Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 239
- Development 177
- Data processing 165
- Application software 151
- Artificial intelligence 143
- Management 143
- Editing 137
- Computer Science 134
- Digital video 109
- Computer programs 103
- Photography 101
- Motion pictures 99
- Machine learning 92
- Digital techniques 87
- Design 86
- Economics 85
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 84
- Business & Economics 80
- Final cut (Electronic resource) 76
- Python (Computer program language) 76
- Computer security 73
- History 73
- Computer networks 71
- Programming 69
- Computer graphics 65
- Computer programming 62
- Telecommunications 62
- Security measures 60
- Web site development 60
- Leadership 58
1501por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Organisational Structure and Aid Management -- Overall structure -- Economic Co-operation Bureau (ECB) of MOFA -- Implementing agencies -- JICA -- OECF -- Aid co-ordination with other donors -- NGOs -- MOFA support to NGOs -- Postal Savings for International Voluntary Aid (POSIVA) -- Situation of Japanese NGOs -- Information and public opinion -- Public information efforts -- Information disclosure -- Local governments -- Japan Overseas Co-operation Volunteers (JOCV) -- Public opinion -- Chapter 3. Sectoral, Cross-Cutting and Effectiveness Issues -- Health -- Education -- Environment -- Water and sanitation -- Basic human needs -- Poverty -- Gender equality -- Governance and corruption -- Evaluation and effectiveness -- Chapter 4. …”
Publicado 1999
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1502Publicado 2002Tabla de Contenidos: “…Government Activities; The Project Management Institute and the PMBOK® Guide; The WBS in the Project Management Process; CHAPTER 2 Work Breakdown Structure Fundamentals; The 100 Percent Rule; Anatomy of a WBS; Product Projects Breakdown; Service Projects Breakdown; Results Projects Breakdown; Cross-Cutting Elements; Project Management; WBS Dictionary; Work Packages…”
Libro electrónico -
1503Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Internet Explorer (or Edge)iTunes; McAfee VirusScan; Microsoft Access; Microsoft Money; Microsoft Office; Microsoft Publisher; Microsoft Visio; Minesweeper; NaturallySpeaking; Netscape; Newsgroup Readers; Norton AntiVirus; Norton Utilities; Notepad; Outlook/Windows Mail; PaintShop Pro; Picasa; PowerPoint; QuickBooks; Quicken; RealPlayer; RssReader; Skype; Snagit (Screenshots); Solitaire; Street Atlas USA; TaxCut, TurboTax; Winamp, MusicMatch; Windows Media Player; WinZip; Word; WordPerfect; Yahoo Messenger; Windows on the Mac; Installing Boot Camp; Using Boot Camp; Windows in a Window…”
Libro electrónico -
1504por Erickson, Aimee, 1967-Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Color Exercises -- Exercise: A Color Chart, Emphasizing Value -- Exercise: Color Ladders -- Limited Palettes -- Color Development of Value Studies -- 4 Sunlight and Shadow -- Seeing Skills: Shift Your Perception -- Light, Shadow, and Color -- Demonstration: Light and Shadow on Architecture -- Where to Start -- Exercise: The Color of Light -- Raking Light -- Technique: Stain It, Draw It, Paint It -- Perspective -- Foreground Solutions -- 5 Indirect Light -- Dappled and Filtered Light -- Technique: Starting with a Mid-Tone Canvas -- Demonstration: Large Scale Work -- Demonstration: Dappled Afternoon Light -- Overcast Light -- Demonstration: A Two-Session Painting -- Technique: Cutting In -- Painting Makeover: Light and Shadow Relationships -- Technique: Using a Broad Brush -- Shade and Reflected Light -- 6 Backlight -- Rim Light -- Contre-Jour: Against the Light -- Transmitted Light -- Technique: A Loose Start -- Painting Makeover: Perspective -- 7 Front Light -- Front Light: A Dramatic Fully Lit Effect -- Technique: Direct Impasto Brushwork -- Painting Makeover: More Color -- 8 Nocturnes -- Twilight -- Nighttime -- Demonstration: Nocturne -- 9 Special Effects -- Glow -- Demonstration: Multiple Light Sources -- Glare -- Reflections -- Heavy Atmosphere -- Demonstration: Fog -- 10 Design and the Visual Idea -- Beyond Representation -- Technique: Paint Manipulation -- Multiple Small Studies -- Strategy: Serial Studies of a Subject -- The Camera's Role…”
