Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- SQL server 26
- Data processing 23
- Database management 21
- Client/server computing 20
- Computer programs 20
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 19
- Computer graphics 17
- Business intelligence 16
- Relational databases 16
- Development 14
- Application software 12
- Computer Science 12
- Computer-aided design 12
- SQL (Computer program language) 12
- Programming 11
- OLAP technology 9
- Video games 9
- Data warehousing 8
- Management information systems 8
- Microsoft Excel (Computer file) 8
- Business 7
- Business & Economics 7
- MDX (Computer program language) 7
- Architectural design 6
- Architectural drawing 6
- AutoCAD 6
- Computer programming 6
- Data mining 6
- Management 6
- Mathematics 6
201Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…NumPy installationThe ParticleSystem class; A quick demonstration; Implementing steering behaviors; Seek and flee; Arrival; Pursuit and evade; Wander; Obstacle avoidance; Gravitation game; Basic game objects; Planets and pickups; Player and enemies; Explosions; The game layer; Summary; Chapter 5: Pygame and 3D; Installing packages; Getting started with OpenGL; Initializing the window; Drawing shapes; Running the demo; Refactoring our OpenGL program; Processing the user input; Adding the Pygame library; Pygame 101; Pygame integration; Drawing with OpenGL; The Cube class; Enabling face culling…”
Libro electrónico -
202Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Directly Feeding the Internal Data ModelAdding a New Table to the Internal Data Model; Removing a Table from the Internal Data Model; Creating a New Pivot Table Using the Internal Data Model; Filling the Internal Data Model with Multiple External Data Tables; Chapter 6: Adding Formulas to Power Pivot; Enhancing Power Pivot Data with Calculated Columns; Utilizing DAX to Create Calculated Columns; Understanding Calculated Measures; Free Your Data With Cube Functions; Chapter 7: Publishing Power Pivot to SharePoint; Understanding SharePoint; Understanding Excel Services for SharePoint…”
Libro electrónico -
203Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Chapter 1 Introducing the Autodesk Revit Architecture Interface; Understanding the User Interface; Exercise 1.1: Use the Properties Palette to See Dynamic Updates of Properties; Exercise 1.2: Explore the Content of Your Project with the Project Browser; Exercise 1.3: Use the View Control Bar to See Frequently Used View Properties; Exercise 1.4: Navigate with the ViewCube; Creating a Simple Layout; Exercise 1.5: Create a Floor; Exercise 1.6: Create Walls; Exercise 1.7: Create Levels; Exercise 1.8: Change Wall Type; Exercise 1.9: Place Interior Walls…”
Libro electrónico -
204por Sarka, DejanTabla de Contenidos: “…Logical Query Processing; Sample Query Based on Customers/Orders Scenario; Logical Query Processing Phase Details; Step 2: Applying the ON Filter (Join Condition); Step 3: Adding Outer Rows; Step 4: Applying the WHERE Filter; Step 5: Grouping; Step 6: Applying the CUBE or ROLLUP Option; Step 7: Applying the HAVING Filter; Step 8: Processing the SELECT List; Step 9: Applying the DISTINCT Clause…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
205por Wolsky, TomTabla de Contenidos: “…Shortcut Menu TransitionRendering; Render Commands; Render Previewing; Render Control; Render Manager; Controlling Transitions; Transition in the Viewer; Using Transitions; Cube Spin; Dip to Color Dissolve; Star Iris; Page Peel; Push Slide; Gradient Wipe; Conclusion; Chapter 6 Adding Titles; Loading the Lesson; Setting up the Project; Text Generator; Text; Drop Shadow; Opacity; Subtitles; Basic Animation; Boris Calligraphy; Title 3D; Type On; Title Crawl; Text Scrambler; Vector Shape; Nesting; Text; Background; Photoshop Titles; Resolution; Summary; Chapter 7 Editing Forms; Loading the Lesson…”
Publicado 2005
Libro electrónico -
