Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 5,917
- Història 3,606
- Biblia 2,944
- History 2,149
- Crítica e interpretación 2,002
- Colecciones 1,994
- Bíblia 1,599
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,489
- Església Catòlica 1,397
- Filosofía 1,367
- Management 1,180
- Teología 1,172
- Iglesia Católica 1,162
- Literatura griega clásica 1,145
- Development 1,091
- Filosofía griega 1,087
- Computer Science 1,077
- Aristóteles 1,069
- Derecho canónico 1,044
- Crítica i interpretació 961
- Obres anteriors al 1800 948
- Literatura latina clásica 902
- Application software 875
- -Historia 867
- Política 765
- Traducción al francés 742
- Espiritualidad 720
- Moral cristiana 680
- historia 663
224561por Maire Sardi, Béatrice“…Du point de vue des apprentissages, c’est l’impact des activités proposées sur le développement de la catégorisation chez des enfants de 5‐6 ans qui sera mesuré…”
Publicado 2021
Electrónico -
224562por Munro, Mark Conway. author“…You will: Discover interface and feature changes in FileMaker 17-19 Create and maintain healthy files Plan and create custom tables, fields, relationships Write calculations using built-in and custom functions Build recursive and repeating formulas Discover advanced features using cURL, JSON, SQL, ODBC and FM URL Manipulate data files in the computer directory with scripts Deploy solutions to a server and share with desktop, iOS and web clients …”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
224563Publicado 2016“…Identify stakeholders: build a culture of trust and awareness among decision makers, data analysts, and quality management Create a data plan: define your needs, specify your metrics, identify data sources, and standardize metric definitions Centralize the data: evaluate each data source for existing common fields and, if you can, minor variances, and standardize data references Find the right tool(s) for the job: choose from legacy architecture tools, managed and cloud-only services, and data visualization or data exploration platforms Courtney Webster is a reformed chemist in the Washington, D.C. metro area. She spent a few years after grad school programming robots to do chemistry and is now managing web and mobile applications for clinical research trials…”
Libro electrónico -
224564Publicado 1990“…Epargne nationale, infrastructure publique et croissance économique -Le secteur public et l'épargne nationale -Investissement public et croissance de la productivité -Investissement dans le capital humain -Recherche et développement C. Décentralisation, choix publics et efficience -Restitution de certaines attributions aux Etats -Subventions fédérales et aides fiscales -Adaptation des systèmes fiscaux des Etats et des collectivités locales V. …”
Libro electrónico -
224565por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.“…Pour les deux techniques, après deux ou trois jours d'incubation à 37°C, les colonies révertantes sont comptées et comparées au nombre de colonies révertantes spontanées des boîtes de contrôle…”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
224566por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.“…Dans le meilleur des cas les échantillons sont stockés à/au-dessous de -18°C. Le rapport inclut les voies de dégradation observées, la composition des résidus radioactifs totaux, la limite de la quantification pour la détermination de radioactivité et la séparation chromatographique…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
224567por Ayenachew, Deresse“…Par le croisement des sources archéologiques, des sources orales et des textes anciens c'est l'histoire de ces deux sites et leur construction mémorielle qui prend corps…”
Publicado 2017
Electrónico -
224568Publicado 2016“…He’s a two-decade veteran of the Web and web standards, a past member of the W3C’s Cascading Style Sheets Working Group, and the author of O’Reilly’s CSS: The Definitive Guide…”
Libro electrónico -
224569Publicado 2016“…Understand the goals, costs, and limitations of software security Identify fifteen types of security attacks such as WebSocket, SQL injection, and TLS Heartbleed Discover six core principles of software security including Defense in Depth and Fail Securely Learn about threat modeling using tools like STRIDE, CAPEC, and attack trees Recognize the capabilities and limitations of password policies, WAFS, and Firewalls Review authentication/authorization techniques like HTTP Digest, OAuth 2 and JWT Learn about the CORS, CSP, and HSTS security policies and protocols Explore the W3C Web Cryptography Working Group’s newest security protocols Brian Sletten is a software engineer who focuses on security consulting, web architecture, resource-oriented computing, social networking, the Semantic Web, data science, 3D graphics, visualization, scalable systems, and other technologies. …”
224570Publicado 2019“…He shares the time a fire alarm disrupted a training program he led in Washington, D.C., and how he embraced the interruption. And he reflects on what conspires to knock trainers off their game (psst: demanding clients, heavy workloads, and frequent travel are only a few of the culprits). …”
Libro electrónico -
224571Publicado 2011“…Vendre ses offres de compétences et de services Utilisez judicieusement votre réseau La démarche commerciale classique : la "triple entretien" L'entretien de mission, étape cruciale de la vente d'une offre de compétence Les autres sources de missions Epilogue - et si c'était à refaire ?…”
