Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 620
- History 449
- Development 330
- Application software 295
- Management 261
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 254
- Computer Science 184
- Law 154
- Social aspects 145
- Education 142
- Philosophy 142
- Calles 139
- Història 133
- Economics 132
- Biblia 126
- History and criticism 126
- Data processing 124
- Leadership 122
- Computer programming 119
- Crítica e interpretación 119
- Economic conditions 118
- Filosofía 118
- Java (Computer program language) 112
- Poesía española 112
- Computer programs 110
- Study and teaching 109
- Business & Economics 106
- Operating systems (Computers) 105
- Politics and government 105
8201Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Multiple Key Performance Metrics -- Power Plant Operations Monitoring -- Showing Year-to-Date and Year-over-Year at the Same Time -- Premier League Player Performance Metrics -- RBS 6 Nations Championship Match Performance Analysis -- Web Analytics -- Patient History Analysis of Recent Hospital Admissions -- Hospitality Dashboard for Hotel Management -- Sentiment Analysis: Showing Overall Distribution -- Showing Sentiment with Net Promoter Score -- Server Process Monitoring -- Big Mac Index -- Complaints Dashboard -- Hospital Operating Room Utilization -- Showing Rank and Magnitude -- Measuring Claims across Multiple Measures and Dimensions -- Showing Churn or Turnover -- Showing Actual versus Potential Utilization -- Health Care Provider Productivity Monitoring -- Telecom Operator Executive Dashboard -- Economy at a Glance -- Call Center -- Succeeding in the Real World. Want to Engage People? …”
Libro electrónico -
8202Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Genealogy of sky = Momu cy -- Genealogy of earth = Mudde cy -- Transformation of sky and earth = Momu zzyqo cy -- Genealogy of lightning = Murzyr cy -- Separation of sky and earth = Muvu mudie po -- Great bimo = Awo shubu -- Genealogy of spirit monkey = Anyu ddussy cy -- Zhyge alu = Zhyge alu -- Shooting down suns and moons = Gge nbie hle nbie -- Calling out single sun and single moon = Gge di hle di gu -- Twelve branches of snow = Vonre sse cinyi -- Genealogy of Shyly Wote = Shyly wote ssy -- Ozzu (Tibetan) lineages = Ozzu cy -- Ozzu (Tibetan) migrations = Ozzu muche -- Hxiemga (Han) people's lineage = Hxiemga cy -- Hxiemga (Han) people's migrations = Hxiemga muche -- Foreigner's lineage = Yiery cy -- Migrations of foreigners = Yiery muche -- Nuosu lineages = Nuosu cy -- Emperor vomu and ni and vi genealogies = Vomu ni vi cy -- Genealogy of Ahuo = Ahuo cy -- Migration of ahuo = Ahuo muche -- Genealogy of Nzy clan = Nzyzzur pu -- Highpoints of migrations of the Ggu Ho = Gguho cy bo -- Migrations of Qonie = Qonie cy bo -- Changes in Hxuo villages = Hxuoqo hxeqo -- Genealogy of Gguho = Gguho cy -- Migrations of nine sons of Gguho Durzhy Ddiwo = Kurdie Gguho Durzhy Ddiwo Wo Sse Ggu cy -- Genealogy of Qoni = Qoni cy…”
Libro electrónico -
8203Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Created and uncreated-logos and person 30 -- 7. The call of Logos and relationships possessing logos 36 -- 8. …”
Libro electrónico -
8204por Weiss, LillieTabla de Contenidos: “…CHAPTER 10 Simplify, Simplify, SimplifyCHAPTER 11 Eliminate Managed Care; CHAPTER 12 Learn To Set Limits; CHAPTER 13 Clinician, Know Thyself; CHAPTER 14 Take Time To Sharpen the Saw; CHAPTER 15 Learn To Recognize and Avoid Burnout; CHAPTER 16 Listen to Your Body's Signals; CHAPTER 17 Get Some Personal Therapy; CHAPTER 18 Talk to Your Colleagues; CHAPTER 19 Get Out of the Overresponsibility Trap; CHAPTER 20 Keep a Healthy Distance; CHAPTER 21 Learn To Deal with Uncertainty; CHAPTER 22 Remember Your Calling; References; Index…”
Publicado 2004
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8205por Stebnicki, Mark A.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contents; Introduction; PART I; 1 A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Empathy Fatigue: Analyzing the Critical Pathways; 2 Comparing and Contrasting Professional Fatigue Syndromes; 3 Empathy as a Way of Being; 4 Theoretical Empathy Fatigue: Measuring Fatigue Reactions of the Mind, Body, and Spirit; 5 Empathy Fatigue as the Wounded Spirit and Soul of the Helper; 6 The Neuroscience of Empathy; PART II; 7 A Call for Integral Approaches in Healing Empathy Fatigue; 8 The Roots of Self-Care: An Overview of Western and Non-Western Approaches to Healing Empathy Fatigue; PART III…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
8206Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ramjattan -- From "handicap" to crip curb cut : thinking accent with disability / Pooja Rangan -- Accented Latinx textese : bilingual scriptural economies and digital literacies / Sara Veronica Hinojos -- Everything is accented : labor and the weight of things unsaid / Anita Starosta -- Is there a call center literature? / Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan -- Re-writing algorithms for just recognition : from digital aural redlining to accent activism / Nina Sun Eidsheim -- "Sorry Hard Understand Strong Accent!" …”
Libro electrónico -
