Mostrando 180,161 - 180,180 Resultados de 180,405 Para Buscar '"B. S."', tiempo de consulta: 0.47s Limitar resultados
  1. 180161
    por Anderson, Don, 1953-
    Publicado 2003
    “…Each title explains the architecture, features, and operations of systems built using one particular type of chip or hardware specification. 0321168453B02032003…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 180162
    por Beauchemin, Bob
    Publicado 2002
    “…Whether you are new to this application or have used it before, this book will help you to understand and get the most out of ADO.NET. 0201758660B05132002…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 180163
    por Sobell, Mark G.
    Publicado 2003
    “…The accompanying CD-ROMs contain Red Hat Linux version 8.0. 0201703130B11262002…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 180164
    Publicado 2009
    “…Keatron Evans is President and Chief Security Consultant of Blink Digital Security, LLC, a trainer for Training Camp, and winner of EC Council’s Instructor of Excellence Award. Jack B. Voth specializes in penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and perimeter security. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 180165
    Publicado 2011
    “…His current portfolio of client companies in total generates more than $1.5T in revenue to the global economy annually and accounts for almost $100B in yearly information technology (IT) spending. …”
  6. 180166
    Publicado 2009
    “…The full list of green gurus include: Ray Anderson , founder and chairman of Interface Inc, one of TIME Magazine's 'Heroes of the Environment' James Cameron , founder of Executive Director and Vice-Chairman of Climate Change Capital (CCC) Paul Dickinson , CEO of the Carbon Disclosure Project John Elkington , founding partner and director of Volans, co-founder of SustainAbility, world authority of sustainable development, author of The Green Consumer Guide John Grant , author of The Green Marketing Manifesto, frequent conference speaker and prolific blogger Denis Hayes , President and CEO of The Bullitt Foundation, Chair of the International Earth Day Network Gary Hirshberg , President and Chief Executive Officer of Stonyfield Farm, the world's largest producer of organic yogurt Tony Juniper , former Executive Director of Friends of the Earth (FoE), environmental campaigner, author and commentator Professor Sir David King , Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at the University of Oxford Amory B. Lovins , environmentalist, Chairman and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute Professor Wangari Maathai , environmental and political activist, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Ricardo Navarro , founder and director of the Salvadoran Centre for Appropriate Technology (CESTA), winner of the prestigious Goldman prize Dr Vandana Shiva , physicist, environmental activist and author Jeffrey Swartz , CEO of Timberland Worldwide Sir Crispin Tickell , diplomat, academic, environmentalist, au..…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 180167
    Publicado 2011
    “…John Tiso, CCIE No. 5162, CCDP is a Product Manager for Cisco Systems. He holds a B.S. Degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from Adelphi University and a Graduate Citation in Strategic Management from Harvard University. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 180168
    Publicado 2019
    “…Wenn Sie die Grundlagen beherrschen, demonstriert Ihnen Winfried Seimert, wie Sie die gezeichneten Objekte durch Attribute anpassen und z.B. mit Farben, Füllmustern oder Transparenzen gestalten. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 180169
    Publicado 2020
    “…Aus dem Inhalt Passendes Material und Arbeitsplatz einrichten Materialmixe aus Watercolor, Acryl, Tusche und Pappe Spezielle Techniken zu Farben mischen, z.B. für verschiedene Hauttöne Verschiedene Maltechniken zum Farbauftrag und zur Pinselführung Menschen zeichnen: Proportionen, Körperpartien, Haltung und Posen sowie Bewegung und Dynamik Porträts malen: Gesichtspartien wie Augen, Nase und Mund, Ausdruck einfangen und Haare malen Motive vorbereiten und Vorskizzen erstellen Hintergründe malen…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 180170
    Publicado 2015
