three of the most widely used libraries for C++: Boost.Test, Google Test, and Catch2. …”
Libro electrónico -
1518por Adler, Aurélie“…To walk in the path of the industrial and rural working-class memory, to explore the new fields of tertiary employment, to survey and reinvent the languages that shape the factory and the company: such have often been the aims of fictional or documentary texts on labor since the 1980s. …”
Publicado 2019
Electrónico -
1519Publicado 2017“…It also demonstrates the final product--a Pie Factory that you interact with through a web browser. …”
1520Publicado 2019“…Data management and integration is an integral part of this book that discusses options for implementing OLTP solutions using Azure SQL, Big Data solutions using Azure Data factory and Data Lake Storage, eventing solutions using stream analytics, and Event Hubs. …”
Libro electrónico