Mostrando 26,841 - 26,860 Resultados de 41,960 Para Buscar '"Documental"', tiempo de consulta: 0.17s Limitar resultados
  1. 26841
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright and Credits -- Packt Upsell -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Building Your Own Prediction Models -- Classification overview and evaluation techniques -- Evaluation -- Decision trees -- Common APIs for scikit-learn classifiers -- Prediction involving decision trees and student performance data -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Prediction with Random Forests -- Random forests -- Usage of random forest -- Predicting bird species with random forests -- Making a confusion matrix for the data -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Applications for Comment Classification -- Text classification -- Machine learning techniques -- Bag of words -- Detecting YouTube comment spam -- Word2Vec models -- Doc2Vec -- Document vector -- Detecting positive or negative sentiments in user reviews -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Neural Networks -- Understanding neural networks -- Feed-forward neural networks -- Identifying the genre of a song with neural networks -- Revising the spam detector to use neural networks -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Deep Learning -- Deep learning methods -- Convolutions and pooling -- Identifying handwritten mathematical symbols with CNNs -- Revisiting the bird species identifier to use images -- Summary -- Other Books You May Enjoy -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 26842
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; 2 What Is Game Design?; 3 Game Design Documents; 4 Production; 5 Finding a Developer; 6 Game Business Models; 7 Competitive Analysis and Identifying Market Opportunities; Part Two: Understanding Kids; 8 Child Development Overview; 9 Babies and Toddlers (Ages 0-2); 10 Preschoolers (3-5 Years); 11 Early Elementary Kids (Ages 6-8); 12 Tweens (Ages 9-12); 13 Teens (Ages 13+); 14 Public Perceptions of Games for Kids…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 26843
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Spotlight MenuThe Searching Window; Customizing Spotlight; Smart Folders; Dock, Desktop & Toolbars; The Dock; Setting Up the Dock; Using the Dock; The Finder Toolbar; Designing Your Desktop; Menulets: The Missing Manual; Part Two: Programs in OS X; Documents, Programs & Mission Control; The Mac App Store; Other Ways to Get Mac Software; Opening OS X Programs; Launchpad; Windows That Auto-Reopen; The Application Menu; The "Heads-Up" Program Switcher; Full Screen Mode; Split Screen Mode; Mission Control: Death to Window Clutter; Spaces (Virtual Desktops); Dashboard; Exposé…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 26844
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Overview of the Mexican health system and of the Mexican Institute of Social Security -- Strengthening the structure and governance of IMSS' procurement function -- Implementing strong organisational procurement strategies in IMSS -- Ensuring clarity and reducing procurement risks in IMSS through strong tender documents and model contracts -- Revisiting IMSS' pre-solicitation activities for a stronger procurement function -- Foreword -- Procurement data and performance management system: Toward evidence-based decision making in IMSS' public procurement -- Executive summary -- Enhancing procurement capability in IMSS -- E-procurement: Implementing a strong IT environment to support IMSS' procurement activities -- Promoting complementary policy objectives through IMSS' public procurement -- Fostering effective internal control and risk management in IMSS' procurement activities -- IMSS' plan of action to improve its procurement system -- Ensuring results for IMSS: Implementing stronger post-award contract management activities -- Increasing efficiency and fairness in the solicitation and contract award process of IMSS -- Fostering accountability through transparency and civil society scrutiny -- IMSS' review and remedy system: A tool to improve procurement activities -- Ensuring integrity throughout IMSS' public procurement cycle…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 26845
    Publicado 2025
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The case of CERN -- Thinking how to define and measure impacts of RIs -- Costs and benefits of Open Science: contributing to developing a rigorous assessment framework -- From science to society: the Open Science & Innovation & Network approach -- How to measure the local economic impact of Large Research Infrastructure procurement -- From the National Laboratory to International Collaborations (Framing Big Science for the Age of Science Diplomacy) -- Estimating the FCC'S short-term Impact on Value Added and Employment - an Input Output Analysis -- The value of a collaborative platform in a global project -- The value of an open scientific data and documentation platform in a global project: The case of Zenodo…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 26846
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Película + Extras: Nuevo comentario del historiador John Fricke, con los actores, sus familiares y el equipo; El cuento "The wonderful Wizard of Oz"; Más linda que nunda: restaurando a Oz; No nos hemos presentado correctamente; Galería de perfiles de los actores de reparto; Música y efectos de auidio -- Disco 2. Extras: Documentales de Cómo se hizo y el Impacto de la película "El maravilloso mago de Oz" y "Recuerdos de Oz"; El arte de la imaginación: un homenaje a Oz; documental "Por las cosas maravillosas que hace: el legado de Oz"; Películas caseras de Harold Arlen; Escenas suprimidas; "¡Es un huracán, es un huracán!"…”
  7. 26847
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Las propuestas cinematográficas de ẳertma Ciiy Anahi Bemeri -- Entre ficción, documental y politica: los films de Santiago Loza,Celina Murga,Santiago Mitre -- Indice…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 26848
    por Fauser, Cody
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Who Should Read this Document?; Rails Version; Acknowledgments; Getting Started with a Simple Application; RJS and Rails; Debugging; Development Mode Debugging; Monitoring the Logfile; ActionController; Default View; Layouts; Rendering; Inline Rendering; Browser Redirection; ActionView; Element, Class, and Collection Proxies; Element Proxies; Class Proxies; Collection Proxies; Making Ajax Calls with Rails; Helpers; RJS in Practice: The Expense Tracker; Creating the Models; Defining the Controllers; Setting Up a Route; Creating an Application Layout…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 26849
    por Witten, I. H.
