Showing 160,881 - 160,900 results of 180,405 for search '"B. S."', query time: 0.50s Refine Results
  1. 160881
    Published 2011
    Table of Contents: “…; etapas; seÑales de que un hombrese estÁ haciendo mayor,como yo; 10 reglas bÁsicasde convivenciaentre hombres; Cosas quenos valen madre; My Way; Lista de las pelÍculasbÁsicas para hombres; Lista de pelÍculasque odiamos los hombres; Las 20 necedadesmÁs comunesde los hombres; Lo que sÍ nos aterraa los hombresen una relaciÓn; capÍtulo 2; ¿Por quÉ Nosaguantan?…”
  2. 160882
    by Alayón, Norberto, 1947-
    Published 2014
  3. 160883
    by Calvo, Hortensia
    Published 2023
    Table of Contents: “…Carta a María de Guadalupe de Lencastre, 1676 -- b. Carta a María de Guadalupe de Lencastre, 1682 -- c. …”
  4. 160884
    by Ponce, Esteban
    Published 2022
    Table of Contents: “…Una feliz combinación en el cerebro: la genialidad en J.-B. Dubos -- 3. Diderot: el genio y la bestia -- 4. …”
  5. 160885
    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Estrategia informática para la combinación de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos: ¿software mixto o combinación de software? / Lilia B. Chernobilsky. Investigaciones cualitativas. …”
  6. 160886
    Published 2011
    Table of Contents: “…International assignments / B. Sebastian Reiche and Anne-Wil Harzing ; 7. Multinational companies and the host country environment / Damian Grimshaw, Jill Rubery and Phil Almond ; 8. …”
    Table of contents
  7. 160887
    by Bonet, Llorenç
    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Ernest Ferré Arquitectes ; Masía Cantallops / Land Planificació i Projectes ; Blanco, Azul y Negro / Future-scape Architects ; Casa de Tela / Oishi Kazuhiko Architecture Atelier ; Dos Casas en Oropesa del Mar / b720 arquitectos ; Casa A / Estudio Campo Baeza ; Aiguablava / Greek Design ; Casa M&R / Périphériques…”
  8. 160888
    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Cole -- Attunement and healing : The fisher king / Michael B. Herzog --The gift of grace : Isak Dinesen's Babette's feast / Maire Mullins -- Hope and the imagination -- The redress of imagination : Bernard MacLaverty's Grace notes / Barry Sloan -- The search for "deeper magic" : J.K. …”
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  9. 160889
    Published 2010
    Table of Contents: “…The discourse of magic -- Magus and its cognates in classical Latin / James B. Rives -- Magic in the Roman historians / Matthew W. …”
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  10. 160890
    Published 2013
    Table of Contents: “…Hammerschmidt -- 'A cui ne fece dono': art, exchange, and sensory engagement in Anthony van Dyck's Lamentation for the Antwerp Beguines / Sarah Joan Moran -- Tasting God: the sweetness of crying in the counter-Reformation / Joseph Imorde -- The sense of hearing politicized: liturgical polyphony and political ambition in fifteenth-century Florence / Klaus Pietschmann -- Of eels and pears: a sixteenth-century debate on taste, temperance, and the pleasures of the senses / Laura Giannetti -- To captivate the senses: sensory governance, heresy, and idolatry in mid-Tudor England / Matthew Milner -- Piazza San Marco: theatre of the senses, market place of the world / Iain Fenlon -- A Neapolitan Heaven: the sensory universe of G.B. Giustiniani / Wietse de Boer -- The temptation of the senses at the Sacro Monte di Varallo / Christine Göttler -- Vision, medicine, and magic: betwitchment and lovesickness in Jacques Grevin's Deux livres des venins (1568) / Yvonne Petry -- The return of the species: Jesuit responses to Kepler's new theory of images / Sven Dupré…”
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  11. 160891
    Published 2013
    Table of Contents: “…ConclusionChapter Four: Villana de' Botti; Latin vita and vernacular theology; One among many; A Dominican laywoman; A married penitent; The vita of Villana; An active, visible, and vocal audience; A learned Dominican penitent; Villana's memory; The memorial of women; The memorial of lay societies; The memories for the friars; Conclusion; Conclusions; Appendices; Appendix A: Comparative index of thema of Lenten sermons; Appendix B: Translations; Appendix C: Bibliographical abbreviations for Chapter Two, description of manuscripts…”
