Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Burkina Faso 10
- Economic conditions 10
- Taxation 10
- Emigration and immigration 8
- Development 7
- Sustainable development 7
- Agriculture 6
- Economic development 6
- Law and legislation 5
- Africa 4
- Economic aspects 4
- Catequesis 3
- Geography 3
- Government policy 3
- History 3
- Mali 3
- Social Sciences 3
- Social aspects 3
- Social conditions 3
- -Catálogos de las Provincias 2
- Afrique 2
- Antropología cultural y social 2
- Ciclisme 2
- Community development 2
- Conflict management 2
- Crítica e interpretación 2
- Earth & Environmental Sciences 2
- Ecology 2
- Economic assistance 2
- Economic history 2
162por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…AlgeriaAngola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Azerbijan; Bangladesh; Belarus; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bisnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cabo Verde; Cambodia; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Chad; Chile; China (People's Republic of); Colombia; Comoros; Congo; Cook Islands; Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Cuba; Democratic People's Republic of Korea; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Fiji; Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Gabon; Gambia. …”
Publicado 2018
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163Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Préface / Introduction : l'Initiative africaine de la Grande Muraille Verte (IAGMV) : contexte, vision et opérationnalisation / Capacités d'adaptation des populations burkinabè aux effets du changement climatique, questionnements sur leurs sociétés et perspectives de recherches / Connaissance des pratiques traditionnelles de gestion de l'environnement : préalable et base sociologique de l'efficacité des stratégies actuelles de sa conservation / Contraintes et opportunités des mécanismes "carbone" dans la mise en oeuvre du Projet panafricain de la Grande Muraille Verte (PAGMV) / Déterminants médico-sociaux de l'état de santé en milieu rural sénégalais : étude au niveau de deux sites de la Grande Muraille Verte / État des sols et évolution dans un contexte de changements climatiques / Zaï et potentiel de l'association cultures annuelles-arbustes natifs / Programme de la Grande Muraille Verte : défis, stratégies et attentes des acteurs du Togo / Mycorhization contrôlée et fertilisation phosphatée : applications à la domestication du jujubier, arbre fruitier forestier sahélien / La lutte contre les aléas climatiques au Burkina Faso : acquis et défis de l'agro-écologie : le cas de la Région Nord…”
Libro electrónico -
164II Jornadas de Arquitectura y Cooperación al Desarrollo contra el hambre de vivienda +20, Arcadia IIPublicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…CASO ESTUDIO: GANDO, BURKINA FASO.; VIDA ORGÁNICA, ARQUITECTURA ORGÁNICA; HABITABILIDAD Y EDUCACIÓN EN SENEGAL. …”
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull)Enlace del recurso
Libro electrónico -
165Publicado 2023“…Una vez planteado el marco filosófico, ético y educativo, en la segunda parte del libro se abordan problemáticas concretas y particulares vinculadas a diversos contextos, tanto en el ámbito español y europeo como en países de Latinoamérica como Venezuela, Colombia, República Dominica o Chile y África como Burkina Faso. En estos tiempos donde todo parece diluirse es clave apelar a la solidaridad, reparar en la vulnerabilidad humana para llevar a cabo un auténtico cuidado (no solo de palabra). …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Acceso restringido con credenciales UPSA.
Tutorial de uso xebook
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166Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…El cotó «bio i just» de Burkina Faso; 3. Els consumidors de Comerç Just; 3.1. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Acceso restringido con credenciales UPSA
Libro electrónico -
167por Farrelly, Colleen M.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 6: Stock Market Data -- Technical requirements -- Introduction to temporal data -- Stock market applications -- Introduction to centrality metrics -- Application of centrality metrics across time slices -- Extending network metrics for time series analytics -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 7: Goods Prices/Sales Data -- Technical requirements -- An introduction to spatiotemporal data -- The Burkina Faso market dataset -- Store sales data -- Analyzing our spatiotemporal datasets -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 8: Dynamic Social Networks -- Technical requirements -- Social networks that change over time -- Friendship networks -- Triadic closure -- A deeper dive into spreading on networks -- Dynamic network introduction -- SIR models, Part Two -- Factors influencing spread -- Example with evolving wildlife interaction datasets -- Crocodile network -- Heron network -- Summary -- References -- Part 4: Advanced Applications -- Chapter 9: Machine Learning for Networks -- Technical requirements -- Introduction to friendship networks and friendship relational datasets -- Friendship network introduction -- Friendship demographic and school factor dataset -- ML on networks -- Clustering based on student factors -- Clustering based on student factors and network metrics -- Spectral clustering on the friendship network -- DL on networks -- GNN introduction -- Example GNN classifying the Karate Network dataset -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 10: Pathway Mining -- Technical requirements -- Introduction to Bayesian networks and causal pathways -- Bayes' Theorem -- Causal pathways -- Bayesian networks -- Educational pathway example -- Outcomes in education -- Course sequences -- Antecedents to success -- Analyzing course sequencing to find optimal student pathways to graduation -- Introduction to a dataset -- bnlearn analysis…”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico -
168por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.“…It draws from international experience over the past two decades in both developed and developing countries as well as from a process of multi-stakeholders dialogue in Bolivia, Burkina-Faso, Ghana, Namibia, Nepal, Pakistan, Tanzania and Thailand, to assess their experience of country-level strategies for sustainable development. …”
Publicado 2001
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169por Cruz, Jean-FrançoisTabla de Contenidos: “…Les systèmes de culture et de production -- Caractéristiques de quelques zones de culture du fonio -- Principales zones de production du fonio en Guinée -- Le Fouta-Djalon en Moyenne Guinée, terre de prédilection pour la culture du fonio -- La Haute Guinée, zone des savanes et des plaines inondables -- Quelques terroirs de culture du fonio au Mali -- Les zones de fonio dans le sud-ouest et l'ouest du Burkina Faso -- Le fonio des zones subhumides du Kénédougou-Houet -- Le fonio dans les zones semi-arides de la Kossi -- Le fonio dans d'autres pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest -- Le fonio, culture traditionnelle du Sénégal oriental et de Haute Casamance -- Le fonio, culture de piémont dans l'Atacora au Bénin -- Le fonio dans le nord-ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire -- Le cas particulier du « fonio sauvage » -- Les plaines à fonio sauvage dans le Gourma malien -- Le fonio sauvage dans le Brakna mauritanien -- Importance de la production -- Pratiques agricoles de production -- Le fonio : produit de l'agriculture familiale -- Le fonio dans la rotation des cultures -- Les opérations préculturales : le nettoyage des parcelles et la préparation du sol -- Les semis -- La germination et l'entretien de la culture -- La floraison et la reproduction -- 4. …”
Publicado 2011
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170por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Overview of CbC reporting requirements -- Summary of recommendations -- The domestic legal and administrative framework -- The exchange of information framework -- Appropriate use of CbC reports -- Bulgaria -- Overview of CbC reporting requirements -- Summary of recommendations -- The domestic legal and administrative framework -- The exchange of information framework -- Appropriate use of CbC reports -- Burkina Faso -- Overview of CbC reporting requirements -- Summary of recommendations -- The domestic legal and administrative framework -- The definition of Group -- The definition of MNE Group -- The definition of Constituent Entity -- The definition of Consolidated Financial Statements -- The definition of Fiscal Year -- The definition of Reporting Fiscal Year -- The definition of Reporting Entity -- The definition of Systemic Failure -- Contents of the Country-by-Country report -- The local filing provision -- Currency fluctuations -- Effective implementation -- The exchange of information framework -- Appropriate use of CbC reports -- Note -- Cabo Verde -- Overview of CbC reporting requirements -- Summary of recommendations -- The domestic legal and administrative framework -- The definition of effective date -- The local filing provision -- Currency Fluctuations -- Contents of the Country-by-Country report -- The exchange of information framework -- Appropriate use of CbC reports -- Cameroon -- Overview of CbC reporting requirements -- Summary of recommendations -- The domestic legal and administrative framework -- The exchange of information framework -- Appropriate use of CbC reports -- Canada -- Overview of CbC reporting requirements -- Summary of recommendations -- The domestic legal and administrative framework -- The exchange of information framework -- Appropriate use of CbC reports -- Cayman Islands…”
Publicado 2023
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171por African Development BankTabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 8: National urban strategies for sustainable cities in Africa -- In brief -- New strategies can promote sustainable cities for Africa's structural transformation -- Priorities include land reform, infrastructure and urban networks -- Multi-level governance can promote urban development strategies -- African governments can use various sources to finance national urban strategies -- Note -- References -- PART III :Country notes -- Algeria -- Angola -- Benin -- Botswana -- Burkina Faso -- Burundi -- Cabo Verde -- Cameroon -- Central African Republic -- Chad -- Comoros -- Congo -- Congo, Dem. …”
Publicado 2016
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172Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Caso Endeavour Mining y mineros artesanales de Burkina Faso, Costa de Marfil y Senegal (África occidental) -- …”
