Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Development 350
- Application software 286
- History 232
- Management 198
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 180
- Economics 167
- Historia 159
- Social aspects 145
- Education 137
- Data processing 119
- Computer Science 117
- Microsoft .NET Framework 110
- Computer networks 109
- Security measures 102
- Computer security 97
- Design 96
- Python (Computer program language) 93
- Programming 92
- Web sites 92
- Cross-cultural studies 89
- Web site development 83
- Cloud computing 78
- Computer programs 78
- Machine learning 78
- Computer programming 74
- JavaScript (Computer program language) 71
- History and criticism 66
- Research 65
- Computer software 64
4921Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Battle of Britain: winning by not losing -- Battle of the Atlantic: protecting the maritime lifeline -- Invasion of Russia: Hitler's strategic mistake -- Battle of El Alamein and operation torch: cracking German invincibility -- Battles of Midway and Guadalcanal: regaining initiative in the Pacific -- Strategic bombing offensive: breaking German airpower -- Invasion of Italy: deciding to fight somewhere in Europe in 1943 -- D-Day and Battle for Normandy: retaking the Continent -- Battle for the Rhine: attacking Germany's vitals -- Battle of Okinawa and the bombing of Japan: ending the war -- The strategic architectures of World War II -- Battle of the Pusan perimeter: getting the most out of a bad situation -- Inchon: Operation Chromite: MacArthur's masterstroke -- Crossing the 38th parallel and driving north to the Yalu: the risks of overreaching -- Operations Ripper and Killer: recovery and frustration -- The strategic architectures of the Korean War -- Battle of Ia Drang Valley: not fighting the decisive battle -- Bombing campaign and high-tech initiatives: Operations Rolling Thunder and Igloo White: airpower and technology indecisive -- The Pacification program (1967-1968): failing to change behavior -- The Tet Offensive (1968): strategic disaster -- Vietnamization: never a winning strategy -- The final years (1969-1975): the losing path -- The strategic architectures of the VIetnam War -- Iraqi War I, Persian Gulf War: defeating Saddam, losing politically -- Iraqi War II, 13-year air conflict: the limits of airpower -- Iraqi War III, invasion of Iraq: winning without an endgame -- Iraqi War IV, the insurgency and the surge (2007-2008): relearning counterinsurgency -- Iraqi War V, the rise of ISIS: a new, more violent enemy -- The strategic architectures of the Iraqi Wars…”
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4922Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Toggling an LED Using wiringPi -- Button Press-LED Response -- Communicating to One-Wire Sensors -- PWM and General-Purpose Clocks -- GPIOs and Permissions -- Writing udev Rules -- Permissions and wiringPi -- Summary -- Chapter 7 Cross-Compilation and the Eclipse IDE -- Setting Up a Cross-Compilation Toolchain -- The Linaro Toolchain for Raspbian -- Debian Cross-Toolchains -- Cross-Compilation Using Eclipse -- Installing Eclipse on Desktop Linux -- Configuring Eclipse for Cross-Compilation -- Remote System Explorer -- Integrating GitHub into Eclipse -- Remote Debugging -- Automatic Documentation (Doxygen) -- Building Linux -- Downloading the Kernel Source -- Building the Linux Kernel -- Deploying the Linux Kernel -- Building a Linux Distribution (Advanced) -- Summary -- Further Reading -- Chapter 8 Interfacing to the Raspberry Pi Buses -- Introduction to Bus Communication -- I2C -- I2C Hardware -- An I2C Test Circuit -- Using Linux I2C-Tools -- I2C Communication in C -- Wrapping I2C Devices with C++ Classes -- SPI -- SPI Hardware -- SPI on the RPi -- A First SPI Application (74HC595) -- Bidirectional SPI Communication in C/C++ -- Multiple SPI Slave Devices on the RPi -- UART -- The RPi UART -- UART Examples in C -- UART Applications - GPS -- Logic-Level Translation -- Summary -- Further Reading -- Chapter 9 Enhancing the Input/Output Interfaces on the RPi -- Introduction -- Analog-to-Digital Conversion -- SPI Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) -- ADC Application: An Analog Light Meter -- Testing the SPI ADC Performance -- The C Library for BCM2835 (Advanced) -- Digital-to-Analog Conversion -- An I2C Digital-to-Analog Converter -- An SPI Digital-to-Analog Converter -- Adding PWM Outputs to the RPi -- Extending the RPi GPIOs -- The MCP23017 and the I2C Bus -- The MCP23S17 and the SPI Bus -- A C++ Class for the MCP23x17 Devices…”
Libro electrónico -
