Publicado 2012
Tabla de Contenidos:
“…/ Samuel Hoard -- The duty of the laity and privilege of the clergy, 1634 / Thomas Laurence -- Emblems, 1635 / Francis Quarles -- Five pious and learned discourses (with prefatory lyric by Crashaw), 1635 / Robert Shelford -- A sovereign antidote against Sabbarian errors, 1636 / Robert Sanderson -- "Lord, when the wisemen," ca. 1630-40 / Sidney Godolphin -- News from Ipswich, 1636 / William Prynne -- A tract concerning schism, ca. 1636 ; "Letter to Archbishop Laud upon occasion of the tract concerning schism," ca. 1638 ; Sermon on Luke 16:25 ("The danger of receiving our good things in this life"), ca. 1619-38 ; Sermon on Galatians 6:7 ("Of iniquity and private judgment in religion"), ca. 1619-38 / John Hales -- Innovations unjustly charged upon the present church and state, 1637 / Christopher Dow -- The religion of Protestants a safe way to salvation, 1637 / William Chillingworth -- A conference with a lady about choice of religion, 1638 / Kenelm Digby --
Castara, 3rd ed., 1640 / William Habington -- Hallelujah : or Britain's second remembrancer, 1641 / George Wither…”
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