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173Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “… Direct reuse of inadequately treated wastewater in agriculture -- Direct reuse in agriculture with effluent wastewater meeting WHO guidelines -- 1.3 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FOR AGRICULTURAL REUSE IN RESOURCE-LIMITED REGIONS -- 1.3.1 Urban population growth -- 1.3.2 Coverage of wastewater treatment in the EU and North America -- 1.3.3 Coverage of wastewater treatment in resource-limited SDG regions -- 1.3.4 Effectiveness of wastewater treatment in resource-challenged urban areas -- Bolivia: waste stabilization ponds and wastewater reuse -- Honduras: pathogen reduction in waste stabilization ponds -- Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: protozoan cyst and helminth egg removal in the WSP system -- Lima, Peru: Vibrio cholera reduction in the San Juan de Miraflores WSP-reuse system -- Mendoza, Argentina: Campo Espejo waste stabilization ponds with reuse in agriculture -- 1.4 THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND INTEGRATED WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT -- 1.4.1 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. -- 1.4.2 Sustainable development goals relevant for integrated wastewater management -- Goal 2: end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, promote sustainable agriculture -- Goal: 3 ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages -- Goal 6: ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all -- Chapter 2: Selection of natural systems for wastewater treatment with reuse in agriculture -- 2.1 INTRODUCTION -- 2.2 WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS AND TRADITIONAL LEVELS OF TREATMENT -- 2.2.1 Characteristics of domestic wastewater -- Screenings and grit -- Pathogens -- Total suspended solids -- Biodegradable organics -- Nutrients -- 2.2.2 Levels of wastewater treatment…”
Libro electrónico -
174Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…3 Health Sector Developments and Interventions -- 3.1 Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want -- 3.2 Health Financing -- 3.3 Research and Innovation -- 3.4 Vaccine Access and Production -- 3.5 Coordination and Partnerships -- 3.6 2022: The Year of Nutrition -- 4 An Analysis of the AU's Health Performance and Interventions -- Sources -- Literature -- Websites -- 8 Infrastructure -- 1 Background -- 2 Decision-Making and Implementation -- 3 Major Developments in 2021 -- 3.1 The Launch of the African Single Electricity Market -- 3.2 The Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) -- 4 Belts, Gateways and Better Worlds: The AU's Growing Brokerage Role in Global Connectivity Initiatives -- 5 Outlook -- Sources -- Literature -- Websites -- 9 Peace and Security -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Regional Overview of the AU's Peace and Security Engagement -- 2.1 The Horn and East Africa -- 2.1.1 Ethiopia -- 2.1.2 Somalia -- 2.1.3 Sudan -- 2.1.4 South Sudan -- 2.1.5 The Comoros -- 2.2 Southern Africa -- 2.3 North Africa -- 2.4 West Africa -- 2.4.1 The Gambia and Guinea -- 2.4.2 The LCB Region and the Threat of Boko Haram -- 2.4.3 The Sahel: Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger -- 2.5 Central Africa -- 2.5.1 Central African Republic -- 2.5.2 Chad -- 2.5.3 Burundi -- 2.5.4 Cameroon -- 2.5.5 Democratic Republic of Congo -- 3 Outlook -- Sources -- Literature -- Websites -- 10 Regional Integration and Trade -- 1 Background -- 2 Decision-Making and Implementation Structures -- 2.1 AfCFTA Secretariat Establishment -- 2.2 Division of Labour with Regional 'Building Blocks' -- 3 Key Developments in 2021 -- 3.1 AfCFTA Ratifications -- 3.2 AfCFTA Negotiation Status: Tariff Offers and RoOs -- 3.3 Trade in Services and Beyond -- 3.4 Phase II Negotiations -- 3.5 Adjustment Fund and Payment System -- 3.6 External Relations -- 3.7 The AfCFTA and the Private Sector -- 3.8 Women and Youth…”
Libro electrónico -
175Publicado 1980Tesis
176Publicado 2023“…It provides an opportunity to share current and planned initiatives at the transboundary sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, including the Maloti-Drakensberg Park (South Africa, Lesotho), W-Arly-Pendjari Complex (Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger), Sangha Trinational (Cameroon, Congo, Central African Republic), and Mosi-oa-Tunya / Victoria Falls (Zambia, Zimbabwe). …”
Libro electrónico -
177por Azam, Jean-Paul“…Cet ouvrage s'intègre dans une série composée de trois volumes ; il porte essentiellement sur le Tchad, le Burkina-Faso, le Mali et le Niger. Pour en savoir plus Conflits et croissance en Afrique -- Vol. 2 : Kenya, Ouganda et Tanzanie Conflits et croissance en Afrique -- Vol. 3 : L'Afrique australe…”
Publicado 1999
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178por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.“…Countries covered: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.…”
Publicado 2006
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179Publicado 2021“…Aurora Moreno Alcojor presenta al continente como un actor relevante y cada vez más potente en la lucha contra el cambio climático, con proyectos a gran escala, como la Gran Muralla Verde Africana, pero también locales, como la regeneración del suelo llevada a cabo por el campesino de Burkina Faso Yacouba Sawadogo. Soluciones africanas para problemas globales…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
180por Martínez-Blat, Vicente, 1936-“…Fue misionero en Centroamérica y Burkina Faso durante varios años. Actualmente se dedica a la difusión de la espiritualidad carmelitana. …”
Publicado 2022
Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Teología de las Islas Canarias, Bibliotecas de la Diócesis de Teruel y Albarracín)Libro