Mostrando 14,841 - 14,860 Resultados de 20,310 Para Buscar '"Community"', tiempo de consulta: 0.13s Limitar resultados
  1. 14841
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…PhpStormNetBeans; Zend Studio; The Importance of Coding Standards; The Command Line / Terminal; The Community; PHP Mentoring; Documentation; Various Forums; Summary; The Application Environment; Application Environments; Production; Development; Hosts and Virtual Hosts; Staging and Maintenance; The Evil of *AMP Bundles; Machine Pollution; Learning is Progress, or How the Comfort of Your Comfort Zone is Overrated; Testing; The Uncleanable Mess; Production/Development Parity; Performance and Debugging; Summary; For Those Who Want More; Virtual Machines; Virtual Machines Explained…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 14842
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Essenzielle Python-Bibliotheken; Installation und Einrichtung; Community und Konferenzen; Navigation durch dieses Buch; Typografische Konventionen; Benutzung von Codebeispielen; Danksagungen; Kapitel 2: Einführende Beispiele; von; MovieLens 1M Data Set; US-Babynamen von 1880 bis 2010; Fazit und der Weg vor Ihnen; Kapitel 3: IPython: Eine interaktive Rechen- und Entwicklungsumgebung; IPython-Grundlagen; Verwenden der Befehlschronik…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 14843
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Popularity of WordPress; Current State; Intersecting the Community; WordPress and the GPL; Content and Conversation; WordPress as a Content Management System; Creating Conversation; Getting Started; Hosting Options; Do It Yourself Installation; Installing WordPress Files; Database Configuration…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 14844
    por Collins, Mark. author
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  5. 14845
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…PRISM: A Publishing Vocabulary GoodRelations: An E-commerce Ontology ; Publication Ontologies ; DOAP: A Project Management Vocabulary ; Licensing Vocabularies ; Media Ontologies ; Vocabularies for Online Communities ; Knowledge Management Standards; Resource Description Framework ( RDF) ; Machine-Readable Annotations; Microformats; hCalendar and h-event; hCard ; rel=""license"" ; rel=""nofollow"" ; rel=""tag"" ; Vote Links ; XFN ; XMDP ; Drafts and Future Microformats ; RDFa ; RDFa DOM API; HTML5 Microdata; Global Microdata Attributes ; HTML5 Microdata DOM API ; JSON-LD…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 14846
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Walking the Talk-Literally Winning on Four Dimensions; Inside the Campbell Turnaround; Winning in the Workplace, Marketplace, and Community; The Turnaround Leader; Chapter 4: Creating a Best Team From Scratch; The Leader's Values; From the Start: a Best Team; Team First, Ego Last; From Launch to Scale; Creating Out-Of-The-Box Thinking; The Pre-Mortem; Best Team, Start to Finish; It's All About the People; Section Three: Best Partner; Chapter 5: Suppliers As Best Partners: a Holistic Relationship; Partnerships to Respond to Competitive Pressures; Long-Term Partnerships Are Earned…”
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  7. 14847
    por Horsdal, Marianne
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Einleitung 1 Zeit und Handlung 1.1 Grenzzeichen und Pausen 1.2 Bewegung im Raum und Zeitlichkeit 1.3 Autonoesis 1.4 Augustinus' Reflexionen über die Zeit 1.5 Fabelkomposition und Bedeutungskonfiguration 1.6 Narrative Kausalität 1.7 Konfiguration in Lebenserzählungen 2 Stellvertretende Erfahrung 2.1 Repräsentation von Handlungen (mimesis) und Spiegelneuronen 2.2 Emotionen und das soziale Gehirn 2.3 Ein Repertoire an stellvertretender Erfahrung 3 Geschichten erzählen 3.1 Narrative Dimensionen des Gesprächs 3.2 Stimme und Erzählbarkeit 3.3 Plausibilität 3.4 Der kulturelle Raum in verschiedenen Kontexten 4 Körper, Gehirn und Erfahrung 4.1 Wiedererkennen 4.2 Eine Theorie des Bewusstseins 4.3 Gehirnplastizität und der Einfluss der Kultur 4.4 Handlungen, Geschehnisse und soziale Beziehungen 4.5 Repräsentation von Ereignissen 4.6 Proto-Narrative 4.7 Gemeinsame Aufmerksamkeit 5 Gedächtnis 5.1 Verschiedene Gedächtnisarten 5.2 Der Akt des Erinnerns 6 Frühe Interaktionen 6.1 Übergangsräume und Symbolisierung 6.2 Vom Hier und Jetzt zum Dort und Damals 6.3 Memory Talk 6.4 Der Gebrauch von Fiktion 7 Narrative Kompetenz 7.1 Merkmale der narrativen Kompetenz 7.2 Reflexivität 7.3 Analytische Fähigkeit 7.4 Pädagogische Intervention 7.5 Narrativer Zusammenbruch 8 Das narrative Interview 8.1 Überblick über die angewandte Forschung 8.2 Methodologische Überlegungen 8.3 Kontaktaufnahme 8.4 Erstellen der Biografien 8.5 Reinschrift und Korrektur 8.6 Interview-Varianten 8.7 Das situierte Interview 9 Interpretation und Analyse von erzählten Lebensgeschichten 