Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Aardwetenschappen 1
- Aesthetics 1
- Antenes (Electrònica) 1
- Arquitectura del paisatge 1
- Art 1
- Ciutats 1
- Computer Science 1
- Coordenades geogràfiques 1
- Cultural Studies 1
- Deleuze, Gilles 1
- Earth sciences 1
- Education, Higher 1
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1
- Environmental aspects 1
- Environmental monitoring 1
- Espais públics 1
- Ethics 1
- Factory and trade waste 1
- Filosofía de la ciencia 1
- Finance 1
- Foucault, Michel 1
- Frans Halsmuseum (Haarlem, Països Baixos) 1
- French History of Philosophy 1
- Historia 1
- Història 1
- Història de la impremta 1
- Impremta 1
- Informática 1
- Jardins 1
- Körper; Macht; Ethik; Kunst; Ästhetik; Politik; Philosophie des Körpers; Französische Philosophiegeschichte; Kulturwissenschaft; Philosophie; Body; Power; Ethics; Art; Aesthetics; Politics; Philosophy of Body; French History of Philosophy; Cultural Studies; Philosophy 1
21Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.2 Trader Activities and Pollution Risks -- 4.2.1 Activities and pollution risks - desktop study -- 4.2.2 Prioritisation of risk areas -- 4.2.3 Verification through site visits -- 4.3 Normalisation of Risks -- 4.4 Derived Site Management Responses for the Identified Residual Risks -- 4.4.1 Surface Water Action Plan -- 4.4.2 SUDS retrofit measures -- 4.5 Relative Contribution to Wider Catchment Pollution -- 4.6 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 5: Green industry concept and practices -- 5.1 Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainable Industry -- 5.2 Green Industry Concept -- 5.3 Green Industry Practices -- 5.3.1 Environmental accounting (EA) -- 5.3.2 Eco-industrial park (EIP) -- Planning the new industrial park -- Transforming existing industrial parks -- 5.3.3 Stormwater management -- 5.4 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 6: The restructuring of industrial estates in the Netherlands: The use of a new decision support model for a process analysis of the inner harbor area of Enschede -- 6.1 A Major Challenge for Society -- 6.2 A 'Real Life' Example: Restructuring of an Industrial Estate in the Harbor of the City of Enschede -- 6.2.1 A brief introduction to the city and the industrial estate -- 6.2.2 A growing sense of a need to act, and the first restructuring activities -- 6.2.3 Lack of progress and desired results -- 6.3 Developing an Overview and an Understanding: A Question-Based Process Decision Support Model -- 6.3.1 Complex decision-making taking place in arenas -- 6.3.2 A process model for supporting practitioners in their decision-making -- 6.4 The Application of the Decision Support Model to the Inner Harbor Area of Enschede -- 6.4.1 Initial design should focus on interests and involvement of actors -- 6.4.2 Outcomes of the first session: Rich information, but lack of completeness and overview…”
Libro electrónico -
22Publicado 2017Libro electrónico
23Publicado 2018“…Er absolvierte das Studium Jazzgesang der Glen Buschmann Jazzakademie in Dortmund und besuchte das Konservatorium der Hogeschool Enschede (NL). Kaiser arbeitet heute schwerpunktmäßig als Produzent und Fachbuchautor und forscht als Soziologe im Bereich Art and Science of Record Production…”
Libro electrónico