Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Society & social sciences 159
- Educación pedagogía 93
- Historia 63
- Historia / General 43
- Humanities 43
- Ciencias Políticas / General 33
- Economics, finance, business & management 22
- Negocios y Economía / Gerencia 17
- Psicología / General 17
- Ciencias Políticas / Ensayos 16
- Negocios y Economía / Empresariado 15
- Biography & True Stories 14
- Bíblia 14
- Filosofía 14
- Negocios y Economía / Liderazgo 14
- Obres anteriors al 1800 14
- Ciencias Sociales / Antropología 13
- Health & personal development 12
- Sociedad y cultura: general 11
- Artificial intelligence 10
- Església Catòlica 10
- Literatura: historia y crítica 10
- Matemáticas 10
- Arquitectura 9
- Biografía y Autobiografía / General 9
- Ciencias Políticas / Historia y Teoría 9
- Dios 9
- Fe 9
- Mathematics & science 9
- Psicología 9
1349Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Planning a Raspberry Pi Pico robot -- An overview of robot planning -- A note on trade-offs -- Choosing a robot chassis -- Choosing the power systems -- Pin usage -- Test fitting a Raspberry Pi Pico robot -- Creating your first test-fit part -- Motors -- Power systems -- Creating a rough chassis -- Arranging the test-fit parts -- A recommended shopping list for robot basics -- Robot parts and where to find them -- The robot workshop and makerspaces -- Summary -- Exercises -- Further reading -- Chapter 2: Preparing Raspberry Pi Pico -- Technical requirements -- Getting CircuitPython onto Raspberry Pi Pico -- Preparing the CircuitPython library for Pico -- Coding on Pico - first steps -- Downloading the Mu editor -- Lighting the Pico LED with CircuitPython -- Blinking the LED with code -- Soldering headers to Raspberry Pi Pico -- Summary -- Exercises -- Further reading -- Chapter 3: Designing a Robot Chassis in FreeCAD -- Technical requirements -- Introducing FreeCAD -- The FreeCAD screen -- Selecting workbenches -- FreeCAD settings -- Making robot chassis sketches in FreeCAD -- Preparing the document -- Sketching the chassis outline -- Creating the upper parts main sketch -- Sketching the motor holes -- Designing the castor placement -- Modeling chassis parts from sketches -- Modeling the chassis plate -- Modeling the other parts -- Troubleshooting the model -- Modeling the castor in 3D -- Making FreeCAD technical drawings…”
Libro electrónico -
1351Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 5G Achievements and Open Challenges -- 11.3 The Challenges on the 5G Frontier -- 11.4 The Oral Cavity as Device or Node -- 11.5 FutureWork -- References -- About the Authors -- Chapter 12 - 802.11ax for 5G -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 802.11ax Features -- 12.3 Interoperability and Mode Detection -- 12.4 OFDMA -- 12.5 Uplink MU-MIMO -- 12.6 Range Extension -- 12.7 Dynamic CCA -- 12.8 Conclusions -- References -- About the Author -- Chapter 13 - 5G for Personalized Health and Ambient Assisted Living -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Technology to Support Personalized Health and Ambient Assisted Living -- 13.2.1 Exercising at Home -- 13.2.2 Movement Analysis and Monitoring -- 13.2.3 Personal Coaching Systems -- 13.2.4 The Caring Home -- Supportive Home Environments -- 13.3 Opportunities Due to 5G -- 13.3.1 Movement Analysis and Monitoring -- 13.3.2 Personal Coaching Systems -- 13.3.3 The Caring Home -- 13.4 Discussions -- References -- About the Author -- Chgapter 14 - Multi Business Model Innovations in a World of 5G - Towards a World of Advanced Persuasive Business Models Embedded with Sensor- and Persuasive Technologies -- 14.1 Introduction -- 14.2 Persuasive Business Models and Business Model Language -- 14.3 AWorld of 5G and Persuasive Business Models -- 14.4 Persuasive Business Models and Business Model Language in a World of 5G -- 14.5 Conclusions -- References -- About the Author -- Index -- Back Cover…”
Libro electrónico -
1353Publicado 2017Libro electrónico
1354Publicado 2012Libro electrónico
1355Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction to radio frequency (RF) communications -- Frequency and wavelength -- Antennas -- Modulation -- Duplexing -- Multipath propagation -- Multiplexing -- Utilizing cellular networks -- 4G/LTE -- 5G -- Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) -- Narrow-Band IoT (NB-IoT) -- Optimizing Wi-Fi (802.11x)-based connectivity -- Wi-Fi-1 through Wi-Fi-6 -- Modulation and coding schemes (MSCs) -- Spatial streams -- WiFi and MIMO -- MU-OFDMA -- 802.11p (DSRC) -- Connecting to low-powered devices with LoRaWAN -- LoRa -- Long range wide area network (LoRaWAN) -- LoRaWAN network topology -- Direct communication between devices -- Geolocation -- LoRaWAN device classes -- Integrating SATCOM -- SATCOM