Publicado 2023
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1505por Ward, Peter, 1936-Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Telling a Story; Structuring a Sequence; Factual Editing; Interviews; Cutting on Movement; Documentary; Vision Mixing…”
Publicado 2000
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1506Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…The WorkflowCreating a Layered Menu; Preparing Motion Menus; The Workflow; Working with Final Cut Pro and Motion; Preparing Video with Motion; Working with Motion Menus in DVD Studio Pro; Scripting the Loop Point; Chapter Menus and Navigation; Project Overview; Creating Stories; Creating the Chapter Menu; Setting the Button Navigation; Setting Button Targets; Setting the Track and Story End Jump; Defining the Remote Control's Menu Function; Setting the Remote's Return Function; Simulate Your Chapter Menu; The Setup Menu; Creating the Setup Menu; The Resume Button…”
Libro electrónico -
1507Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Outside influences - following the herd -- Repetition, repetition, repetition -- Anchoring - decision-making all at sea -- The halo effect -- Recency - the here and now -- The reader is always right -- Commercial Break: Advertisement Slogans -- Conciseness Equals Clarity -- Ason and the jargonauts -- Sentences that are too -- The writer's diet - cutting padding -- Culling lazy words -- Examples, similes and analogies -- A seven-step concise writing process -- Verbs Equal Vigour -- Grammar refresher -- Verbs just wanna have fun -- Verbs in disguise - noun suffixes -- Mistakes -- Commonly confused words -- Using the wrong word -- Scattershot punctuation and no punctuation -- Poor spelling -- 'Mistakes' that aren't mistakes -- Planning and Structuring -- Plan, draft, edit -- Document structures -- Layout, Fonts and Formatting -- Font choice -- Layout -- Headings -- Bullets -- Tables and diagrams -- Tips for Common Documents -- More effective emails -- Writing for the web -- Persuasive CVs -- Executive summaries and abstracts -- Grant funding -- Feedback, fear and a favour -- Persuasion - the Dark Arts -- Assume causality -- It's common sense, stupid -- It's common knowledge -- Abuse statistics -- Widen or narrow definitions…”
Libro electrónico -
1508por Rosenbaum, JonathanTabla de Contenidos: “…Goodbye cinema, hello cinephilia -- In defense of spoilers -- Potential perils of the director's cut -- Southern movies, actual and fanciful: a personal survey -- À la recherche de Luc Moullet: 25 propositions -- Bushwhacked cinema -- What dope does to movies -- Fever dreams in Bologna -- From playtime to the world: the expansion and depletion of space within global economies -- Kim Novak as midwestern independent -- Marilyn Monroe's brains -- A free man: white hunter, black heart -- Bit actors -- Rediscovering Charlie Chaplin -- Second thoughts on Stroheim -- Sweet and sour: Lubitsch and Wilder in old Hollywood -- Ritwik Ghatak: reinventing the cinema -- Introducing Pere Portabella -- Portabella and continuity -- Neglected filmmakers: Eduardo de Gregorio and Sara Driver -- Vietnam in fragments: William Klein in 1967-68: a radical reevaluation -- Movie heaven: defending your life -- The world as a circus: Tati's parade -- The sun also sets: the films of Nagisa Oshima -- Inside the vault [on Spione] -- Family plot -- "The doddering relics of a lost cause": John Ford's The sun shines bright -- Prisoners of war: Bitter victory -- Art of darkness: Wichita -- Cinema of the future: still lives: the films of Pedro Costa -- A few eruptions in The House of Lava -- Unsatisfied men: Beau travail -- Viridiana on DVD -- Doing the California split -- Mise en scène as miracle in Dreyer's Ordet -- David Holzman's Diary/My girlfriend's wedding: historical artifacts of the past and present -- Early long-take climaxes -- Wrinkles in time: Alone. …”