206por McCrorey, Dee, 1953-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Winkler, VP of Corporate Sustainability; M-Cubed Global: Exley Mixon, CEO; Zuvo Water: Elizabeth Flammini, Chief Evangelist, Director of Marketing; The Takeaway; Chapter 6: Element #5: Disruption and Discontinuity; West Valley College: Dr. …”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
207por More, JoshTabla de Contenidos: “…Uncovering the PastDiscovering the Future; Professional Analysis; Personal Analysis; Hail Mary Sites; LittleSis; Donations; Social Mention; NNDB Mapper; Entity Cube; Wolfram Alpha; Glassdoor; 8 Metaphor Mapping: Adjusting to Your Target; Discovering Existing Metaphors; Guessing at Metaphors; Industry; Generation; Hobbies; Race and Culture; 9 Repositioning: How to Make You Stand Out; Rebottling the Genie; Loading Social Media; Custom Résumé; Custom Cover Letter; Targeted Networking; 10 The Phone Interview: Dial M for Meeting; Prerequisites for a Good Discussion; Goals for the Phone Interview…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
208por Stenning, JustinTabla de Contenidos: “…Applying multisample anti-aliasingImplementing texture sampling; Chapter 3: Rendering Meshes; Introduction; Rendering a cube and sphere; Preparing the vertex and constant buffers for materials and lighting; Adding material and lighting; Using a right-handed coordinate system; Loading a static mesh from a file; Chapter 4: Animating Meshes with Vertex Skinning; Introduction; Preparing the vertex shader and buffers for vertex skinning; Loading bones in the mesh renderer; Animating bones; Chapter 5: Applying Hardware Tessellation; Introduction…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
209por Read, Phil, 1965-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012 Essentials; Introduction; Who Should Read This Book; What You Will Learn; What You Need; What Is Covered in This Book; Day 1; Day 2; Day 3; Day 4; The Essentials Series; Contacting the Authors; Chapter 1: Introducing Revit and the User Interface; Understanding the Revit Interface; Properties Palette; Project Browser; Status Bar; View Control Bar; ViewCube; Options Bar; Understanding the Interface Workflow; Creating a Simple Layout; Using Filter, Mirror, and Trim/Extend; Adjusting Datums; Changing Element Types; Using Common Modifying Tools…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
210por Donnolo, MarkTabla de Contenidos: “…CHAPTER 3 The Reverse Robin Hood Principle: Differentiating Top PerformersThe Building Blocks of Sales Compensation; Base Salary; Target Incentive; Pay Mix; The Reverse Robin Hood Principle: Upside Potential; Factors Determining Upside; Thresholds; Thresholds Aren't for Everyone; To Cap or Not to Cap; 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Team About Pay Mix and Upside Potential; CHAPTER 4 Performance Metrics: Measure Twice, Pay Once; Performance Measures[sup(3)] (Cubed); Measures; Level; Frequency; Performance Measure Pitfalls; Using Measures Without Clear Line-of-Sight…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
211Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Rendering and viewing a 3D objectAdding materials, lights, and shadows; Expanding your first scene with animations; Introducing requestAnimationFrame; Animating the cube; Bouncing the ball; Using dat.GUI to make experimenting easier; Automatically resize the output when browser size changes; Summary; Chapter 2: Basic Components That Make Up a Three.js Scene; Creating a scene; Basic functionality of a scene; Adding fog to the scene; Using the overrideMaterial property; Geometries and meshes; The properties and functions of a geometry; Functions and attributes for meshes…”
Libro electrónico -
212por Moore, Richard J.Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Time for action - the builder brush and our first cube; Subtractive; Brush Order; Time for action - geometry editing tool; Time for action - building our first room; Time for action - placing lights and a player start; Time for action - creating a hallway and a second room; Time for action - applying materials to CSG surfaces; Surface Properties…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