8207Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Against Generality: Hirst -- 16. A Trotskyite Calling Stalin: Callinicos -- 17. The Eagle's Apostasy: E. …”
Libro electrónico -
8208Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Kolla -- From natural equality to frankpledge : the state of nature, ancient constitutionalism, and the rupture of the social contract in eighteenth-century antislavery writings / Sarah Winter -- From the state of nature to the natural state : transforming the foundations of science and civil progress in eighteenth-century British political thought / Pamela Edwards -- Their own state(s) of nature : the enlightenment social imaginary and the invention of Hungarian ethnic origins / László Kontler -- The place of the environment in state of nature discourses : reassessing nature, property and sovereignty in the Anthropocene / Tom Sparks -- The state of nature, prehistory, and mythmaking / Karl Widerquist and Grant S. McCall…”
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8209Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…A social history of mission and the influences on theological education in Africa -- Current perspectives on theological education in Southern Africa: achievements and challenges with reference to Africa -- The epistemic becoming of students in higher education: a decolonial lens -- Excellence and renewal of theological education in Africa: the case of ACTEA -- A missional phenomenon-based learning model for integrative theological education -- The importance of African hermeneutics in African theological education -- The importance/precondition of calling for ministerial training in private higher education theological institutions in South Africa -- Consistency and relevance of the curricula of theological training institutions in French-speaking Africa -- Utilising accessible mobile technology in teaching Biblical exegesis to undergraduate students within a decolonised South African context -- E-learning for Africa: the relevance of ODEL methods for theological education in Africa -- Theological education and sustainable development in Zimbabwe: towards a transformative praxis in doing theology -- Theological education in Africa: denominational engagement, theological education and training -- Church and community transformation a Transformational impact of facilitation over lecturing nd the implications for theological education in Africa: an NGO perspective -- Transformational impact of facilitation over lecturing -- #WesternTheologicalEducationMustFall: the impact of Western theological training on Africa -- Influence of hermeneutics on theological education: a case study at North-Western University -- Reflective perspectives on theological education in Africa…”
Libro electrónico -
8210Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Arousing compassion : a long view on calls for famine relief 4. Allocation. 4.1. Allocating gifts ; 4.2. …”
Libro electrónico -
8211Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Compassionate Revolution -- Population and Human History -- Importance of Language -- Education and Child Development -- Importance of the Theory in This Book -- Troubled Times Call for Courage -- Conclusion: The True Wizard -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
8212Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ramjattan From "handicap" to crip curb cut : thinking accent with disability / Pooja Rangan Accented Latinx textese : bilingual scriptural economies and digital literacies / Sara Veronica Hinojos Everything is accented : labor and the weight of things unsaid / Anita Starosta Is there a call center literature? / Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan Re-writing algorithms for just recognition : from digital aural redlining to accent activism / Nina Sun Eidsheim "Sorry Hard Understand Strong Accent!" …”
Libro electrónico -
8213por Benjamin, Walter, 1892-1940Tabla de Contenidos: “…Charles Baudelaire, "Tableaux parisiens" . Calle de dirección única. Alemanes. Infancia en Berlin hacia el mil novecientos. …”
Publicado 2006
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8214Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Yoshimi -- Indexing stance in interaction with the Japanese desu/masu and plain forms / Kazuto Ishida -- Advanced learners' honorific styles in emails and telephone calls / Keiko Ikeda -- Subjectivity and pragmatic choice in L2 Japanese : Emulating and resisting pragmatic norms / Noriko Ishihara and Elaine Tarone -- Requesting in Japanese : The effect of instruction on JFL learners' pragmatic competence / Yumiko Tateyama -- Influence of learning context on L2 pragmatic realization : A comparison between JSL and JFL learners' compliment responses / Takafumi Shimizu -- Refusals in Japanese telephone conversations / Megumi Kawate-Mierzejewska -- Comprehending utterances in Japanese as a foreign language : Formulaicity and literality / Akiko Hagiwara -- Comprehension of indirect opinions and refusals in L2 Japanese / Naoko Taguchi -- Blended learning for Japanese reactive tokens : effects of computer-led, instructor-led, and peer-based instruction / Takafumi Utashiro and Go Kawai -- Development of the use of Japanese sentence-final particles through email correspondence / Tomomi Kakegawa -- Commentary. …”
