Mostrando 8,361 - 8,380 Resultados de 18,781 Para Buscar '"Calle"', tiempo de consulta: 0.14s Limitar resultados
  1. 8361
    por Clow, Julie, 1974-
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Work Revolution: Freedom and Excellence for All; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: This Thing We Call Work; What is the problem?; Starting a Work Revolution; Strategy 1: Change All the Organizations; Strategy 2: Follow the Easy Path; The Three Channels of Change; Individuals; Leaders; Organizations; Tying It All Together; Chapter 2: Signs We Have It Wrong; The Deluxe Job-Shove-It Quiz; Interpreting Your Answers; Lens 1: Organizational Layers Analysis; Lens 2: Guiding Principles Analysis; Chapter 3: The New Rules; What Is Our Reality?…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 8362
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Disallowing DELETEDisallowing TRUNCATE; Modifying the NEW record; The timestamping trigger; The immutable fields trigger; Controlling when a trigger is called; Conditional triggers; Triggers on specific field changes; Visibility; Most importantly - use triggers cautiously!…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 8363
    por Rowlands, Avril
    Publicado 2000
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…A week to a pageRendezvous; Shooting order; Rescheduling; Shooting Schedule: 3; Artists' information pack; Travel information; Daily call sheets; Documentary-Type Productions; Research; Learning about new things; 'Find Out All You Can About …”
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  4. 8364
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Rendering Massive GridsDisplaying Animations in Extremely Large Viewports; Color Cycling; Conclusion; Chapter 9: Optimizing WebGL Usage; The Anatomy of a WebGL Call; How WebGL Works; Building the Renderer; Debugging WebGL Usage; Using Extensions; Vertex Array Objects; Draw Buffers; Instanced Arrays; WebGL 2; Rendering the Scene; Frustum Culling; Rendering Order; Batching; Conclusion; Chapter 10: Playing Around with the Gamepad API; Draft Stage; Browser Support; Supported Devices; Gamepad API Implementation; Project Setup; Connecting the Gamepad; Prefixes; Detecting Disconnection…”
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  5. 8365
    por Mobius, Mark
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; A Short-Selling Nightmare; And the Baht Tumbles; It's Called Crony Capitalism; Chapter Fourteen: Don't Get Emotional: How to Profit from the Panic; Become a Fan of All the Information You Can Find; The Example of China Telecom; A Chance for Small Investors…”
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  6. 8366
    por Fosdick, Howard
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…OverviewStructured Programming in Rexx; IF Statements; DO Statements; A Sample Program; SELECT Statements; CALL Statements; Another Sample Program; Unstructured Control Instructions; Summary; Test Your Understanding; Chapter 4: Arrays; Overview; The Basics; A Sample Program; Associative Arrays; A Sample Associative Array Program; Creating Data Structures Based on Arrays; Summary; Test Your Understanding; Chapter 5: Input and Output; Overview; The Conceptual I/O Model; Line-Oriented Standard I/O; Character-Oriented Standard I/O; Conversational I/O; Redirected I/O; I/O Issues; Summary…”
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  7. 8367
    por Van Bergen, Chris
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Standards: The Rule Book to Follow -- Setting the Standard -- Auditing -- The Impact of Assessments -- The Educational Benefit of Compliance -- Ongoing Challenges and Evolution -- Shifting to Root Causes and Shared Ownership -- Notes -- 5 Wake‐Up Calls: The Dual Disasters of Rana Plaza and COVID‐19 -- The Tragedy at Rana Plaza -- Why Bangladesh? …”
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  8. 8368
    por Jamwal, Shubhnandan
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Functions -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Types of Functions -- 4.3 Importance of Functions -- 4.4 Scope of Functions -- 4.5 Passing Parameters to Functions -- 4.6 Function Prototype -- 4.7 Call by Value -- 4.8 Pointers -- 4.9 Call by Reference -- 4.10 Creating Header Files -- 4.11 Recursion -- 4.12 Functions with Variable Arguments -- Summary -- Exercise Questions -- 5. …”
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  9. 8369
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Crisis de representación, estatalidad y nuevas subjetividades democráticas -- De la democracia de la calle a los consejos comunales: la democracia desde abajo en Venezuela / Andrés Antillano -- Repensar la democracia. …”
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  10. 8370
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…6.4.1 Lewis (2001) Approach6.4.2 Carr-Madan (1999) Approach; 6.5 Numerical Evaluation; 6.5.1 Fourier Series; 6.5.2 Fast Fourier Transform; 6.6 Applications; 6.6.1 Black-Scholes-Merton (1973) Model; 6.6.2 Merton (1976) Model; 6.6.3 Discrete Market Model; 6.7 Conclusions; 6.8 Python Scripts; 6.8.1 BSM Call Valuation via Fourier Approach; 6.8.2 Fourier Series; 6.8.3 Roots of Unity; 6.8.4 Convolution; 6.8.5 Module with Parameters; 6.8.6 Call Value by Convolution; 6.8.7 Option Pricing by Convolution; 6.8.8 Option Pricing by DFT; 6.8.9 Speed Test of DFT…”
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  11. 8371
    por Peterson, Steven P.
