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- Historia 4,727
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- -Historia 564
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177501por Inter-American Development Bank.Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Pension Systems: Not an Option Today -- Plan B: Household Savings in Other Assets -- The Last Resort: Taking Care of Grandma -- Act Today, for a Better Tomorrow -- Notes -- 7 Saving for the Future: Pension Systems -- Newer Systems for Older Populations -- PAYG/Defined-Benefit Systems: Promises, Promises -- Sustainability -- Adequacy and Redistribution -- Institutional Arrangements -- Recommendations -- Defined Contribution Systems: A Work in Progress -- Transition Costs -- Investments, Returns, and Costs -- Retirement Products and Insurance Arrangements -- Financial Literacy, Legitimacy, and Confidence -- Appropriate Regulation and Supervision -- Recommendations -- When All Else Fails: Noncontributory Pensions -- Recommendations -- Pensions Count -- Notes -- 8 A Better Way for Government to Save -- Current vs. …”
Publicado 2016
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177502por Satorras Fioretti, Rosa MariaTabla de Contenidos: “….); A) Medidas dirigidas a las empresas y asociaciones empresariales; B) Recomendaciones destinadas a las administraciones públicas; C) Recomendaciones destinadas a otros actores demandantes (...); D) Recomendaciones destinadas a otros actores…”
Publicado 2008
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177503Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) -- The Case for ERM -- Where ERM Is Now -- Where ERM Is Headed -- Notes -- Chapter 2: Key Trends and Developments -- Introduction -- Lessons Learned from the Financial Crisis -- The Wheel of Misfortune Revisited -- Global Adoption -- Notes -- Chapter 3: Performance-Based Continuous ERM -- Introduction -- Phase Three: Creating Shareholder Value -- Performance-Based Continuous ERM -- Case Study: Legacy Technology -- Notes -- Chapter 4: Stakeholder Requirements -- Introduction -- Stakeholders Defined -- Managing Stakeholder Value with ERM -- Implementing a Stakeholder Management Program -- Appendix A: Reputational Risk Policy -- Notes -- Part Two: Implementing an ERM Program -- Chapter 5: The ERM Project -- Introduction -- Barriers to Change -- Establish the Vision -- Obtain Buy-In from Internal Stakeholders -- Assess Current Capabilities against Best Practices -- Develop a Roadmap -- Appendix A: ERM Maturity Model -- Appendix B: Practical Plan for ERM Program Implementation -- Chapter 6: Risk Culture -- Introduction -- Risk Culture Success Factors -- Best Practice: Risk Escalation -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Chapter 7: The ERM Framework -- Introduction -- The Need for an ERM Framework -- ERM Framework Criteria -- Current ERM Frameworks -- An Update: The Continuous ERM Model -- Developing a Framework -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Part Three: Governance Structure and Policies -- Chapter 8: The Three Lines of Defense -- Introduction -- COSO's Three Lines of Defense -- Problems with This Structure -- The Three Lines of Defense Revisited -- Bringing It All Together: How the Three Lines Work in Concert…”
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177504por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Progress since the 2006 recommendations Annex B. OECD/DAC standard suite of tables Annex C. Field visit to Tanzania Annex D. …”
Publicado 2013
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177505por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Inter et multidisciplinarité -- Graphique 4 b. Transdisciplinarité -- 5.2. Les étapes suivantes : réseaux de recherche -- 5.2.1. …”
Publicado 2002
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177506por Conférence Européenne des Ministres des Transports.Tabla de Contenidos: “… Évaluation des effets externes du transport 177 B. Détails de l’estimation des coûts externes 191 -1.…”
Publicado 1999
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177507Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…: A Brief Statement on the Reality of Anti-Black Girl Terror / Treva B. Lindsey -- Part Five: Situated at the Edge. 21. …”