frequency bands -- Satellite orbits -- Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) -- Summary -- Part 2: Introducing AWS Edge Computing Services -- Chapter 4: Addressing Disconnected Scenarios with AWS Snow Family -- Introduction to the AWS Snow Family -- Using AWS Snowball Edge -- Migrating data to the cloud -- Physical networking -- Logical networking -- Storage allocation -- Using AWS Snowcone -- Wi-Fi -- Power supply -- Data transfer targets -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Incorporating AWS Outposts into Your On-Premises Data Center -- Introducing AWS Outposts -- Using AWS Outposts Rack -- Use cases -- Ordering an AWS Outposts rack -- Physical elements -- Logical networking -- Available services -- High availability (HA) -- Security -- Using AWS Outposts Server -- Ordering -- Physical networking -- Service link -- Logical network interfaces (LNIs) -- High Availability (HA) -- Service availability -- Storage -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Lowering First-Hop Latency with AWS Local Zones -- Introduction to AWS Local Zones -- Customer needs -- AWS Outposts versus AWS Local Zones -- AWS Dedicated Local Zones -- AWS Local Zones pricing -- Latency to AWS Local Zones…”
Libro electrónico -
1356Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 5: Determination of Total Productivity by a Constant Wellbore Pressure Flow Test and the Crossflow Behavior in Mu ... -- 5.1. Assumption and Approximate Theoretical Solution of the Problem -- 5.2. …”
Libro electrónico -
1357Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…MISTA -- 3.3.7. Modbat -- 3.3.8. MoMuT -- 3.3.9. PragmaDev -- 3.3.10. Tcases -- 3.3.11. …”
Libro electrónico -
1359Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…5.4.2 SAM Environmental Chamber -- References -- 2 - Facilities to AlterWeight -- Chapter_6 Drop Towers -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Drop Tower Technologies -- 6.3 Vacuum (or Drop) Tubes -- 6.4 Experiment Inside Capsule (Drag Shield) -- 6.5 Drop Tower Systems -- 6.5.1 Guided Motion -- 6.6 Enhanced Technologies -- 6.6.1 Free Flyer System -- 6.6.2 Catapult System -- 6.6.3 Next-Generation Drop Towers -- Ground-based facility's typical operational parameters -- 6.7 Research in Ground-Based Reduced Gravity Facilities -- 6.7.1 Cold Atoms -- 6.7.2 Combustion -- 6.7.3 Fluid Mechanics/Dynamics -- 6.7.4 Astrophysics -- 6.7.5 Material Sciences -- 6.7.6 Biology -- 6.7.7 Technology Tests -- References -- Chapter_7 Parabolic Flights -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Objectives of Parabolic Flights -- 7.3 Parabolic Flight Maneuvers -- 7.4 Large Airplanes Used for Parabolic Flights -- 7.4.1 Europe: CNES' Caravelle and CNES-ESA's Airbus A300ZERO-G -- 7.4.2 USA: NASA's KC-135, DC-9 and Zero-G Corporation -- 7.4.3 Russia: Ilyushin IL-76 MDK -- 7.5 Medium-Sized Airplanes Used for Parabolic Flights -- 7.5.1 Europe: TU Delft-NLR Cessna Citation II -- 7.5.2 Canada: CSA Falcon 20 -- 7.5.3 Japan: MU-300 and Gulfstream-II -- 7.5.4 Other Aircraft -- 7.6 Small Airplanes and Jets Used for Parabolic Flights -- 7.6.1 Switzerland: Swiss Air Force Jet Fighter F-5E -- 7.6.2 Other Aircraft -- 7.7 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter_8 Magnetic Levitation -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Static Magnetic Forces in a Continuous Medium -- 8.2.1 Magnetic Forces and Gravity, Magneto-GravitationalPotential -- 8.2.2 Magnetic Compensation Homogeneity -- 8.3 Axisymmetric Levitation Facilities -- 8.3.1 Single Solenoids -- 8.3.2 Improvement of Axisymmetric Device Performance -- Ferromagnetic inserts -- Multiple solenoid devices and special windings design…”
Libro electrónico -
1360Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 6.3 OFDM Numerology Implementation -- 6.3.1 Phase Noise -- 6.3.2 Cell Size, Service Latency, and Mobility -- 6.3.3 Multiplexing Services -- 6.3.4 Spectral Con nement -- 6.3.5 Guard Band Considerations -- 6.3.6 Implementation Aspects -- 6.4 Improving Power Ef ciency of NR Waveform -- 6.4.1 Techniques With Distortion -- 6.4.2 Distortion-less Techniques -- 6.5 Effects of Synchronization Errors -- 6.5.1 Effect of Timing Offset -- 6.5.2 Effect of Carrier Frequency Offset -- 6.5.3 Sampling Frequency Offset -- 6.6 Impairment Mitigation -- 6.6.1 A Phase-Noise Mitigation Scheme -- 6.6.2 CFO and SFO Mitigation -- References -- 7 Multiantenna Techniques -- 7.1 The Role of Multiantenna Techniques in NR -- 7.1.1 Low Frequencies -- 7.1.2 High Frequencies -- 7.2 Multiantenna Fundamentals -- 7.2.1 Beam-Forming, Precoding, and Diversity -- 7.2.2 Spatial Multiplexing -- SU-MIMO Precoding -- MU-MIMO Precoding -- MIMO Receivers -- 7.2.3 Antenna Array Architectures…”
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