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Machine generated contents note: Preface Acknowledgments Chapter 1: Discount Rates and Returns Estimating Returns Geometric and Arithmetic Averages Caveats to Return Extrapolation Discounting Present Values of Cash Flow Streams Internal Rate of Return and Yield to Maturity Real and Nominal Returns Summary Chapter 2: Fixed Income Securities Coupon Bearing Bonds Infinite Cash Flow Streams (Perpetuities) General Pricing Formulas for Finite Cash Flow Streams Interest Rate Risk Analysis of Duration Interest Rate Risk Dynamics Immunization and Duration Applications - Liability Discounting and Cash Matching Pension Logic Risky Coupons Inflation Risk and TIPS A Bond Portfolio Strategy (Optional) Summary Appendix 2.1: Solving Infinite and Finite Power Series References Chapter 3: Term Structure Discounting Using Spot Rates Forward Rates NPV revisited Short Rates The Bootstrap Method Duration Redux Summary Chapter 4: Equity The Determination of Stock Prices Discount Rates Redux Price and Dividend Multiples Extrapolating Multiples to Forecast Returns Pitfalls of Trend Analysis The Gordon Growth Model Sources of Return Summary References Chapter 5: Portfolio Construction Stochastic Returns and Risk Diversification The Efficient Frontier Markowitz Portfolio Selection Criteria Capital Market Line and the CAPM Performance Evaluation Summary Appendix 5.1: Statistical Review Appendix 5.2: Risk Adjusted Performance References Chapter 6: Optimal Portfolios Portfolio 1: Minimum Variance Portfolio (Fully Invested) Portfolio 2: Minimum Variance Portfolios with Targeted Return Portfolio 3: Minimum Variance Portfolios with No Short Sales Portfolio 4: Minimum Variance Portfolios with Capped Allocations Portfolio 5: Maximum Risk-Adjusted Return Performance Attribution The Efficient Frontier (Again) Summary Appendix 6.1: Matrix Operations Chapter 7: Data and Applications Analyzing Returns on a Ten Asset Portfolio Performance Attribution Changing the Investment Horizon Benchmarking to the Market Portfolio The Cost of Constraints A Bond Strategy Summary Chapter 8: Anomalies Deviations from the CAPM Behavioral Finance Summary References Chapter 9: Factor Models Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) Factor Selection Model Estimation Principal Components Applications and Examples Summary References Chapter 10: Active Portfolio Management Active Portfolio Construction and Attribution Analysis Performance Attribution Summary Appendix 10.1: Active Space Chapter 11: Risk The Failure of VaR Taxonomy of Risk Visualizing Risk Estimating Volatilities Maximum Likelihood Estimation (Optional) Credit Risk Adjusting for Leverage Adjusting for Illiquidity Other Risks Summary References Chapter 12: Monte Carlo Methods Example 1: Generating Random Numbers - Estimating pi Example 2: Confirming the Central Limit Theorem Example 3: Credit Default Risk Non-Normal Distributions The Gaussian Copula Summary References Chapter 13: Systemic Risk Extreme Value Theory Estimating the Hazards of Downside Risks A Systemic Risk Indicator Summary References Chapter 14: Incorporating Subjective Views Methodological Concepts An Example using Black-Litterman Active Space Risk Attribution Summary References Chapter 15: Futures, Forwards, and Swaps Institutional Detail and Futures Mechanics The Relationship between Spot Prices and Forward (Futures) Prices Hedging Basis Risk Hedging Portfolio Risk Futures Pricing Swaps Summary References Chapter 16: Introduction to Options Option Payoffs and Put-Call Parity Pricing European Call Options Pricing European Put Options Option Strategies Real Options Summary References Chapter 17: Models of Stock Price Dynamics Stock Price Dynamics Ito Processes Lognormal Stock Prices Deriving the Parameters of the Binomial Lattice Black-Scholes-Merton Model The Greek Letters Monte Carlo Methods Summary Appendix 17.1: Derivation of Ito's Lemma Chapter 18: Hedging Portfolio Risk Simple Hedging Strategies S&P 500 Index Puts Selling Volatility VIX Calls Liability Driven Investment Summary References Chapter 19: Private Equity The Private Equity Model Return and Risk Methodology Summary Appendix 19.1: CAPM References Chapter 20: Structured Credit Securitization Credit Enhancement Basics of Pricing Interest Rate Derivatives Interest Rate Dynamics CDO Valuation The Crash of the Housing Bubble Summary References Chapter 21: Optimal Rebalancing Trigger Strategies and No-trade Regions An Optimal Control Problem Implications Optimal Rebalancing in a Static Optimization Model The Comparative Statics of Transactions Costs References Chapter 22: Data Problems* Covariance Estimation An Example Empirical Results Overlapping Observations Conclusions Appendix 22.1: Covariance Matrix Estimation Removing the effects of smoothing References About the Author Index…”
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  12. 8372
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.2.1 Axiological Themes and Terminology in Ambrose's Writings -- 3.2.2 "Know Thyself" Maxim Transformed into "Know Thy Dignity" -- 3.2.3 Ambrose's Calls to Recognize One's Greatness -- 3.2.4 Value of the Human Soul. …”
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  13. 8373
