Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Technology: general issues 64
- Biology 63
- Research & information: general 53
- Medicine 52
- Biotechnology 47
- Diseases 46
- History of engineering & technology 45
- Research 42
- Examinations 39
- Bioètica 36
- Certification 34
- Data processing 34
- Biochemistry 32
- Bioinformatics 32
- Microcomputers 28
- Electronic data processing personnel 27
- Science 27
- Bio-informatique 26
- Computer networks 25
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 25
- Historia 25
- mechanical properties 25
- Philosophy 24
- Computational Biology 23
- Maintenance and repair 23
- biomass 23
- Computer security 22
- Computing Technology Industry Association 22
- Computer technicians 21
- Engineering and Technology 21
2901Publicado 1995Revista digital
2903Publicado 2016“…With the stringent government regulations coming into effect in favor of production and usage of the bio-based surfactants, many new companies aim to commercialize technologies used for the production of biosurfactants and to bring down costs. …”
Libro electrónico -
2904Publicado 2018“…Las Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas son entidades complejas a nivel bio-psico-social y que requieren una atención integral y multiprofesional que mejore la calidad de vida de las personas que las padecen y sus familias. …”
Libro -
2905por Ambroise-Thomas, Professeur Pierre“…Cet ouvrage présente une synthèse sur l'identification et la bio-écologie de l'anophèle, depuis la larve jusqu'à l'adulte. …”
Publicado 2017
Electrónico -
2906Publicado 2015“…Die Beiträge konturieren gegenwärtige Aspekte der Gouvernementalität, indem sie aktuelle Sicherheitskonzepte und ihr Verhältnis zu Migration, Geschlecht, Bio-Sicherheit, Gewalt, postkolonialer Subjektivität und staatlicher Legitimation problematisieren. …”
Electrónico -
2907Publicado 2018“…Combining the insights of a range of social scientists with those of experts in the natural and bio-sciences-many of whom work as 'resource practitioners' outside the context of universities-the book works through the tensions between 'thinking/theory' and 'doing/practice', which so often plague the process of social change. …”
Libro electrónico -
2908Publicado 2007“…Series "Göttinger Schriften zum Medizinrecht" (medicine law), which deals with several important debates in modern medicine such as gene therapy, research with embryonic stem cells, bio databases, living organ donation, and in general the economisation of the health system Längst sind es nicht mehr nur die klassischen Gebiete des Arzt-Patienten-Verhältnisses, etwa die Reichweite der Aufklärungspflicht oder haftpflichtrechtliche Folgen ärztlicher Behandlungsfehler, die klärungsbedürftige rechtliche und ethische Fragen aufwerfen. …”
Libro electrónico -
2909Publicado 2015“…Carbohydrates are extremely abundant bio-molecules; they are on all mammalian cell surfaces as well as on bacterial cell surfaces. …”
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2910Publicado 2009“…—Cary Wolfe, Author of Animal Rites (Chicago, 2003) ...when artists are entering the lab, and scientists are collaborating in bio-art, this book satisfies the need to interrogate the meanings of such boundary challenges - around both the dangers of capture and complicity, and the promises of critical scientific endeavour.…”
Libro electrónico -
2911por Lefebvre, Mario. author“…Pure mathematics students interested in the applications of probability and stochastic processes and students in business administration will also find this book useful. Bio: Mario Lefebvre received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in mathematics from the Université de Montréal, Canada, and his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Cambridge, England. …”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
2912por Teubner, Irene. author“…Der Inhalt · Bestimmung der Viren-Abundanz in Augewässern mittels Epifluoreszenzmikroskopie · Enge Koppelung zwischen den Viren und ihrem hauptsächlichen Wirt, den aquatischen Bakterien · Abiotische Faktoren fördern indirekt die Viren-Entwicklung Die Zielgruppen · Dozierende und Studierende der Fachgebiete Ökologie und Risikoforschung · Praktiker des Schwimmteichbaus Die Autorin Irene Teubner ist eine Master-Absolventin vom Department of Limnology & Bio-Oceanography an der Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften der Universität Wien. …”
Publicado 2015
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2913Publicado 2016“…Examines the lessons learned by the bioenergy industry and how they can be applied to the full development of the bioeconomy Explores different transition strategies and how the current fossil based and future bio-based economy are intertwined Reviews the status of current biomass conversion pathways Presents an historical analysis of the developments of biopower and biofuel markets, integration opportunities into existing supply chains, and the conditions that would need to be created and enhanced to achieve a global biomass trade system…”
Libro electrónico -
2914por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.“…Biodegradation may normally be distinguished from bio-adsorption by careful examination of the elimination-time curve…”
Publicado 2001
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2915Publicado 2021“…This Special Issue is a collection of state-of-the art research papers and reviews in which the topics of interest are devoted to thin film synthesis by PLD and MAPLE, for numerous research and industry field applications, such as bio-active coatings for medical implants and hard, protective coatings for cutting and drilling tools withstanding high friction and elevated temperatures, sensors, solar cells, lithography, magnetic devices, energy-storage and conversion devices, controlled drug delivery and in situ microstructuring for boosting of surface properties…”
Libro electrónico -
2916Publicado 2017“…She runs Los Angeles based UX strategy company JLR Interactive; teaches UX strategy and design at the University of Southern California; authored the O'Reilly title, "UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want"; and has a fascinating bio on Wikipedia…”
2917Publicado 2016“…She runs Los Angeles based UX strategy company JLR Interactive; teaches UX strategy and design at the University of Southern California; authored the O'Reilly title, "UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want"; and has a mighty interesting bio on Wikipedia…”
2918Publicado 2017“…She runs Los Angeles based UX strategy company JLR Interactive; teaches UX strategy and design at the University of Southern California; authored the O'Reilly title UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want; and has an extremely interesting bio on Wikipedia…”
2919por National Research Council (U.S.) Committee on Industrialization of Biology: A Roadmap to Accelerate the Advanced Manufacturing of Chemicals“…"The tremendous progress in biology over the last half century - from Watson and Crick's elucidation of the structure of DNA to today's astonishing, rapid progress in the field of synthetic biology - has positioned us for significant innovation in chemical production. New bio-based chemicals, improved public health through improved drugs and diagnostics, and biofuels that reduce our dependency on oil are all results of research and innovation in the biological sciences. …”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
2920por Backhaus, Knut, author“…Abschließend zeichnet die Studie die unterschiedlichen Gedächtnisfunktionen des Schriftenverbunds für die Ausprägung des Geschichtsbilds nach (frühchristliche Schwellenzeit, großkirchliche Sattelzeit, Kanon). Zwischen Jesus-Bios und Jüngergeschichte formt und wandelt sich das Selbstverständnis der werdenden Kirche. …”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico