Mostrando 60,381 - 60,400 Resultados de 71,889 Para Buscar '".ad"', tiempo de consulta: 0.23s Limitar resultados
  1. 60381
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Pars quarta -- vol. 5: De impedimentis seu poenis ecclesiasticis, tam in genere quàm in specie ... Pars quinta cui ad calcem adiecta est expositio Regulae eiusdem Ordinis -- vol. 6: Quaetionum moralium theologicarum, in decem Decalogi praecepta, Pars prima & in ordine sexta -- vol. 7: Quaetionum moralium theologicarum, in decem Decalogi praecepta, pars II & in ordine VII in qua de iuramento & voto agitur .... -- vol. 8: Quaetionum moralium theologicarum, in decem Decalogi praecepta, pars III & in ordine VIII, circa quartum eiusdem Decalogi praeceptum…”
  2. 60382
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: [1] -- Tomus secundus: Qui homilias, de varijs Scripturae locis & rerum diuinarum argumentis plurimas complectitur -- Tomus tertius: Quo, descriptae ab illis de Deo & diuinis rebus, epistolae comprehenduntur -- Tomus quartus: Quo multiplices ractatus contra haereses varias, continentur -- Tomus quintus: Qui conscriptas ab illis paraeneses & varia de moribus opuscula complectitur -- Tomus sextus: Quo, divinae liturgiae & alia quae ad ecclesiasticae disciplinae sacramentorúmque rationem pertinent, descripta ab illis opuscula comprehenduntur -- Tomus septimus: Qui conscriptas ab illis chronologias & varias de rebus ecclesiasticis & profanis, tam vniuersales quam particulares historias complectitur -- Tomus octauus: Qui conscriptos ab illis, varios de rebus diuinis tractatus complectitur -- Indices quatuor locupletissimi authorum vnus alphabeticus, alter chronologicus, tertius authoritatum Scripturae quae tota bibliotheca explicantur, postremus rerum & verborum…”
  3. 60383
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…lfric's Judith""; ""Circumscribing the Text: Views on Circumcision in Old English Literature""; ""The Old Testament and the Poems of the Junius Manuscript""; ""Genesis A ad litteram""; ""The Economy of the Word in the Old English Exodus""; ""Daniel and the Dew-Laden Wind: Sources and Structures""; ""The Old Testament and Other Old English Poems""; ""Rex regum et cyninga cyning: 'Speaking Hebrew' in Cynewulf's Elene""…”
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  4. 60384
    por Kilcrease, Jack D.
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Meditation in the Old Testament, Part1 -- Meditation in the Old Testament, Part 2 -- Christology and atonement in the New Testament, Part 1 : the Christology of the Gospels -- Christology and atonement in the New Testament, Part 2, the Christology of the Epistles and Revelation -- The mystery of the Person of Christ, Part 1 : creation and the Fall -- The mystery of the Person of Christ, Part 2 : the new narrative of creation -- The mystery of the person of Christ, Part 3 : the name of Jesus, the virgin birth, the gender of Christ -- The mystery of the person of Christ, Part 4 : the genus Idiomaticum and the genus Apotelesmaticum -- The mystery of the person of Christ, Part 5 : the communication of attributes : the genus Majestaticum and its defense -- The mystery of the work of Christ, Part 1 : doctrines of atonement, Gnosticism, and the offices of Christ -- The mystery of the work of Christ, Part 2, Christ's office as king and the nature of kenosis -- The mystery of the work of Christ, Part 3 : Christ's office as High Priest -- The mystery of the work of Christ, part 4 : the Descensus ad Inferos and Christ's prophetic office…”
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  5. 60385
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Combining catalytical and biological processes to transform cellulose into high value-added products / Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 60386
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Competency Movement; B. Added Value in Human Resources Management: An Analysis of the Competency Management Process; 1. …”
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  7. 60387
    por Lopatin, Ben. author
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Defining the Scope of a Django Standalone App -- Chapter 2: Structuring Django Standalone Apps -- Chapter 3: Testing -- Chapter 4: Model Migrations -- Chapter 5: Templates -- Chapter 6: Using Static Files -- Chapter 7: Namespacing in Your App -- Chapter 8: Creating a Basic Package -- Chapter 9: Scooping and Drawing Boundaries -- Chapter 10: Separating Your App -- Chapter 11: Adding Your App Back In -- Chapter 12: Handling App Settings -- Chapter 13: Internationalization -- Chapter 14: Managing Version Compatibility -- Chapter 15: Mixed Dependency Support -- Chapter 16: Modularity -- Chapter 17: Better Packaging -- Chapter 18: Licensing -- Chapter: 19: Documenting Your Standalone App -- Chapter: 20: Additional Testing -- Chapter: 21: Automating -- Chapter 22: Databases and other backend specific considerations -- Chapter 23: Collaborating -- Chapter 24: Using App Templates…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 60388
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Crushing Bugs -- 20. Adding Synchronous Execution Properties -- 21. Testing the Task -- 22. …”
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  9. 60389
    por Coletta, Allan R.