4923Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Richard Eiser -- Connectionist modeling of attitudes and cognitive dissonance / Karen Jordens and Frank van Overwalle -- Investigating attitudes cross-culturally : a case of cognitive dissonance among East Asians and North Americans / Etsuko Hoshino-Browne ... …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4924Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “….); La nouvelle polémique juive au XIIIe siècle; On The Enduring Impurity Of Menstrual Bloo d And Semen; Urinating on the Cross; V Asimilación y negación; Vtrvm infidelivm ritvs sint tolerandi?…”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull)Acceso restringido con credenciales, usuarios UPSA
Libro electrónico -
4925por di Bella, EnricoTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Gender Equality, Equity, and Equal Opportunities -- 1 Understanding Gender Equality -- 2 Gender Capability Approach -- 3 Feminist Contribution on Equality Issue -- 4 The International Framework -- 5 The Cross-Cutting Nature of the Gender Issue -- 5.1 Work -- 5.2 Money -- 5.3 Time -- 5.4 Power -- 5.5 Knowledge -- 6 Health and Gender-Specific Medicine -- 7 Male Violence Against Women -- 8 What if There Were Others? …”
Publicado 2024
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4926Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Innovative finance -- Innovative financing can complement the suite of financing instruments -- Blue bonds could be included in the medium- to long-term financing plan of the SOS -- Swaps could be considered as a contingency option in the event of an escalating debt situation in Samoa -- Samoa can explore how to benefit from emerging opportunities in blue carbon, payment for ecosystem services and insurance -- References -- Notes -- 4 Opportunities and tools for fostering a blue recovery -- 4.1. Cross-cutting recommendations -- Enhancing the contribution of the ocean economy to Samoa's long-term growth requires addressing constraints inhibiting the development of key sectors -- In its approach to ocean governance, Samoa stands to benefit from strengthening cross-sectoral linkages and better integrating economic, social and environmental goals. -- Successful delivery of the SOS requires costing, regular monitoring and evaluation…”
Libro electrónico -
4927por Karpovsky, Mark G.Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.4 Walsh Related Transforms2.4.1 Arithmetic Transform; 2.4.2 Arithmetic Expressions from Walsh Expansions; 2.5 Bases for Systems of Multiple-Valued Functions; 2.5.1 Vilenkin-Chrestenson Functions and Their Properties; 2.5.2 Generalized Haar Functions; 2.6 Properties of Discrete Walsh and Vilenkin-Chrestenson Transforms; 2.7 Autocorrelation and Cross-Correlation Functions; 2.7.1 Definitions of Autocorrelation and Cross-Correlation Functions; 2.7.2 Relationships to the Walsh and Vilenkin-Chrestenson Transforms, the Wiener-Khinchin Theorem; 2.7.3 Properties of Correlation Functions…”
Publicado 2008
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4928Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Figure 3.8: Multimode Graded-index FiberSingle-Mode Fiber; Figure 3.9: Single-mode Fiber; Single-mode Fiber Types in the 1990's; Figure 3.10: Dispersion Behavior of Single-mode Fiber Types; Figure 3.11: Dispersion for Alternating 20 km Lengths of (+D) NZ-DSF and (-D) NZ-DSF Fiber; Polarization-maintaining Fiber; Figure 3.12: Cross-section of Polarization-maintaining Fiber; Attenuation; Figure 3.13: Scattering; Figure 3.14: Absorption; Figure 3.15: Bending; Figure 3.16: Optical Loss vs. …”
Libro electrónico -
4929Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.9 - Chapter summary References; Chapter 3 - Identifying and Cataloguing Key Business Imperatives; 3.1 - Introduction; 3.2 - Cross-brand, cross-geography strategic sourcing; 3.3 - Lean manufacturing; 3.4 - "Mega-processes"; 3.5 - Heightened risk mitigation and management; 3.6 - Enterprise systems initiatives; 3.6.1 - New ERP Implementation; 3.6.2 - Enterprise Systems Migration; 3.6.3 - Enterprise Systems Rationalization and Consolidation; 3.7 - Enterprise-level business quality initiatives; 3.8 - Chapter summary; References…”
Libro electrónico -
4930Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Preliminary questions -- Scenarios for ethical debate -- A: Antenatal intervention -- P: Postbirth intervention -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- Acknowledgements -- Notes -- References -- Part II: Neurodivergent wellbeing -- Chapter 4: Neurodiversity, disability, wellbeing -- Introduction -- Neurodivergence and the biostatistical medical model -- Problems with the biostatistical medical model -- Neurodivergence and the social model -- Problems with the social model -- The valueneutral model -- Neurodivergence and the valueneutral model -- Complex cases -- Acknowledgements -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 5: Neurodiversity in a neurotypical world: an enactive framework for investigating autism and social institutions -- Enactivism, social practices, and institutions -- Autism and neurotypical institutions -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Part III: Cross-neurotype communication…”
Libro electrónico -