Libro electrónico -
177508Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…CONCLUSIONS -- References -- 3 - Epilogue -- 12 - On the Verge of the Plateau: Epilogue -- References -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y.…”
Libro electrónico -
177509por Phillips, Patricia PulliamTabla de Contenidos: “…Step 1: Analyze Reason for Communication -- Step 2: Plan for Communication -- Step 3: Select Audience -- Step 4: Develop Reports -- Step 5: Select Media -- Step 6: Present Information -- Step 7: Analyze Reaction -- Final Thoughts -- Chapter 15: Optimize Results: Use Black Box Thinking to Increase Funding -- Process Improvement is the Key: Black Box Thinking -- Making Adjustments in Programs -- The Timing of Changes -- Increasing ROI -- Influencing Allocation -- Final Thoughts -- Chapter 16: Forecast the ROI -- The Importance of Forecasting ROI -- The Trade-Offs of Forecasting -- Pre-Program ROI Forecasting -- Forecasting with a Pilot Program -- ROI Forecasting with Reaction Data -- Forecasting Guidelines -- Final Thoughts -- Chapter 17: Make It Work: Sustaining the Change to a Results-Based Process -- Overcoming Resistance -- Assess the Climate -- Develop Roles and Responsibilities -- Establish Goals and Plans -- Revise Guidelines and Procedures -- Prepare the Team -- Initiate ROI Studies -- Prepare the Management Team -- Remove Obstacles -- Monitor Progress -- Final Thoughts -- References -- Appendix A -- Appendix B -- Appendix C -- Index -- End User License Agreement…”
Publicado 2019
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177510Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…6.1.3 Transitivity -- 6.1.4 Assortativity -- 6.1.5 Network Properties -- 6.2 Role -- 6.2.1 Structural Equivalence -- 6.2.2 Automorphic Equivalence -- 6.2.3 Role Equivalence -- 6.2.4 Regular Equivalence -- 6.2.5 Block Modeling -- References -- Chapter 7 Data Structure in NetMiner -- 7.1 Sample Data -- 7.1.1 01.Org_Net_Tiny1 -- 7.1.2 02.Org_Net_Tiny2 -- 7.1.3 03.Org_Net_Tiny3 -- 7.2 Main Concept -- 7.2.1 Data Structure -- 7.2.2 Creating Data -- 7.2.3 Inserting Data -- 7.2.4 Importing Data -- 7.3 Data Preprocessing -- 7.3.1 Change of Link -- 7.3.2 Extraction and Reordering of the Node and Link -- 7.3.3 Data Merge and Split -- Reference -- Chapter 8 Network Analysis Using NetMiner -- 8.1 Centrality and Cohesive Subgroup -- 8.1.1 Centrality -- 8.1.2 Cohesive Subgroup -- 8.2 Connectivity and Equivalence -- 8.2.1 Connectivity -- 8.2.2 Equivalence -- 8.3 Visualization and Exploratory Analysis -- 8.3.1 Visualization -- 8.3.2 Transformation of the Two-Mode Network to a One-Mode Network -- Appendix A Visualization -- A.1 Spring Algorithm -- A.2 Multidimensional Scaling Algorithm -- A.3 Cluster Algorithm -- A.4 Layered Algorithm -- A.5 Circular Algorithm -- A.6 Simple Algorithm -- References -- Appendix B Case Study: Knowledge Structure of Steel Research -- Reference -- Index -- EULA…”
Libro electrónico -
177511Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Key Differences between Investing Abroad versus Investing in the United States -- How to Determine Where to Invest -- How Population Change Can Impact Target Market Opportunities -- Keys to Success in International Direct Investing -- The Role of a Partner in International Investing -- Common Mistakes Made by Investors Venturing Abroad -- Risk Mitigation -- Foreign Families in the United States -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Appendix A: Private Equity Strategies Summary -- Appendix B: Sample Due Diligence Checklist -- Appendix C: Glossary -- About the Author -- About the Chapter Authors -- Index -- EULA…”
Libro electrónico -
177512por Pagán, SamuelTabla de Contenidos: “…Las parábolas en los evangelios -- B. Las parábolas por capítulos…”
Publicado 2021
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177513Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Quality checklist -- Appendix B. Who checks which quality characteristics? -- Appendix C. …”
Libro electrónico -