9.1 Vorverständnis 9.2 Zeit und Raum 9.3 Teilnahme an communities of practice 9.4 Stimmen, Personen, Beziehungen 9.5 Themen und Konfiguration 9.6 Metaphern 9.7 Stichproben von Geschichten 10 Kulturelle Identität 10.1 Kulturelle Narrative 10.2 Umstände und Entscheidungsfreiheit 10.3 Aufbruch und Emanzipation 10.4 Sich selbst finden 10.5 Narrative kollektive Identität 11 Personale Identität 11.1 Das Selbst nach der Postmoderne 11.2 Das Selbst als ein Anderer 11.3 Kontinuität und Wandel 12 Aktive Staatsbürgerschaft und biografisches Lernen 12.1 Politische Bildung 12.2 Kompetenzen für aktive Staatsbürgerschaft 12.3 Demokratie lernen 13 Bildungsperspektiven und Abschlussbemerkungen Literatur Zusammenfassung Abstract Die Autorin…”
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  8. 14848
    por Sareen, Siddharth
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Case of Electric Scooters -- Introduction -- Data and Methods -- The Twin Transition of the Electric Scooter -- Theoretical Perspectives: The Co-production of Socio-Technical Change and Spatial Justice -- Innovation as Co-produced -- Spatial Justice Perspectives -- Spatial Justice Aspects of E-scooter Innovation and Use -- Digital Urban Mobility: Access to the Paths and Freedom of Movement as an Embodied Practice -- Matter Out of Place: The Digitised Urban Landscape in Flow -- References -- Mediatised Practices: Renovating Homes with Media and ICTs in Australia -- Introduction: Home Renovation as a Transition to Lower Carbon Living -- Methodology and Profiles of Participating Households -- The Mediatised Home -- Media as Informal Intermediaries of Renovation -- Finding 1: Media as Informal Intermediaries That Shape the Meanings of Renovation -- Finding 2: Media and ICTs as Important Materials of the Renovation Practice -- Finding 3: Media as Co-creators and Connectors of Communities of Practice that Shape Renovators' Competences -- Conclusion -- References -- Correction to: Overcoming Abstraction: Affectual States in the Efforts to Decarbonize Energy Among Young Climate Activists in Stavanger, Norway -- Correction to: Chapter "Overcoming Abstraction: Affectual States in the Efforts to Decarbonize Energy Among Young Climate Activists in Stavanger, Norway" in: S. …”
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  9. 14849
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…H. van Oppen, Debashish Bhattacharya and Cheong Xin Chan Improved Cladocopium goreaui Genome Assembly Reveals Features of a Facultative Coral Symbiont and the Complex Evolutionary History of Dinoflagellate Genes Reprinted from: Microorganisms 2022, 10, 1662, doi:10.3390/microorganisms10081662 . 1 -- Jinik Hwang, Hee Woong Kang, Seung Joo Moon, Jun-Ho Hyung, Eun Sun Lee and Jaeyeon Park Metagenomic Analysis of the Species Composition and Seasonal Distribution of Marine Dinoflagellate Communities in Four Korean Coastal Regions Reprinted from: Microorganisms 2022, 10, 1459, doi:10.3390/microorganisms10071459 . 21 -- Miranda Judd and Allen R. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 14850
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-A Systematic Review 53 -- Prevalence of Hemorrhagic Complications in Hospitalized Patients with Pulmonary Embolism 67 -- Exercise Preferences and Benefits in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 77 -- Gourgoulianis Bronchial Asthma and Sarcopenia: An Upcoming Potential Interaction 91 -- Evaluating Virtual and Inpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs for Patients with COPD 101 -- Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Pulmonary Rehabilitation: From Novel Pharmacotherapeutic Approaches to Management of Post-Tuberculosis Sequelae 113 -- Respiratory Muscle Training Can Improve Cognition, Lung Function, and Diaphragmatic Thickness Fraction in Male and Non-Obese Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Prospective Study 135 -- Elements of Sleep Breathing and Sleep-Deprivation Physiology in the Context of Athletic Performance 147 -- Tsolakis Dental and Skeletal Side Effects of Oral Appliances Used for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring in Adult Patients-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 159 -- Effect of PM2.5 Levels on ED Visits for Respiratory Causes in a Greek Semi-Urban Area 181 -- Serum Levels of Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR) Discriminate Moderate Uncontrolled from Severe Asthma 191 -- Contemporary Biomarkers in Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis: Moving beyond D-Dimers 199 -- C-Reactive Protein as a Predictor of Survival and Length of Hospital Stay in Community-Acquired Pneumonia 211 -- Incorporating Biomarkers in COPD Management: The Research Keeps Going 219 -- Interferon-Inducible Protein-10 as a Marker to Detect Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Patients with Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases 235 -- High-Sensitivity Troponin T: A Potential Safety Predictive Biomarker for Discharge from the Emergency Department of Patients with Confirmed Influenza 245 -- Assessment of Dynamic Changes in Stressed Volume and Venous Return during Hyperdynamic Septic Shock 255 -- Effects of Iloprost on Arterial Oxygenation and Lung Mechanics during One-Lung Ventilation in Supine-Positioned Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study 271 -- Effect of General Anesthesia Maintenance with Propofol or Sevoflurane on Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Eosinophil Blood Count: A Prospective, Single Blind, Randomized, Clinical Study on Patients Undergoing Thyroidectomy 279 -- Relationship between Mechanical Ventilation and Histological Fibrosis in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Undergoing Open Lung Biopsy 295.…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 14851
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; About This Book; Foolish Assumptions; Icons Used in This Book; Beyond the Book; Where to Go from Here; Part I Getting Started with Blender; Chapter 1 Discovering Blender; Getting to Know Blender; Discovering Blender's origins and the strength of the Blender community; Making open movies and games; Getting to Know the Interface; Working with an interface that stays out of your way; Resizing areas; Maximizing an area; The menu that is a pie; Chapter 2 Understanding How Blender Thinks; Looking at Editor Types; General editors…”
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  12. 14852
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Develop Information Your Buyers Want to Consume Big Birge Plumbing Company Grows Business in a Competitive Market; Buyer Personas: The Basics; Think Like a Publisher; Staying Connected with Members and the Community; Know the Goals and Let Content Drive Action; Content and Thought Leadership; Part II: Web-Based Communications to Reach Buyers Directly; Chapter 4: Social Media and Your Targeted Audience; What Is Social Media, Anyway?…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 14853
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conclusion6Monitoring; Patrick Debois; Story: "The Start of a Journey"; Step 1: Understand What You Are Monitoring; Step 2: Understand Normal Behavior; Step 3: Be Prepared and Learn; Conclusion; 7How Complex Systems Fail; John Allspaw and Richard Cook; How Complex Systems Fail; Further Reading; 8Community Management and Web Operations; Heather Champ and John Allspaw; 9Dealing with Unexpected Traffic Spikes; Brian Moon; How It All Started; Alarms Abound; Putting Out the Fire; Surviving the Weekend; Preparing for the Future; CDN to the Rescue; Proxy Servers; Corralling the Stampede…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 14854
    por McCollin, Rachel
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Author; About the Technical Editor; Acknowledgements; Contents; Introduction; Who This Book Is For; What This Book Covers; How This Book Is Structured; What You Need to Use This Book; WordPress Documentation; Source Code; Part I: Professional WordPress Development; Chapter 1: WordPress As a Professional Web Development Tool; What It Means to Be a Professional WordPress Developer; Giving Something Back to the WordPress Community; The Potential for Professional WordPress Development; Summary; Further Resources; Chapter 2: Kicking Off a WordPress Project…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 14855
    por Williams, Brad
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Popularity of WordPress; Current State; Intersecting the Community; WordPress and the GPL; Content and Conversation; WordPress as a Content Management System; Creating Conversation; Getting Started; Hosting Options; Do It Yourself Installation; Finishing Up…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 14856
    por Coombs, Ted
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 11 Personalizing Google DesktopGoogle Desktop Features; Installing and Using Google Desktop; Managing Panels; Preferences for Google Desktop; Summary; Chapter 12 Exploring Google Maps; Navigating the Google Maps Interface; Searching for Local Businesses; Getting Driving Directions; Put Your Business on the Map; Going Further; Summary; Chapter 13 Exploring the World with Google Earth; Obtaining the Google Earth Software; Welcome to the Earth; Navigating Google Earth; Moving Around the Earth; Changing Views; Customizing Google Earth; Useful Tools; Google Earth Community; Summary…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 14857
