Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- -Historia 14
- Historia 11
- History 8
- Politics 7
- Biblia 6
- Culture 6
- Dialogos griegos 6
- Filosofía griega 6
- Història 6
- Teología 6
- Historia de las doctrinas 4
- Political Science 4
- Bíblia 3
- Cartujos 3
- Dios 3
- Germany 3
- Humanities 3
- Marxisme 3
- Socialismo 3
- Universität Erfurt 3
- -Concilio Vaticano II 2
- -Historia de la Iglesia 2
- Aesthetics 2
- Anerkennung 2
- Apologética 2
- Art 2
- Biografia 2
- Biographia 2
- Civil Society 2
- Comunisme 2
186Publicado 2020Electrónico
188Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 5 Case Study 3: ConnectKirche Erfurt -- Overview of Research at ConnectKirche Erfurt -- Local Context of ConnectKirche Erfurt -- History of ConnectKirche Erfurt -- Observation of a Worship Service -- Transmission -- Encouraged Individual Transmission -- Committed to Corporate Transmission -- Engaged with Biblical Message -- Moved by Spiritual Experiences -- Translation -- Attracted by Translated Programs -- Related through Translated Communication -- Drawn by Community Dynamics -- (Not) Affected by Pentecostal Translation -- Turnaround -- Presented Conversion Intelligibly -- Provided Opportunities for Decision-Making -- Affirmed Point and Process -- Connected Conversion and Discipleship -- Transformation -- Implemented Deep Discipleship -- Pursued Scripture Formation -- Embraced Social Action -- Changed by Spiritual or Pentecostal Application -- Retransmission -- Communicating the Value of Retransmission -- Training in Retransmission -- Provided Opportunities for Retransmission -- Summary of Diffusional Themes -- Transmission -- Translation -- Turnaround -- Transformation -- Retransmission -- Chapter 6 Cross-case Analysis -- Multi-Faceted Transmission: Engaged with the Multi-Faceted Transmission of the Christian Message -- Versatile Propagation -- Encouraged Individual Transmission -- Committed to Corporate Transmission -- Biblical Dissemination -- Moved by Spiritual Experiences* -- Caring Translation: Related through Careful Translation in a Loving Community -- Careful Translation -- Attracted by Translated Programs -- Related through Translated Communication -- Loving Community -- (Not) Affected by Pentecostal Translation* -- Clear Turnaround: Enabled Conversion through Clear Invitations into Discipleship -- Clear Invitations -- Presented Conversion Intelligibly -- Provided Opportunities for Decision-Making -- Explicit Discipleship…”
Libro electrónico -
191Libro electrónico
193Publicado 2007Libro
194Libro electrónico
195Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Geschlechter- und diversityfreundliche Mediengestaltung in technischen Bereichen / Integration von Gender und Diversity-Aspekten in die Informatik-Lehre - Ausgewählte Beispiele der FH Erfurt und der TU Ilmenau / V. Nutzungsgruppen und Geschlecht -- Eine andere User Experience: Menschen mit depressiven Erkrankungen / Assessing the influence of gender towards the adoption of technology-enabled self-service systems in retail environments / VI. …”
Libro electrónico -
196por Brita, AntonellaTabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction -- Manuscripts for Performances -- Making and Using Manuscripts in Theatre: The Material Dynamics of Two Nineteenth- Century Nathan der Weise Prompt Books -- Performative Aspects of Assyrian Celestial Divination and Babylonian Astronomical Diaries -- Pocket-Sized Liturgy: A Fifteenth-Century Breviary from the Abbey of San Zeno Maggiore -- Performing Multiplications Beyond the Text of Some Sanskrit Mathematical Commentaries -- A Bibliophile Performing Eclipse Computations: Lewis Caerleon and His Notebook -- Manuscripts in Performances -- Medieval Music Rolls, Scribes and Performance: The Extant Rolls of Thirteenth- Century English Polyphony -- Astronomical Computation as a Performance: Determining Planetary Positions with the Manuscript Erfurt, Angermuseum, 3134 -- The 'Orchestration' of Manuscripts: Ottonian Gospel Books from Bamberg Cathedral and Their Liturgical Use -- Reading the Psalms: The Relationship between Visual Organisation and Ritual in Medieval Latin Psalter Manuscripts -- The Use of Anisong Manuscripts at Funerals in Northern Thailand and Laos -- Manuscripts as Performers -- The Palace as 'Theatre of Knowledge': Performing with Manuscripts in the Alfonsine Court -- Performing (with) Multiple-Text Manuscripts in the Making of the Ethiopian Sainthood: Matter and Devotion in Ethiopia between the Fourteenth Century and the Present Time -- Performing Renga with Manuscripts -- Liturgical Practice in the Light of Medieval Liturgical Books -- Objects or Actors? …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
197Publicado 2021Biblioteca del Seminario Diocesano de Vitoria-Gasteiz (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro
198Publicado 2015Electrónico
199por Langemeyer, Ines Prof. DrTabla de Contenidos: “…Perspektiven auf Erfolg und Risiken von Bürgerinitiativen und ehrenamtlicher Partizipation (Tialda Haartsen / Dirk Strijker) -- Raum für Teilhabe in Erfurter Großsiedlungen? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Narrationen über Partizipation in Stadtplanungsprozessen (Frank Eckardt / Franziska Werner) -- Poststrukturalistische Perspektiven auf Partizipation und Raum: Interobjektive und -subjektive Verräumlichungen am Beispiel von Busgeschichten (Susanne-Verena Schwarz) -- Angaben zu den Autorinnen und Autoren -- U4…”
Publicado 2018
Electrónico -