213por Gennick, JonathanTabla de Contenidos: “…Rounding and TruncatingOther Oracle Datetime Functions; Datetime Functions: PostgreSQL; Getting Current Date and Time; Rounding and Truncating; Other PostgreSQL Datetime Functions; Datetime Functions: SQL Server; Deleting Data; Deleting in Order; Deleting All Rows; Deleting from Views and Subqueries; Returning Deleted Data: DB2; Returning Deleted Data: Oracle; Returning Deleted Data: SQL Server; Double-FROM; EXTRACT Function; GREATEST; Grouping and Summarizing; Aggregate Functions; GROUP BY; Listing the Detail Values; Reducing the GROUP BY List; Grouping Before the Join; HAVING; ROLLUP; CUBE…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
214por Suvak, Janine. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…New Project, New SceneThe Game Object; Components; The Main Camera; Transform; Camera; Clear Flags; Background; Culling Mask; Projection; Field of View; Clipping Planes; Viewport Rect; Depth; Component Reference; GUILayer; Flare Layer; Audio Listener; Light; Common Light Properties; Color; Intensity; Cookie; Shadow Type (Pro Only); Draw Halo; Flare; Render Mode; Culling Mask; Lightmapping; Other Properties; Range; Spot Angle; The Cube; Transform; Mesh Filter; Box Collider; Mesh Renderer; Material; Prefabs; Summary; Chapter 4: Using Scripts and the GameObject; Scripts as Behavior Components…”
Publicado 2014
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215Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Exercise 16.1: Explore Visual Styles -- Work with Tiled Viewports -- Exercise 16.2: Tile Viewports -- Navigate with the ViewCube -- Exercise 16.3: Use the ViewCube to Navigate -- Orbit in 3D -- Exercise 16.4: Orbit -- Use Cameras -- Exercise 16.5: Utilize Virtual Cameras -- Navigate with SteeringWheels -- Exercise 16.6: Use SteeringWheels to Navigate -- Save Views -- Exercise 16.7: Save Views -- Chapter 17 Modeling in 3D -- Create Surface Models -- Exercise 17.1: Make Planar Surfaces -- Exercise 17.2: Revolve a 2D Profile to Create a 3D Model -- Exercise 17.3: Sweep Out 3D Geometry -- Exercise 17.4: Extrude 2D Geometry into 3D -- Edit Surface Models -- Exercise 17.5: Trim Surfaces with Other Surfaces -- Exercise 17.6: Project Edges on Surfaces -- Exercise 17.7: Trim Surfaces with Edges -- Create Solid Models -- Exercise 17.8: Extrude Solid Objects -- Exercise 17.9: Loft Solid Objects -- Edit Solid Models -- Exercise 17.10: Perform Boolean Operations -- Exercise 17.11: Edit Solids -- Smooth Mesh Models -- Exercise 17.12: Create, Edit, and Smooth Mesh -- Live-Section Models -- Exercise 17.13: Create and Edit a Section Plane -- Chapter 18 Presenting and Documenting 3D Design -- Assign Materials -- Exercise 18.1: Apply Materials -- Place and Adjust Lights -- Exercise 18.2: Add Artificial Lights -- Exercise 18.3: Simulate Natural Light -- Create Renderings -- Exercise 18.4: Make Realistic Renderings in the Cloud -- Document Models with Drawings -- Exercise 18.5: Document Models -- Appendix A Making Isometric Drawings -- Appendix B AutodeskTM AutoCADTM 2018 Certification -- Index -- EULA…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
216Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Using Simple CASE Expressions -- Using Searched CASE Expressions -- Hierarchical Queries -- The Example Data -- Using the CONNECT BY and START WITH Clauses -- Using the LEVEL Pseudo Column -- Formatting the Results from a Hierarchical Query -- Starting at a Node Other than the Root -- Using a Subquery in a START WITH Clause -- Traversing Upward Through the Tree -- Eliminating Nodes and Branches from a Hierarchical Query -- Including Other Conditions in a Hierarchical Query -- Using Recursive Subquery Factoring to Query Hierarchical Data -- Using the ROLLUP and CUBE Clauses -- The Example Tables -- Using the ROLLUP Clause -- Using the CUBE Clause -- Using the GROUPING() Function -- Using the GROUPING SETS Clause -- Using the GROUPING_ID() Function -- Using a Column Multiple Times in a GROUP