Publicado 2010
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1509Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Diversity of African textiles -- West Africa -- Stripweaves -- The Tripod loom stripweaves of Sierra Leone and Liberia -- Ashanti stripweaves -- Ewe stripweaves -- Djerma weaving of Niger and Burkina-Faso -- Woolen stripweaves of the Niger bend -- Nigerian horizontal-loom weaving -- Yoruba lace weave -- Nigerian women's vertical looms -- The Supplementary weft cloths of Ijebu-Ode and Akwete -- Tie and dye -- Nigerian tie and dye -- Tie and dye of the Dida, Ivory Coast -- Stitched resist -- Yoruba stitched resist -- Machine-stitched resist -- Yoruba and Bauleʹ warp ikat -- Nigerian starch-resist by hand -- Stencilled starch-resist -- Wax resist -- Mali mud cloths -- Adinkra stamped cloths of Ghana -- Stamped, stencilled and dyed clothing from Sierra Leone, Guinea and Mali -- Fante flags from Ghana -- Painted calligraphy cloths and amulets -- Embroidered robes of the Hausa and the Nupe -- Yoruba beadwork -- North Africa -- Berber vertical looms -- Ground weaves -- Henna-dyed Anti-atlas woollens -- Algerian Berber weaves -- Berber wool and cotton weaves of Tunisia -- Horizontal loom urban weaves -- Pit-looms of Egypt -- Tapestry weaves of Egypt and Morocco -- The Lampas weaves of Fez and Tetouan -- Moroccan tie and dye -- South Tunisian tie and dye -- Mediterranean-influenced urban embroidery -- Ottoman-influenced urban embroidery -- Tunisian-influenced urban embroidery -- Tunisian metal-thread embroidery -- The Embroidery of Siwa Oasis, Egypt -- Egyptian appliqueʹ -- Assyut silvered work on net, Egypt -- East Africa -- The Cotton shawls of Ethiopia -- Ethiopian embroidery -- Leather, shell and beadwork -- Bark cloth of Uganda -- Kangas and kikois -- Central Africa -- Cameroon raphia weaving -- Ndop resist-dyed cloth of grasslands Cameroon -- Kuba raphia weaving in the Congo -- Kuba appliqueʹd and embroidered skirts -- Shoowa cut-pile embroidery, the Congo -- Tied and stitched-resist textiles of the Kuba, the Congo -- Pygmy and Kuba bark cloth, the Congo -- Bead and shell work of the Congo and Cameroon -- Crocheted hats from Cameroon -- Feathered hats of Cameroon -- Southern Africa -- Zulu beadwork -- Ndebele beadwork -- Xhosa beadwork -- Madagascan raphia -- Madagascan silk --…”
Libro -
1510Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…The quick 'n' dirty guide to cut 'n' paste -- Selecting things to cut or copy -- Cutting or copying your selected goods -- Pasting information to another place -- Chapter 7: Finding the Lost -- Finding Currently Running Apps and Programs -- Finding Lost Windows on the Desktop -- Locating a Missing App, Program, Setting, or File -- Finding a Missing File inside a Folder -- Finding Lost Photos -- Finding Other Computers on a Network -- Chapter 8: Printing and Scanning Your Work -- Printing from a Start Menu App -- Printing Your Masterpiece from the Desktop -- Adjusting how your work fits on the page -- Adjusting your printer's settings -- Canceling a print job -- Printing a web page -- Troubleshooting your printer -- Scanning from the Start Menu -- Part 3: Getting Things Done on the Internet -- Chapter 9: Cruising the Web -- What's an ISP, and Why Do I Need One? …”
Libro electrónico -
1511Publicado 2015“…The ongoing crisis in Europe has dramatic impact on the life in many Southern European cities: Unemployment, social deprivation, poverty, political instability, severe cuts in the welfare state budgets and a wide spread feeling of despair have eroded much of the social foundation of the cities. …”
Libro electrónico -
