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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Historia 620
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- Engineering & Applied Sciences 254
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- Calles 139
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- Crítica e interpretación 119
- Economic conditions 118
- Filosofía 118
- Java (Computer program language) 112
- Poesía española 112
- Computer programs 110
- Study and teaching 109
- Business & Economics 106
- Operating systems (Computers) 105
- Politics and government 105
8941Published 2020Table of Contents: “…The changing nature of work and workers -- The (timeless) search for decent work -- What is my work a job? A career? A calling? -- Managing through work design from the top down to bottom up -- Stimulating learning through work design -- Designing work to preserve health and wellbeing -- The trade-offs of work design -- Final comments -- Notes -- References -- PART III: Positivity in collectives -- 6. …”
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8942Published 2016Table of Contents: “…Making Virtual Teams Work ; Build Trust Early; Build a Reciprocity Circle; A Phone Call in Time Saves Nine; Where in the World Is My Teammate?…”
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8943by Membretti, AndreaTable of Contents: “…The renaissance of rural, mountainous and remote regions of Europe : a call for action / Andrea Membretti, Thomas Dax, Anna Krasteva -- Reframing remote places and remoteness as a collective resource and value for Europe / Andrea Membretti, Thomas Dax, Ingrid Machold -- Rural, mountain and remote regions should be treated as the core of Europe and the role of migration need to be considered for recovery and development / Susanne Stenbacka, Ulf Hansson -- It is time for a new rural and mountain narrative / Thomas Dax, Cristina Dalla Torre, Ingrid Machold -- International migration to rural and mountain areas is an important but neglected phenomenon / Ulf Hansson, Ingrid Machold, Thomas Dax, Per Olav Lund -- Migration impact assessment as a powerful tool for evaluating the comprehensive effects of migration on local societies and economies / Birgit Aigner-Walder, Marika Gruber, Rahel Schomaker -- Inclusion of migrants in rural and mountain territories is a multi-level and multidimensional process / Jussi P. …”
Published 2022
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8944by Raposa, Richard F.Table of Contents: “…Primitive Types; Garbage Collection; Call by Value; Java Operators; Equality of Objects; Summary; Exam Essentials; Review Questions; Answers to Review Questions; Chapter 2: Declarations, Initialization, and Scoping; Declaring Variables; Scoping; Declaring Arrays; Declaring Classes; The Instantiation Process…”
Published 2009
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8945Published 2012Table of Contents: “…Tools; Toolbar; Option Menu; Call to Action Button; Contextual Tools; Inline Actions; Multi-State Button; Bulk Actions; Chapter 6. …”
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8946by Goman, Carol KinseyTable of Contents: “…; The Power of Empathy; 4 COLLABORATION; The Universal Need for Collaboration; Wired to Connect; Six Body Language Tips for Inclusion; The Importance of How You Say What You Say; Using Space; Dress for Success; What Your Office Says About You; Familiarity Breeds Collaboration; 5 COMMUNICATING VIRTUALLY AND FACE-TO-FACE; Technology, the Great Enabler; Six Tips for a Conference Call; Important Tips for Videoconferencing; Technology Brings a New Range of Communication Options; What's So Great About Face-to-Face?…”
Published 2011
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8947Published 2013Table of Contents: “…4 Facing up to it: blending formal and informal learning opportunities in higher education contextsIntroduction; The blurring of formal and informal learning; A new model for the knowledge economy; Methodology; Discussion; Conclusion; Bibliography; 5 Networked lives for learning: digital media and young people across formal and informal contexts; Introduction; Networked lives; Learning lives; Methodology and research context; Three portraits; Interpretation of the portraits; Conclusion; Note; Bibliography; 6 Network and mobile technologies in education: a call for e-teachers; Introduction…”