    Publicado 2007
    Libro electrónico
  10. 26850
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Inspiration; Hardware; Acknowledgments; About the Author; Project 1: Frog Day Afternoon; Toon Boom Animate Pro; Project Settings; Onion Skin; Adobe Flash Integration; Animate Pro Brush Tool; iStockphoto Audio; Working with Sound; Exporting; Uploading to the Internet; Project 2: The Annual Holiday Animations; Apple OS X Functions; Flash Extensions; Inspiration; Recording; Audio Editing; Multitrack Editing; Character Rigging; Flash Document Setup…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 26851
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter --; Table of Contents --; Chapter 1 Introduction: Writing the Digital History of Nazi Germany --; Part I Digitally Researching the History of Nazi Germany, World War II, and the Holocaust --; Chapter 2 Traces of Jewish Hamburg: A Digital Source Edition of German-Jewish History --; Chapter 3 Out of the Storage Cabinet and into the World: The Use of State-of-the-Art Digital Technology to Provide Contextualized Online Access to Historical Nazi Documents, as Practiced by the Arolsen Archives --; Part II Digitally Writing the History of Nazi Germany, World War II, and the Holocaust --; Chapter 4 "At Least He Was Cautioned": Digitally Researching the Gestapo's Ruling Practices --; Chapter 5 Digital Discourse Analysis of Language Use under National Socialism: Methodological Reflections and Applications --; Part III Digital Exhibitions and Digital Forms of Commemoration --; Chapter 6 Digitizing a Gigantic Nazi Construction: 3D-Mapping of Bunker Valentin in Bremen --; Chapter 7 The National Socialist Prison System and the Illusive Appeal of Digital Maps --; Chapter 8 Authenticity and Authority in German Memorial Sites --; Further Readings on Writing the Digital History of Nazi Germany and Topics in This Book: A Selection of Academic Scholarship and Online Resources --; Contributors --; Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 26852
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: Reading Our Contemporary Petrosphere -- 1 Petrofiction, Revisited -- 2 Energy and Autonomy: Worker Struggles and the Evolution of Energy Systems -- 3 Gendering Petrofi ction: Energy, Imperialism, and Social Reproduction -- 4 Petrofeminism: Love in the Age of Oil -- 5 "We Are Pipeline People": Nnedi Okorafor's Ecocritical Speculations -- 6 Petro-drama in the Niger Delta: Ben Binebai's My Life in the Burning Creeks and Oil's "Refuse of History" -- 7 Documenting "Cheap Nature" in Amitav Ghosh's The Glass Palace: A Petro-aesthetic Critique -- 8 Aestheticizing Absurd Extraction: Petro-capitalism in Deepak Unnikrishnan's "In Mussafah Grew People" -- 9 Petro-cosmopolitics: Oil and the Indian Ocean in Amitav Ghosh's The Circle of Reason -- 10 Xerodrome Lube: Cyclonic Geopoetics and Petropolytical War Machines -- 11 Oil Gets Everywhere: Critical Representations of the Petroleum Industry in Spanish American Literature -- 12 Conjectures on World Energy Literature -- 13 Petrofiction as Stasis in Abdelrahman Munif's Cities of Salt and Joseph O'Neill's Netherland -- 14 Assessing the Veracity of the Gulf Dreams: An Interview with Author Benyamin -- 15 Testimonies from the Permian Basin -- Afterword -- Contributors -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 26853
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Das elektronische CVA - Stand 2010 / Thomas Mannack, Greg Parker Acquisition and documentation of vessels using high-resolution 3D-scanners / Hubert Mara, Julia Portl Auf der Suche nach dem Original: Anwendung und Illustrationen naturwissenschaftlicher Diagnostik an attisch figürlich bemalter Keramik aus der Antikensammlung des Kunsthistorischen Museums / Bettina Vak Berührungsfreie und nicht invasive Untersuchungen antiker Keramik mittels industrieller Röntgen-Computertomografie / Stephan Karl, Daniel Jungblut, Jördis Rosc Die Dokumentation historischer Restaurierungen antiker Keramik am Beispiel zweier Gefäße aus dem Universalmuseum Joanneum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der industriellen Computertomografie / Robert Fürhacker, Stephan Karl Ein Guttus aus der Originalsammlung des Instituts für Archäologie der Universität Graz: Anwendungen naturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen / Maria Christidis Pilotstudie zur Visualisierung und Untersuchung von antiken Vasen / Leonid Dimitrov, Milos Šrámek, Emanuel Wenger, Claudia Lang-Auinger, Elisabeth Trinkl Reflexionsmessungen an attischen Gefäßen klassischer Zeit: eine Vorstudie / Paul Kammerer, Franz Mairinger, Elisabeth Trinkl, Ernestine Zolda…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 26854