4931Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hakkinen and Bob Thompson -- Interpreting Mobile and Handheld Air Sensor Readings in Relation to Air Quality Standards and Health Effect Reference Values: Tackling the Challenges doi: 10.3390/atmos8100182 114 Books MDPI -- Daniel-Eduard Constantin, Alexis Merlaud, Mirela Voiculescu, Carmelia Dragomir, Lucian Georgescu, Francois Hendrick, Gaia Pinardi and Michel Van Roozendael Mobile DOAS Observations of Tropospheric NO2 Using an UltraLight Trike and Flux Calculation doi: 10.3390/atmos8040078 140 -- Richard M ́enard and Martin Deshaies-Jacques Evaluation of Analysis by Cross-Validation. Part I: Using Verification Metrics doi: 10.3390/atmos9030086 153 -- Richard M ́enard and Martin Deshaies-Jacques -- Evaluation of Analysis by Cross-Validation, Part II: Diagnostic and Optimization of Analysis Error Covariance doi: 10.3390/atmos9020070 169 -- Barry Baker and Li Pan -- Overview of the Model and Observation Evaluation Toolkit (MONET) Version 1.0 for Evaluating Atmospheric Transport Models doi: 10.3390/atmos8110210 190.…”
Libro electrónico -
4932Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…<br>1.6 Assignment -- Study TOD in your city <br><br><br><strong>Expanding the Urban Growth Boundary</strong><br>2.1 Introduction -- Lancaster development<br>2.1.1 The bid-rent model<br>2.1.2 Setup Lancaster data <br>2.2 Identifying areas inside & outside of the Urban Growth Area <br>2.2.1 Associate each inside/outside buffer with its respective town<br>2.2.2 Building density by town & by inside/outside the UGA <br>2.2.3 Visualize buildings inside & outside the UGA<br>2.3 Return to Lancaster's Bid Rent <br>2.4 Conclusion -- On boundaries <br>2.5 Assignment -- Boundaries in your community </p><p><strong>Intro to geospatial machine learning, Part 1 </strong><br>3.1 Machine learning as a Planning tool <br>3.1.1 Accuracy & generalizability <br>3.1.2 The machine learning process <br>3.1.3 The hedonic model <br>3.2 Data wrangling -- Home price & crime data <br>3.2.1 Feature Engineering -- Measuring exposure to crime <br>3.2.2 Exploratory analysis: Correlation<br>3.3 Introduction to Ordinary Least Squares Regression <br>3.3.1 Our first regression model<br>3.3.2 More feature engineering & colinearity <br>3.4 Cross-validation & return to goodness of fit<br>3.4.1 Accuracy -- Mean Absolute Error <br>3.4.2 Generalizability -- Cross-validation <br>3.5 Conclusion -- Our first model <br>3.6 Assignment -- Predict house prices </p><p><strong>Intro to geospatial machine learning, Part 2</strong><br>4.1 On the spatial process of home prices <br>4.1.1 Setup & Data Wrangling <br>4.2 Do prices & errors cluster? …”
Libro electrónico -
4933por Parvathi, V. DeepaTabla de Contenidos: “…Numerical chromosomal abnormalities -- Aneuploidy -- Types of Aneuploidy -- Aneuploidy in humans -- Polyploidy -- Chromosome mutations and cancer -- Review Questions -- Chapter 5: Classical Genetics: Mendelian Theory of Inheritance -- Principles of Genetics: Mendelian Principles -- Early life of Johann Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) -- Mendel's Experimental Organism: the Pea Plant -- Mendel's Experiment: Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses -- Monohybrid cross -- Mendel's conclusions from the monohybrid cross -- Dihybrid cross and the principle of independent assortment -- Review Questions -- Chapter 6: Patterns and Mechanisms of Inheritance in Humans -- Pedigree -- Patterns of Inheritance in Humans -- Autosomal dominant inheritance -- Autosomal recessive inheritance -- X-linked dominant inheritance -- X-linked recessive inheritance -- Y-linked inheritance -- Mitochondrial inheritance -- Multifactorial inheritance -- Review Questions -- Chapter 7: Multiple Alleles and Blood Groups -- The ABO Blood Group -- Function of IA, IB and i Alleles of the ABO Gene -- Other Genetic Systems that Exhibit Multiple Allelism -- Review Questions -- Chapter 8: Prenatal Nutrition -- Maternal Nutritional Status -- Nutritional supplementation during pregnancy -- Physiological changes during pregnancy -- Nutritional requirements during pregnancy -- Food Allergies -- Symptoms -- Some common food allergies -- Diagnostic test available for food allergies -- Review Questions -- Chapter 9: Conditions Affecting the Mother -- Infections During Pregnancy -- Bacterial infections -- Group B beta-hemolytic streptococci (GBS) -- Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus -- (Streptococcus pyogenes) -- Listeria monocytogenes -- Haemophilus influenzae -- Escherichia coli -- Viral infections -- Rubella -- Cytomegalovirus -- Herpes simplex virus -- Effect of Drugs, Chemicals and Radiation…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
