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  1. 60701
    Publicado 1950
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Abréviations bibliographiques -- Michel Écochard and Jean Sauvaget / Le tombeau de Ṣafwat al-Molk -- Jean Sauvaget / Le dar al-Ḥadith de Nour ad-Din -- Jean Sauvaget / Le tombeau de Farroukh-Châh et de Bahrâm-Châh -- Jean Sauvaget / La madrasa Djahârkasiya -- Illustrations -- Livraison II -- Jean Sauvaget / La madrasa Raiḥâniya -- Jean Sauvaget / La madrasa ‛Aḏrawiya -- Michel Écochard and Jean Sauvaget / La madrasa ‛Izziya hors-les-murs -- Jean Sauvaget / La madrasa ‛Âdiliya -- Michel Écochard / Trois bains ayyoubides de Damas -- Illustrations -- Livraison III -- Jean Sauvaget / Le tombeau de Miṯqâl -- Jean Sauvaget / La madrasa Mâridâniya -- Jean Sauvaget / La madrasa Chibliya hors-les-murs -- Jean Sauvaget / Tombeau anonyme -- Illustrations -- Livraison IV -- Avant-propos -- Bibliographie des publications épigraphiques et archéologiquesLe cénotaphe de Fâṭima -- Le cénotaphe d’Abân, fils de ‘Oṯmân -- Épitaphe anonyme n° I -- Le cénotaphe de Badr -- Épitaphe anonyme n° II -- Le cénotaphe de l’émir Altountâch -- L’épitaphe de Ka’b al-Aḥbâr -- Le cénotaphe de Sokaina, fille d’al-Ḥosain -- Le cénotaphe de Bilâl -- Conclusion…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 60702
    por Rippon, Stephen
    Publicado 2021
    “…Exeter began life in c. AD 55 as one of the most important legionary bases within early Roman Britain, and for two brief periods in the early and late 60s AD, Exeter was a critical centre of Roman power within the new province. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 60703
    Publicado 2020
    “…La monografia mira a ripercorrere i diversi passaggi del decreto sotto l’angolo di indagine del giurista, studio fino ad oggi condotto solo a margine. E’ presentata una nuova edizione del documento con traduzione, seguita, riprendendo la divisione in paragrafi generalmente accolta dagli editori, dall’analisi dei diversi passaggi del decreto. …”
  4. 60704
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conversion -- Écrire (sur) la conversion daos la péninsule Ibérique médiévale / Amélie de las Heras ; La conversión personal como instrumento de salvación en el eremitismo y en el monacato visigodo / Pablo de la Cruz Díaz Martínez ; "El Liber illustrium personarum" de Juan Gil de Zamora. "Manuductio ad praedicatores atque ad piam meditationem" / Cándida Ferrero Hernández ; Paire son salut par la supplique? …”
  5. 60705
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- The Purpose of Advertising -- Broad Advertising Categories -- Advertising Takes Many Forms -- Media Channels: Paid, Owned, and Earned -- Who Creates Advertising -- The Ad Agency -- Social Responsibility -- Career Competencies and Expectations -- What You Need to Know to Begin -- Sample Creative Brief -- ■ Interview with Justin Moore, creative director, Venables Bell and Partners -- Chapter 2 Composition by Design -- Parts of an Ad -- Image/Copy Relationship Constructions -- Basic Design Principles -- Directing the Viewer's Gaze through a Composition -- Point of View -- Illusion of Spatial Depth -- The Illusion of Movement -- Campaigns by Design: Triplets versus Cousins -- Integrated Media Campaigns -- Start Designing -- ■ Case Study: Cannes Lions Touchwall -- ■ Case Study: Domtar PAPERbecause -- Note -- Chapter 3 Type and Image by Design -- Type by Design -- Clarity of Visual Communication -- Selecting a Typeface for Idea, Content, and Audience -- Image by Design -- Imagery -- Basics of Visualizing Form -- Integrating Type and Image -- ■ Interview with Milton Melendez, creative director, Red Urban -- Chapter 4 Building a Brand Narrative in the Digital Age -- Strategic Thinking Underpinning the Brand Story -- Brand Story Considerations -- Strategic Approaches -- Brand Storytelling -- ■ Case Study: Renegade -- Notes -- Chapter 5 The Ad Idea -- Six Essential Questions -- Seeking an Insight -- Tools -- Idea-Generation Process -- Thinking Creatively: More Points of Departure for Ideation -- ■ Case Study: Oscar Mayer: "Wake Up and Smell the Bacon" -- ■ Case Study: Madden GIFERATOR -- ■ Interview with Dave Snyder, executive creative director, Firstborn -- Notes -- Chapter 6 Storybuilding and Content Creation in the Digital Age…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 60706
  7. 60707
    por Pérez Miguel, Ángel
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Estadísticos descriptivos de la muestra empleada en cada tarea. AD = acuerdo en la denominación -- CI = concordancia de la imagen -- FA = familiaridad -- CV = complejidad visual -- VI = variabilidad de la imagen -- N = número de participantes -- M = media -- -- Tabla 2. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 60708
    Publicado 2022
    “…Barbara Felde; RAin Linda Gregori und RiAG a.D. Dr. Christoph Maisack und einer Einführung von Renate Künast…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 60709
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The great Irish famine and ad hoc humanitarianism ; 2.3. The Russian famine of 1921-3 and organised humanitarianism ; 2.4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 60710
    Publicado 2020
    “…Il testo propone infine un’analisi dell’ultima drammatica pandemia insieme ad un tentativo di evidenziare le criticità attuali, offrendo una rilettura moderna e riformatrice di quella che, fino a qualche anno fa, era davvero considerata la migliore sanità del mondo. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 60711
  12. 60712
  13. 60713
  14. 60714
  15. 60715
  16. 60716
    por Lozano Alonso, Mario
    Publicado 2022
    “…El Medievo etíope observó el auge de las dinastías Zagwe y Salomónica, que rivalizaron con los sultanatos, como el de Ifat o el de Bar Sa’ad ad-din. Las guerras del imam Ahmad dieron paso a la gran emigración oromo y la llegada de los jesuitas al país, que tanta influencia dejaron en el período gondarino pese a su expulsión. …”
  17. 60717
  18. 60718
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Smith: Aphrodisias 13: Joanna Auinger and Alexander Sokolicek: Ephesus 14: Amelia Brown: Corinth 15: Ulrich Gehn: Athens 16: Francesca Bigi and Ignazio Tantillo: Lepcis Magna 17: Francesca Bigi and Ignazio Tantillo: Gortyn CHRONOLOGY, HONORANDS, STYLE 18: Silja Spranger: Third Century, from Alexander Severus to Carinus 19: Marietta Horster: Provincial Governors and Senatorial Office-holders 20: Kathrin Schade: Women 21: Julia Lenaghan: Cultural Heroes 22: Julia Lenaghan: Fourth-century Portrait Sculpture and Re-use 23: Marianne Bergmann and Martin Kovacs: Portrait Style 24: Bryan Ward-Perkins: The End of the Statue Habit, AD 284-620…”
  19. 60719
  20. 60720