    Publicado 1999
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…El derecho canónico particular y el derecho común medieval / La Colección Sinodal Lamberto de Echeverría y el "Synodicon hispanicum" / El derecho canónico particular en el Archivo General de Simancas : (concilios provinciales españoles de 1565-66) / El derecho canónico particular en la Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia / La canonística medieval presente en los sínodos españoles / Os juedos no direito particular português / Las amonestaciones o proclamas matrimoniales en los sínodos ibéricos medievales (siglos XIII-XVI) / Los cabildos de canónigos en los textos sinodales de la Península Ibérica / Relaciones entre los poderes civiles y las autoridades eclesiásticas en los textos sinodales (siglos XIV-XVI) / Tradición manuscrita y editorial de los concilios compostelanos medievales (1215-1563) / Typologie des procès canoniques matrimoniaux à saragosse (siècles XV-XVI) / Derecho particular a través de internet / Tipología documental de la Colección Sinodal Lamberto de Echeverría…”
  15. 26855
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…VanderKam -- Pentateuch reflected in the Aramaic documents of the Dead Sea Scrolls / Akio Moriya -- Septuagint and the transmission of the gospel traditions / Migaku Sato -- Reception of the Torah in Mark: the question about the greatest commandment / Adela Yarbro Collins - Creation and sacred space: the reuse of key Pentateuchal themes by Philo, the fourth evangelist, and the Epistle to the Hebrews / Harold W. …”
  16. 26856
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Towards a theory of performance reception / Performance as event : reception as transformation / Greek and Shakespearean plays in performance : their different academic receptions / Cultural history and aesthetics : why Kant is no place to start reception studies / Performance, reception, aesthetics : or why reception studies need Kant / From áa la carte to convergence : symptoms of interdisciplinarity in reception theory / Archiving events, performing documents : on the seductions and challenges of performance archives / Bringing together nature and culture : on the uses and limits of cognitive science for the study of performance reception / Does a Deleuzean philosophy of radical physicality lead to the 'death of tragedy'? …”
  17. 26857
    por Cooper, Brant
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Case study : on customer-centric culture -- 8. 8 steps to customer discovery. Overview ; Step 1, document C-P-S hypotheses ; Step 2, Brainstorm business model hypothesis ; Step 3, Find prospects to talk to ; Step 4, Reach out to prospects ; Step 5, Engaging prospects ; Step 6, Phase gate I, compile, measure, test ; Step 7, Problem solving fit, MVP ; Step 8, Phase gate II, compile, measure, test -- 9. …”
  18. 26858
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Concluding remarks: Part I -- Part II From Revolution to Coup d'État -- 1 In lieu of an introduction -- 2 The army's return to politics: Neither a conspiracy nor just a contingency -- 3 The lost opportunities and the deepening rift -- 4 Sectarian strife, social protest and fears of instability -- 5 The Selmi Document, the events of Mohammed Mahmoud 1 and parliamentary elections -- 6 The Constituent Assembly, presidential elections in a chaotic climate and the elected president -- 7 The deterioration: Unlike a Greek tragedy, it was not fate but politics -- 8 The coup -- 9 Egyptian public opinion during the transition and after the coup -- 10 International reactions from the fall of Mubarak to the coup -- Final observations -- Bibliography -- Index -- Copyright…”
  19. 26859
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Epistolario -- Fichas documentales -- La ficha documental. Iconografía -- La ficha documental. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 26860
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico