Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 673
- Social aspects 461
- Development 428
- Historia 380
- Management 334
- Application software 306
- Education 267
- Social conditions 226
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 193
- Research 188
- Politics and government 176
- Web site development 160
- Computer networks 151
- Design 151
- Community development 148
- Computer programs 144
- Python (Computer program language) 144
- Study and teaching 140
- Computer software 137
- Innovaciones tecnológicas 137
- Leadership 135
- Social Sciences 135
- Economic aspects 129
- Technological innovations 127
- Information technology 126
- Web sites 126
- Security measures 125
- Investigación científica 124
- Open source software 124
13821por Haskins, SuzanTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 14: Europe: All the Ingredients for the Good Life Chapter 16: Boots On the Ground: Zeroing in On the Community That's Right for You Chapter 17: You Found Your Paradise. …”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
13822por Cawthorn, SamTabla de Contenidos: “…Day 3: Gather as much information as possibleDay 4: Determine control; Day 5: Decide who needs to know what and share information; Day 6: Identify the gaps; Day 7: Seek involvement and buy-in from all involved; Day 8: Monitor results and fall forward; Day 9: Have fun; Day 10: Focus on the cause not the symptoms; Day 11: Throw out your excuse book and always bring a solution; Day 12: Identify and use your strengths; Conclusion: The power of bounce; Afterword: The bounce movement; Education; Aid; Empowering communities; INDEX…”
Publicado 2013
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13823Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…How to Produce Online Video on a Budget -- Chapter 9: Show, Don't Tell How to Showcase Your Business on Photo-Sharingsites -- Part 4 Get Out There -- Chapter 10: Build a Community How to Choose and Use Social Networks -- Chapter 11: Find Fans on Facebook How to Harness the world's Largest Network -- Chapter 12: Create Credibility on Linkedin How to Take Your Business Networking Online -- Chapter 13: Tap Into Twitter How to Use the Power of the Real-Time Web Tobuild a Following -- Chapter 14: Jack Into the Matrix How to Make Real Money in Virtual Worlds -- Chapter 15: Pass It on How to Be Discovered on Social Bookmarking Sites -- Part 5 Get Help -- Chapter 16: Do You Need a Consultant? …”
Libro electrónico -
13824Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…chapter Introduction: media, conflict and security / part Part I Theory and principles -- chapter 1 Secrets and lies: on the ethics of conflict coverage / chapter 2 Gender, media and security / chapter 3 Investigating the culture–media–security nexus / chapter 4 The media–security nexus: researching ritualized cycles of insecurity / chapter 5 Critical perspectives on media and conflict / chapter 6 Theorising media/state relations and power / part Part II Media, the state and war -- chapter 7 Visualising war: photojournalism under fire / chapter 8 Media, war, and public opinion / chapter 9 Theorizing state–media relations during war and crisis / chapter 10 Media, dissent, and anti-war movements / chapter 11 Public diplomacy: managing narratives versus building relations / chapter 12 Mapping a century in media coverage of war and conflict / part Part III Media and human security -- chapter 13 Citizen voice in war and conflict reporting / chapter 14 The CNN effect and humanitarian action / chapter 15 News coverage, peacemaking and peacebuilding / chapter 16 Continuing post-conflict coverage / chapter 17 Media and human rights / part Part IV Media and policymaking within the security state -- chapter 18 News media and the intelligence community / chapter 19 Covering acts of terrorism / chapter 20 Cyber-security and the media / chapter 21 Social media, revolution, and the rise of the political bot / part Part V New issues in security and conflict and future directions -- chapter 22 Media, the environment, and global security: the case of climate change / chapter 23 Propaganda and persuasion in contemporary conflict / chapter 24 Communications, human insecurity and the responsibility to protect / chapter 25 Conclusion: looking ahead…”
Libro electrónico -
13825Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Miller -- Social factors -- Racial and gender differences in substance use : what should communities do about them? / Harold D. Holder -- Family and other close relationships / Barbara S. …”
Libro electrónico -
13826Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Lerner Principles of adolescent/young-adult-friendly care : contribution to reducing health disparities and increasing health equity / Angela Diaz and Ken Peake Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in African American communities : continuing the quest for prevention / Carl C. …”
Libro electrónico -
13827Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…15 Environmental Action Within Local Faith Communities: Navigating Between High Expectations and Practical Action -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
13828Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half Title -- Series Information -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of figures -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Modern cities and ruin -- A brief history of the end of the world in sf -- The pleasures of urban ruins -- State of the field -- Parameters of study -- Structure of the book -- Notes -- 1 Urban apocalypse in the magazines -- The Scarlet Plague -- Cycles of urbanization and modernization -- The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire -- The publication of The Scarlet Plague -- Critical responses to The Scarlet Plague The afterlife of The Scarlet Plague -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 2 Listening to ruins on the radio -- Audio fiction and the imagination -- The roots of radio's golden age sf -- Post-war sf on the airwaves -- The heights of radio sf -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 3 Cinema and the aesthetics of destruction -- Urban destruction on film -- Aerial warfare and the imagination of disaster -- Destruction and renewal in The War of the Worlds -- Rebuilding the future in The Time Machine -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 4 Urban decay in the transmedia universe of Blade Runner -- Marginalization The glamour of decay: Los Angeles and New York City -- The policing of sexual identities -- Permeable boundaries -- Illicit relationships -- Deviancy and class -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 5 Playing in virtual ruins from Wasteland to Wasteland 2 -- Virtual space and the post-apocalyptic city -- Gameplay motivation and immersion -- Wasteland and 2D worlds -- 2.5D spaces and Fallout -- Choices in virtual worlds -- 3D game spaces -- Ruins in 3D worlds -- Narrative choices in Fallout 3 and 4 -- Wasteland 2 -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 6 Cities and sanctuary in The Walking Dead The Walking Dead as transmedia fictional world -- 'We are the walking dead' -- Atlanta -- Resurgens -- Unsalvageable cities -- Alexandria -- Gated communities -- Cities and violence -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index -- Back Cover…”
Libro electrónico -
13829Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction -- The Lower ǃGarib / Orange River: A Cross-border Microregion -- Movements, Networks and Imaginations -- Entangled Networks: Ethnicity, Mobility, and Exchange in the Lower ǃGarib / Orange River Region in the Late 18th Century -- The Visit of the Snake: The Storied Landscape of the Lower ǃGarib in the mid-1830s -- Imaginations and Constructions of Literary Spaces: The Lower ǃGarib / Orange River Region in Literature -- Fritz Isak (Zak) Gomaxnab Dirkse IGabaxab: Teacher and Promoter of Nama Language -- Changing Dynamics of Settler Farming -- The Enigma of the Namaqualand Trekboer -- Permeable Borders: Configurations of whiteness and Boer Commercial Ranching in Southern Namibia -- Swimming Upstream: From ‘Poor-Whites’ to ‘Coloureds’ along South Africa’s Lower Orange River -- Monika and Willem Basson: Farming and Living along the River -- Living along the River -- Onseepkans: Irrigation, Removals and Resistance in the Borderlands of Namibia and South Africa -- Company Hegemony and Social Relations in Oranjemund: The Paterson Job Grading System and the 1970s Town Transformations -- Understanding the Relationships between the ǀAi-ǀAis Richtersveld Transfrontier Park (ARTP) and Local Communities of ǁGamaseb Conservancy in Namibia -- Settling in the Mining Town: An Account of Women linked to Migrant Workers in Oranjemund, Namibia -- Anne-Marie IssaBrown Garises: Curator of the Keetmanshoop Museum -- Contested Land, Water and Borders -- The Orange River Boundary and the Ongoing Border Dispute Between Namibia and South Africa -- Contesting Control over the Namaqualand Landscape through Property -- Rethinking River Resilience: The Lower ǃGarib / Orange River -- Paulus Johannes: Park ranger -- Interdisciplinary Conversations -- Archaeological Space and Time along the Lower Orange River and Coast: Narratives of Gudrun Corvinus -- Landscape Archives, Aerial Photography and Geomorphic Change along the Lower Orange River -- The Water Quality of the Lower Orange River and its Implications on Human and River Health -- Epilogue -- Authors and Editors…”
Libro electrónico -
13830Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Heritage and destination conscience: empowering communities and enhancing tourism experiences / Dallen J. …”
Libro electrónico -
13831Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Regional and Sub-Regional Approaches to Youth and Youth-Led Movements in Africa: An Examination of the Policies of the African Union and its Regional Economic Communities, Mohamed Gibril Sesay -- 4. Going Virtual: Social Media and Youth-Led Social Movements in Africa, Edmore Chitukutuku -- 5. …”
Libro electrónico -
13832Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Preface -- Contents -- 1 Introduction and a Brief History of the Mexican Education System -- History of the Mexican education system -- The Carrera Magisterial and the Teaching Plaza -- The political setting -- 2 Reforming the System: Successes and Failures -- The lack of research and information -- Key problems and concepts -- Mexican corporative society -- The constitution of the hegemony (1917-34) -- The consolidation of the hegemony (1934-45) -- The apogee of the hegemony (1945-68) -- The hegemony under pressure (1968-90) -- The unravelling of the hegemony (1990- ) Post-2000 developmentsThe role of educational institutions -- The educational crisis in perspective -- 3 Curriculum, Pedagogic and Assessment Reforms in the Mexican System -- The systemic-technological curriculum -- Critical-reconceptualist curriculum approaches -- Psycho-pedagogical or cognitive constructionist approaches -- An interpretivist curriculum -- Neoliberal curricula in Mexico -- The enacted curriculum -- Curriculum and assessment practices -- 4 Pre-Service and In-Service Training in Mexico -- Models of teacher training -- Teacher-training practices -- Teacher training -- In-service training Designing in-service training courses -- 5 Parents and the Mexican Education System -- The role of parents: fictive and real -- Parental participation in Mexico -- Discrimination and playing the system -- 6 Intercultural Education and Alternative Education Programmes -- Third sector organizations in Mexico -- The emergence of independent dissent -- Beyond the revolution -- Sidestepping the state: finding space between the cracks -- Think global, act local 1: engagement with the base -- Think global, act local 2: the international reach of local educational reconstruction Working towards educational emancipation: A contested terrainCritical pedagogies -- Educators and the learning community -- An alternative vision -- 7 Systems and System Reforms -- Formal and informal elements -- Teachers and teaching -- Education systems -- Educational development -- Change -- Education policies and practices in Mexico -- References -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
13833Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Kaat Van Delm -- Digitally enabled medicaid home and community-based services / Kathryn Huber & Tara Sklar…”
Libro electrónico -
13834Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half Title -- Series Information -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Table of Contents -- Illustrations -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- 1 Introduction: The Dialectical Primatologist -- Dialectics and the Philosophy of Science -- My Path as a Dialectical Primatologist -- A Brief Overview of the Book -- Notes -- References -- 2 From the Miocene to the Margins: Overview of the Superfamily Hominoidea -- Miocene Origins: Eco-Morphological Context -- The Living Hominoids -- The Hylobatidae -- The Genus Hylobates -- The Genus Symphalangus -- The Genus Hoolock -- The Genus Nomascus -- The Hominidae -- The Genus Pongo -- The Genus Gorilla -- The Genus Pan -- The Genus Homo -- From the Miocene to the Margins -- Notes -- References -- 3 Emergence: Theorising Ape Sociality -- Starting Assumptions: Socioecological Models and Standard Evolutionary Theory -- Theoretical and Empirical Limitations -- Principles of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis -- Critical Political Ethology: Elucidating Ape Sociality -- Hylobatid Community Dynamics -- Differences in the Social Structure of Bonobos and Chimpanzees -- Orangutan Social Flexibility -- Next Steps -- Notes -- References -- 4 Waves of Change: Insights From Java, Indonesia -- Java, Indonesia: Beyond Singular Description -- The Biogeographic Context -- The Cultural, Political and Economic Heart of Indonesia -- The Natureculture Lens -- The Sacred Forests of Sunda -- Leuweung Sancang -- Ujung Kulon -- So Where to From Here? …”
