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Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,786
- Development 1,530
- Management 1,362
- Application software 1,271
- Historia 1,211
- Computer Science 1,183
- History 979
- Science: general issues 931
- Computer networks 856
- Computer programs 763
- Data processing 696
- Examinations 666
- Design 659
- Business & Economics 655
- Security measures 600
- Leadership 583
- Medicine 582
- Computer security 567
- Web site development 561
- Computer programming 557
- Photography 557
- Web sites 548
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 545
- Operating systems (Computers) 541
- Cloud computing 524
- Computer software 516
- Programming 515
- Certification 504
- Database management 503
- Python (Computer program language) 497
44261Publicado 2023“…Ethics and organizational values must guide all decisions related to the use of these technologies, and accounting professionals must be aware of their responsibility to protect data and make ethical decisions based on the results generated by these tools. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
44262Publicado 2017“…Wind turbine syndrome shows all the hallmarks of a ‘communicated disease’: that is, an illness that is spread by people talking and writing about it. …”
Libro electrónico -
44263Publicado 2003“…The Charitable Crescent covers all aspects of this topic that has become so relevant in today's world: who is entitled to benefit from Muslim alms? …”
Libro electrónico -
44264Publicado 2019“…The book demonstrates that we are not in control: with all our academic rigour, we cannot know with certainty why the world is the way it is, or what impact our actions will have. …”
Libro electrónico -
44265Publicado 2003“…This, the first book-length study of the original text in English, provides students and scholars with an introduction to this controversial work and to the conceptual world of its authors. Like all witch-theorists, Institoris and Sprenger constructed their witch out of a constellation of pre-existing popular beliefs and learned traditions. …”
Libro electrónico -
44266por Bertagnolli, Davide“…Gli studi toccano le aree di lingua inglese, tedesca, nederlandese e frisone, nei periodi antico e medio, con contatti e riferimenti anche all’area nordica. I numerosi microtesti gnomici mostrano una grande capacità di diffusione e penetrazione in diversi ambiti culturali, sia circolando singolarmente che inseriti in testi più ampi. …”
Publicado 2019
Electrónico -
44267Publicado 2020“…In estimating the material strength under such loading conditions, the high-temperature material behavior needs to be considered against cyclic loading and creep, the experimental strength to isothermal/non-isothermal cyclic loadings and, not least of all, the choice and experimental calibration of numerical material models and the selection of the most comprehensive design approach. …”
Libro electrónico -
44268por Walker, Michael“…Michael Walker remedies this surprising gap in Hitchcock literature with an innovative and in-depth study of the sustained motifs and themes threaded through Hitchcock's entire body of work. Combing through all fifty-two extant feature films and representative episodes from Hitchcock's television series, Walker traces over forty motifs that emerge in recurring objects, settings, character-types, and events. …”
Publicado 2005
Libro electrónico -
44269Publicado 2006“…L'analisi di alcuni grandi retailer internazionali dimostra l'emergere di un modello di business vincente che, anche se per alcuni aspetti idiosincratico e diffi cilmente trasferibile, rappresenta lo spunto innovativo per imprese del settore che vogliono ridefinire la propria competitività di fronte alle mutate condizioni del mercato. Il focus sulle imprese fiorentine delinea le modalità attraverso le quali i produttori locali intercettano i canali di acquisto della grande distribuzione realizzando una forma mediata di vendita sui mercati internazionali…”
Libro electrónico -
44270Publicado 2020“…Der Sammelband richtet sich an alle, die sich aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln mit dem Themenkreisen Transfer und dem Ankommen und der Teilhabe von Geflüchteten beschäftigen - an Entscheidungstragende in den Kommunen und Ländern, Forschende und Forschungsfördernde, Geflüchtete, Ehrenamtliche und Akteur*innen aus der Wirtschaft und der Zivilgesellschaft. …”
Libro electrónico -
44271“…Zugleich schreiben die Autoren eine Geschichte der Abteilung Film der SGV und beleuchten die Geschichte der Handwerkskultur und des Dokumentarfilms in der Schweiz. Alle im Buch ausführlich analysierten Filme und ein Teil der zitierten, audiovisuell aufgezeichneten Interviews sind online zugänglich. …”
Libro electrónico -
44272Publicado 2016“…For China, powerful military capabilities of several types - including nuclear capabilities, conventional capabilities, space capabilities, and cyberwarfare forces - are all essential components of a credible strategic deterrent. …”
Libro electrónico -
44273por Besio, Serenella, author, Bulgarelli, Daniela, author, Stancheva-Popkostadinova, Vaska, author“…The primary objective of this book, developed within the scientific activities of the Working Group no. 1, is to review the state of the art of knowledge on play evaluation and to present and discuss existing tools and methodologies for play assessment. Gathering all the existing knowledge in this area of study is urgent; moreover, this knowledge must be harnessed for an innovative goal, potentially disruptive in the overall conception of disability. …”
Publicado 2018
Libro electrónico -
44274Publicado 2003“…Dengue, or dengue fever, is the most widespread vector-borne disease on the planet and is spreading rapidly in all the world’s hot regions. The spread of its hemorrhagic forms, which can be fatal, is particularly worrying, especially as without a vaccine or a new treatment, the only way to halt the disease is to control the mosquito that carries it. …”
Electrónico -
44275por Basch, Sophie“…Wilhelm von Humboldt n'est jamais allé en Grèce et, pourtant, il est l'un des principaux inventeurs d'une Grèce reconstruite à l'usage de l'Allemagne du xixe siècle, le fondateur du mythe grec des Allemands. …”
Publicado 2018
Electrónico -
44276por Barresi, Sebastiano“…La mobilità degli artigiani, non è, infatti, un tratto esclusivo della ceramica italiota, e l’attenzione riservata dagli studi più recenti alle problematiche legate alla produzione ha permesso di meglio comprendere i fenomeni che presiedono alla diffusione delle tecniche e degli stili e che contribuiscono alla nascita o alla fine delle produzioni nelle differenti regioni del mondo greco, soprattutto in relazione agli spostamenti dei pittori e dei vasai. …”
Publicado 2019
Electrónico -
44277Publicado 2020“…It is especially concerned with historical interconnections between the two Germanies in industrial design, economic structures, corporate ethos, trade, economic foreign policy and consumer culture, all of which are subsumed under the term "economic culture." …”
Libro electrónico -
44278por Gardner, Andrew, 1969-“…Gardner explores the everyday experiences of workers from India who have migrated to the Kingdom of Bahrain. Like all the petroleum-rich states of the Persian Gulf, Bahrain hosts an extraordinarily large population of transmigrant laborers. …”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
44279por Thompson, A. Richard. author, Moran, James M. author, Swenson Jr., George W. author“…With its comprehensiveness and detailed exposition of all aspects of the theory and practice of radio interferometry and synthesis imaging, this book has established itself as a standard reference in the field. …”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -
44280por Singer, Beth J., author“…While denying that rights exist independently of a community's practices, Singer maintains that rights to personal autonomy and authority ought to exist in all communities. Group rights, an anathema among individualistic theories, are from Singer's pragmatist perspective a valuable institution. …”
Publicado 2019
Libro electrónico