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  1. 61101
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- FEELING POLITICS -- CONTENTS -- List of Tables -- List of Figures -- Notes on Contributors -- Preface -- Chapter 1 Feeling Politics: New Research into Emotion and Politics -- Chapter 2 First Steps Toward a Dual-Process Accessibility Model of Political Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavior -- Chapter 3 The Measure and Mismeasure of Emotion -- Chapter 4 Contributions of a Sociological Perspective on Affect to the Study of Political Action -- Chapter 5 Affect and Politics: Effects on Judgment, Processing, and Information Seeking -- Chapter 6 Motivated Reasoning, Affect, and the Role of Memory in Voter Decision Making -- Chapter 7 Fear and Loathing in American Elections: Context, Traits, and Negative Candidate Affect -- Chapter 8 The Three Faces of Negative Campaigning: The Democratic Implications of Attack Ads, Cynical News, and Fear-Arousing Messages -- Chapter 9 Racial Cues in Campaign News: The Effects of Candidate Strategies on Group Activation and Political Attentiveness among African Americans -- Chapter 10 I Like Him, But...: Vote Choice When Candidate Likeability and Closeness on Issues Clash -- Chapter 11 The Emotional Calculus of Foreign Policy Decisions: Getting Emotions Out of the Closet -- References -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 61102
    por Gallo, Fred P.
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front cover; Preface to the Second Edition; Acknowledgments to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Acknowledgments to the First Edition; About the Author; Contents; 1; Scientific Theaters (Or through the Looking Glass); 2; Highly Efficient Therapies (Or Recipes for Rapid Relief); 3; The Energy Paradigm (Or the Electric Patterns of Life); 4; Origins of Energy Psychology (Or Adding Muscle to Therapy); 5; The Diamond Method to Cantillation; 6; Thought Field Therapy; 7; The Energy Therapist's Manual; 8; Beginnings; Appendix: Manual Muscle Testing Uses and Abuses…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 61103
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The rules of Roman associations and the collegia at Ostia in the second and third centuries AD N. Tran; 10. Rules and regulations of associations – the Eurasian comparandum K. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 61104
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Napoli -- Dall'accipere all'ad quod al debere, nel De veritate di Anselmo d'Aosta / P. …”
  5. 61105
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Protexisti me ; resp. iv Tamquam ad latronem ; lectio V Tanta opera bona ; resp. v Tenebrae factae sunt ; lectio VI Exacuerunt tamquam ; resp. vi Animam meam dilectam -- in. …”
    Disco musical
  6. 61106
    por Lasso, Orlando di, 1532-1594
    Publicado 1994
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…cucurucu! Oh Lucia, miau, miau Ad altre le voi dare ste passate Tutto lo dì mi dici, canta, canta! …”
  7. 61107
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Hutchinson -- When who should walk into the room but : epistoliterarity in Cicero, ad qfr. 3.1 / John Henderson -- Cicero's stomach : political indignation and the use of repeated allusive expressions in Ciceros correspondence / Stanley E. …”
  8. 61108
    Publicado 1992
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intonatio Deus In Adjutorium (1:31) / Anonyme (Bogota 1701) -- Responsorium Domine Ad Adjuvandum -- Antiphona Assumpta Est Maria (4:50) / Juan De Araijo (Cuzo/La Plara 1648-1712) -- Psaume 109 Dixit Dominus -- 1er Kyrie et 3ème Kyrie (6:08) / Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Paris/Versailles 1643? …”
    Disco musical
  9. 61109
    Publicado 1892
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Argumenta atque contraria ad Lombardam in auditorio Vaccellae. Summa notariae Belluni…”
  10. 61110
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Habermas -- Why faith in Jesus matters / Mark Mittelberg -- Postscript: My pilgrimage from atheism to theism / Antony [sic] Flew (with Gary Habermas) -- Appendix: The Dawkins confusion: naturalism "Ad absurdum": a review of Richard Dawkins's The god delusion / Alvin Plantinga…”
  11. 61111
    por Lorenzo Justiniano Santo
    Publicado 1515
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. ; Alphabetum religiosorum incipientium a sancto Bonauentura, en h . CLXV r . Augst . ad probum super oratione[m] dominicalem, en h . …”
  12. 61112
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ioannis de Palafox & Mendoza Hispani, & in America Episcopi Angelorum populi, ac Consilij Indiarum Decani Epistola Ad Summum Pontificem Innocentium X (fechada en Puebla de los Ángeles a 8 de enero de 1649), en h . 3 v . …”
  13. 61113
    por Honorius Augustodunensis
    Publicado 1351
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….: Glorioso maestro io ti prego che tu mi rispondi ad quelle cose che io (h . 1 v.) . 2 . Liber de XV singnis (h . 62 r.-65 r.) . vv.: Dauid lo dice e Moises / e anco molti profeti apres (h . 62 r.) . 3 . …”
  14. 61114
    por Raimundi, Petrus
    Publicado 1490
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…[Texto] (h . 2 v.-47 r.) . Inc.: Ad euidentiam autem dicendorum est sciendum quod hec tria nomina scilicet causa (h . 2 v.) . 2 . …”
  15. 61115
    por Raimundo de Peñafort Santo
    Publicado 1401
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Inc.: Nadam [i.e . Vadam] ad montem mirre . Hec propositio pro themate assumpta scribitur originaliter in Cant . …”
  16. 61116
    por Johannes de Legnano
    Publicado 1401
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….: Postquam satis tractavimus ea que spectant ad clericos.. . De Francia . Casus matrimonium consensu contrahitur [Precedido de: De sponsalibus rubrica] (h . 201 r.) . 3 . …”
  17. 61117
  18. 61118
  19. 61119
  20. 61120
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Section 3: Hands-On Practical GitOps -- Chapter 08: Practicing the Basics - Declarative Language File Building -- Nesting and flat files -- XML file building -- JSON file building -- YAML file building -- Templatization types -- Summary -- Chapter 09: Originalist Gitops in Practice - Continuous Deployment -- Setting up minikube -- Homebrew -- VirtualBox -- kubectl -- minikube -- Setting up VSCode -- Downloading and installing -- Adding extensions -- Setting up Kubernetes and Helm -- Installing Helm -- Creating a Helm chart -- Removing unwanted files -- Adding required files -- Adding required information -- Exploring the files -- Testing the deployment -- Local continuous deployment with GitOps file building -- Starting minikube -- Run on Save configuration -- GitHub -- GitHub access -- Originalist GitOps with Argo CD -- Starting minikube -- Disabling the Run on Save extension -- Installing Argo CD -- Installing Argo CD CLI -- Argo CD API server access -- Logging in via the CLI -- Registering the cluster -- Creating an application from a Git repository -- Pushing a change -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Verified GitOps Setup: Continuous Delivery GitOps with Harness -- Mapping out the process -- One manifest or many -- Simple LAMP stack deployment -- Advanced setup for Tomcat with Memcached and failover -- A manifest for integrations -- A manifest for configuration -- A manifest for execution -- A manifest for delivery -- Verified GitOps with Harness -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Pitfall Examples - Experiencing Issues with GitOps -- Building and testing Kubernetes manifests -- Failure strategies -- Governance and approvals -- Proprietary manifest building -- Summary -- Chapter 12: What's Next? …”
    Libro electrónico