    “…Volume 4 Fascicle 6 This fascicle, brimming with lively examples, forms the middle third of what will eventually become hardcover Volume 4B. It introduces and surveys “Satisfiability,’’ one of the most fundamental problems in all of computer science: Given a Boolean function, can its variables be set to at least one pattern of 0s and 1s that will make the function true? …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 180171
    Publicado 2013
    “…–Pat Hughes Contents at a Glance 1 Introduction Part I The Objective-C Language 2 Programming in Objective-C 3 Classes, Objects, and Methods 4 Data Types and Expressions 5 Program Looping 6 Making Decisions 7 More on Classes 8 Inheritance 9 Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing, and Dynamic Binding 10 More on Variables and Data Types 11 Categories and Protocols 12 The Preprocessor 13 Underlying C Language Features Part II The Foundation Framework 14 Introduction to the Foundation Framework 15 Numbers, Strings, and Collections 16 Working with Files 17 Memory Management and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) 18 Copying Objects 19 Archiving Part III Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, and the iOS SDK 20 Introduction to Cocoa and Cocoa Touch 21 Writing iOS Applications Appendixes A Glossary B Address Book Program Source Code…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 180172
    Publicado 2011
    “…Possesseurs d'iPhone perdus dans l'étendue des possibilités offertes par le téléphone Amateurs éclairés désireux d'exploiter toutes les facettes de leur appareil Utilisateurs chevronnés qui optent pour l'iPhone dans un cadre professionnel Au sommaire Le B.A.-BA de l'iPhone Les optimisations faciles à mettre en oeuvre Synchroniser et sauvegarder ses données sur PC/Mac Télécharger et configurer les applications indispensables Maîtriser l'iPod du téléphone L'iPhone, un lecteur vidéo efficace Tirer parti du GPS de l'iPhone Bien naviguer sur le web Photographier comme un pro Les accessoires matériels pour l'iPhone Dépannage logiciel Dépannage matériel Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 180173
    por Blin, Olivier
    Publicado 2021
    “…The research is based mainly on 22 assemblages of material dating from the 1st century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D., including glassware, iron and bronze objects, and above all an exceptional corpus of pottery. …”
  14. 180174
    “…An IARC Monographs Working Group reviewed evidence from cancer studies in humans (available mainly for cobalt and antimony), cancer bioassays in experimental animals, and mechanistic studies to assess the carcinogenic hazard to humans of exposure to these agents and concluded that: - Cobalt metal (without tungsten carbide or other metal alloys), soluble cobalt(II) salts, and trivalent antimony are probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A); - Cobalt(II) oxide and weapons-grade tungsten (with nickel and cobalt) alloy are possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B); - Cobalt(II,III) oxide, cobalt(II) sulfide, other cobalt(II) compounds, and pentavalent antimony were each evaluated as not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3)…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 180175
    Publicado 2016
    “…Luis Atencio (@luijar) is a staff software engineer for Citrix Systems in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He has a B.S. and an M.S. in computer science and now works full-time developing and architecting applications using JavaScript, Java, and PHP platforms. …”
    Grabación no musical
  16. 180176
    Publicado 2021
    “…TEXTOS de Pablo Arza Garaloces, Ana Brandão, Ana Esteban Maluenda, Magalí Franchino, Carolina B. García-Estévez, Marisa García-Vergara, Enrique Granell, Julio Garnica, Ramon Graus, Juan José Lahuerta, Nicolás Martín Domínguez, Joaquín Medina Warmburg, Teresa Navas-Ferrer, Antonio Pizza, Sara Silva Lopes y Paulo Tormenta Pinto."…”
  17. 180177
    Publicado 2011
    “…Forget business as usual, The Cluetrain Manifesto marks the dawn of something b igger: Markets are becoming better informed, smarter, and more demanding of qualities missing from most business organizations. …”
  18. 180178
    Publicado 2023
    “…Sean de encargo o no, estas piezas reflejan inquietudes, gustos, afinidades y recurrencias, y constituyen un relato con diversas subtramas en el que literatura, arte y vida se entremezclan de manera inevitable: una suerte de cara B de una extraordinaria trayectoria literaria…”