1512Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chapter 1 The territory of high performance -- It starts with purpose -- The importance of clarity -- The high-performance organisation -- Models of excellence -- High performance and the bottom line -- Chapter 2 Evidence-based leadership -- The rise of evidence-based management -- Leaders hold the space for high performance -- Chapter 3 Knowing is a double-edged sword -- Evidence cuts both ways -- Transparency, accountability, impotence -- Chapter 4 How to become an evidence-based leader -- The foundation of high performance is measurement -- The habits of evidence-based leadership -- The mindsets of evidence-based leadership -- Mindsets for Direction -- Mindsets for Evidence -- Mindsets for Execution -- Mindsets for Decision -- Mindsets for Action -- Mindsets for Learning -- Part I In summary -- Part II Habits of evidence-based leadership -- Chapter 5 Direction: Make it understood and it will be measurable -- Direction means strategy -- Results, not actions -- Aligning projects with results -- Marrying results-oriented and project-oriented thinking -- No weasel words -- There's no good reason to keep weasel words -- What to replace weasel words with -- Be ruthless -- Should, can, will -- Simplify by visualising -- Chapter 6 Evidence: Anything that matters can be measured -- Evidence means measuring -- Scorecards aren't measures -- PuMP -- Is measuring performance a keystone habit? …”
Libro electrónico -
1513por McGhee, Pamela, 1946-“…This straightforward guide cuts through the technical jargon to present an easy-to-follow, easy-to-learn approach to executing any project from be…”
Publicado 2007
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1514por Winkler, IraTabla de Contenidos: “…Knights and Dragons; The FUD Factor; Dragons Forgive Incompetency; Terrorists Really Aren't That Good; The People You Really Have to Worry About; Look for Snakes, Not Dragons; Don't Suffer Death By 1,000 Cuts; Chapter 7. Cyberterrorism is Not Effective; Anthrax vs. …”
Publicado 2007
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1515por Matha, Bob, 1953-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Beyond the Babble: Leadership Communication That Drives Results; Contents; Foreword; The Authors; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: The Power of Communication; ON STRATEGY COMMUNICATION CUTS THROUGH BABBLE; EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION GETS RESULTS; WHY COMMUNICATION MAKES A DIFFERENCE; SUMMARY; Chapter 2: On Strategy Communication: An Overview; THE ACTION EQUATION; THE PEOPLE CHANNEL; SUMMARY; Chapter 3: What Do You Need Employees to Do?…”
Publicado 2008
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1516por Echart, PabloTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Agradecimientos -- Cine dentro del cine -- Las películas -- Charlot, tramoyista de cine (1916) -- El moderno Sherlock Holmes (1924) -- Espejismos (1928) -- El hombre de la cámara (1929) -- Loquilandia (1941) -- Los viajes de Sullivan (1941) -- Vida en sombras (1948) -- En un lugar solitario (1950) -- El crepúsculo de los dioses (1950) -- Bellísima (1951) -- Cantando bajo la lluvia (1952) -- Cautivos del mal (1952) -- La señora sin camelias (1953) -- Ha nacido una estrella (1954) -- La condesa descalza (1954) -- El fotógrafo del pánico (1960) -- Un espía en Hollywood (1961) -- Dos semanas en otra ciudad (1962) -- Fellini 8 1⁄2 (1963) -- El desprecio (1963) -- El héroe (1966) -- David Holzman's Diary (1967) -- La última película (1971) -- La noche americana (1973) -- El aficionado (1979) -- El estado de las cosas (1982) -- La rosa púrpura de El Cairo (1985) -- Cinema Paradiso (1988) -- Primer plano (1990) -- Barton Fink (1991) -- El juego de Hollywood (1992) -- Ed Wood (1994) -- La verdadera historia del cine (1995) -- After Life (1998) -- Mulholland Drive (2001) -- Adaptation (El ladrón de orquídeas) (2002) -- Oki's Movie (2010) -- The Artist (2011) -- La invención de Hugo (2011) -- La casa Emak Bakia (2012) -- Ilusión (2013) -- Trumbo: La lista negra de Hollywood (2015) -- The Disaster Artist (2017) -- El león duerme esta noche (2017) -- One Cut of the Dead (2017) -- Al otro lado del viento (2018) -- Érase una vez en... …”
Publicado 2023
