Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 1,658
- Management 1,153
- Development 835
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 820
- Application software 680
- History 651
- Leadership 595
- Computer Science 566
- Business & Economics 476
- Computer networks 456
- Computer programs 450
- Education 403
- Social aspects 398
- Design 396
- Data processing 381
- Filosofía 357
- Música 348
- Security measures 342
- Computer security 327
- Success in business 326
- Operating systems (Computers) 317
- Business 316
- Web sites 315
- Computer programming 311
- Information technology 307
- Computer software 304
- Programming 301
- Web site development 297
- Python (Computer program language) 293
- Psychological aspects 279
37541Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Keywords and Reserved WordsVariables; Data Types; The typeof Operator; The Undefined Type; The Null Type; The Boolean Type; The Number Type; The String Type; The Object Type; Operators; Unary Operators; Bitwise Operators; Boolean Operators; Multiplicative Operators; Additive Operators; Relational Operators; Equality Operators; Conditional Operator; Assignment Operators; Comma Operator; Statements; The if Statement; The do-while Statement; The while Statement; The for Statement; The for-in Statement; Labeled Statements; The break and continue Statements; The with Statement…”
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37542Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; INTRODUCTION; Part 1 DEVELOPING YOUR DOCUMENTARY; CHAPTER 1: FINDING AND DEVELOPING IDEAS; What is a Documentary?; Where Do Documentary Ideas Come From?; Your Artistic Identity; Research; The Importance of a Hypothesis; "Casting" Your Documentary; Active vs Passive Characters; Juggling Multiple Characters; The Value of the Documenting Process; Feasibility; The Specific and the Universal; CHAPTER 2: DOCUMENTARY STYLES; A Brief and Selective History of the Documentary; Impressionistic Filmmaking; Dziga Vertov and Reflexivity…”
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37543Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Showing not telling; The melting pot; 57 different varieties; 3 How do we Start?; This is how we see the world; 4 Telling the Story; The subject; The thread; Change; Beginning and ending; The intention; Film time; II Constructing a Television Documentary; Section A: Building the Story…”
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37544por Aley, Rob. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…; A Few Good Reasons Not to Do It in PHP; High-Performance Requirements…”
Publicado 2016
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37545Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Title Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; Cambridge; Cut to the Chase; The Knee in the Curve; Forward the Foundation; Chapter 1: The Shape of a Computer Phenomenon; Growing Delicious, Juicy Raspberries; System-on-a-Chip; An Exciting Credit Card-Sized Computer; What Does the Raspberry Pi Do?; Meeting and Greeting the Raspberry Pi Board; The Future; Chapter 2: Recapping Computing; The Cook as Computer; The Box That Follows a Plan; Voltages, Numbers and Meaning; Operating Systems: The Boss of the Box; Chapter 3: Electronic Memory; There Was Memory Before There Were Computers…”
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37546Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Vocal Patterns -- Exercise -- 10 Managing Others -- Demonstrating Respect -- Displaying Power -- Acting With Authority -- Offering Encouragement -- Showing Disapproval -- Expressing Patience -- Sidestepping the Pitfalls -- Exercise -- 11 Attracting Others -- Attracting a Woman -- Appealing to a Man -- Final Suggestions For Attracting Others Through Your Body Language -- Exercise -- 12 Detecting Lies -- Facial Expressions -- Gestures -- Vocal Patterns -- Exercise -- 13 Dealing With Conflict, Aggression, and Confrontation -- How Do I Begin? -- Facial Expressions -- Gestures -- Vocal Patterns -- Facial Expressions -- Gestures -- Vocal Patterns -- Exercise -- 14 Cross-Cultural Communication -- Facial Expressions -- Physical Contact -- Gestures -- Vocal Patterns -- Space -- Exercise -- A Quick Guide to Finding Out About Someone Without Asking -- About the Author -- Acknowledgements -- Advert -- EULA…”
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37547Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Knowing what you're up againstUnderstanding how to compete; Winning Your Share of the Market; Defining your direct competition; Moving up the competitive ladder; Calculating Your Market Share; Sizing up your target market; Doing the math; Increasing Your Market Share; Chapter 4 Setting Your Goals; Where Are You Going, Anyway?…”
