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160621by Smith, G. E. KidderTable of Contents: “…Mangiarotti y A Morassutti ; SS Redentore , Turín / Nicola Mosso ; San Lucas, Roma / V, F y L Passarelli ; Sta Maria Maggiore, Francavilla al Mare / Ludovico Quaroni -- HOLANDA: Iglesia Reformada, Aerdenhout / Karel Sijmons ; Iglesia Reformada , Nagele / Van den Broek y Bakema ; S Nicolás, Venlo / G J van der Grinten -- NORUEGA: Iglesia de la aldea, Gravberget Magnus Poulsson -- ESPAÑA: Capilla del Seminario Teológico, Madrid / J L Fernández del Amo ; Nra Sra de los Angeles, Vitoria / J Carvajal Ferrer y J García de Paredes ; Iglesia de la Coronación de Nra Sra, Vitoria / Miguel Fisac -- SUECIA: S Tomás, Estocolmo-Vällingby / Peter Celsing ; Capillas del Crematoria, Gävle / A Engström, G Landberg, B Larsson y A Törneman ; Iglesia de Markus, Estocolmo Björkhagen / Sigurd Lewerentz ; Iglesia de Farsta, Estocolomo-Hökarängen / B Lindroos y H Borgström ; Iglesia de Västerort, Estocolmo-Vällingby / Carl Nyrén -- SUIZA: Iglesia de Bruderklausen, Birsfelden / Hermann Baur ; Iglesia Reformada, Reinach / Ernst Gisel ; Iglesia Reformada, Effretikon / Ernst Gisel ; Capilla del Crematorio, Baden / E y R Lanners con R Wahlen…”
Published 1964
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160623Published 2010Table of Contents: “…Consecuencias de la comparencia defectuosa de las partes y su posible subsanación en los siguientes supuestos: a) Comparece sólo el abogado de la partes, sin ésta y sin su procurador; b) Comparece el abogado y el procurador, el cual carece de poder…”
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160624by Abella Rubio, Jos MaraTable of Contents: “…Teoría del acrecimiento; B. Teoría de la ocupación…”
Published 2005
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160625Published 2002Table of Contents:eBook
160626by Vila-Coro, Maria DoloresTable of Contents: “…DOS SENTENCIAS OPUESTAS: MISS B /DIANE PRETTY; 3.1. Miss B; 3.2. Diane Pretty; 3.3. …”
Published 2007
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160627by Armon, RobertTable of Contents: “…References""; ""Chapter 2: Bacterial Zoonoses""; ""2.1. Anthrax""; ""2.1.1. B. Anthracis and environment""; "" Water and soil""…”
Published 2012
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160628by Dotú i Guri, María del MarTable of Contents: “…El tribunal constitucional; B. El defensor del pueblo; Capítulo III. Los límites a los derechos fundamentales; 1. …”
Published 2013
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160629by Rupp, MiriamTable of Contents: “…-- Kapitel 13: Storytelling für Technik- und B2B-Themen -- Es geht am Ende immer um Menschen -- Einfach und emotional statt Business und Buzzwords -- Glaubwürdig und gezielt eine Nische besetzen -- The Epic Split -- Kapitel 14: Employer Branding -- Die Geburtsstunde des Employer Branding -- Werte sind wichtiger als Gehalt -- Employee Storytelling -- Storytelling für Stellenbeschreibungen -- Wo werden Employer-Branding-Storys erzählt? …”
Published 2022
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160630by Shimizu, KazuyukiTable of Contents: “…6.6 Effect of sucA and sucC geneknockout on metabolism6.7 Effect of icdA gene knockouton metabolism; 6.8 Effect of pfl gene knockouton metabolism; 6.9 Effect of ldhA gene knockouton metabolism; 6.10 References; Appendices; Appendix A: Global regulators and their regulated genes; Appendix B: Metabolic pathway reactions and the corresponding e nzymes and genes; Appendix C: A table of genes and their associated functions; Appendix D: Gene names; Appendix E: Precursor requirements (μ mol/g DW) for biomass synthesis of E.coli; Index…”
Published 2013
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160631by Li, TingyeTable of Contents: “…Front Cover; Optical Fiber Telecommunications V A: Components and Subsystems; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Contributors; Chapter 1 Overview of OFT V Volumes A & B; 1.1 FIVE EDITIONS; 1.2 PERSPECTIVE OF THE PAST 6 YEARS; 1.3 OFT V VOLUME A: COMPONENTS AND SUBSYSTEMS; 1.4 OFT V VOLUME B: SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; Chapter 2 Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Genesis-The Excitonic Zoo-Novel Devices for Future Applications; 2.1 PREFACE; 2.2 THE PREHISTORIC ERA-OR WHY DID A PROMISING APPROACH ALMOST DIE; 2.3 A NEW DAWN AND COLLECTIVE BLINDNESS; 2.4 DECISIVE BREAK-THROUGHS…”
Published 2010
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160632Published 2014Table of Contents: “…The Power of Commitment Conclusion: Using Agile Strategy to Shape Your Organization's Future Acceleration Agile Strategy: The Evolution of Innovation Three Eras of Innovation Tools Agile Strategy and the Acceleration of History The Approaching Singularity The Agile Economy Our Conclusion: Innovation Is Not Imitation Agile Capitalism Appendix A: Critical Questions Personal questions Innovation as a process Corporate culture/management Competition Intellectual Property Customers Appendix B: Resources for Your Revolution Appendix B: Definitions …”
