Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 33,008
- Història 24,028
- Biblia 19,945
- History 9,853
- Filosofía 8,592
- Església Catòlica 8,527
- Crítica e interpretación 7,063
- Bíblia 7,001
- Iglesia Católica 6,698
- Teología 5,673
- Derecho 5,608
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 5,574
- Educación 5,048
- General 5,019
- Teología dogmática 4,859
- Education 4,843
- Moral cristiana 4,760
- Development 4,675
- Management 4,642
- Ciencias empresariales 4,381
- Derecho canónico 4,173
- Biografia 4,152
- Psicología 4,135
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 4,117
- Congressos 3,994
- Filosofia 3,972
- Política 3,873
- Crítica i interpretació 3,741
- Ciencias sociales 3,679
- historia 3,660
1380161por Auzépy, Marie-France“…Manuel Paleologos; Véronique François/ İyileşmek ve iblislerden korunmak: Konstantinopolis’ten İstanbul’a toprak kaplar; Marie-France Auzépy/ Konstantinopolis ve Araplar; Michel Balivet/ Konstantinopolis’te Türkler; Peter Schreiner/ Konstantinopolis’te seyyahlar ve rehberleri; Jean-Claude Cheynet/ Bizans mühürleri, bir toplumun görüntüleri; Christophe Giros/ Bizanslılar ve Savaş; Nicole Thierry/ 10, Yüzyılda kral kiliseleri: Ahtamar, İşhan, Tokalı. …”
Publicado 2015
Electrónico -
1380162Publicado 2005“…Questionnements sur la multiplicité des dimensions temporelles et spatiales de l'existence humaine. A l'égard de ces questionnements» Biographies et récits de vie brouille les clivages disciplinaires» introduit du tumulte dans les régularités, des ratés dans les parcours lisses, montre le jeu des projections, voire du romanesque, des mémoires et des reconstructions tant dans la formation des savoirs que chez les acteurs, qu'il s'agisse de personnalités exceptionnelles (Muhammad, Bourguiba), moyennes (notables) ou ordinaires (Juan de Tolède), d'individus (convertis), groupes (militants, employés de banque) ou communautés (émigrés)…”
Libro electrónico -
1380163Publicado 2017“…El cuarto apartado presenta una selección de cartas escritas por Acevedo de Gómez, las cuales permiten aproximarse a un registro propio de la intimidad que ofrece pistas de las relaciones interpersonales de Acevedo de Gómez con notables personajes de su época. …”
Libro electrónico -
1380164Publicado 2020“…Recently published data—as well as newly introduced platforms—have put both the promise and challenges of telemental health in sharp focus, making this an opportune time to compile a collection of high-quality, evidence-based and diverse articles that touch on various aspects of this technology revolution. …”
Libro electrónico -
1380165Publicado 2015“…On the other hand, the alleged secrecy that should involve the aforementioned conventual recipes - and this is evident in some female recipe books - was broken, in such a manner that lay cookbooks include recipes with names of some religious houses, which does not necessarily mean these recipes have originated there but that they were prepared successfully there and the subject of appreciation by those who had the opportunity to taste them…”
Libro electrónico -
1380166Publicado 2016“…Windows Sysinternals creator Mark Russinovich and Aaron Margosis show you how to: Use Process Explorer to display detailed process and system information Use Process Monitor to capture low-level system events, and quickly filter the output to narrow down root causes List, categorize, and manage software that starts when you start or sign in to your computer, or when you run Microsoft Office or Internet Explorer Verify digital signatures of files, of running programs, and of the modules loaded in those programs Use Autoruns, Process Explorer, Sigcheck, and Process Monitor features that can identify and clean malware infestations Inspect permissions on files, keys, services, shares, and other objects Use Sysmon to monitor security-relevant events across your network Generate memory dumps when a process meets specified criteria Execute processes remotely, and close files that were opened remotely Manage Active Directory objects and trace LDAP API calls Capture detailed data about processors, memory, and clocks Troubleshoot unbootable devices, file-in-use errors, unexplained communication, and many other problems Understand Windows core concepts that aren’t well-documented elsewhere…”
Libro electrónico -
1380167Publicado 2018“…In the concluding chapters, you'll learn how to implement these methods for a variety of tasks, such as generating text for chatbots, and playing board and video games. …”
Libro electrónico -
1380168Publicado 2018“…The C++17 release includes changes that impact the way you work with C++; this new fourth edition covers them all, including nested namespaces, structured bindings, string_view, template argument deduction for constructors, parallel algorithms, generalized sum algorithms, Boyer-Moore string searching, string conversion primitives, a filesystem API, clamping values, optional values, the variant type, the any type, and more. …”
Libro electrónico -
1380169Publicado 2014“…Wie wir das Web wirklich nutzen Plakatdesign für die A1 Tier, Pflanze oder Mineral? Lassen Sie nutzlose Wörter weg Straßenschilder und Brotkrumen Die Urknall-Theorie des Webdesigns Bauern und Viehzüchter sollten Freunde sein Usability-Tests für nur 10 Cent täglich Mobil sein ist alles Usability — Eine Frage der Höflichkeit Barrierefreiheit und Sie Führer der Verwirrten…”
Libro electrónico -
1380170por Cabrillo, Francisco“…Lo que los índices internacionales de libertad económica indican para el conjunto de los países del mundo resulta perfectamente aplicable también a las pol̕ticas económicas de las comunidades autónomas españolas…”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
1380171por Mucci, Giandomenico“…Delirio che è dell’uomo di sempre, appunto dell’uomo-errore, ma quanto più nel nostro tempo, che celebra il trionfo scientifico degli sforzi umani volti da millenni a dominare la natura…”
Publicado 2017
Artículo -
1380172Publicado 2018“…Learn just what your iPhone can do for you, and use each and every feature to the fullest! Your iPhone is a powerful little tool, and it's also the best toy you've ever had! …”
Libro electrónico -
