Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 1,658
- Management 1,153
- Development 835
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 820
- Application software 680
- History 651
- Leadership 595
- Computer Science 566
- Business & Economics 476
- Computer networks 456
- Computer programs 450
- Education 403
- Social aspects 398
- Design 396
- Data processing 381
- Filosofía 357
- Música 348
- Security measures 342
- Computer security 327
- Success in business 326
- Operating systems (Computers) 317
- Business 316
- Web sites 315
- Computer programming 311
- Information technology 307
- Computer software 304
- Programming 301
- Web site development 297
- Python (Computer program language) 293
- Psychological aspects 279
37701Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of figures and tables -- List of Contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- The problem -- On population movement and resettlement -- On options and solutions to voluntary and involuntary movement and the idea of typologies -- On terminology -- Scope of the book -- About the research project 'Reducing Relocation Risk in Urban Areas' -- Organisation of the book -- Part 1: framing the issues -- Part 2: understanding and interpreting risk -- Part 3: protest and power: resistance to resettlement Part 4: land issues in resettlement -- Part 5: natural resource and human occupation issues -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Part 1 Framing the issues -- 1 Resettlement and relocation: an approach to understanding failure and guiding success -- Resettlement and relocation as notions -- Resettlement and existing social conditions and demands -- Disaster risk management: current sector as opposed to integral mindsets -- The way forward -- References -- 2 Resettling, re-enabling: the challenge of reconstructing a human habitat -- Vulnerable habitats: a needed reflection Vulnerability, a complex concept -- Inhabit, habitat, habits -- Resettlement: a challenge -- Resettlement: reality may be far from the theory -- Resettlement praxis in Manizales: from one habitat to another -- The habitat of origin -- Destination habitats -- Conclusion -- References -- 3 How do relocation decisions and implementation impact risk outcomes? …”
Libro electrónico -
37702por Samara, TimothyTabla de Contenidos: “…Knowing and doing: making the leap from study to real-world practice -- Revisiting the rules: what makes good design?…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
37703por Grover, VikasTabla de Contenidos: “…Finding the right balance between public and private clouds -- Evaluating available tools and technologies -- Summary -- Further reading -- Chapter 2: Dealing with VMs, Containers, and Kubernetes -- Introduction to VM and containers -- VMs -- Containers -- Anatomy of containers -- About OCI and Docker -- The differences between VMs and containers -- Container orchestration -- Why do we need container orchestration? -- Kubernetes -- a container orchestration tool -- OpenShift -- AWS EKS -- Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) -- VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) -- HashiCorp Nomad…”
Publicado 2023
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37704Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conflict resolution should be formally organized to make clear how to do it well: Ground rules -- Decision audits -- Notes -- Chapter 6 Cognitive readiness - risk-solution designers -- Notes -- Chapter 7 The human element -- Human element in the workplace -- Cognitive map: John Malone, the consummate deal-maker -- Decoding the miscalculation by Jeff Zucker at CNN -- Notes -- Chapter 8 Cognitive risk governance: Advanced ERM and cybersecurity -- Cognitive governance -- Simple example -- Intentional control design -- A fundamental approach to reduce risk -- Achieving resiliency -- The science of cognitive control -- Cybersecurity and enterprise risk management - asymmetric risk -- Human factors and socio-technical risk -- Cognitive risk mitigation - bias and noise: the fifth pillar -- Notes -- Additional References…”
Libro electrónico -
37705por International Society for Applied EthologyTabla de Contenidos: “…""Marcia Endres, Karen Lobeck-Luchterhand, Paula Basso Silva and Ricardo Chebel""""Stability and welfare in social networks based on nearest neighbours; do group-housed calves have preferential relationships?""…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
37706Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ein Zwischenruf aus erziehungswissenschaftlich-gendertheoretischer Sicht Familie - Geschlecht - Erziehung Regina Ahrens, Anna Buschmeyer, Claudia Zerle-Elsäßer Doing Family und Geschlecht in der Corona-Pandemie - Wie Eltern in Zeiten hoher Belastung für ihre Kinder sorgen Jennifer Carnin, Svenja Garbade Familiale Sorgearrangements während der gesellschaftlichen Schließungsmaßnahmen im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie. …”
