Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 33,008
- Història 24,028
- Biblia 19,945
- History 9,853
- Filosofía 8,592
- Església Catòlica 8,527
- Crítica e interpretación 7,063
- Bíblia 7,001
- Iglesia Católica 6,698
- Teología 5,673
- Derecho 5,608
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 5,574
- Educación 5,048
- General 5,019
- Teología dogmática 4,859
- Education 4,843
- Moral cristiana 4,760
- Development 4,675
- Management 4,642
- Ciencias empresariales 4,381
- Derecho canónico 4,173
- Biografia 4,152
- Psicología 4,135
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 4,117
- Congressos 3,994
- Filosofia 3,972
- Política 3,873
- Crítica i interpretació 3,741
- Ciencias sociales 3,679
- historia 3,660
1380181Publicado 2017“…Detailed information on how to: Take full advantage of key Windows Server 2016 innovations Plan, prototype, install, migrate to, and deploy Windows Server 2016 and Server Core Design a modern Windows Server Active Directory, from OUs and infrastructure to Federated Forests and Lightweight Directories Deliver reliable networking services: DNS, WINS, DNSSEC, DHCP, IPv, IPAM, and IIS Systematically harden server-level security Protect data in transit with PKI, certificates, rights management, and IPsec encryption Safely provide appropriate remote and mobile access for your users Efficiently administer, automate, maintain, and document Windows Server production environments Control Windows devices centrally with Group Policies and Policy Management Implement advanced fault tolerance, clustering, and other business continuity features Optimize, tune, and debug Windows Server, and plan for growth Leverage integrated application services, including SharePoint and Hyper-V…”
Libro electrónico -
1380182Publicado 2014“…Create your first project Master basic features including the Stage, Backdrops, Sprites, and Costumes Make things happen with Motion blocks Add sophisticated logic without complicated coding Use audio and video you capture with a webcam or microphone Include your own drawings in your projects Sense what your game’s players are doing and interact with them Write programs that respond to outside changes such as temperature and touch Test your projects to find and fix problems Document and publish projects so others can help you improve them “Remix” projects with online Scratch code and content Create games with multiple game screens and button controls Master skills you can use with even the most powerful programming languages…”
Libro electrónico -
1380183Publicado 2011“…You’ll learn how to develop, package, and deploy robust SharePoint business collaboration applications without any unnecessary complexity or overhead. Following a practical, developer-focused introduction to Microsoft SharePoint 2010, you’ll learn about Visual Studio 2010 templates and tools that simplify the creation of SharePoint solutions The SharePoint object model and its most frequently used methods, properties, and events Using lists to store, manage, and share data Responding to events related to lists, features, items, or workflows Integrating external data with Business Data Connectivity Services Using content types that ship with SharePoint 2010—and creating new ones Building multi-step workflows and custom forms that work with them Utilizing Web Parts to present different data and applications on the same page Customizing SharePoint pages or navigation with ASP.NET Packaging and deploying solutions, and customizing deployment to your unique requirements Whether you’re just starting out with SharePoint development, upgrading from earlier versions, or building on experience with ASP.NET, this book will help you solve real problems and get real results—fast!…”
Libro electrónico -
1380184por Costello, Sam“…Use the Photo Booth app to make them even more interesting (or a little crazy!). Set new high scores playing the tens of thousands of great games available at the App Store. …”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
1380185por Carlberg, Conrad George“…By mastering predictive analytics, you’ll gain a powerful competitive advantage for your company and yourself. • Learn both the “how” and “why” of using data to make better tactical decisions • Choose the right analytics technique for each problem • Use Excel to capture live real-time data from diverse sources, including third-party websites • Use logistic regression to predict behaviors such as “will buy” versus “won’t buy” • Distinguish random data bounces from real, fundamental changes • Forecast time series with smoothing and regression • Construct more accurate predictions by using Solver to find maximum likelihood estimates • Manage huge numbers of variables and enormous datasets with principal components analysis and Varimax factor rotation • Apply ARIMA (Box-Jenkins) techniques to build better forecasts and understand their meaning…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
1380186Satellite networking principles and protocolsSatellite NetworkingPublicado 2014“…Internet, telecom, mobile and TV) Discusses the real-time protocols including RTP, RTCP and SIP for real-time applications such as VoIP and MMC, and explains TCP/IP over satellite and evolution of IPv6 over satellite and beyond Includes PowerPoint slides for lecturers as well as problems to encourage readers' understanding of concepts and principles as well as an accompanying website containing a solutions manual and further exercises "-- "Discusses the real-time protocols including RTP, RTCP and SIP for real-time applications such as VoIP and MMC, and explains TCP/IP over satellite and evolution of IPv6 over satellite and beyond"--…”
Libro electrónico -
1380187Publicado 2022“…By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of how asynchronous programming works in JavaScript. …”
Video -
1380188Publicado 2011“…The 10X Rule teaches you how to:* Reach goals that you previously thought were impossible* Correctly set goals and guarantee their achievement* Create unprecedented levels of happiness and satisfaction in every area of your life* Use fear as fuel to move you into action* Get everything you want and never have to settle* Dominate your competition and become a role model for success…”
Grabación musical -
1380189Publicado 2016“…Twelve managerial implications are highlighted in the final chapter that seek to draw the myriad of threads together into a coherent summary. It is apparent that IT project managers do not consider the PMCDF important in its entirety, but instead choose to focus on certain competencies. …”
Libro electrónico -
1380190por Instituto de Investigación y Capacitación Profesional del Pacífico“…Por otra parte, se presenta un capítulo que aborda el tema de investigación dentro del modelo de acreditación universitaria del Perú, destacándose la importancia de seguir investigando y formando investigadores en las universidades, con el fin de lograr la calidad educativa, y finalmente se presenta el capítulo de paradigmas de la investigación en las ciencias sociales a través de una revisión bibliográfica, concluyendo que todo investigador debe conocer los elementos que fundamentan los paradigmas ya que, sirven de guía metodológica para realizar un estudio…”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
1380191por Bernard, Claudie“…Convoquant de nombreux textes, fictionnels et non fictionnels, cet essai montre comment le roman répercute, repense, reconfigure l’institution, et participe ainsi à sa redéfinition…”
Publicado 2022
Electrónico -
1380192Publicado 2023“…The volume also contains all works conceived as pure canons, such as the three-part double canon Crux fidelis - Ecce lignum crucis - O crux, ave, the Laudate Dominum for 3-6 voices, and the riddle canon Salve, sancta parens, which forms a magic square.In addition to the scholarly editions, the volume offers numerous illustrations as well as comprehensive critical reports on each work, including information on the texts, plainchant models, and the historical context of the works…”
Libro electrónico -
1380193por World Health Organization.“…This updated guideline was prepared by a panel of international experts and informed by systematic reviews of evidence as up to 2015 and makes recommendations on three main areas: 1. when to start and stop oxygen therapy; oxygen flow rates and humidification in severely ill children with emergency signs; 2. which intravenous fluids, at what rate and for how long, should be used in the management of infants and children presenting with impaired circulation or shock; and 3. anticonvulsant medicines for children with acute seizures when intravenous (IV) access is and is not available; second-line anticonvulsant medicines for children with established status epilepticus; pharmacological interventions as prophylaxis to prevent recurrence of febrile seizures in children; and diagnostic tests that should be performed on infants and children presenting with seizures with altered consciousness. …”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
1380194Publicado 2019“…Anthony Williams has been an active member of the BSI C++ Panel since 2001 and is the developer of the just::thread Pro extensions to the C++ 11 thread library. A thorough presentation of C++ concurrency capabilities. …”
Grabación no musical -
1380195Publicado 2016“…Aunque con una sólida fundamentación teórica, los Patrones de Movilización Cognitiva parten de la observación del estilo de interacción de los docentes que optimizan el desarrollo y el aprendizaje de su alumnado, así como de sus aportaciones y reflexiones donde el conocimiento académico entra, a su vez, en diálogo con el conocimiento profesional. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
1380196Publicado 2019“…De forma muy amena, nos cuenta su perspectiva única y privilegiada sobre la educación ejecutiva, gracias a su trabajo. Además, nos proporciona contenido muy valioso de lo que se necesita para ofrecer una formación de calidad en el nuevo entorno empresarial…”
Otros -
1380197Publicado 2019“…El análisis crítico procesa las fusiones, de textos y de discursos, para actuar con todos los elementos que acompañan a las películas en la multiplicidad discursiva. …”
Libro -
1380198por Burneo, Cristina, 1977-“…La propia postura de la autora se refleja aquí en su afán por respetar en la traducción el juego de voces y sobrentendidos, tanto como el ritomo del original, guardando a su vez la mayor precisión en el trasvase lexical. …”
Publicado 2001
Libro -
1380199Publicado 2020“…Für die Analyse der Empathie-Konstellation im lk Doppelwerk werden aktuelle Forschungen zur narrativen Empathie aufgegriffen und ein Modell kreiert, mit dem man quantitative Analysen durchführen kann. Verglichen werden u. a. die Perikopen "Kreuzigung Jesu vs. Steinigung des Stephanus" und "letztes Gespräch Jesu vs. nAbschiedsrede des Paulus". …”
Libro -
1380200por Dalla-Corte Caballero, Gabriela“…<div>El libro se completa con una conferencia inaugural pronunciada por Mónica Quijada y la clausura del acto que corrió a cargo de Angelo Priori.</div>..<div>Las casi 500 páginas del volumen, la variedad de temas abordados y el rigor de los textos, hacen que este libro sea de obligada consulta tanto por parte de los americanistas como por cualquier estudioso o interesado por el continente americano.…”
Publicado 2012
Texto completo en Odilo