BY Clause -- Using the GROUP_ID() Function -- Using CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY -- CROSS APPLY -- OUTER APPLY -- Using LATERAL -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Analyzing Data -- Using Analytic Functions -- The Example Table -- Using the Ranking Functions -- Using the Inverse Percentile Functions -- Using the Window Functions -- Using the Reporting Functions -- Using the LAG() and LEAD() Functions -- Using the FIRST and LAST Functions -- Using the Linear Regression Functions -- Using the Hypothetical Rank and Distribution Functions -- Using the MODEL Clause -- An Example of the MODEL Clause -- Using Positional and Symbolic Notation to Access Cells -- Accessing a Range of Cells Using BETWEEN and AND -- Accessing All Cells Using ANY and IS ANY -- Getting the Current Value of a Dimension Using CURRENTV() -- Accessing Cells Using a FOR Loop -- Handling Null and Missing Values -- Updating Existing Cells -- Using the PIVOT and UNPIVOT Clauses -- A Simple Example of the PIVOT Clause -- Pivoting on Multiple Columns -- Using Multiple Aggregate Functions in a Pivot…”
Libro electrónico -
217por Grenander, UlfTabla de Contenidos: “…9.1.4 Quadratic Mean Continuity and Integration -- 9.2 Orthogonal Process Representations on Bounded Domains -- 9.2.1 Compact Operators and Covariances -- 9.2.2 Orthogonal Representations for Random Processes and Fields -- 9.2.3 Stationary Periodic Processes and Fields on Bounded Domains -- 9.3 Gaussian Fields on the Continuum -- 9.4 Sobolev Spaces, Green's Functions, and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces -- 9.4.1 Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces -- 9.4.2 Sobolev Normed Spaces -- 9.4.3 Relation to Green's Functions -- 9.4.4 Gradient and Laplacian Induced Green's Kernels -- 9.5 Gaussian Processes Induced via Linear Differential Operators -- 9.6 Gaussian Fields in the Unit Cube -- 9.6.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Fields: Generalized ARMA Modelling -- 9.6.2 Small Deformation Vector Fields Models in the Plane and Cube -- 9.7 Discrete Lattices and Reachability of Cyclo-Stationary Spectra -- 9.8 Stationary Processes on the Sphere -- 9.8.1 Laplacian Operator Induced Gaussian Fields on the Sphere -- 9.9 Gaussian Random Fields on an Arbitrary Smooth Surface -- 9.9.1 Laplace-Beltrami Operator with Neumann Boundary Conditions -- 9.9.2 Smoothing an Arbitrary Function on Manifolds by Orthonormal Bases of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator -- 9.10 Sample Path Properties and Continuity -- 9.11 Gaussian Random Fields as Prior Distributions in Point Process Image Reconstruction -- 9.11.1 The Need for Regularization in Image Reconstruction -- 9.11.2 Smoothness and Gaussian Priors -- 9.11.3 Good's Roughness as a Gaussian Prior -- 9.11.4 Exponential Spline Smoothing via Good's Roughness -- 9.12 Non-Compact Operators and Orthogonal Representations -- 9.12.1 Cramer Decomposition for Stationary Processes -- 9.12.2 Orthogonal Scale Representation -- 10 Metrics Spaces for the Matrix Groups -- 10.1 Riemannian Manifolds as Metric Spaces…”
Publicado 2007
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218Publicado 2002Tabla de Contenidos: “…DB2 UDB's statistics, analytic, and OLAP functions -- 3.1 DB2 UDB's statistics, analytic, and OLAP functions -- 3.2 Statistics and analytic functions -- 3.2.1 AVG -- 3.2.2 CORRELATION -- 3.2.3 COUNT -- 3.2.4 COUNT_BIG -- 3.2.5 COVARIANCE -- 3.2.6 MAX -- 3.2.7 MIN -- 3.2.8 RAND -- 3.2.9 STDDEV -- 3.2.10 SUM -- 3.2.11 VARIANCE -- 3.2.12 Regression functions -- 3.2.13 COVAR, CORR, VAR, STDDEV, and regression examples -- 3.3 OLAP functions -- 3.3.1 Ranking, numbering and aggregation functions -- 3.3.2 GROUPING capabilities ROLLUP & -- CUBE -- 3.3.3 Ranking, numbering, aggregation examples -- 3.3.4 GROUPING, GROUP BY, ROLLUP and CUBE examples -- Chapter 4. …”
Libro electrónico -