Libro electrónico -
37707Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Anne Massoni and Maria Amélia Campos / Introduction -- Vincent Tabbagh / L'enjeu des modes de rémunération Leur évolution dans les communautés canoniales et leur extension en d'autres milieux -- Julia Conesa Soriano / Gouverner la ville, gouverner la cathédrale Communauté d'intérêts et influences mutuelles entre chanoines et échevins à Barcelone à la fin du Moyen Âge -- Maria Cristina Cunha / De la cathédrale à la ville Le transfert des pratiques de l'écrit à Braga aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles -- Maria Amélia Campos / Un quotidien partagé entre clercs et laïcs : la gestion de la vie communautaire des chapitres séculiers de Coimbra d'après leurs statuts (XIVe et XVe siècles) -- Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho / Pratiques communautaires des laïcs : confréries et institutions collégiales et municipales dans le Portugal médiéval -- Emilie Kurdziel / Les formes de la vie commune dans les chapitres italiens de la première moitié du XIe siècle -- Anne Massoni / Se « chanoiniser » dans la France méridionale du XIIe siècle Donati, conversi et confratres dans l'entourage des chapitres cathédraux séculiers d'Agde et de Dax -- Saul António Gomes / Le comte d'Ourém et la fondation de la collégiale Notre-Dame de la Miséricorde en 1445 -- Maria do Rosário Barbosa Morujão / Pratiques d'élaboration et d'authentification documentaire à Coimbra au Moyen Âge -- Susana Guijarro González / Culture, Learning and Spirituality as means to serve others among Canons Regular in Cathedrals and Collegiate Churches in the Medieval Spanish Kingdoms (11th-13th centuries) -- Eduardo Carrero Santamaría / The Cathedral as a Parish Church Looking for a parishioners' place in the Medieval Iberian Cathedrals -- Thierry Pécout / Les cathédrales, le service funéraire et la ville (provinces ecclésiastiques d'Arles, Aix et Embrun, XIIe-XVe siècle) -- Maria Amélia Campos / La commémoration des défunts ecclésiastiques et laïcs dans la collégiale de São Bartolomeu de Coimbra (XIIe-XVe siècles) -- Maria Cristina Cunha / Conclusions…”
Libro electrónico -
37708Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…La duchesse de Bourgogne, la marquise d'O et la traduction des Mille et une nuit par Antoine Galland -- La duchesse du Maine et la duchesse de Bourgogne : d'une cour à l'autre -- La duchesse de Bourgogne et la Ménagerie de Versailles -- La duchesse de Bourgogne et les épouses des ministres du roi dans le système de cour. …”
Libro electrónico -
37709por Nicoara, RaduTabla de Contenidos: “…-- What Is Web Development? -- What You Will Do at Work -- What Is the Proper Attitude? Impostor Syndrome -- How to Find the Things That You Need -- How Does a Web Application Work? …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
37710Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Threads versus processes -- Concurrency with C++ -- Demystifying race conditions and data races -- How do we avoid them? -- Practical multithreading -- Hello C++ jthread -- Canceling threads -- is this really possible? …”
Libro electrónico -
37711Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Matthias Paul -- Medical AI - key elements at the international level / Fruzsina Molnár-Gábor and Johanne Giesecke -- "Hey Siri, how am i doing?" - legal challenges for Artificial Intelligence alter egos in healthcare / Christoph Krönke -- Neurorights - a human-rights based approach for governing neurotechnologies / Philipp Kellmeyer -- AI-supported brain-computer interfaces and the emergence of 'cyberbilities' / Boris Essmann and Oliver Mueller -- Artificial Intelligence, law and national security / Ebrahim Afsah -- Morally repugnant weaponry? …”
Libro electrónico -
37712Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Control flows and looping -- if/else -- while and do-while loops -- for loops -- break and continue -- switch -- Hands-on, continued -- Functions and methods -- Function parameters -- Summary -- Questions -- Further reading -- Chapter 3: Flutter versus Other Frameworks -- Native development -- Developer skillset -- Project management -- Defect reports -- Performance -- Platform features -- Hot reload -- User experience -- App size -- New platforms -- Retired platforms -- Development resources -- Overview -- Cross-platform frameworks -- React Native -- Xamarin -- Cordova -- Framework popularity…”
Libro electrónico -