Libro electrónico -
224572Publicado 2014“…To achieve this, leaders must rethink everything: what counts on balance sheets, how to incentivize performance, who does what in the C-suite, and even what inspires us. The Breakthrough Challenge draws on over 100 exclusive interviews to show this shift in action, sharing the pioneering work of leaders such as Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever; Arianna Huffington, founder and CEO of The Huffington Post; Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, chairman of the Nestlé Group; and Linda Fisher, pioneering Chief Sustainability Officer at DuPont, among many others. …”
Libro electrónico -
224573Publicado 2015“…Using accepted financial techniques, you'll walk through: Identifying which people and roles are producing disproportionate value Determining the true asset of value of talent you don't "own" Gaining deeper insight into the "active" and "inert" components of intellectual capital Organizing structures and business processes to activate your talent and liberate latent value Choosing and applying the most effective talent metrics Refocusing HR on the talent issues, skills, and competencies that matter most Talent Valuation offers indispensable tools and insights for C-level executives, HR leaders, strategists, investors, analysts, researchers, students – and anyone concerned with measuring, optimizing, and communicating the business value of talent…”
Libro electrónico -
224574por Joshi, Bipin. author“…Popular JavaScript patterns are covered, along with working examples of all these patterns in ASP.NET 5 and C# are included. In this book, you'll learn: • How to apply SOLID principles to ASP.NET 5 applications • How to use Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns in ASP.NET 5 applications • Techniques for applying Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture cataloged by Martin Fowler in ASP.NET 5 applications • How to organize code and apply design patterns in JavaScript…”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
224575Publicado 2015“…This new edition incorporates increased emphasis on the c-level judgment required of Certified Association Executives and CEO-aspirants, as well as more comprehensive coverage of essential functions such as planning. …”
Libro electrónico -
224576Publicado 2015“…Learn to carefully isolate the problems and questions you're trying to solve before you begin Understand the value of a testing script and how to put one together Discover user recruitment shortcuts like pop-up surveys, guerilla testing, and Craigslist Review the best ways to prepare your products or ideas for testing Explore tips and tricks for ensuring the success of in-person and remote interviews Pin down the best techniques for reporting findings and integrating them into your products Walk through the preparation and logistical planning for two theoretical research studies: conducting user research for B2B SaaS platform and testing a new feature in a B2C consumer marketplace Amy Eastment has spent the last decade working in design, product development, and engineering at places like the MIT Media Lab, HubSpot, and BitSight Technologies. …”
224577por Del Sole, Alessandro“…What You Will Learn Get started with practical guidance on Visual Studio Code, including expansive guidance on writing apps with C# and Python Understand how to edit individual files and how to work with folders by working on the latest workspace trust and multi-root workspaces Debug code on multiple platforms through real-world guidance, such as working under corporate networks Package code into Docker containers and deploy these to Azure Acquire valuable tips, tricks, and suggestions from hard-earned, real-world experience to be more productive…”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
224578“…Utilizing laboratory testbeds to mimic real control problems from process and control areas, the authors illustrate the use of software through both model-based environments - including MATLAB/Simulink - and low-level C programming language. Common issues that one can encounter when implementing controllers in the real world are also examined, and specific solutions to these problems are offered that retain the simplicity of ADRC. …”
Libro electrónico -
224579por Hilkens, Andy aut“…First, a division can be made in the material between a conservative ‘Greek’ tradition, represented by the Chronicle of Michael the Elder (d. 1199 C.E.), and a progressive Syriac tradition. Several changes can be tracked, not only in the process of transmission from Greek into Syriac, but also an internal Syriac evolution. …”
Publicado 2020
Artículo -
224580Publicado 2003“…VoiceXML in depth: its role, goals, and key techniques Effective ways to architect and integrate enterprise voice applications Detailed case studies utilizing VoiceXML, Java servlets, JSP, and .NET Thorough coverage of the W3C VXML 2.0 standard Speech Recognition Grammar Format (SRGF) and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Complete VoiceXML language reference Whether you're developing systems for customer service, finance, travel, wireless commerce, or anything else, Definitive VoiceXML gives you the proven techniques you need to maximize performance, reliability, and ROI. …”
Libro electrónico