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8948Published 2013Table of Contents: “…Interactionist Perspectives in Social Psychology; George J. McCall -- Chapter 2. Identity Theory; Jan E. Stets and Richard T. …”
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8949Published 2023Table of Contents: “…Conté: Així era Bàrcino / Carme Miró i Alaix ; La Barcinona visigòtica / Julia Bertrán de Heredia ; De perifèria de l'Imperi Franc a seu d'un principat feudal / Stephen P. Bensch ; El Call de Barcelona / Jaume Riera Sans ; Barcelona, node mediterrani de comerç i poder / Roser Salicrú ; Barcelona a l'Edat Moderna: la ciutat dels menestrals / Pere Molas ; La Barcelona de les indianes, 1735-1835 / Àlex Sànchez ; Una urbs industrial i constreta rere muralles / Pere Pascual Domènech ; Cerdà, l'higienisme i l'Eixample / Ramon Grau i Fernàndez ; La ciutat del Modernisme: entre la tradició i el batec cosmopolita / Mireia Freixa ; La ciutat nova i el municipi unificat / Ramon Grau i Fernàndez ; L'arrencada de la segona revolució industrial / Jordi Catalan ; Quan mataven pels carrers / Soledad Bengoechea i Mari Cruz Santos ; Una urbs contradictòria i oberta al món / Borja de Riquer ; La primavera republicana de Barcelona / Francesc Vilanova ; Lluita, revolució, derrota i primer franquisme / Marc Gil Garrusta ; Un nou salt en la dimensió urbana / Amador Ferrer ; El mètode Barcelona / Juli Esteban i Noguera ; L'eixamplament humà: la immigració, 1900-2007 / Mercè Tatjer ; La Barcelona contemporània davant les pandèmies / Borja de Riquer ; La ciutat del motor, història d'una continuïtat industrial / Jordi Catalan ; Barcelona metròpoli, un sol espai econòmic, social i ciutadà / Oriol Nel·lo ; Un segle de la Via Laietana i Barri Gòti / Joan Ganau ; Llegir els carrers, entre l'urbanisme i la literatura / Oriol Izquierdo ; Mitologies de la Barcelona digital / Andreu Ulied ; Cartografies ; Les sales del MUHBA…”
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8950Published 2023Table of Contents: “…Introduction by Corina Rodríguez Enríquez and Masaya Llavaneras BlancoPart One: The Narrative, Political and Economic Environment of PPPs in The Global South -- Chapter 1: Medical Equipment Leasing in Kenya: A Call for Pan African Feminist Resistance to Neo-Colonial Financial Models by Crystal Simeoni & Wangari Kinoti -- Chapter 2: PPPs Meet the Developmental State: The Case of Ethiopia by Netsanet GebremichaelPart Two: Normative and Institutional Labyrinth -- Chapter 3: PPPs, Corporate Responsibility and Women's Human Rights in Senegal's Finance for Development Model: The Case of the Dakar-Diamniadio Motorway by Marème Ndoye -- Chapter 4: Opaque Practices and Substandard Health Service Delivery: The Case of La Red Asistencial Sabogal De Essalud In Peru by Bethsabé Andia PerezPart Three: PPPs, Women's Human Rights and Social Resistances at Regional and State and Provincial Level in the Global South -- Chapter 5: PPPs in the Isthmus of Tehuantec Corridor: Megaprojects, Opacity and Women's Resistance by Isabel Clavijo -- Chapter 6: PPPs in Publicly-Funded Health Insurance Schemes: The Case of PMJAY in India, or How Women Bear the Brunt while the Private Sector Expands by Sulakshana Nandi -- Chapter 7: PPPs in Agro-Energy and Their Impact on Women's Rights: The case of Addax Bioenergy Sierra Leone Ltd by Hussainatu AbdullahPart Four: PPPs, Women's Human Rights and Social Resistances at Local and Micro Level in the Global South -- Chapter 8: A Feminist Human Rights Approach to Ghana's PPPs Public Markets: The Case of the Dome Market by Gertrude Dzifa Torvikey and Syliva Ohene Marfo -- Chapter 9: PPPs in the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals in Zimbabwe: Institutional Precarities and Piecemeal Solutions by Nyasha Masuka -- Chapter 10: Unhealthy partnerships: PPPs in Fiji's Lautoka and Ba Hospitals by Lice CokanasigaPart Five: Different Regions, Same Patterns: Common Challenges and Common Hopes -- Conclusion: The Risks of PPPs and the Need to Rebuild Public Responsibility on Social Provisioning by Corina Rodríguez Enríquez and Masaya Llavaneras Blanco…”
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8951Published 2024Table of Contents: “…Chapter 1 Other people’s ideas: An introduction to using social theory in higher education -- Chapter 2 Sit Down, be Humble: The influence of the Work of Linda Tuhiwai Smith on our research -- Chapter 3 The decolonial imperative - text and context: a response to Amani Bell and Gulwanyang Moran -- Chapter 4 After Belonging: Aileen Moreton-Robinson’s ‘I Still Call Australia Home’ -- Chapter 5 In belonging: a response to Timothy Laurie -- Chapter 6 Deploying Rose and Abi-Rached to ‘make sense’ of the rise of the ‘brain sciences’ in the field of violence against women -- Chapter 7 What do we talk about when we talk about neuro? …”
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8952Published 2024Table of Contents: “…Preface -- Acknowledgments -- List of Tables, Graphs and Figures -- 1 Empowerment through NGO †̄s -- 1 Muslims in Ghana -- 2 Defining CBO †̄s, CSO †̄s and Muslim NGO †̄s -- 3 Empowerment and the NGO -isation of Philanthropy -- 4 Detecting and Analysing the Spectrum of Muslim NGO †̄s -- 2 A Changing Landscape of Muslim NGO †̄s in Ghana -- 1 Muslim Philanthropists: Outreach through Charities and Foundations -- 2 Grassroots Associations, Movements and Representative Bodies -- 3 The Youth as a Dynamic Force -- 4 International Muslim Charities Operating in Ghana -- 3 The Essence of Muslim Faith-Based Humanitarian Relief -- 1 Feeding and Clothing the Poor during Ramadan and at Eid -- 2 Orphans -- 3 Prison Inmates -- 4 Ad Hoc Calls for Persons in Need -- 5 Persons with Disabilities -- 6 Mobilising sadaqa in Support of Deprived Communities -- 7 Generating Donations from One Million Muslims via Social Media -- 8 Local Initiatives in Tamale and Wa -- 4 Initiating Community Development -- 1 SONSETFUND and Scholarships for Muslim Students -- 2 Zero Gender-Based Violence -- 3 Promoting Sustainable Development Goals and Interfaith Dialogue -- 4 Establishing Islamic Clinics and Hospitals -- 5 The Biodigester Toilet Project -- 6 A Community Resource Centre, a Community Library and the Plastic4Education Project -- 7 Developing Hohoe Zongo -- 8 Urban Market Gardens -- 5 Zakat in Ghana: A Tool for Empowerment? …”
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8953Published 2008Table of Contents: “…Nature, mission, and structure of the church / Avery Dulles -- 2. The universal call to holiness / Benoît-Dominique de La Soujeole -- The dogmatic constitution on divine revelation, Dei Verbum: -- 3. …”
Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Other Sources: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Sumario
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8954Published 2011Table of Contents: “…'Trade and ...' Linkages: 9. A call for a WTO ministerial decision on trade and human rights Barnali Choudhury, Katja Gehne, Simone Heri, Franziska Humbert, Christine Kaufmann and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer; 10. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Other Sources: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Book -
8955Published 2009Table of Contents: “…El Cuco, El Salvador / Enrique Abascal García ; 35 viviendas en el Barrio de Santa María, Cádiz / Fernando Carrascal Calle, Jose Ma Fernández de la Puente Irigoyen ; Pabellón de España en la Expo Hannover 2000, Alemania / Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos ; Recuperación de la Orilla del Guadalquivir, Puente de Miraflores / Rafael Casado Martínez, Antonio Julio Herrero Elordi, Juan Suárez Ávila ; Recuperación de la Orilla del Guadalquivir, restauración del Molino de Martos - Urbanización del Paseo de la Ribera / Juan Navarro Baldeweg ; Recuperación de la Orilla del Guadalquivir, Parque de Miraflores / Juan Cuenca Montilla ; Ordenación del Frente Marítimo de Vigo / Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra…”
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8956Published 2000Table of Contents: “…The Apostles, Op. 49 - The Calling of the Apostles: The Dawn - Morning Psalm (opening) / Sir Edward Elgar ; 17. …”
8957Published 2020Table of Contents: “….) : l'exemple de Balaguer (Lérida) / Nicolas Mias -- Fortificaciones en La Rioja con discontinuidad (variabilidad) en técnicas constructivas y continuidad en formas de control territorial: hacia una lectura integrada de ambos registros / José María Tejado Sebastián -- Una torre de época visigoda en el nordeste peninsular: el caso de Torre Desvern, Celrà / Marc Prat -- Una torre, dues anelles i unes analítiques impertinents : Vallferosa (Torà, la Segarra, província de Lleida) / Joan Menchon -- Excavaciones en la muralla islámica de Tudela : intervención arqueológica en la calle Herrerías n. 8 / Ma. Cruz Pérez Omeñaca -- Noves perspectives en l'estudi del període andalusí als districtes meridionals de Turtusa : resultats preliminars als jaciments castellonencs del Tossal de la Vila (serra d'en Galceran), Xivert i Santa Llúcia (Alcalà de Xivert) / Ferran Falomir, Joan Negre, Gustau Aguilella, Neus Arquer -- La fortalesa andalusina d'Orpesa (segles X-XIII) : elements defensius, metrologia i registre material / Sergi Selma, Joan Negre, Luis Lozano -- Archeologia del Paesaggio e fortificazioni medievali in una montagna mediterranea / Antonio Porcheddu…”
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8958Published 2015Table of Contents: “…Orality and writing in the formation of prophetic books / Annette Schellenberg -- Writing songs, singing songs : the oral and the written in the commission of the Levitical singers (1 Chr 25:1-6) / Roger S. Nam -- "Call on me in the day of trouble" : from oral lament to lament psalms / Andreas Schuele -- "Publishing" a gospel : notes on historical constraints to gospel criticism / Pieter J.J. …”
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8959Published 2004Table of Contents: “…Thornton -- The importance of multicultural education / Geneva Gay -- "In these shoes is the silent call of the earth" : meditations on curriculum integration, conceptual violence, and the ecologies of community and place / David W. …”
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8960by Das, Lyla. B.Table of Contents: “… The Short Jump -- 3.3.2 Other Forms of the Unconditional Jump Instruction -- Conditional Jumps -- Far Jump -- 3.3.3 The LOOP Instruction -- 3.4 Arithmetic Instructions -- 3.4.1 Flag Control Instructions -- 3.4.2 Addition Instructions -- 3.4.3 Subtraction -- 3.4.4 Compare Instruction -- 3.4.5 Unsigned Multiplication -- 3.4.6 Unsigned Division -- 3.5 Logical Instructions -- 3.6 Shift and Rotate Instructions -- 3.6.1 Shift -- 3.6.2 Rotate Instructions -- Key Points of this Chapter -- Questions -- Exercises -- Chapter4: Programming Concepts - III -- 4.1 String Instructions -- 4.1.1 The MOVS Instruction -- 4.1.2 The CMPS Instruction -- 4.1.3 The SCAS Instruction -- 4.1.4 The STOS and LODS Instructions -- 4.2 Procedures -- 4.2.1 Writing a Procedure -- 4.2.2 Call and Return Instructions -- Intrasegment or 'Near' Call -- Intersegment or Far Call -- 4.2.3 The RET Instruction -- 4.2.4 The Use of the Stack in Procedure Calls -- 4.2.5 Passing Parameters To and From Procedures -- Passing Parameters Through Registers -- Passing Parameters Through Memory -- Passing Parameters Through the Stack -- 4.3 Macros -- 4.3.1 Writing a Macro -- 4.3.2 Using the 'Local' Directive in Macros -- 4.4 Number Format Conversions -- 4.4.1 Packed BCD to Unpacked BCD Conversion -- 4.4.2 BCD Calculations -- 4.5 ASCII Operations -- 4.5.1 ASCII Addition -- 4.5.2 ASCII Subtraction -- 4.5.3 Multiplication and Division -- 4.6 Conversions for Computations and Display/Entry -- 4.6.1 Converting ASCII Numbers to Binary Form -- 4.6.2 Converting Binary Numbers to ASCII Form -- 4.7 Signed Number Arithmetic -- 4.7.1 Comparison of Signed Numbers -- 4.7.2 Signed Multiplication and Division -- 4.7.3 Arithmetic Shift -- 4.8 Programming Using High Level Language Constructs -- Key Points of this Chapter -- Questions -- Exercises…”
Published 2011