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27361by Koulizos, PeterTable of Contents: “…The relationship between the property market and the business cycleRound 5: WHERE TO DO YOUR RESEARCH; Websites; Magazines; Round 6: UNDERSTANDING THE TABLES AND STATISTICS; Understanding property statistics and data; Understanding share price data; Round 7: THE RISKS OF INVESTMENT; What is your attitude towards risk?…”
Published 2013
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27362Published 2013Table of Contents: “…Selecting a SubcontractorAwarding a Subcontract; DoD Mentor-Protégé Program; Chapter 7: Federal Supply Schedules and GSA Schedules; Federal Acquisition Service; Multiple Award Schedule; GSA e-Library (Formerly Schedules e-Library); Getting on a GSA Schedule; GSA Advantage; MarkeTips Magazine; Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts; Problems with Federal Supply Schedules; PART III: HOW TO FIND GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES; Chapter 8: How to Market to the Federal Government; Finding Markets for Your Supplies and Services; Finding Agencies Online; FedBizOpps…”
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27363Published 2016Table of Contents: “…Should You Score and Grade Objectives?How Often Do We Set OKRs?; How Many OKRs Do We Have?; Do OKRs Stay the Same from Quarter to Quarter?…”
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27364by Morris, Steven, 1972-Table of Contents: “…Cover; Interactive TV Standards; Copyright; Acknowledgments; Contents; Introduction; 1 The Middleware Market; Why Do We Need Open Standards?; Driving Forces Behind Open Standard Middleware; Standards in DTV; Correcting the Fragmented ITV Market; What Are DVB and CableLabs?…”
Published 2005
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27365Published 2023Table of Contents: “…-- Chapter 1 The Bad and Good Reasons for Your Digital Transformation -- The Risk of Falling into the Digital-Hype Trap -- The Beneficiaries (Hint: It's Not Necessarily Only You) -- Chapter 2 Why Digital Transformation Advice Can Get You Off the Payback Track -- What You Should Learn from Technology Payback Research -- Digital Maturity and Payback Are Not the Same -- Chapter 3 Digital Transformation Payday: A New Framework for Accelerated Payback -- Five Key Elements of Digital Transformation Payback -- The Path to Payback Is Never as Linear as You Hope -- The Only Econometric Formulas You Need to Understand -- Part II Five Key Elements Drive Digital Transformation Payback -- Chapter 4 Supply-Side Catalysts: Digital Technologies Alone Do Not Do the Trick -- Digital Technology Does Not Scale Without New Skills and Funding -- Chapter 5 Demand-Side and Overarching Catalysts: Customers and Workforces Have Changed -- From You They Expect Nothing Less -- Demand-Side Customer Needs -- Demand-Side Workforce Expectations -- Demand-Side Spending Patterns -- Overarching: Industry Barriers Are Blurring, Whether You Like It or Not -- Chapter 6 Reactants/Scope: Make Sure Your Investments End Up Transforming Your Core -- Core Business Digital Transformations Are Prone to Failure But Must Be Your Final Goal -- Digital-Adjacent Businesses Will Never Be Family Without Proper Reintegration -- Digital Frontier Businesses Will Not Behave (the Way You Expect) -- Chapter 7 Reaction Mechanisms/Process: Agile Done Wrong Can Be a Very Effective Tool of Value Destruction -- Waterfall Is Not Dead Yet, But It's About to Be Retired…”
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27366Published 1741Table of Contents: “…Fundacion de Mayorazgo echo por...Lope Gutierrez de Cor[do]ba Cav[alle]ro dela Vanda y Primer Señor del Estado de Guadlacazar y ante Alonso López é Pedro Uzeda, é Juan Garcia de Uzeda é Diego Martinez é Alfonso Cor[do]ba en dicha ciudada a los 24 de Diz[iemb]re de 1409 años (h . 35r.-80r.) …”
Manuscript -
27367by Gierer, GeraldTable of Contents: “…Defining the proxy -- Comparing AJAX and REST proxies -- Defining the reader -- Defining the writer -- Defining validations -- Controlling the Logon and Viewport actions -- The MainController.js file -- Controlling our user views -- The doAddUser function -- The doSelectUser function -- The doSaveUser function -- The doDeleteUser function -- Let's log on! …”
Published 2013
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27369by OECDTable of Contents: “…New industrial policy and mission-oriented policy -- Industrial policy and mission-oriented policy do not seem to be available -- 1.6.6. Demand-side policy and grand challenges -- Demand-side policy and grand challenges do not seem to be a priority -- 1.7. …”