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Writing a basic Chrome scenario -- Opening a website in Chrome -- Finding and interacting with elements -- Understanding locators -- Knowing the different kinds of locators -- Determining element locators -- Interacting with elements -- Using interactions in a test scenario -- Making web element assertions -- Making web element list assertions -- Debugging UI tests -- Taking screenshots -- Highlighting elements -- Exporting PDFs -- Using the debugger -- Using karate.stop to pause execution -- Redirecting HTTP calls -- Investigating API requests -- Adding a mock response -- Configuring the mock -- Using the mock in a test -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Performance Testing with Karate Gatling -- Technical requirements -- Creating the test scenario -- What is Gatling? …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 8374
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Determining How a Function Was Called in ECMAScript 5 -- The Metaproperty -- Block-Level Functions -- Deciding When to Use Block-Level Functions -- Block-Level Functions in Non-Strict Mode -- Arrow Functions -- Arrow Function Syntax -- Creating Immediately Invoked Function Expressions -- No this Binding -- Arrow Functions and Arrays -- No arguments Binding -- Identifying Arrow Functions -- Tail Call Optimization -- How Tail Calls Are Different in ECMAScript 6 -- How to Harness Tail Call Optimization -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Expanded Object Functionality -- Object Categories -- Object Literal Syntax Extensions -- Property Initializer Shorthand -- Concise Methods -- Computed Property Names -- New Methods -- The Method -- The Object.assign() Method -- Duplicate Object Literal Properties -- Own Property Enumeration Order -- Enhancements for Prototypes -- Changing an Object's Prototype -- Easy Prototype Access with Super References -- A Formal Method Definition -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Destructuring for Easier Data Access -- Why Is Destructuring Useful? …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 8375
    por Perona Fausto, Juan
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…En septiembre de 1936 se llamó -- La calle González Chermá -actual calle Enmedio- era una de las arterias principales de la ciudad de…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 8376
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Engendering Health: The Social Construction of Gendered Health Beliefs and Behaviors -- Constructions of Masculinity and Their Influence on Men's Well-Being: A Theory of Gender and Health -- Part III: Specific Populations -- Introduction: Ethnicity Matters -- Rural Men's Health: Situating Men's Risk in the Negotiation of Masculinity -- College Men's Health -- Preventive Health Strategies for Men in Prison -- Part IV: Emerging Research on Men, Masculinity and Health -- Youth Violence? Let Call It What It Is --…”
    Acceso restringido con credenciales, usuarios UPSA
    Libro electrónico
  17. 8377
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction / Rebecka Lettevall, Geert Somsen, and Sven Widmalm -- Probing the master narrative of scientific internationalism : nationals and neutrals in the 1920s / Brigitte Schroeder -- "Holland's calling" : Dutch scientists' self-fashioning as international mediators / Geert Somsen -- "A superior type of universal civilisation" : science as politics in Sweden, 1917-1926 / Sven Widmalm -- "Has the Swedish Academy of Sciences seen nothing, heard nothing, and understood nothing?" …”
    Acceso restringido con credenciales, usuarios UPSA
    Libro electrónico
  18. 8378
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Brown -- Using Cartoons to Teach Children Manners and Morals: Munro Leaf Warns, "There Is a Watchbird Watching You" / Fran Hassencahl -- Kids in Black: The Transformative Power of Black Fantasy / Marcus Haynes -- Return to Reality: Embracing Psychological and Social Conflicts in Neil Gaiman's Coraline and Patrick Ness's A Monster Calls / Edcel J. Cintrón Gonzalez -- To See with Eyes Unclouded by Hate: Environmental Ethics and the Art of Seeing in the Films of Hayao Miyazaki / Roger W. …”
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    Libro electrónico
  19. 8379
    por Courtenay, Will H.
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Engendering Health: The Social Construction of Gendered Health Beliefs and Behaviors -- Constructions of Masculinity and Their Influence on Men's Well-Being: A Theory of Gender and Health -- Part III: Specific Populations -- Introduction: Ethnicity Matters -- Rural Men's Health: Situating Men's Risk in the Negotiation of Masculinity -- College Men's Health -- Preventive Health Strategies for Men in Prison -- Part IV: Emerging Research on Men, Masculinity and Health -- Youth Violence? Let Call It What It Is --…”
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    Libro electrónico
  20. 8380
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…: a mini case study from Fiji / Ruth Finnegan -- Migrating music and good-enough cosmopolitanism : encounter with Robin Denselow and Charlie Gillett / Kevin Robins -- Ports of call : an ethnographic analysis of music programmes about the migration of people, musicians, genres and instruments, BBC World Service, 1994-1995 / Jan Fairley -- Music, migration, and war : the BBC's interactive music broadcasting to Afghanistan and the Afghan diaspora / John Baily, Goldsmiths -- Cities -- Cavern journeys : music, migration and urban space / Sara Cohen -- "New York comes to Groningen" : jazz star circuits in the Netherlands / Kristin McGee -- "Brown boys doing it like this" : Asian cultural production and London's Asian urban music scene / Helen Kim…”
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