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Lean 3P Design Concepts; Chapter 3: Applying Lean 3P Design and Gaining Leverage; Chapter 4: Getting Started; Chapter 5: The Countdown and Overview of the 3P Event Week; Chapter 6: Kickoff, Charter, and 3P Goals; Chapter 7: Product Planning and Process Evaluation Criteria; Chapter 8: Defining Value-Adding Functions; Chapter 9: Flow Diagrams, Developing Seven Alternatives, and Selection of the Better Three Alternatives; Chapter 10: Process at a Glance, Selecting Teams, Constructing the Three Prototypes…”
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  10. 60390
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. ; Quintus tomus opervm Divi Hieronymi commentarios in prophetas ... continet ; Sextus tomus ... commentarios in duodecim prophetas quos minores iuxta utranq[ue] translationem continet ; Septimo tomo haec sunt in parabolas Salomonis commentarij, in Ecclesiasten ... commentarij, homiliae in cantica canticorum quator Origenis nomine, deniqu[ue] in Iob commentarij : Octauus tomus commentarios in psalterium habet accessit his psalterium triplici lingua, hebraica, graeca, latina ; Tomus nonus operum Diui Hieronymi complectens commentarios in Matthaeum & Marcum & in diui Pauli epistolas, uidelicet ad Galatas, Ephesios, Titum, Philemonem... ; [Tomus decimus]. …”
  11. 60391
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Numbers employed by foreign affiliates in the manufacturing sector, change between 1990 and 1998""; ""Figure 7. Share of value added under foreign control in the manufacturing sector ""…”
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  12. 60392
    por Nudelman, Greg
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Starting from zero: winning strategies for no search results pages -- How shoppers search -- Choosing the right search results for a layout -- Balancing pogosticking and page relevance -- Making $10,000 a pixel: optimizing thumbnail images in search results -- Best practices for ads in search results -- II. Designing ecommerce search interactions -- Best practices for designing faceted search filters -- Numeric filters: issues and best practices -- Date filters: successful calendar design patterns -- The mystery of filtering by sorting -- Designing query disambiguation solutions for online shopping -- Introducing the More like this design patteern -- Designing effective breadcrumbs -- III. …”
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  13. 60393
    por Aspin, Adam. author
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Extending the Data Model with Calculated Columns -- 12. Adding Measures to the Data Model -- 13. Analyzing Data over Time -- 14. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 60394
    por Späth, Peter. author
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Your First Kotlin App: Hello Kotlin -- Chapter 2: Classes And Objects: Object Orientation Philosophy -- Chapter 3: Classes at Work: Properties And Functions -- Chapter 4: Classes And Objects: Extended Features -- Chapter 5: Expressions: Operations on Data -- Chapter 6: Comments in Kotlin Files -- Chapter 7: Structural Constructs: Loops, Decisions And Scopes -- Chapter 8: Exceptions: If Something Goes Wrong -- Chapter 9: Data Containers: Arrays And Collections -- Chapter 10: True, False And Undecided: Nullability -- Chapter 11: Handling Equality -- Chapter 12: Back to Math: Functional Programming -- Chapter 13: About Type Safety: Generics -- Chapter 14: Adding Hints: Annotations -- Chapter 15: Using The Java And Kotlin APIs -- Chapter 16: The Collections API -- Chapter 17: More APIs -- Chapter 18: Working in Parallel: Multithreading -- Chapter 19: Using External Libraries -- Chapter 20: XML And JSON -- Appendix A: Solutions to Exercises…”
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  15. 60395