Published 2021
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27370Truth, growth, repeat a business manual for generation whyTruth. Growth. Repeat.Truth. Growth. Repeat.Published 2018Table of Contents: “…worksheet: your after ad -- part three: implementing your true purpose -- 19 i get it, but what do i do with it? -- 20 measuring your truth gap -- step 1 -- step 2 -- step 3 -- step 4 -- step 5 -- step 6 -- step 7 -- step 8 -- step 9 -- step 10 -- 21 you don't have to be perfect, you just have to want to be -- a less-than-perfect example -- 22 commercial viability -- testing viability professionally -- testing viability as you go -- check your toolbox -- testing on meerkats -- 23 the circle as a compass -- TOMS shoes -- one degree matters -- give your compass a spin -- purpose is a long-term play -- 24 the sliding doors effect -- scenario 1: how do i deliver good customer service? …”
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27371Published 2014Table of Contents: “…3.5 Three Components of a Data Warehouse: DBMS, DB and DBCS3.5.1 Database Management System (DBMS); 3.5.2 Database (DB); 3.5.3 Database Communication Systems (DBCS); 3.6 Data Marts; 3.6.1 Regularly Filled Data Marts; 3.6.2 Comparison between Data Marts and Data Warehouses; 3.7 A Typical Example from the Online Marketing Area; 3.8 Unique Data Marts; 3.8.1 Permanent Data Marts; 3.8.2 Data Marts Resulting from Complex Analysis; 3.9 Data Mart: Do's and Don'ts; 3.9.1 Do's and Don'ts for Processes; 3.9.2 Do's and Don'ts for Handling; 3.9.3 Do's and Don'ts for Coding/Programming; 4 Data Preparation…”
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27372Published 2019Table of Contents: “…-- What Does the Business Need to Do? -- What Are You Proposing to Do? -- How Will You Do It? …”
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27373by Dearlove, DesTable of Contents: “…-- What This Means for Our Attempts to Influence Others -- One Simple Change to Dramatically Improve Your Influence and Your Connections -- What to Do: Generate a Feeling of Affiliation -- It's Not Just Being Likable! …”
Published 2024
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27374Published 2014Table of Contents: “…Importing : Getting your photos into lightroom. Before you do anything, choose where to store your photos -- Next, do this: set up your folder organization (it's really important) -- Getting photos from your camera into lightroom -- Using smart previews to work without an external hard drive attached -- Importing photos already on your computer -- Save time importing using import presets (and a compact view) -- Importing video from your DSLR -- Shooting tethered (go straight from your camera, right into lightroom) -- Using image overlay to see if your images fit your layout -- Creating your own custom filen aming templates -- Choosing your preferences for importing photos -- The Adobe DNG file format advantage -- Creating your own custom metadata (copyright) templates -- Four things you'll want to know now about getting around lightroom -- Viewing your imported photos -- Using lights dim, lights out, and other viewing modes -- Seeing a real full-screen view -- Using guides and the resizable grid overlays -- Lightroom killer tips -- 2. …”
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27375Published 1990Table of Contents: “…What Is a Therapeutic Community? -- How Well Do Therapeutic Communities Work? -- The Character of Nonexperimental Evaluations -- Other Significant Follow-up Studies -- Why Do the Results of Therapeutic Communities Vary? …”
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27376Published 2001Table of Contents: “…Hardware Handling of Interrupts and Exceptions -- Nested Execution of Exception and Interrupt Handlers -- Initializing the Interrupt Descriptor Table -- Interrupt, Trap, and System Gates -- Preliminary Initialization of the IDT -- Exception Handling -- Saving the Registers for the Exception Handler -- Entering and Leaving the Exception Handler -- Interrupt Handling -- I/O Interrupt Handling -- Interrupt vectors -- IRQ data structures -- IRQ distribution in multiprocessor systems -- Multiple Kernel Mode stacks -- Saving the registers for the interrupt handler -- The do_IRQ( ) function -- The _ _do_IRQ( ) function -- Reviving a lost