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Quitoriano -- 21 The intersections of smuggling flows Annette Idler PART IV Smuggling and mobility -- 22 Humanitarian smuggling in a time of restricting and criminalizing mobility Ilse van Liempt -- 23 Migrant smuggling and the social organisation of cross-border mobility Luca Raineri -- 24 Human smuggling, gender and labour circulation in the Global South Priya Deshingkar 25 Human smuggling in the time of COVID-19: Lessons from a pandemic Lucia Bird Ruiz-Benitez de Lugo -- PART V Smuggling and conflict -- 26 The illicit trade and conflict connection: Insights from US history Peter Andreas -- 27 Smuggling, survival, and civil war economies Aisha Ahmad -- 28 Checkpost chess: Exploring the relationship between insurgents and illicit trade Shalaka Thakur -- 29 Rebels, smugglers and (the pitfalls of) economic pacification David Brenner PART VI Addressing smuggling -- 30 Blue frontiers: In pursuit of smugglers at sea Carina Bruwer -- 31 Communities and crime wars: Adaptation and resilience Matt Herbert, Tuesday Reitano, and Siria Gastelum Felix -- 32 The "war on smugglers" and the expansion of the border apparatus Lorena Gazzotti…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 14858
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Challenges and Opportunities for Development Policy -- Cities and Communities -- Religious Inequalities, Inclusive Cities and Sustainable Development -- ISIS Attack on the Divinely Protected City of Mosul: A Terrorist Attack on Diversity and Peace -- Renaming Places in India: Conjuring the Present by Exorcising a Past -- Urban Development for Religious Equality: The Case of Youhanabad in Pakistan -- Climate and Nature -- Religious Inequality and Environmental Change -- Discrimination against Minorities and Its Detrimental Effect on Biodiversity Conservation: Lessons from the Batwa 'Pygmies' around Semuliki National Park, Western Uganda -- A Wounded Landscape and the Right to Protest at the River Club Site -- Climate Justice for the Religiously Marginalized -- Peace and Justice -- The Significance of Freedom of Religion or Belief for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions -- Recovering from the Trauma of Insurgency in Northern Nigeria -- Religion, Caste and Marginality: Reflections on the Indian Criminal Justice and Prison System -- Key Blindspots in Thinking around Peacebuilding that Policy Makers and Practitioners Need to Address -- Partnership -- Partnerships and Religious Inequality -- The Need for Secular-Religious Engagement -- Co-creation for Freedom of Religion or Belief -- Promoting Freedom of Religion or Belief in Fragile Contexts: Emerging Lessons from the Coalition for Religious Equality and Inclusive Development on Legitimacy -- Epilogue -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 14859
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…– The Mural That Went Viral and Became a Common Good -- Exclusion, Control, Appropriation – Collective Political Graffiti in the Neoliberal City -- The Right to the City as Anti-Authoritarian Strategy – Reflections from Latin America and Beyond -- Mapping From the Ground Up – Anti-Authoritarian Cartography in the Semi-Colony -- Mapping Decolonial Berlin – Charting Pathways of the Relational Imagination -- Experiments in Resistance – Decentering Through Radical Intersectionality and Editorial Politics -- This Joke Is Getting Serious – Counter-Hegemonic Humour as Anti-Authoritarian Resistance: The Curious Case of the Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party -- Shvemy Sewing Cooperative – Our Story Through the Activist Banners -- Protesting to Maintain Production – Popular Protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Mediterranean Commotions – From Turkey to Morocco and Beyond -- LesStickers-teadores – For a Cuba From All, With All -- Orthodox-Vaginal Control – Or How to “Steal” and Sabotage a Pro-Life Action -- Naked Protesting – The Intersections of Gender During Counter-Movements -- Other Feminisms: A Subversive Gift to the World -- Upheaval on the Cloud – Countering the Authoritarian Gaze in the Iranian Uprisings -- Scarves for Women’s Struggles in Argentina -- A New World Beyond the Trench – Myanmar’s Fight Against Dictatorship -- Sonic Strategies in the Palestinian Struggle – A Soundtrack of the May 2021 Uprising in Palestine -- No Need to Be a Mathematician to Know Who You Can Count On – Rap Music as a Tool of Denunciation -- Imagining Kurdistan – Drawing is an Act of Conscience -- Rainbow of Resistance and Rebellion – Community Art in the Zapatista Army of National Liberation…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 14860
    por Meggelen, Jim Van
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…A Telephony Revolution; Massive Change Requires Flexible Technology; Asterisk: The Hacker's PBX; Asterisk: The Professional's PBX; The Asterisk Community; The Asterisk Wiki; The IRC Channels; Asterisk User Groups; The Asterisk Documentation Project; The Business Case; This Book; 2. …”
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