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160633Published 2016Table of Contents: “…Cover; Title; Copyright; CONTENTS; Preface; Acknowledgments; CHAPTER 1 PRODUCTION PLANNING; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The Idea; 1.3 Goals and Objectives; 1.4 The Target Audience; 1.5 Style; 1.6 Production Personnel; 1.7 Production Elements; Production Tip 1A-Pick Any Two; 1.8 The Script; 1.9 Paperwork; 1.10 The Importance of Voice; Production Tip 1B-Copy Marking; 1.11 Equipment and Facilities; 1.12 Laws; 1.13 Ethics; 1.14 Conclusion; Self-Study; Questions; Answers; Projects; Project 1-Undertake Production Planning for a 15-Minute Interview Show; Project 2-Assess Your Skills…”
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160634Published 2007Table of Contents: “…Palpitaciones del tiempo — B. Léal: Une femme devant une cheminée assise dans un fauteil avec un boa à plumes — J.…”
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160635Published 2023Table of Contents: “…-- Market Is Not Good at the Moment (Property) -- Bad Experience -- Need to Speak to My Partner -- I Am Happy with My Current Supplier -- Feedback -- Review -- Backup -- Your Product Is too Expensive -- Send Me Information -- Your Competitor, Who Is Very Similar to You, Is Cheaper -- Chapter 21 Positive Words and Language -- Chapter 22 Lead Generation -- Lead Generation Ideas If You Work in Recruitment -- Pipeline -- Chapter 23 Gaining Referrals -- Chapter 24 FAB Selling -- Chapter 25 Cross-Selling and Upselling -- Create the Need and Fill It -- Chapter 26 Handling Rejection -- Chapter 27 Six Components of Success -- Talent -- Chapter 28 Negotiations -- Rule 1 -- Rule 2 -- Rule 3 -- Rule 4 -- Rule 5 -- Rule 6 -- Rule 7 -- Rule 8 -- Rule 9 -- Sell the Difference -- Chapter 29 Time Management -- Unnecessary Meetings -- Elephant Tasks -- Chapter 30 Gaining Commitment and Closing -- Examples of Some Closing Techniques -- Chapter 31 Howlers -- My First B2B Sales Job -- My First Field Meeting -- Call Centre Selling Gas and Electric -- Double Glazing -- Door-to-Door Sales -- Chapter 32 Conclusion -- Complimentary Resources -- Tony Morris International -- Book Mentions -- Index -- EULA…”
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160636Published 2014Table of Contents: “…Step 2: Product Positioning Analysis -- Introduction -- Product Positioning: Micro/Macro View -- Strategic Gap Analysis -- Product Evaluation Questionnaire-CSF -- Strategic Scenario Analysis Using Weighted Averages -- Strategic Scenario Analysis-Detailed -- Summary -- Sample Case, Phase 3 -- Form 3A: Business Profile Matrix -- Form 3B: Business Assessment Matrix -- Form 3: Product Evaluation Questionnaire-Critical Success Method -- 4. …”
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160637Published 2013Table of Contents: “…2.3.2 Nematicons as Strongly Nonlocal Spatial Solitons2.3.3 Nematicon-Nematicon Interactions; 2.4 Conclusion; Appendix 2.A: Proof of the Equivalence of the Snyder-Mitchell Model (Eq. 2.16) and the Strongly Nonlocal Model (Eq. 2.11); Appendix 2.B: Perturbative Solution for a Single Soliton of the NNLSE (Eq. 2.4) in NLC; References; Chapter 3. …”
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160638by Hood-Daniel, PatrickTable of Contents: “…CHAPTER 3 Tips and Advice Read the Entire Book First; Examine the Plans; Print the Plans at Actual Size; Verify All Measurements; LabeI the Parts; Head to the Discussion Forums; Summary; CHAPTER 4 Cutting the Parts I; Before You Begin; Lower Structural Sides - Parts A and B; Table - Part C; ZY Plate - Part D; X-Axis Motor Mount - Part E; Upper Structural Sides - Parts F and G; Summary; CHAPTER 5 Cutting the Parts II; V-Axis Rail Support - Part H; Table Bearing Supports - Parts I and J; Z-Axis Rail Support - Part K; Z-Axis Bearing Support - Part L; Z-Axis Motor Mount - Part M…”
Published 2011
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160639by Du, Pengwei, 1975-Table of Contents: “…Numerical Results; Primary Control with Portfolio A; Primary Control with Portfolio B; Secondary Control with Portfolio A; Secondary Control with Portfolio B; 5. …”
Published 2015
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160640by Lawrence, J. 1970-Table of Contents: “…3.3 Laser surface alloying of C-B-W-Cr nano-powders on nodular cast-iron rolls (NCIR)3.3.1 Microstructure of the cross section of the laser alloyed NCIR; 3.3.2 Phases in the alloyed layer on NCIR; 3.3.3 Crack propagation in the alloyed layer and the NCIR substrate; 3.3.4 Microhardness distribution and wear properties of the alloyed layer on NCIR; 3.3.5 Conclusions of NCIR laser-alloyed with C-B-W-Cr powders; 3.4 Laser surface alloying of NiCr-Cr3C2 powders on semisteel rolls; 3.4.1 Microstructure and phases of the semisteel rolls…”
Published 2015