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37548Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Focus to reap the rewards -- 2 S = START WITH STRATEGY -- Small is beautiful in a Big Data world -- The SMART strategy board -- The pear tree metaphor -- SMART strategy board in action -- Smart questions are the answer -- SMART analytics and Google -- Case Study: Project Oxygen -- Key points and call to action -- 3 M = MEASURE METRICS AND DATA -- Types of data -- Structured data -- Unstructured and semi-structured data -- Internal data -- External data -- Datification: The new forms of data -- Activity data -- Conversation data -- Photo and video image data -- Sensor data -- The Internet of Things -- The anatomy of Big Data -- Big Data backlash -- How to use metrics and data for strategic advantage -- Identify your metric and data needs -- Metrics and data in action -- Key points and call to action -- 4 A = APPLY ANALYTICS -- Evolution of analytics -- Text analytics -- Text categorization -- Text clustering -- Concept extraction -- Sentiment analysis -- Document summarization -- Summary -- Speech analytics -- Summary -- Videoimage analytics -- Face recognition -- Behaviour analytics -- Situation awareness -- How videoimage analytics is already being used -- The dark side -- Combined analytics -- Medical application of combined analytics -- Other applications of combined analytics -- What your 'Likes' say about you -- Transparency -- Always add value -- Prediction vs. privacy -- Do the right thing! -- Key points and call to action -- 5 R = REPORT RESULTS -- Data visualization…”
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37549por Olsson, Mikael. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…""Bitwise operators""""Operator precedence""; ""Additional logical operators""; ""Chapter 4: String""; ""String concatenation""; ""Delimiting strings""; ""Heredoc strings""; ""Nowdoc strings""; ""Escape characters""; ""Character reference""; ""String compare""; ""Chapter 5: Arrays""; ""Numeric arrays""; ""Associative arrays""; ""Mixed arrays""; ""Multi-dimensional arrays""; ""Chapter 6: Conditionals""; ""If statement""; ""Switch statement""; ""Alternative syntax""; ""Mixed modes""; ""Ternary operator""; ""Chapter 7: Loops""; ""While loop""; ""Do-while loop""; ""For loop""; ""Foreach loop""…”
Publicado 2013
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37550por Olsson, Mikael. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…""Array declaration and allocation""""Array assignment""; ""Multi-dimensional arrays""; ""Dynamic arrays""; ""Determining array size""; ""Chapter 8: String""; ""String combining""; ""Escape characters""; ""String compare""; ""String functions""; ""Chapter 9: Conditionals""; ""If statement""; ""Switch statement""; ""Ternary operator""; ""Chapter 10: Loops""; ""While loop""; ""Do-while loop""; ""For loop""; ""Break and continue""; ""Goto statement""; ""Chapter 11: Functions""; ""Defining functions""; ""Calling functions""; ""Function parameters""; ""Default parameter values""…”
Publicado 2013
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37551por Olsson, Mikael. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…""Combined assignment operators""""Increment and decrement operators""; ""Comparison operators""; ""Logical operators""; ""Bitwise operators""; ""Operator precedence""; ""Chapter 5: String""; ""Combining strings""; ""Escape characters""; ""String compare""; ""StringBuffer class""; ""Chapter 6: Arrays""; ""Array declaration""; ""Array allocation""; ""Array assignment""; ""Multi-dimensional arrays""; ""ArrayList class""; ""Chapter 7: Conditionals""; ""If statement""; ""Switch statement""; ""Ternary operator""; ""Chapter 8: Loops""; ""While loop""; ""Do-while loop""; ""For loop""…”
Publicado 2013
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37553Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Understanding Waterfall""""The Heart of Agile""; ""The Agile Manifesto/Declaration of Interdependence""; ""Selecting the Right Methodology""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 6: Analytic Planning Hierarchies""; ""Analytic Project Example""; ""Inputs into Planning Cycles""; ""Release Planning""; ""Analytic Release Plan""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 7: Our Analytic Scrum Framework""; ""Getting Started""; ""The Scrum Framework""; ""Sprint Planning""; ""Sprint Execution""; ""Daily Standup""; ""How Do We Know When We're Done?""; ""Sprint Review""; ""Sprint Retrospective""; ""Summary""…”
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37554Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Chapter 2: Objects in Python""""Creating Python classes""; ""Adding attributes""; ""Making it do something""; ""Talking to yourself""; ""More arguments""; ""Initializing the object""; ""Explaining yourself""; ""Modules and packages""; ""Organizing the modules""; ""Absolute imports""; ""Relative imports""; ""Organizing module contents""; ""Who can access my data?""…”
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37555por Robinson, Dana GainesTabla de Contenidos: “…Defining Performance SHOULDsCollecting Data; Defining Organizational SHOULDS; Building Performance Models: Here's How It's Done; Shortcuts for Forming a Performance or Competency Model; Performance Consulting Pointers; 7 Assess the IS; Business IS; Performance IS; Data Sources; IS Assessment: Here's How It's Done; Shortcuts for Doing an IS Assessment; Performance Consulting Pointers; 8 Identify CAUSEs and Select Solutions; Identifying Root Causes, Not Symptoms; Designing CAUSE Assessments; Reporting Results; Interpreting Data; CAUSE Analysis: Here's How It's Done…”
Publicado 2015
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37556por Halsey, Mike. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Contents at a Glance; Introduction; Chapter 1: Introducing Windows 10; Microsoft's Three Areas of Focus; Mobility of Experience; Trust; Natural Interaction; The Big Questions; Pricing and Availability; Upgrading from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1; Upgrading from Windows RT; Upgrading from XP or Vista; Windows 10 on New PCs; Software Assurance; Upgrading from Windows Phone 8.1 and Xbox; What Else Do You Need to Know?; Upgrading and the Storage Space Problem; Rolling Back Windows 10; The Improved Installation and Updating Experience; Windows 10, Different by Device; No Desktop on Smaller PCs…”
Publicado 2015
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37557por Alamanni, MarcoTabla de Contenidos: “…""WPA cracking with Cowpatty""""WPA cracking with the GPU""; ""Pyrit""; ""oclHashcat""; ""WPA cracking with automated tools""; ""Wifite""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 6: Attacking Access Points and the Infrastructure""; ""Attacks against Wi-Fi Protected Setup""; ""Reaver""; ""Attacking WPA-Enterprise""; ""Setting up a WPA-Enterprise network""; ""Attacks targeting EAP""; ""Attacking PEAP""; ""Denial of Service attacks""; ""DoS attacks with MDK3""; ""Rogue access points""; ""Attacking AP authentication credentials""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 7: Wireless Client Attacks""…”
Publicado 2015
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37558Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Requirement 2""""Test""; ""Implementation""; ""Test""; ""Implementation""; ""Test""; ""Requirement 3""; ""Test""; ""Implementation""; ""Test""; ""Implementation""; ""Refactoring""; ""Test""; ""Implementation""; ""Test""; ""Implementation""; ""Test""; ""Implementation""; ""Refactoring""; ""Requirement 4""; ""Test""; ""Implementation""; ""Refactoring""; ""Code coverage""; ""More exercises""; ""Summary""; ""Chapter 4 : Unit Testing - Focusing on What You Do and Not on What Has Been Done ""; ""Unit testing""; ""What is unit testing?""…”
Libro electrónico -
37559Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Copyright""; ""Table of Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Who Should Read This Book""; ""Safari® Books Online""; ""How to Contact Us""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Search: Reflecting Consciousness and Connecting Commerce""; ""The Mission of Search Engines""; ""The Market Share of Search Engines""; ""The Human Goals of Searching""; ""Who Searches and What Do They Search For?""; ""Determining Searcher Intent: A Challenge for Search Marketers and Search Engines""; ""Navigational Queries""; ""Informational Queries""; ""Transactional Queries""; ""Adaptive Search""; ""Searcher Intent""; ""How People Search""…”
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37560por Hadnagy, ChristopherTabla de Contenidos: “…How the Amygdala Processes InformationHijacking the Amygdala; Human See, Human Do; Reading Other People's Expressions; Your Own Emotional Content; Nonverbal Social Proof; Using Amygdala Hijacking as a Social Engineer; Summary; Chapter 8 The Nonverbal Side of Elicitation; Artificial Time Constraints; Sympathy/Assistance Themes; Ego Suspension; Ask How, When, and Why Questions; Conversational Signals; Action Unit 1: Inner Brow Raiser; Action Unit 2: Outer Brow Raiser; Action Unit 4: Brow Lowerer; Conversational Signals of Emotions; Breaking Down Conversational Signals; Batons; Underliner…”
Publicado 2014
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