177514Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.3.1 Discrete-time Markov chains5.3.2 Numerical solution of Markov chains; 5.3.3 Randomization; 5.3.4 Truncation of state space; 5.3.5 Two Stations in Tandem; 5.4 The Erlang B-formula and generalizations; 5.4.1 Integer number of circuits; 5.4.2 Non-Integer Number of Circuits; 5.4.3 Approximations; 5.4.4 The Erlang C-formula; 5.4.5 Derivatives; 5.4.6 Inverse; 5.5 Overflow theory; 5.5.1 The Hayward approximation; 5.5.2 The Wilkinson-Bretschneider method; 5.6 Summary; 6 Loss Networks; 6.1 Calculating Blocking in a Network; 6.2 Resource Allocation; 6.2.1 Moe's principle…”
Libro electrónico -
177515por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…OECD recommendations to improve agricultural innovation systems -- Improving governance of agricultural innovation systems is key -- Strengthen linkages within the national innovation system to increase efficiency and responsiveness to needs -- Strengthen private contribution to R& -- D and innovation for food and agriculture to increase the impact -- Facilitate international R& -- D co-operation -- Strengthen farm advisory systems to facilitate adoption -- Facilitate knowledge sharing and information dissemination -- Reference -- Annex B. Additional figures…”
Publicado 2022
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177516Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Progress since the 2017 DAC peer review recommendations -- Annex B. Progress against OECD legal instruments under the responsibility of the DAC -- Recommendations adopted by the Development Assistance Committee -- Recommendation on the Terms and Conditions of Aid (1978) [OECD/LEGAL/5006] -- Recommendation on Untying Official Development Assistance (2001) [OECD/LEGAL/5015] -- Recommendation on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (2019) [OECD/LEGAL/5019] -- DAC Recommendation on Ending Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance (2019) [OECD/LEGAL/5020]…”
Libro electrónico -
177517por Lutz, MarkTabla de Contenidos: “…Division: Classic, Floor, and True; 4.5.4. B itwise Operations; 4.5.5. L ong Integers; 4.5.6. …”
Publicado 2004
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177518Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…Installation definitions for Protected Conversation exploiters -- Overview of installed components -- General definitions -- CICS definitions -- IMS definitions -- DB2 Definitions -- Appendix B. APPC exploiter sample source code -- CICS Programs -- CICS Inbound program - CICSPG1 -- CICS Outbound program - GTCICS02 -- IMS programs -- IMS Inbound program - CPISLAVE -- IMS Outbound program - IMS1PS3 -- IMS Outbound program - IMS1PI3 -- IMS Outbound Implicit program - IMS1PI1 -- IMS Outbound Implicit program - IMS1PS1 -- IMS Inbound Implicit program - IMS2IMI -- IMS Outbound Implicit program - IMS1PI2 -- IMS Outbound Explicit program - IMS1PS2 -- IMS Inbound Explicit program - IMS2EXP -- IMS DB2 program - IMS1DB2 -- IMS DB2 program - IMS2DB2 -- Appendix C. …”
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177519por Wilmshurst, TimTabla de Contenidos: “…2.7 What others do - the Atmel AT89C2051 2.8 Taking things further - the 16F84A on-chip reset circuit; Summary; References; 3 Parallel ports, power supply and the clock oscillator; 3.1 The main idea - parallel input/output; 3.2 The technical challenge of parallel input/output; 3.2.1 Building a parallel interface; 3.2.2 Port electrical characteristics; 3.2.3 Some special cases; 3.3 Connecting to the parallel port; 3.3.1 Switches; 3.3.2 Light-emitting diodes; 3.4 The PIC 16F84A parallel ports; 3.4.1 The 16F84A Port B; 3.4.2 The 16F84A Port A; 3.4.3 Port output characteristics…”
Publicado 2007
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177520Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Step 1: Decide on the Final Tcl Script Contents (Myscript) -- Step 2: Generate a Public/Private Key Pair -- Step 3: Generate a Certificate with the Key Pair -- Step 4: Generate a Detached S/MIME pkcs7 Signature for Myscript Using the Private Key -- Step 5: Modify the Format of the Signature to Match the Cisco Style for Signed Tcl Scripts and Append It to the End of Myscript -- Tcl Script-Failure Scenario -- Scaling Tcl Script Distribution -- Summary -- References -- Appendix A: Cisco IOS Tcl Commands Quick Reference -- Index -- A -- B-C -- D -- E -- F -- G-H-I -- J-K-L -- M -- N-O -- P -- Q-R -- S -- T -- U-V -- W -- X-Y-Z…”
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