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  12. 160892
    by Ottman, Jacquelyn
    Published 2011
    Table of Contents: “…; Five strategies for establishing credibility for sustainable branding and marketing; 8 Partnering for success; The general public; Children; Employees; Retailers; Addressing the New Rules: ENERGY STAR; Suppliers; Government; Environmental groups; 9 Two sustainability leaders that superbly address the new rules; Addressing the New Rules: Timberland; Addressing the New Rules: Starbucks; 10 Conclusion; For further information; Endnotes; About the author; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; Y; Z…”
  13. 160893
    Table of Contents: “…Esta edición -- ABREVIATURAS CITADAS -- REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS -- CRÓNICA DEL MORO RASIS -- PRÓLOGOS -- Testimonio T -- Testimonios E y V -- Testimonios B y R -- PRIMERA PARTE -- SEGUNDA PARTE -- Contraportada…”
  14. 160894
    Published 2013
    Table of Contents: Click para texto completo desde fuera UPSA
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  15. 160895
    Published 2008
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction: Telling the Truth About Mother Teresa 9 -- 1 Getting There 15 -- 2 A Day in the Life of a Missionary of Charity 20 -- 3 A Pencil in God's Hand 30 -- 4 Whatever You Did for the Least of These, You Did for Me 36 -- 5 The Church as Flawed and Finite 41 -- 6 Do All Things Without Complaining or Disputing 44 -- 7 It All Belongs to God 48 -- 8 There Is Always Enough 51 -- 9 The Vow of Poverty and Service to the Poor 56 -- 10 The Vow of Obedience 62 -- 11 The Vow of Chastity 65 -- 12 Small Things with Great Love 69 -- 13 Prayer Is Our First Work 73 -- 14 The Missionaries and Miracles 77 -- 15 If We Say We Have No Sin, the Truth Is Not in Us 82 -- 16 Here God's Grace More Abounds 87 -- 17 Sometimes We Get Lost When We Look at Numbers 90 -- 18 Don't Give In to Discouragement 94 -- 19 Mother Teresa's Dark Night of the Spirit 99 -- 20 The Humor of Mother Teresa 108 -- 21 Spreading the Fragrance of Christ 111 -- 22 It Matters Not, He Is Forgiven 114 -- 23 Fighting Abortion with Adoption 118 -- 24 Give Until It Hurts 123 -- 25 Revolutionaries for Love 127 -- 26 Mother Teresa and the Body of Christ 132 -- 27 The Uniqueness of Christ 139 -- 28 Leaving Calcutta 143 -- 29 Finding Calcutta 147 -- 30 My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts 149 -- Epilogue: Fall More in Love with Jesus Every Day 158 -- Appendix A: -- A Brief History of the University and Dominant Worldviews 161 -- Appendix B: -- Toward a Twenty-First-Century University 179 -- Acknowledgments 186 -- Notes 189 -- For Further Reflection 210 -- About the Author 223.…”
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  16. 160896
    by Dionís, Cartoixà, 1402-1471
    Published 1896
    Table of Contents: “…Enarrationes in V libros de consolatione. philosophiae B. Severini Boetii. 27. Translatio librorum Joannis CassianiPresbyteri.28.Enarrationes in scalam paradisi S. …”
  17. 160897
    Published 2004
    Table of Contents: “…Las organizaciones de mujeres cumplen una función esencialAsegurarse la participación de los hombres; Otros aliados; Paso tres: Fijar los objetivos; Elaboración de una estrategia; Tipo A: Cambios legislativos; Tipo B: Cambios en las políticas y en las prácticas; Tipo C: Fomento del debate público; Tipo D: Fortalecimiento de la capacidad de su organización para trabajar sobre la violencia contra las mujeres; Paso cuatro: Determinar el rumbo crítico; Paso cinco: Determinar el público al que se dirigirá la campaña y los enfoques correspondientes; 1. …”
  18. 160898
    Published 2015
    Table of Contents: “…Candidate Indicators Within the Balanced Scorecard; B. Selected Output from the November 2011 Backcasting Workshop; C. …”
  19. 160899
    Published 2008
    Table of Contents: “…Recommendation 4: Resolve ContradictionsAppendix A - Education and Health Indicators for Womenand Girls; Appendix B - Vital Governance Milestones for Afghan Women; Appendix C - National Solidarity Program Case-Study Survey; Bibliography…”
  20. 160900
    by Santos del Real, Annette Irene
    Published 2000
    Table of Contents: “…Reflexiones sobre la eficacia y equidad de la secundariaCONCLUSIONES GENERALES; BIBLIOGRAFÍA; ANEXO ""A""; ANEXO ""B""; ANEXO ""C""; ANEXO ""D""…”