interrupt -- Interrupt service routines -- Dynamic allocation of IRQ lines -- Interprocessor Interrupt Handling -- Softirqs and Tasklets -- Softirqs -- Data structures used for softirqs -- Handling softirqs -- The do_softirq( ) function -- The _ _do_softirq( ) function -- The ksoftirqd kernel threads -- Tasklets -- Work Queues -- Work queue data structures -- Work queue functions -- The predefined work queue -- Returning from Interrupts and Exceptions -- The entry points -- Resuming a kernel control path -- Checking for kernel preemption -- Resuming a User Mode program -- Checking for rescheduling -- Handling pending signals, virtual-8086 mode, and single stepping -- Kernel Synchronization -- How the Kernel Services Requests -- Kernel Preemption -- When Synchronization Is Necessary -- When Synchronization Is Not Necessary -- Synchronization Primitives -- Per-CPU Variables -- Atomic Operations -- Optimization and Memory Barriers -- Spin Locks -- The spin_lock macro with kernel preemption -- The spin_lock macro without kernel preemption -- The spin_unlock macro -- Read/Write Spin Locks -- Getting and releasing a lock for reading -- Getting and releasing a lock for writing -- Seqlocks -- Read-Copy Update (RCU) -- Semaphores…”
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27377by McFedries, PaulTable of Contents: “…Teach Yourself VisuallyTM Mac OS® X Snow LeopardTM; Table of Contents; How to use this book; Chapter 1: Understanding What You Can Do with Mac OS X; Create Documents; Play and Record Music; View and Organize Your Photos; Play and Make a Movie or DVD; Take Advantage of the Web; Communicate with Others; Organize Your Contacts and Appointments; Chapter 2: Learning Basic Mac OS X Tasks; Explore the Mac OS X Screen; Tour the Dock; Start an Application; Switch Between Applications; Tour an Application Window; Select a Command from a Pull-Down Menu; Select a Command Using a Toolbar…”
Published 2009
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27378Published 2024Table of Contents: “…Where do you stand? -- How will you engage? -- What is the preferred outcome? …”
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27379Published 2023Table of Contents: “…Understanding and Framing Problems -- The Edge AI Workflow -- Responsible AI in the Edge AI Workflow -- Do I Need Edge AI? -- Describing a Problem -- Do I Need to Deploy to the Edge? …”
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27380Published 1999Table of Contents: “…Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- Betreuung - Freundschaft - Zusammenarbeit: Erinnerungen an drei Jahrzehnte mit Achim Schrader / Einleitung / Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Raum -- Wirtschaften im Zeichen der Federschlange / Verstädterung und Stadtentwicklung in Mexiko: Forschungsschwerpunkte aus geographischer Perspektive / Südbrasilianer als Akteure beim ländlichen Strukturwandel im brasilianischen Mittelwesten: Das Beispiel Mato Grosso / Chiles ökologische Probleme: Herausforderungen für Staat und Gesellschaft / Wachstum und Entwicklung in Chile / Das brasilianische Erziehungssystem im Zeitalter der Globalisierung / Politik und Staat -- Der Staat in vergleichender Perspektive: Regionalistische Forschung als Kurskorrektur politikwissenschaftlicher Fehlentwicklungen / Die Ursprünge der Ära Vargas: Rio Grande do Suls positivistische Entwicklungs- und Erziehungsdiktatur / A Igreja Católica do Brasil - 25 anos depois / Soziale Bewegungen und Bürgerstatus im heutigen Brasilien / Zivilisierung von Konflikten oder Frieden geringer Reichweite: Friedensprozesse in Lateinamerika / Demokratie in Guatemala / Kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Europa und Lateinamerika -- Von der Metaphysik- und Sprachkritik des Wiener Kreises zu Jorge Luis Borges und Ernesto Sábato / Wert und Wertwandel als Konzepte der Literaturwissenschaft: Eine theoretische Betrachtung mit Ausblick auf die lateinamerikanische Literatur / Betrachtungen zu Rousseaus "La Découverte du Nouveau Monde" / Kooperation -- Stratigraphie und Fazies im Mesozoikum Argentiniens: Die Entwicklung einer Forschungskooperation / Technologietransfer in Brasilien: Wirklichkeit, Möglichkeiten und Beschränkungen / Kooperation in Wissenschaft und Technologie zwischen Entwicklungs- und Industrieländern am Beispiel Brasilien / "Festung Mercosur"? …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Other Sources: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)eBook