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
1517Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 15: Emeritus ManChapter 16: The Road Years; Chapter 17: Traits and Attributes; Chapter 18: Sunset; Epilogue; Author's Note and Acknowledgments; Jim Bean's Current Bourbon Lineup; Favorite Booker Quotes; Bourbon Glossary; Favorite Food and Cocktail Recipes; Cocktails; Whiskey Sour; Classic Old Fashioned; Mint Old Fashioned; Maple Hot Toddy; Booker Noe's Mint Julep; Classic Manhattan; BBG (Beam Black and Ginger Ale); Front Porch Peach Tea; Knob Creek and Ginger Beer; Cut and Cola; Kentucky Mule; Kentucky Bourbon Margarita; Appetizers; Booker's Beaten Biscuits…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
1518Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Design and Deliver Learning -- 19. Stay on the Cutting Edge of Design and Delivery -- 20. Select the Most Effective Formal Learning -- 21. …”
Libro electrónico -
1519por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…OBVIOUS PROGRESS IN MANY COUNTRIES""; ""Summary and main results""; ""The present situation""; ""The scale of the challenge and of national policy responses""; ""Reform trends""; ""Cuts in expenditure or increases in contributions""; ""Fiscal action in non-age-related programming can relieve the pressures of ageing""…”
Publicado 2000
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1520por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Executive summary -- Ensuring a co-ordinated and coherent public integrity system -- Grounding the National Integrity and Corruption Prevention Strategy (ENIPC) -- Strengthening conflict of interest management -- Strengthening transparency and integrity in decision-making -- Developing a coherent disciplinary system -- 1 Ensuring a co-ordinated and coherent public integrity system in Costa Rica -- Introduction -- Governance of the public integrity system in Costa Rica -- The legal framework for public integrity in Costa Rica Official integrity actors and their responsibilities at the national level in Costa Rica -- Formalising inter-institutional co-ordination on public integrity policies -- Leveraging on the co-ordination achieved during the construction of the ENIPC, Costa Rica could consider a permanent co-ordination commission that includes all relevant public integrity actors and a whole of society approach -- Two technical sub-commissions, one on prevention and one on enforcement, could promote discussions on more technical levels and ensure continuity of policies Costa Rica could assign the responsibility for central institutional co-ordination of integrity policies to the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney for Public Ethics, or consider establishing a new, independent authority -- Mainstreaming integrity policies into the whole public administration -- Costa Rica faces a cross-cutting challenge of implementing integrity policies in the institutionally (ADI) and territorially (ADT) decentralised public administrations Costa Rica could reach the Decentralised Public Administrations through dedicated integrity units, building on the Institutional Commissions on Ethics and Values (CIEV) and strengthening the National Commission of Values (CNEV) -- Costa Rica could consider establishing co-ordination mechanisms at territorial level to reach out to municipalities and ensure integrity policies are informed by by the specific contexts and effectively implemented Improve co-ordination between the CGR, the CNEV, internal auditors and the CIEV to fine-tune the methodology for "ethics audits" and to clarify the role of each actor -- Proposals for action -- References -- 2 Grounding the National Integrity and Corruption Prevention Strategy (ENIPC) of Costa Rica -- Towards strengthening the evidence-base for the integrity policy and National Integrity Strategy in Costa Rica -- Costa Rica's National Integrity and Corruption Prevention Strategy (ENIPC)…”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico