Mostrando 62,881 - 62,900 Resultados de 71,108 Para Buscar '"América "', tiempo de consulta: 0.31s Limitar resultados
  1. 62881
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Buckminster Fuller : America's last genuine utopian? / Howard P. Segal -- Thinking and building : the formation of R. …”
  2. 62882
    por Morris, Bonnie J., 1961-
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Scene six, 1990 : driving a U-haul to Harvard -- Scene seven, 1992 : fear of the word woman -- Scene eight, 1993 : teaching where hell freezes over -- Scene nine, 1993 : women studies goes global -- Scene ten, 1995 : educating President Clinton -- Conclusion : mainstreaming women's studies in America…”
  3. 62883
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hinlicky -- Transformations of Luther's theology in view of Schleiermacher / Christine Helmer -- Die notwendige Transformation einer reformatorischen Theologie / Peter Widmann -- Theology of giving as a comprehensive Lutheran theology / Risto Saarinen -- The gift of grace: on Derrida's gift and Lutheran grace / Jan-Olav Henriksen -- Rethinking Christocentric theology / Michael Welker -- Sola gratia in Zeiten der Gottesferne / Hartmut Rosenau -- Lutheran theology as a resource for future society / Elisabeth Gerle -- Lutheranism and culture in the Americas / Vitor Westhelle -- Lutheran political theology in the twenty-first century / Svend Andersen…”
  4. 62884
    por Bapis, Elaine M., 1949-
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Carnal knowledge and the delusion of telling it like it is -- Forever native: Penn's new authentics in Little Big Man -- The Godfather films as America -- Conclusion: cinematic anarchists go generic…”
  5. 62885
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…McMahon ; 'This babe-in-arms' : Joseph de Maistre's critique of America / Joseph Eaton ; The negative of the Enlightenment, the positive of order and the impossible positivity of history / Jean-Yves Pranchère -- Makers and heirs of the Enlightenment. …”
  6. 62886
    por Lerner, Barron H.
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…: Barney Clark and the technological imperative -- "You murdered my daughter" : Libby Zion and the reform of medical education -- Patient activism goes Hollywood : how America fought AIDS -- The last angry man and woman : Lorenzo Odone's parents fight the medical establishment…”
  7. 62887
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Isabel I de Castilla: la conciencia de una reina / Guillermo Arquero -- El emperador Carlos V y su proyecto de "Universitas Christiana" / Álvaro Sureda -- La conquista de América: "Quaestio disputata" en la escolástica española del siglo XVI / Jaime Mercant Simó -- El reformismo bajo la monarquía de los Austrias menores / Antonio Cañellas Mas -- La Ilustración española en la trayectoria de Jovellanos / Emilio Bejarano -- Las minorías selectas en el pensamiento de José Enrique Rodó / Víctor Zorrilla -- El régimen de Franco en tres etapas / José Luis Orella -- Epílogo: Familia y progreso en la sociedad / Lelia Díaz…”
  8. 62888
    por Abadie, Roberto
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction : a guinea pig's wage: risk, body commodification, and the ethics of pharmaceutical research in America -- Guinea-pigging : the in/formal economy of phase I clinical trials in Philadelphia -- Market recruitment, identity, and resistance among professional guinea pigs -- Local knowledge and risk management among professional guinea pigs -- Big Pharma and HIV clinical trials: a case study -- Strategies of survival : HIV clinical trials and the fight for their lives -- From prisoners to professionals : a brief history of the clinical-trial enterprise -- Ethics and the exploitation of the poor in clinical trials research -- Conclusion : living in/off the mild torture economy as trial subjects -- Epilogue : following up : Robert Helms, Frank Little, Dave Onion, and Spam one last time…”
  9. 62889
    por Kurtz, Paul, 1925-2012
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- The passion as a political weapon : anti-Semitism and the Gospels -- Creating secular and humanist alternatives to religion -- Is America a post-democratic society? -- The new American plutocracy -- Can we bridge the great cultural divide? …”
  10. 62890
    por Akerlof, George A., 1940-
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The resistance and its heroes -- Part three: Conclusion and afterword -- Conclusion: examples and general lessons. New story in America and its consequences -- Afterword. The significance of phishing equilibrium…”
  11. 62891
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Reflexiones sobre una reforma de las garantías mobiliarias a la luz de los textos de UNCITRAL, UNIDROIT, OEA, DCFR y directiva 2002/47/CE / Carmen Jerez Delgado -- El convenio de Ciudad del Cabo relativo a garantías internacionales sobre elementos de equipo móvil y sus protocolos / Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell -- la Ley modelo de la CNUDMI sobre garantías mobiliarias / Jorge Feliu Rey -- La Modificación del régimen de garantías en América Latina: ¿un proceso de implementación uniforme de estándares internacionales relativos a las garantías mobiliarias? …”
  12. 62892
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…: short and long answers from the Americas / Greg Grandin -- Southeast Asia in the Cold War / Bradley R. …”
  13. 62893
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ross -- v. 2. Latin America and the Caribbean / edited by Margot Blum Schevill -- v. 3. …”
  14. 62894
    por Gregory, Derek, 1951-
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- September 11 -- The land where red tulips grew -- Great games -- Uncivil wars and transnational terrorism -- The sorcerer's apprentices -- Civilization and barbarism -- The visible and the invisible -- Territorialization, targets and technoculture -- Deadly messengers -- Spaces of the exception -- Deconstructions -- Barbed boundaries -- America's Israel -- Diaspora, dispossession and disaster -- Occupation, coercion and colonisation -- Camp David and Goliath -- Defiled cities -- Ground zeros -- Besieging cartographies -- Identities and oppositions -- The Tyranny of strangers -- 'Not as conquerors or enemies...' -- Coups and conflicts -- Desert storms and urban nightmares -- Boundless war -- Black september -- Killing grounds -- The cutting-room war -- Gravity's rainbows -- Connective dissonance -- The colonial present and cultures of travel -- Pandora's spaces…”
    Table of contents
  15. 62895
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…New questions for innovative migration research, by Mohamed Berriane and Hein de Haas -- Methodology and methods: conceptual issues by Stephen Castles -- Migratory flows and migrants' profiles: Moroccan emigration towards Spain, by Mohamed Berriane, Mohamed Aderghal, and Lahoucine Amzil -- Understanding migrants' remittances: evidence from the US-Nigeria migration survey by Una Okonkwo Osili -- From one stage to the next: transit and transport in (trans)Saharan migrations by Julien Brachet -- Experimental data collection methods and migration governance by Darshan Vigneswaran -- Congolese migrations towards Africa, Europe, America, and Asia by Agbada Mobhe Mangalu -- Comparing Dogon and Songhai migrations towards Ghana by Isaïe Dougnon -- Collecting data on migrants through NGOs by Tara Polzer -- Anthropological approaches to studying the mobility of children in West Africa by Abdou Ndao…”
  16. 62896
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction to ecclesiology / The ecclesiology of Israel's Scriptures / The church in the Synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles / The Johannine vision of the church / The shape of the Pauline churches / The church in the General Epistles / Early ecclesiology in the West / The Eastern Orthodox tradition / Medieval ecclesiology and the Conciliar Movement / The church in the Magisterial Reformers / Anglican ecclesiology / Roman Catholic ecclesiology from the Council of Trent to Vatican II and beyond / Baptist concepts of the church and their antecedents / Methodism and the church / Pentecostal ecclesiologies / Karl Barth / Yves Congar / Henri de Lubac / Karl Rahner / Joseph Ratzinger / John Zizioulas / Wolfhart Pannenberg / Rowan Williams / Feminist critiques, visions, and models of the church / Social science and ideological critiques of ecclesiology / Liberation ecclesiologies with special reference to Latin America / Asian ecclesiologies / African ecclesiologies…”
  17. 62897
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The wisdom of the elders -- The soul of Steven Pinker -- Wild moralists in the animal kingdom -- While we're at it -- Political blasphemy -- Re-evangelizing a "post-Christian" world -- What sacred architecture is for -- Believing in evolution -- America as a religion -- While we're at it -- Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. -- While we're at it -- Dostoevsky and the fiery word -- While we're at it -- Getting along at the altar -- Remembering and forgetting -- The conservatism of Andrew Sullivan -- While we're at it -- September 11--before and after -- Plain talk about "Muslim rage" -- After Israel -- While we're at it -- Civil religion of public philosophy -- Velvet glove, iron fist, and irony -- Caught out and catching up -- At the origins of the culture war -- While we're at it…”
  18. 62898
    por Habell-Pallán, Michelle
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…"Bridge Over Troubled Borders": the Transnational Appeal of Chicano Popular Music -- Epilogue "Call Us Americans, 'Cause We are All from the Américas": Latinos at Home in Canada -- Notes -- About the Author -- Index…”
  19. 62899
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Broyde -- The Jewish family in America : contemporary challenges and traditional resources / Elliot Dorff -- What is a Jewish family? …”
  20. 62900
    por Irons, Peter H., 1940-
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…In the beginning: "the power of war and peace" -- "Not only war but public war": congressional authority in the new nation -- "A war unjust and unnecessary": seizing a continental empire -- "The great exigencies of government": the Civil War -- "Remember the Maine": the birth of imperial America -- "We must have no criticism now": the war to end all wars -- "The sole organ of the nation": the birth of the imperial presidency -- "The very bring of constitutional power": Japanese Americans and German saboteurs -- "A world-wide American empire": the imperial presidency in the Cold War -- "What every schoolboy knows": Vietnam and congressional abdication -- "We were going to war": from the Gulf War to Afghanistan -- "We will not hesitate to act alone": the American colossus in the age of preemptive war -- "The constitution is just a piece of paper": empire vs. democracy…”