Libro electrónico -
13835por Krmpotich, CaraTabla de Contenidos: “…Accessing, Handling and Enlivening Collections -- 7 Challenging Ableism: Including Non-Normative Bodies and Practices in Collections Care -- 8 Playing the Odds: The Fine Line Between Keeping an Object Safe and Making it Accessible -- 9 Managing a Working Collection: The Historic Furniture and Decorative Arts Collection at the Palace of Westminster -- 10 Gloves in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond the Pandemic -- 11 A Healthy Ageing Approach to Collections Care -- Part II Response: Claim What Is Stored Here -- Part III: Community Brilliance in Shaping Collections Management -- 12 On Language, Access and Practitioners: Beginning a Conversation on Decolonising and Indigenising the Care of Kapa Collections at Bishop Museum -- 13 Shifting Organisational Culture Through Repatriation Policy -- 14 Kaitiakitanga: Māori Collection Management in Aotearoa New Zealand -- 15 Reconciling with Ourselves: How Do We Decolonise Collections Management Practices in Museum Spaces and Systems? …”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico -
13836Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ On public sanctuary : exploring the nature of refuge in precarious times / The shift towards increased citizen-driven migration in Canada / Closing the gap : official statistics on the migration of unaccompanied migrant children across the Mediterranean / Big tech and migration management / The power of politics : exploring the true potential of community sponsorship programmes / The politics of courts -- The geopolitics of knowledge production in international migration law / The West and the Muslim refugee : legitimacy, legality and loss / Populism and the failure to acknowledge the human rights of migrants / Manufacturing foreigners : the law and politics of transforming citizens into migrants / Examining the sharp end of state power -- Immigration detention and the production of race in the UK / Fast-track, accelerated, and expedited asylum procedures as a tool of exclusion / Immigration detention in the age of COVID-19 / Protection, crime, and punishment: regulation at the nexus of crimmigration and refugee law / Privacy rights at the Canadian border : judicial assumptions and the limits of the Charter / The challenge of international governance -- Re-defining the international refugee regime : UNHCR, UNRWA, and the challenge of multigenerational protracted refugee situations / Knowledge controversies of global migration governance : understanding the controversy surrounding the Global Compact / The Global Compact for Migration as social theodicy / Why the Sustainable Development Goals? …”
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13837por Melé, DomènecTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 4: Centrality of the Person in Management; An understanding of the "person"; Managing people with a human quality; Managing the business enterprise as a community of persons; Managing people's work within the business fi rm; Building up a person-centered corporate culture; Executive summary. …”
Publicado 2012
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
13838Publicado 2000Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Partnerships : making the connection / Karen Kelly. -- "Each community has a wealth of technical expertise" / Karen Smith. -- The real digital divide : quality not quantity / Maisie McAdoo. -- "Internet content should reflect children's diversity of needs and interests" / Milton Chen. -- The gender gap : why do girls get turned off to technology? …”
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13839Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ranch experience -- Business innovation processes -- Innovating without information constraints : organizations, communities, and innovation when information costs approach zero -- Product-to-platform transitions : organizational identity implications -- Business model innovations : toward a process perspective -- Institutional innovation : novel, useful, legitimate -- Dynamic managerial capabilities : a perspective on the relationship between managers, creativity, and innovation in organizations -- Part 3. …”
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13840Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chambers -- Schism in the sinhalese Buddhist community of Los Angeles / Paul David Numrich -- The dramatic effect of the Buddha on western theories of religion / Ninian Smart -- Dialogical reflections on Christian prayer and Zen meditation / Donald W. …”