219por Itō, Toyoo, 1941-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Toyo Ito, The Works / Andrea Maffei -- Architecture Is No Longer "Architecture" Water Cube -- Sendai Mediatheque and Beyond / Koji Taki -- Aluminium House, Fujisava-shi, Kanagawa, 1970-71 -- White U, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 1975-76 -- PMT Building Nagoya-shi, Haichi, 1976-78 -- House in Kasama, Kasama-shi, Ibaragi, 1980-81 -- Silver Hut, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 1982-84 -- Pao I, Installation for "Pao: A Dwelling of Tokyo Nomad Woman", Seibu Department Store, Tokyo, 1985 -- House in Magomezawa, Funabashi-shi, Chiba, 1985-86 -- Project for the Exhibition "Furniture for Tokyo Nomad Women", Tokyo, 1986 -- Nomad Restaurant, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 1986 -- Tower of Winds, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 1986 -- Yatsushiro Municipal Museum, Yatsushiro-shi, Kumamoto, 1988-91 -- Pao II, Exhibition for "Pao: A Dwelling for Tokyo Nomad Women", Brussels, Belgium, 1989 -- T Building in a Nakameguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 1989-90 -- Gallery U in Yugawara, Yugawara-cho, Kanagawa, 1989-91 -- Project for the Maison de la culture du Japon, Paris, 1990 -- Gate of Okawabata River City 21, ("Egg of Winds") Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 1990-91 -- Shimosuwa Municipal Museum, Shimosuwa-cho, Nagano, 1990-93 -- "Visions of Japan" Exhibition, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1991 -- Hotel P, Shari-gun, Hokkaido, 1991-92 -- ITM Building in Matsuyama, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime, 1991-93 -- Planning and Urban Design for Luijazui Central Area, Shanghai, China 1992 -- Old People's Home in Yatsushiro, Yatsushiro-shi, Kumamoto, 1992-94 -- Yatsushiro Fire Station, Yatsushiro-shi, Kumamoto, 1992-95 -- Nagaoka Lyric Hall, Nagaoka-shi, Niigata, 1993-96 -- Dome in Odate, Odate-shi, Akita, 1993-97 -- Community and Day-care Centre in Yokohama, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 1994-97 -- S House in Oguni, Oguni-cho, Kumamoto, 1995-96 -- Ota-ku Resort Complex in Nagano, Chiisagata-gun, Nagano, 1995-98 -- Notsuharu Town Hall, Notsuharu-machi, Oita, 1996-98 -- T Hall in Taisha, Taisha-cho, Shimane, 1996-99 -- Crystal Ballpark, Competition Project for Seoul Dome, Seoul 1997 -- Project for Redesigning the Waterfront of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece 1997 -- T House in Yutenji, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 1997-99 -- Aluminium House in Sakurajosui, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 1997-2000 -- Sendai Mediatheque, Sendai-shi, Miyagi, 1997-2000 -- Project for the Trade Fair Centre, Hiroshima-shi, 1997- -- Project for the Extension of the Bank of International Settlements, Basel, 1998 -- "Health Futures" Installation at the Expo 2000, Hanover, 1998-2000 -- Groningen House, Project for a Residential Complex in Aluminium, Groningen, 1998-2001 -- Project for the Centre for the Contemporary Arts, Rome, 1999 -- Project for the l'Hopital Cognacq-Jay, Paris, 1999-(2004) -- Oita Agricultural Park, Hayami-gun, Oita, 2001 -- Project for Mahler 4 Office Block, Blok 5, Amsterdam, 2000-01 -- Chronology of Works -- Architecture in a Simulated City -- A Garden of Microchips -- Simple Lines for Le Corbusier -- The Image of Architecture in the Electronic Age -- Tarzans in the Media Forest -- Three Transparencies -- A Body Image Beyond the Modern: Is There Residential Architecture Without Criticism? …”
Publicado 2002
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220Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Applications in Clustering and Discriminant Analysis -- Robinson Cubes -- Multivariate Statistics -- Relative and Absolute Contributions to Aid Strata Interpretation -- Classification and Generalized Principal Component Analysis -- Locally Linear Regression and the Calibration Problem for Micro-Array Analysis -- Sanskrit Manuscript Comparison for Critical Edition and Classification -- Divided Switzerland -- Prediction with Confidence -- Which Bootstrap for Principal Axes Methods? …”
Libro electrónico