37713por Brower, Aaron M.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Policy challenges & opportunities for postsecondary alternative credentials / Ryan Specht-Boardman -- Unbundling credit to non-credit : a framework for developing alternative credentials / Beth Romanski -- Working inside the box : how small steps cumulatively expand access to large public universities / Marty Gustafson, Jeffrey Russell, Ian Muehlenhaus -- Exploring the future to create pathway opportunities that empower students / Chris Mayer -- Charting a future with skills : the need for a skills-based education and hiring ecosystem / Sarah DeMark, Darin Hobbs, Kacey Thorne, Kristian Young -- Microcredentials, macro learning : one university's path toward unbundling / Allison Ruda -- A competency-based lens for exploring higher education opportunities / Dirk Baldwin, Suresh Chalasani, Robert Ducoffe, Deborah Ford -- Brought, sought and taught : efforts toward a skillified curriculum / Amanda Welsh, Allison Ruda -- Learning 3.0 : bringing the next education paradigm into focus / Maria Langworthy, Jake Hirsch-Allen -- A step-by-step guide for developing a micro-credentialing program / Glenn Whitehouse, Clay Motley, Aysegul Timur, David Jaeger, Shawn Felton -- If we do not change assessment, we change nothing : assessment as the engine of change in education / Japman Bajaj, Stephen Murgatroyd -- Competency-based education: the future of higher education / Mary Pluff, Victoria Weiss --…”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
37714Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…MLOps: What Is It and Why Do We Need It? -- What Is MLOps? -- MLOps in the Enterprise -- Understanding ROI in Enterprise Solutions -- Understanding Risk and Uncertainty in the Enterprise -- MLOps Versus DevOps -- What Isn't MLOps? …”
Libro electrónico -
37715Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Die Berufsintegrationsklassen für Geflüchtete in Bayern: Modell der Zukunft für die Ausbildungs- und Berufsintegration von Neuzugewanderten - mit einem vergleichenden Blick auf Großbritannien Philip Anderson Doing Nation Die Flüchtlingskategorie als Stütze nationaler Diskurse Michaela Jašová Teil II: Ausschließende Diskurse in ,vernachlässigten' Untersuchungsfeldern Was heißt hier eigentlich ,vernachlässigt'? …”
Libro electrónico -
37716por Freymueller, Jeffrey T.Tabla de Contenidos: “…GGHS2022: Gravity Field -- A Comparison of Pointwise and Levelling Assisted Regional Realisations of IHRS With a Case Study Over Sweden -- New Tidal Analysis of Superconducting Gravimeter Records at Metsähovi, Finland -- Development of the National Gravimetric Geoid Model for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -- Comparisons of Absolute Gravimeters as a Key Component of the International Terrestrial Gravity Reference Frame (ITGRF) Shown on the Example of the WET-CAG2021 at Wettzell, Germany -- Newly Acquired Gravity Data in Support of the GeoNetGNSS CORS Network in Northern Greece -- Strapdown Airborne Gravimetry Based on Aircrafts and UAVs: Postprocessing Algorithms and New Results -- Estimation of Temporal Variations in the Earth’s Gravity Field Using Novel Optical Clocks Onboard of Low Earth Orbiters -- Hybrid Geoid Modeling for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -- IAG Commission 4: Positioning and Applications -- Almost-Instantaneous PPP-RTK Without Atmospheric Corrections -- Multi-GNSS 1 Tomography: Case Study of the July 2021 Flood in Germany -- Quantum Diamond Magnetometry for Navigation in GNSS Denied Environments -- Feasibility of CSAC-Assisted GNSS Receiver Fingerprinting -- On the Impact of GNSS Receiver Settings on the Estimation of Codephase Center Corrections -- Quality Control Methods for Climate Applications of Geodetic Tropospheric Parameters -- REFAG2022: Reference Frames -- Impact of Coordinate- and Tropospheric Ties on the Rigorous Combination of GNSS and VLBI -- How Do Atmospheric Tidal Loading Displacements Vary Temporally as well as Across Different Weather Models? …”
Publicado 2024
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37718Publicado 1998Tabla de Contenidos: “…Modelle endogenen Wachstums mit Humankapital; Das Ak Modell; Learning by Doing und externe Effekte; Investitionen in Humankapital; 2. …”
Libro electrónico -
37719Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…"We don't have time to write a specification" -- Summary -- Chapter 3: How to Run Successful Specification Reviews -- Why do we need a specification review? -- Advantages, disadvantages, and alternatives of specification review meetings -- Advantages of specification review meetings -- Disadvantages of specification review meetings -- Alternatives to specification review meetings -- Inviting the right people -- Scheduling the meeting -- Running the meeting -- Fixing incorrect requirements -- Opening the black box -- Setting a good tone for the meeting -- Prioritizing requirement testing…”
Libro electrónico -
37720por Pfeifer, Günter, 1943-Tabla de Contenidos: “….; Proyecto de estudiante/ Oliver Schaper ; Proyecto de estudiante / Hong Viet Duc ; Brünnen Nord / Atelier 5 ; Casa y estudio con patio / Markus Rommel ; Casa en Rua do Castro / Eduardo Souto de Moura ; Casa propia / Patrick Gartmann ; Proyecto de estudiante/ Jan Hendrik Hafke…”
Publicado 2009