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8215Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Letters and Warnings to the Seven Churches The Letters all contain common elements: Jesus 'knows' the situation, he commends righteousness and condemns wickedness, and he calls for repentance or perseverance. 3. A Vision of Heaven and the Seven Seals St. …”
8216Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction: freedom, sustainability, and solidarity : philosophical and theological roots / Martin Schlag and Juan Andres Mercado -- Constructing theoretical foundations -- Love, sustainability, and solidarity : philosophical and theological roots / Russell Hittinger -- Leaving behind the model of positivism and utilitarianism for economic activity : toward a humanistic approach / Dominec Mele -- The morality of the market from a theory of personal action / Javier Aranzadi -- Economic theory meets human nature : how anthropological views of the human person shaped economic theory in western history / John Larrivee -- Free markets with caritas : a transformational concept of efficiency / Bruce Baker -- Freedom as the call of being : restoring the foundations of ethical enterprise / Jim Wishloff -- Assessing the encyclical tradition -- Justice, charity, and the political order : assessing the encyclical tradition / Richard J. …”
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8217por Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 1904-1991Tabla de Contenidos: “…Old love (1979): -- One night in Brazil -- Yochna and Shmelke -- Two -- The psychic journey -- Elka and Meier -- A party in Miami Beach -- Two weddings and one divorce -- A cage for Satan -- Brother Beetle -- The boy knows the truth -- There are no coincidences -- Not for the Sabbath -- The safe deposit -- The betrayer of Israel -- Tanhum -- The manuscript -- The power of darkness -- The bus -- from The collected stories (1982): -- A night in the poorhouse -- Escape from civilization -- Vanvild Kava -- The reencounter -- Moon and madness -- The image and other stories (1985): -- Advice -- One day of happiness -- The bond -- The interview -- The divorce -- Strong as death is love -- Why Heisherik was born -- The enemy -- Remnants -- On the way to the poorhouse -- Loshikl -- The pocket remembered -- The secret -- A nest egg for Paradise -- The conference -- Miracles -- The litigants -- A telephone call on Yom Kippur -- Strangers -- The mistake -- Confused -- The image --…”
Publicado 2004
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8218Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Gregory Fernando Pappas -- The Latino character of American pragmatism / Gregory Fernando Pappas -- Leopoldo Zea, Stanley Cavell, and the seduction of "American" philosophy / Carlos Alberto Sanchez -- Pragmatic pluralism, multiculturalism, and the new Hispanic / José Medina -- Pragmatism, Latino intercultural citizenship, and the transformation of American democracy / José-Antonio Orosco -- Understanding immigration as lived personal experience / Daniel Campos -- Dewey and Latina lesbian on the quest for purity / Gregory Fernando Pappas -- Dewey and Martí : culture in education / Alejandro Strong -- Dewey's and Freire's pedagogies of recognition : a critique of subtractive schooling / Kim Díaz -- Religiously binding the imperial self : classical pragmatism's call and liberation, philosophy's response / Alexander V. …”
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8219Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…The landscape of qualitative research -- Language and nursing research -- Epistemology in nursing -- Historical and philosophical foundations of qualitative research -- Reflections on postmodernism, critical social theory, and feminist approaches: the postmodern mind -- A phenomenological method -- Exemplar: meanins in mothers' experience with infant death: three phenomenological inquiries: in another world; five years later; what forever means -- Grounded theory: the method -- Exemplar: teetering on the edge: a continually emerging theory of postpartum depression -- Ethnography: the method -- Exemplar: the mik of human kindness: WIC influence of the infant feeding decisions of black non-hispanic women -- Case study: the method -- A case study exemplar: health outcomes of people with serious mental illnesses -- Historical research: the method -- Exemplar: "called to a mission of charity": the sisters of St. …”
Table of contents
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8220Publicado 2002Tabla de Contenidos: “…Personal naming and structures of kinship in the medieval Spanish peasantry / Lluís to Figueras ; Personal naming and kinship in the Spanish aristocracy / Pascual Martínez Sopena ; Family memory and the durability of the Nomen Paternum / Robert Durand ; The French Midi reflected in personal names / Benoît Cursente ; What were people called in communal Italy? / François Menant ; Personal names and family structure in medieval southern Italy and Sicily / Jean-Marie Martin -- Pt. 4. …”