Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Management 361
- Development 296
- History 270
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 250
- Application software 219
- Computer Science 184
- Computer networks 179
- Artificial intelligence 169
- Data processing 152
- Historia 149
- Leadership 148
- Technological innovations 126
- Business & Economics 120
- Organizational change 113
- Computer software 111
- Education 108
- Security measures 104
- Information technology 102
- Economic conditions 99
- Computer security 98
- Machine learning 96
- Social aspects 96
- Design 95
- Research & information: general 93
- Climatic changes 87
- Technology: general issues 87
- Software engineering 86
- History of engineering & technology 85
- Economic policy 84
- Computer programs 80
4242por Sanford, Jacob J., 1972-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Photoshop: An OverviewYour First Graphics; A Second Graphic; A Mobile Browser Graphic; Extending Your Photoshop Skills; Summary; Chapter 4: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS); Prerequisites; That Looks Like Table-Based Design; Creating a Stylesheet; Browser Check; Your Final CSS File; Summary; Chapter 5: ASP.NET 2.0 CSS Friendly Control Adapters; What Is a CSS Friendly Control Adapter?; Installing the Control Adapters; Integrating the Control Adapters; For More Information; Summary; Chapter 6: Consistent Navigation; Overview: ASP.NET Navigation Controls; Getting Started…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
4243Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Obsah -- Úvod -- Kapitola 1: Kariérová adaptabilita v kontextu teorie konstruování kariéry -- 1.1 Teorie konstruování kariéry -- 1.2 Adaptivita, adaptabilita a adaptace -- 1.3 Vymezení kariérové adaptability -- 1.4 Nástroje pro měření kariérové adaptability -- 1.5 Kariérová adaptabilita jako předmět výzkumu -- 1.6 Z výsledků výzkumů -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 2: Metodologie výzkumu kariérové adaptability -- 2.1 Cíle výzkumu -- 2.2 Organizace výzkumu a respondenti -- 2.3 Nástroje sběru dat -- Shrnutí Kapitola 3: Kariérová adaptabilita a její vztah k vybraným charakteristikám respondentů -- 3.1 Kariérová adaptabilita a její dimenze -- 3.2 Pohlaví a kariérová adaptabilita -- 3.3 Vzdělání a kariérová adaptabilita -- 3.4 Využívání služeb kariérového poradenství a kariérová adaptabilita -- 3.5 Prediktory kariérové adaptability -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 4: Kariérová adaptabilita perspektivou času -- 4.1 Poznatky z výzkumu -- 4.2 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 5: Vliv sociální opory na kariérovou adaptabilitu -- 5.1 Rodičovská podpora -- 5.2 Podpora učitelů 5.3 Vrstevnická podpora -- 5.4 Celková sociální opora -- 5.5 Zkoumání vlivu sociální opory na kariérovou adaptabilitu -- 5.6 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 6: Sebehodnocení jako prostředník mezi sociální oporou a kariérovou adaptabilitou -- 6.1 Zkoumání sebehodnocení a jeho vztahu ke kariérové adaptabilitě -- 6.2 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí -- Kapitola 7: Profesní identita jako ukazatel kariérové adaptace -- 7.1 Zkoumání vztahu mezi kariérovou adaptabilitou, sebeúčinností a profesní identitou -- 7.2 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí Kapitola 8: Vliv kariérové adaptability, sebehodnocení a pracovních hodnot na životní spokojenost -- 8.1 Kariérová adaptabilita a životní spokojenost -- 8.2 Sebehodnocení a životní spokojenost -- 8.3 Role pracovních hodnot ve vztahu mezi kariérovou adaptabilitou, sebehodnocením a životní spokojeností -- 8.4 Popisné statistiky a korelace mezi zkoumanými proměnnými -- 8.5 Mediační analýza celkové a přímé vlivy -- 8.6 Mediační analýza nepřímé vlivy -- 8.7 Zhodnocení získaných poznatků -- Shrnutí Kapitola 9: Absolventi středního odborného vzdělávání na trhu práce liší se zaměstnaní a nezaměstnaní? …”
Libro electrónico -
4244por Saraswathi, RaviTabla de Contenidos: “…Testing and managing BPEL business process instancesSummary; Chapter 2: Configuring BPEL Processes; Understanding the BPEL language framework; BPEL activities; Creating basic activities in BPEL; Activities; Basic activities; Structured activities; Fault and error handling; Synchronous versus asynchronous processes; Selecting the timeout value for synchronous processes; BPEL correlation; Creating a Correlation set; Associating the correlation set; Creating property aliases; Adapters; Database Adapter; File Adapter; JMS Adapter; Web Service Adapter…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
4245Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Authors; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Configuring a Messaging Architecture; Understanding the publish or subscribe model; Receiving the message; Adapter; Pipeline; Maps; MessageBox; Subscriptions; Message Context Properties; Orchestrations; Sending the message; Maps; Pipeline; Adapter; Getting started with the BizTalk Platform Settings and Applications; BizTalk Administration Console; The Group Hub; Hosts and Host Instances; Creating a Host; Creating a Host Instance; Managing Adapter Handlers; Applications…”
Libro electrónico -
4247por Zia, AsimTabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction : post-Kyoto climate governance -- The politics of scale I : temporal and spatial discounting -- The politics of scale II : synergies and trade-offs in complex systems -- The politics of ideology I : risk perceptions and psychology of denial -- The politics of ideology II : communicating uncertain climate change risk -- The politics of knowledge I : marketization of climate governance -- The politics of knowledge II : accountability and adaptation -- Governing environmental complexity…”
Publicado 2013
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
Libro electrónico -
4248Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Huracán sobre la isla = The hurricane / directed by John Ford ; produced by Samuel Goldwyn ; screen play by Dudley Nichols, adaptation by Oliver H.P. Garrett ; photography, Bert Glennon ; musical direction, Alfred Newman. …”
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4249Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Repulsión = Repulsion/directed by Roman Polanski ; produced by Gene Gutowski ; original screenplay by Roman Polanski, Gerard Brach, adaptation and additional dialogue, David Stone ; director of photography, Gilbert Taylor ; music composed and conducted by Chico Hamilton…”
Video -
4250por Croiset, Jean (S.I.) ( 1658-1738)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contiene la esplicacion [sic] del misterio; la vida del Santo correspondiente Æ cada dia; algunas reflexiones sobre la epstola; una meditacion despues del Evangelio de la Misa, y algunos ejercicios prÆcticos de devocion ð propðsitos adaptables Æ todo gØnero de personas…”
Publicado 1867
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4251por Hill-Vásquez, HeatherTabla de Contenidos: “…Reforming response: Protestant adaptations. Modeling response in the Chester cycle ; Correcting response in the Digby Conversion of Saint Paul -- Sanctifying response: the church and the "real presence". …”
Publicado 2007
Click para texto completo desde fuera UPSA
Click para texto completo desde UPSA
Libro electrónico -
4252Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Aligning Workforce Education and Training with Energy-Sector Needs -- Skills Needed to Meet Changing Industry Demand -- How Education and Training Can Successfully Adapt to Changing Labor-Market Needs -- Case Studies: Education and Training Providers in Southwestern Pennsylvania -- Ensuring That Education and Training Meet Evolving Energy-Sector Needs in Southwestern Pennsylvania -- Appendix: Descriptions of Education and Training Facilities Used for Case Studies…”
Libro electrónico -
4253por Youngdahl, JayTabla de Contenidos: “…; Six: Railroads, Trading Posts, and a Fatal Challenge to the RRB's System; Seven: In the Workers' Words; Eight: Anchoring and Adaptability, Fixed yet Fluid; Afterword; Selected Bibliography; Index…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
4254por Roper, JulietTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Introduction: The Modernization of Election Campaign Practices -- Germany: From Modern to Postmodern Campaign -- New Zealand: Adapting to Proportional Representation -- Italy: Playing in the Majoritarian and Looking at the Proportional -- The United States: Media Spectacle and Election 2000…”
Publicado 2004
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4255Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…chapter 1 Introduction to Bioinspired Photonic Systems / chapter 2 STRUCTURAL COLOR I: LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES -- chapter 3 STRUCTURAL COLOR II: COMPLEX STRUCTURES -- chapter 4 Dynamic, Adaptive Color -- chapter 5 Vision Systems -- chapter 6 Biomaterials for Photonics -- chapter 7 Sensors -- chapter 8 Energy from Light -- chapter 9 THE FUTURE OF BIOINSPIRED PHOTONICS: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES…”
Libro electrónico -
4256Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…AI in Investment Management -- AI and Business Strategy -- Design -- Data -- Model Development -- Evaluation -- Deployment -- Performance -- A New Beginning -- Customer Experience Science -- Marketing Science -- Land that institutional investor with AI -- Sales Science -- InvestmentManaging the returns loop -- Regulatory Compliance & Operations -- Supply Chain Science -- Corporate Social Responsibility -- AI Organization and Project Management -- Governance and Ethics -- Adaptation and Emergence…”
Libro electrónico -
4257Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Quantifying and accounting for information assets -- Adapting economic principles for information -- Infonomics trends…”
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4258por Chappell, David A.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction to the enterprise service bus -- state of integration -- Necessity is the mother of invention -- XML : the foundation for business data integration -- Message oriented middleware (MOM) -- Service containers and abstract endpoints -- ESB service invocations, routing, and SOA -- Protocols, messaging, custom adapters, and services -- Batch transfer latency -- Java components in an ESB -- ESB integration patterns and recurring design solutions -- ESB and the evolution of web services…”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico -
4259Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Managing people for the benefit of the land in New Zealand -- Experimentation and adaptation at the local level in the U.S. -- Evolution of the legal personhood model through the courts -- Conclusion : earth jurisprudence for a sustainable future for all…”
Libro electrónico -
4260Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…WHO guidelines for the management of postpartum haemorrhageand retained placenta; Contents; Background; Methods; Scope of the guidelines; Evidence and recommendations; PPH care pathways; Research implications; Plans for local adaptation of therecommendations; Plans for supporting implementation ofthese recommendations; GRADE tables; References; Annex 1. …”
Libro electrónico