  19. 180179
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…and Foreign Exchange 288 7.4.4 Q Pricing and Multiple Risks 290 7.5 Options Pricing: Applications and Examples 292 7.5.1 Pricing Currency Options 293 7.5.2 Options and Martingale Pricing Relative to a Global Index 295 7.6 Spread and Two-Factor Options 296 7.6.1 Spread and Correlation Options 297 7.6.2 The Price and the Profit/Loss of a Foreign Investment 298 7.6.3 A Quanto Option 299 7.7 Optional Trading Strategies 300 7.7.1 The Protective Put and Foreign Trading 300 7.7.2 The Covered Call 303 7.8 The Greeks and Financial Risk Management 303 Appendix 7.A: Mathematical Review 304 7.A.1 Itô Calculus 305 7.A.2 The Feynman-Kac Formula 309 7.A.3 Stochastic Integral and Quadratic Variations (Benhamou, 2007) 310 7.A.4 Pricing, the Radon-Nykodim Derivative and Girsanov Theorem 311 7.A.5 Reducing a Dependent Vector to be Independent 312 References 314 8 Credit Risk and International Debt 315 Motivation 315 8.1 Introduction 315 8.2 Growth of Debt and Debt Dependency 317 8.3 Foreign Exchange is a Credit Bestowed to a Sovereign Entity 321 8.4 Credit and Global Risks 323 8.4.1 Country-Specific Risks 323 8.4.2 Foreign Exchange Risks 324 8.4.3 Credit Trading and Currency, Sovereign Bond Risks, Currency Stability 326 8.5 Credit Risk, Credit Derivatives, and Credit Default Swaps 330 8.6 Swaps 332 8.6.1 A Definition and Types of Swaps 332 8.6.2 The Theoretical Q-Price of Spread Options 334 8.6.3 A Swaps Pot-pourri 335 8.7 Credit Default Swaps and Securitized Volatility 338 8.8 Pricing Credit Risk 340 8.8.1 Reduced-Form Models 342 8.8.2 Credit Price and Debt Leverage: An Example 343 8.8.3 Utility and Credit, Debt Leverage and Reimbursement at the Second Period 344 8.9 Debt, The Merton Model, and Default 347 8.9.1 The Merton Debt Model and Foreign Exchange 349 8.9.2 Market Pricing Debt and Credit Risk 350 8.9.3 Debt and Options: A Merton Continuous-Time Model 351 References 355 9 Globalization and Trade: A Changing World 358 Motivation 358 9.1 Introduction 358 9.1.1 Trade and Globalization: A Gated and Changing World 361 9.1.2 Trade and Comparative Risks 363 9.1.3 Inversion and Outsourcing 365 9.1.4 Trade and Risk Externalities 365 9.1.5 Globalization, Gating, and Strategic Trades 366 9.2 Tracking Trade and Globalization 368 9.3 Strategic Trade and Gating 375 9.3.1 Strategic Trade 375 9.3.2 Trade Models 377 9.4 A Multicountry Financial Consumption Utility 378 9.4.1 A One-Period Utility Model: The Consumption Demand Side 379 9.4.2 A One-Period Utility Model: The Supply Side 380 9.4.3 A One-Period Financialized Utility Cournot Model 384 9.4.4 The Cournot Multiperiod Financial Consumption 386 9.5 The Demand Sector and its Supply 388 9.6 Conclusions 390 References 391 10 Compliance and Financial Regulation 395 Motivation 395 10.1 Introduction 395 10.1.1 Regulation, Politics, and Geopolitics 397 10.1.2 Regulatory Risks, Finance, and Compliance 399 10.1.3 Regulation and Risks: Economic Literature 401 10.2 Regulation Risks 403 10.3 Regulation, Technology, and Compliance 405 10.3.1 Importance of Technology and Information 405 10.3.2 Regulation, Technology, and Complexity Risks 407 10.4 Statistical and Compliance Risks 407 10.4.1 Statistical Regulation and Compliance 409 10.4.2 Bernoulli Audits and Noncompliance 409 10.4.3 A Beta Probability Distribution of Noncompliance 410 10.4.4 Auditing a Bank for Compliance 410 10.4.5 The Persistent Regulator 411 10.4.6 The Beta Prime Model 412 10.4.7 The Logit and Beta Prime Compliance Models 414 10.5 A Multivariate Bernoulli Compliance and Audits 415 10.5.1 Bernoulli Compliance 415 10.5.2 Bernoulli and a Codependent Model 417 10.6 Regulation and Compliance Games 418 10.7 Satisficing Games and Regulation-Compliance 421 10.8 Conclusion 423 Appendix 10.A: Games, Risk and Uncertainty 423 Appendix 10.B: Concepts of Games and Risk 424 References 428 Index 000.…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 180180
    Publicado 1754
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….: Este conde novel que determina / confiado en su astucia y en su maña (h . 131 r.) . b) Soneto (h . 131 v.) . vv.: Dicen que solicita el Admirante / que el Conde nuebo de un terrible salto (h . 131 v.) . c) Soneto (h . 132 r.) . vv.: No era mas que Admirante ya eterniza / de su sangre lo excelso en explendores (h . 132 r.) . d) Commiciones nuebas . …”