1380173Publicado 2008“…You’ll learn how to: · Mitigate unique risks associated with Ajax, including overly granular Web services, application control flow tampering, and manipulation of program logic · Write new Ajax code more safely—and identify and fix flaws in existing code · Prevent emerging Ajax-specific attacks, including JavaScript hijacking and persistent storage theft · Avoid attacks based on XSS and SQL Injection—including a dangerous SQL Injection variant that can extract an entire backend database with just two requests · Leverage security built into Ajax frameworks like Prototype, Dojo, and ASP.NET AJAX Extensions—and recognize what you still must implement on your own · Create more secure “mashup” applications Ajax Security will be an indispensable resource for developers coding or maintaining Ajax applications; architects and development managers planning or designing new Ajax software, and all software security professionals, from QA specialists to penetration testers…”
Libro electrónico -
1380174Publicado 2016“…This report includes: Recommendations and implementation steps for policymakers, entrepreneurs, and activists looking to leverage open data Key challenges, such as resource shortages and inadequate privacy or security protections Four conditions that enable open data to work—including organizational partnerships and collaborations Case studies of open data projects for improving government in Brazil, Sweden, Slovakia, and other countries Projects for empowering citizens in Tanzania, Kenya, Mexico, and Uruguay New business opportunities enabled by open weather, geo-location, and market research data Public problem-solving efforts built on open data for Ebola in Sierra Leone, dengue fever in Singapore, and earthquakes in New Zealand Andrew Young (@_AndrewYoung) is the Associate Director of Research at The GovLab (, where he leads a number of grant-funded research efforts focusing on the impact of technology on public institutions. …”
Libro electrónico -
1380175Publicado 2016“…Detailed Information on How To · Plan deployments, from simple to highly complex · Deploy Skype for Business Server 2015 as a cloud or cloud-hybrid solution · Walk step by step through installation or an in-place upgrade · Overcome “gotchas” in migrating from Lync Server 2010 or 2013 · Leverage new features available only in cloud or cloud-hybrid environments · Implement and manage Mac, mobile, Windows, browser, and virtualized clients · Establish server roles, including front end, edge, and mediation server · Make the most of Skype for Business Server 2015’s enhanced mobile experience · Manage external dependencies: network requirements, dependent services, and security infrastructure · Efficiently administer Skype for Business Server 2015 · Provide for high availability and disaster recovery · Integrate voice, telephony, and video, step by step · Avoid common mistakes, and discover expert solutions and workarounds Category: Business Applications Covers: Skype for Business User Level: Intermediate—Advanced…”
Libro electrónico -
1380176por Steinmetz, Ralf“…Multimedia Fundamentals offers a single, authoritative source for the knowledge and techniques you need to succeed with any advanced multimedia development project. …”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
1380177Publicado 2011“…Coverage includes •¿Accelerating the “flow of value” to customers in any software project, no matter how large or complex •¿Empowering high-performance software teams and removing overhead in software delivery •¿Automating “burndowns” and using dashboards to gain a real-time, multidimensional view of quality and progress •¿Using Visual Studio 2010 to reduce or eliminate “no repro” bugs •¿Automating deployment and virtualizing test labs to make continuous builds deployable •¿Using Test Impact Analysis to quickly choose the right tests based on recent code changes •¿Working effectively with sources, branches, and backlogs across distributed teams •¿Sharing code, build automation, test, project and other data across .NET and Java teams •¿Uncovering hidden architectural patterns in legacy software, so you can refactor changes more confidently •¿Scaling Scrum to large, distributed organizations Whatever your discipline, this book will help you use Visual Studio 2010 to focus on what really matters: building software that delivers exceptional value sooner and keeps customers happy far into the future…”
Libro electrónico -
1380178por Vila Álvarez, Elena“…D'altra banda, l'anàlisi seqüencial de retards es complementa amb la utilització de la tècnica de coordenades polars que permet obtenir un mapa complet de les interrelacions entre les diferents categories de les diverses dimensions. A partir de l'eina ad hoc i dels resultats obtinguts s'ha elaborat la proposta de model d'avaluació de les competències socials de l'àrea de l'Educació Física. …”
Publicado 2016
Accés lliure
Tesis -
1380179Publicado 2019“…Receptury w tej książce dotyczą: wektorów, macierzy i tablic obsługi danych liczbowych i tekstowych, obrazów, a także związanych z datą i godziną redukcji wymiarowości za pomocą wyodrębniania i wyboru cech oceny i wyboru modelu oraz regresji liniowej i logistycznej maszyn wektorów nośnych (SVM), naiwnej klasyfikacji bayesowskiej, klasteryzacji i sieci neuronowych zapisywania i wczytywania wytrenowanych modeli Uczenie maszynowe w Pythonie - użyj sprawdzonych receptur kodu!…”
Libro electrónico -
1380180Publicado 2016“…Dzięki tej książce: poznasz najważniejsze zasady rządzące wewnętrznym sposobem działania kodu JS zrozumiesz pojęcie zakresu — zbioru reguł kierujących pracą silnika JavaScript dokładnie poznasz zagnieżdżone zakresy, czyli serie kontenerów przechowujących zmienne i funkcje poznasz zakresy funkcji i bloku, mechanizm hostingu, a także wzorce i korzyści płynące z ukrywania na poziomie zakresu zaczniesz prawidłowo stosować domknięcia w zadaniach synchronicznych i asynchronicznych, między innymi podczas tworzenia bibliotek JavaScriptu zbliżysz się do celu, jakim jest prawdziwe i dogłębne zrozumienie tego języka Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób działa Twój kod JS!…”
Libro electrónico