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- A tour of Xcode and the iOS simulator -- Introducing Swift -- Functions -- Closures -- Error handling -- Object-oriented programming with Swift -- Supporting multiple device types -- Introduction to UIKit and adaptive layout -- Introduction to storyboards -- Handling user input -- Alert views and action sheets -- Adding images to your view -- Pickers -- Navigation controllers -- Table views -- Collection views -- Tab bars and toolbars -- Creating views that scroll -- Popovers and modal views -- Touches and gestures -- Property lists -- Application settings -- Introduction to iCloud storage -- Introduction to CloudKit -- Introduction to Core Data -- Consuming RESTful JSON web services -- Social media integration -- Where am I? …”
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  16. 60396
    Publicado 1899
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bohn ; edidit Oscar Bohn. 1906 -- pars quarta. Addenda ad partes primam et secundam. 1916 -- Pars quinta. …”
  17. 60397
    por Johnson, Bruce
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Windows Azure Features; And Now, Back to Our Show; Summary; Chapter 2: Creating and Manipulating Data; The Data Model; Summary; Chapter 3: Mobile Services Validation; Adding Server-Side Scripts; Summary; Chapter 4: Authentication Options in WAMS; Federated Authentication; Setting Up the Authentication Providers; Configuring Your Service for Authentication; Authentication on the Client Side; Troubleshooting Authentication; Summary; Chapter 5: Using REST to Access WAMS Data; Representational State Transfer…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 60398
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: [1] -- Tomus secundus: Qui homilias, de varijs Scripturae locis & rerum diuinarum argumentis plurimas complectitur -- Tomus tertius: Quo, descriptae ab illis de Deo & diuinis rebus, epistolae comprehenduntur -- Tomus quartus: Quo multiplices ractatus contra haereses varias, continentur -- Tomus quintus: Qui conscriptas ab illis paraeneses & varia de moribus opuscula complectitur -- Tomus sextus: Quo, divinae liturgiae & alia quae ad ecclesiasticae disciplinae sacramentorúmque rationem pertinent, descripta ab illis opuscula comprehenduntur -- Tomus septimus: Qui conscriptas ab illis chronologias & varias de rebus ecclesiasticis & profanis, tam vniuersales quam particulares historias complectitur -- Tomus octauus: Qui conscriptos ab illis, varios de rebus diuinis tractatus complectitur -- Indices quatuor locupletissimi authorum vnus alphabeticus, alter chronologicus, tertius authoritatum Scripturae quae tota bibliotheca explicantur, postremus rerum & verborum…”
  19. 60399
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Pars quarta -- vol. 5: De impedimentis seu poenis ecclesiasticis, tam in genere quàm in specie ... Pars quinta cui ad calcem adiecta est expositio Regulae eiusdem Ordinis -- vol. 6: Quaetionum moralium theologicarum, in decem Decalogi praecepta, Pars prima & in ordine sexta -- vol. 7: Quaetionum moralium theologicarum, in decem Decalogi praecepta, pars II & in ordine VII in qua de iuramento & voto agitur .... -- vol. 8: Quaetionum moralium theologicarum, in decem Decalogi praecepta, pars III & in ordine VIII, circa quartum eiusdem Decalogi praeceptum…”
  20. 60400
    por Brock, Sebastian P. aut
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction and outline -- Synopsis -- Literary models -- Date of composition : the linguistic evidence -- Fiey's dating of the life -- Topography -- The chronological data -- Historicity -- The manuscript -- The present edition -- Apparatus -- Translation -- Annotation -- A guide to the Persian martyr acts -- Syriac texts -- Under Vahran II (276-293) -- Under Shapur II (309-379) -- Late fourth century -- Under Yazdgard I (399-420) -- Under Vahram V (421-438) -- Under Yazdgard II (439-457) -- Late fifth century -- Under Khosro I (531-579) -- Under Khosro I/Hormizd iv/khosro II -- Under Khosro II (591-628) -- Concordance with Bedjan, AMS II and IV -- Early manuscripts -- Greek translations -- Personal names, excluding biblical -- Biblical personal names -- Place names (alphabeticized according to the Syriac alphabet) -- Names of Persian martyrs listed at the end of British Library, add. 12,150 (copied in Edessa and dated November, AD 411)…”