4934Publicado 2005“…Frequently these boundaries are challenged or crossed. The book will draw together research on individual motivation, small group processes, stigmatization and intergroup relations, to provide a comprehensive social psychological ac…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4935Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Barbara Pocock and Karen Brown -- Gender and union leadership : a force field analysis / Michelle Kaminski and Jailza Pauly -- Women leaders riding the whirlwind : leadership and gender in/equality in the Danish labour movement / Lise Lotte Hansen -- Doing, un-doing and re-doing gendered union leadership / Sue Ledwith -- Flexible production and flexible women : the story of union leader Alice / Tuula Heiskanen and Riitta Lavikka -- Merit, individualism, and solidarity : revisiting the democratic deficit in union women's leadership / Linda Briskin -- Rethinking organizing and leadership : lessons from non-traditional, women-centred, labour campaigns in New York City / Sally Alvarez and Pam Whitefield -- Emerging from "deep, dark forests" : women leaders as learners in Eastern and Western European trade unions / Joanna Cain -- Developing and globalizing women's union leadership via a cross-national exchange programme / Gill Kirton, Geraldine Healy, Sally Alvarez, Mary Gatta, Risa Lieberwitz, and Heather Mckay -- Union revitalization through gender equality in the German service sector union ver.di / Anja Kirsch -- Breaking through the union glass ceiling iin france : between organizational opportunities and individual resources / Cecille Guillaume and Sophie Pochic -- Female union leadership, power, dynamism and organised labour in Ghana / Akua Britwum -- Still facing discrimination : impediments to women's representation in Belgian trade unions / Saskia Ravesloot -- Gendering research, researching gender / Sue Ledwith and Lise Lotte Hansen -- Notes -- List of contributors -- Index…”
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
Libro electrónico -
4936Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Scott -- Regional resilience, cross-sectoral knowledge platforms and the prospects for growth in Canadian city-regions / David A. …”
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
Libro electrónico -
4937Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Human resource management in cross-border mergers and acquisitions / Vladimir Pucik [and others] ; 5. …”
Table of contents
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4938Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Jupilles Rural Cottages (Jupilles-Sarthe, France) / Edouard François. Úlfarsfell river crossing (Reykjavik, Iceland) / Studio Granda. Amanogawa bridge (Tokachi Millenium Forest, Hokkaido, Japan) / Rintala Eggertsson Architects…”
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4939Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Responsibility of the 'Business Enterprise' to Respect Human Rights / Björn Fasterling -- National Contact Points under OECD's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises : Institutional Diversity Affecting Assessments of the Delivery of Access to Remedy / Karin Buhmann -- Unpacking Accountability in Business and Human Rights : The Multinational Enterprise, the State, and the International Community / Larry Backer -- The Effectiveness of International Arbitration to Provide Remedy for Business-Related Human Rights Abuses / Katerina Yiannibas -- Justice without Borders : Models of Cross-Border Legal Cooperation and What They can Teach us / Jennifer Zerk -- Ignorantia facti excusat? …”
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4940Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Jesus in Judaism : the classic texts -- Dangerous Times for Jews / The Rejected Disciple / A Teacher of Jewish Law / The Bible Testifies against the Deity of Jesus / The Church, Not Jesus, is the Heretic / Jesus : Jewish Evangelist to the Gentiles / Reasons for Jewish Silence on Jesus / Jesus : An Unoriginal Pharisee / Jesus : Forerunner of the Reform Jew / The Value of the Gospels for a Jew / Jesus : A Prophet / Jesus : Destroyer of Culture and Nation / Jesus on Jewish Soil / No Sentimental Love / Closing Reflection / Jesus in Islam : the classic texts -- The Miraculous Conception of Jesus / The Mission of Jesus / At the End of Jesus' Mission / Responses to Jesus / A Final Word from the Qur'an / Jesus in the Hadith / The Ascetic Jesus / Jesus and the Powers of God / Jesus in the Graveyard / A Rationalist Examines Christian Claims about Jesus / Jesus : A Mirror of God / Jesus and the Fool / On Praising a Human Being / Realizing God / Who Died on the Cross? / Jesus in India / Jesus and Non-violence / Jesus between Us and You / Closing Reflection / Jesus in Hinduism : the classic texts -- Jesus was a Unitarian / A Divine Teacher, Not Atoner / Jesus : The Ideal Son / Repudiate the Little Christ / Jesus : Simple, Honest, and Ignorant / Mystical Experiences of the Universal Jesus / Jesus is like Ramakrishna / Jesus vs. …”
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