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  1. 1733681
    por Bieliatynskyi, Andrii
    Publicado 2024
    “…The main topics discussed in this book include: a. New theories and technologies for the construction of roads, railroads, subways, airports, bridges, tunnels and other infrastructure; b. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 1733682
    Publicado 2023
    “…Indeed, it argues that modern luck is constituted through narrative, through modern luck stories. Analysing a rich and unusually eclectic range of narrative taken from literature, film, music, television and theatre - from Dostoevsky to Philip K. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 1733683
    Publicado 2024
    “…Dzięki podręcznikowi nauczysz się arytmetyki macierzowej, poznasz istotne rozkłady macierzy, w tym LU i QR, a także rozkład według wartości osobliwych, zapoznasz się też z takimi zagadnieniami jak model najmniejszych kwadratów i analiza głównych składowych…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 1733684
    por Hutchings, Vincent L., 1965-
    Publicado 2003
    “…Thus, while the electorate may be generally uninformed about and uninterested in public policy, a complex interaction of individual motivation, group identification, and political circumstance leads citizens concerned about particular issues to obtain knowledge about their political leaders and use that information at the ballot box…”
  5. 1733685
    Publicado 2014
    “…The result offers Hellenists an excellent overview of the earliest reception and creative reuse of Greek New Comedy, Latinists a broad perspective of the evolution of Roman Comedy, and scholars and students of classics an excellent resource and tipping point for future interdisciplinary research…”
  6. 1733686
    por Ripley, Amanda
    Publicado 2013
    “…Ripley's investigative work seamlessly weaves narrative and research, providing in-depth analysis and gripping details that will keep you turning the pages. Written in a clear and engaging style, The Smartest Kids in the World will enliven public as well as dinner table debates over what makes for brighter and better students…”
    Acceso a las primeras páginas
  7. 1733687
    Publicado 2020
    “…Because religious groups, trade unions and parties are highly organized, they are well-equipped to use the constitution to resist rights violations. As a result, these rights are systematically associated with better practices. …”
  8. 1733688
    por Rodowick, David Norman, 1952-
    Publicado 1997
    “…An important bridge between contemporary French and American philosophy, this work has value not only for Deleuze scholars but for students of cinema/film and others interested in contemporary philosophy and cultural and critical theory. This book will become a standard work for anyone who wants to learn about Deleuze on cinema and about Deleuze more generally…”
  9. 1733689
    por Blankenhorn, David
    Publicado 1995
    “…The statistics on absent fathers: more than one-third of America's children live in fatherless homes; more than half of non-residential fathers do not fulfill their child support obligations; nearly half of all children living apart from their fathers have not seen them in the previous year; more than one in four children is born to an unmarried woman, and in three-out-of-four of these cases, the father is never legally identified; nearly 30,000 children a year are the product of donated sperm. David Popenoe is the author of "Disturbing the Nest: Family Change and Decline in Modern Society" and "Neighborhood, City and Metropolis"…”
  10. 1733690
    por Verdasco, Ángel
    Publicado 2016
    “…Y que al final del mismo se presenta un CD con el archivo digitalizado a todo color…”
  11. 1733691
    Publicado 2016
    “…With implications for the way we raise our children, the design of public spaces, and even the survival of democracy, this is a book of urgent relevance to contemporary life --…”
  12. 1733692
    “…Based thereupon an analytical framework will be introduced which follows a multidimensional approach of research by containing aspects of the three reference systems design, subject didactics and subject discipline. …”
  13. 1733693
    Publicado 2011
    “…Cette troisième édition entièrement actualisée prend en compte les dernières évolutions de la bibliothèque C et du noyau Linux 2.6, notamment la gestion complète des caractères étendus, les ordonnancements multi-processeurs et multi-coeurs, ainsi que les communications IPC Posix. À qui s'adresse cet ouvrage ? Aux développeurs concernés par les aspects système de la programmation sous Linux et Unix ; Aux administrateurs système en charge de la gestion d'un parc Linux et/ou Unix ; Aux étudiants en informatique (1er et 2e cycles universitaires, écoles d'ingénieurs, etc.). …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 1733694
    por National Toxicology Program
    Publicado 2019
    “…In addition, CRCM was cytotoxic to human small intestinal (FHs-74-Int) cells, which were used to reflect a potential cellular target from ingestion, but not human hepatocytes (HepaRG cells). …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 1733695
    Publicado 2007
    “…Un selecto plantel de investigadores y un Consejo Asesor de especialistas en la materia hacen posible esta ambiciosa publicación que incorpora una auditoria de la democracia española para intentar aproximarnos a la evolución de la calidad del sistema democrático en nuestro país. …”
  16. 1733696
    Publicado 2014
    “…Las decisiones no son fáciles y no están exentas de fracasos pero en este camino que emprendemos juntos habremos de aprender a confiar unos en otros para sacer el máximo rendimiento…”
  17. 1733697
    Publicado 2020
    “…Con la realización de este trabajo se pretenden aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de mi formación académica, pues son la base para el futuro profesional como docente…”
    Clic para texto completo. Acceso restringido UPSA
  18. 1733698
    Publicado 2023
    “…Siendo el lenguaje el hilo conductor, esta trayectoria por toda la neurodegeneración será útil no solo para lingüistas, sino también para logopedas, neurólogos, neuropsicólogos, psicólogos y, en definitiva, para cualquiera que desee aproximarse a esta ventana lingüística que nos ofrece una visión del cerebro dañado. …”
  19. 1733699
    Publicado 2020
    “…Il problema ecclesiale è che i maschi che vogliono seguire Gesù devono prendere coscienza di aver introiettato un modello di maschilità che è loro di ostacolo nella sequela, altrimenti non potranno assumere la sua logica né conformarsi a lui…”
  20. 1733700
    Publicado 2023
    “…L'interpretazione condotta della normativa canonica, soprattutto della prassi della Segnatura Apostolica e della giurisprudenza della Rota Romana, nonche del magistero post-conciliare, tenta di dare risposta ad alcuni interrogativi circa l'esercizio della potesta giudiziale da parte dei fedeli laici, rintracciando il senso e i limiti di tale presenza insieme a quella dei chierici, nei tribunali della Chiesa…”