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  1. 59021
    Publicado 1997
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- Zur Einführung -- Verzeichnis der Tagungsteilnehmer -- Factum proponitur certum, sed dubium est de iure / Allegationes, Solutiones, and Dubitationes: Baldus de Ubaldis' Revisions of his Consilia / Kanonistische Quaestionenforschung / Der Liber quaestionum des Johannes de Deo (1248) / L'"Ordo Iudiciarius" medievale tra retorica e logica -- Argumenta ex legibus / Las "Quaestiones Disputatae" en los estatutos universitarios medievales / Da u n manoscritto miscellaneo ad una raccolta di "quaestiones" / "Quaestiones" di scuole giuridiche vercellesi in un trattato di Giuliano da Sesso / El arte de la "disputatio" en Vicente Arias de Balboa (ca. 1368-1414) / Backmatter…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 59022
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Social Psychology and Problem Solving Courts: Judicial Roles and Decision Making -- The Marriage of Science and the Law in Child Welfare Cases -- Exploring the Value-Added of Specialized Problem-Solving Courts for Dependency Cases -- Dependency Courts and Science -- Unified Family Courts: An Interdisciplinary Framework and A Problem-Solving Approach -- Domestic Violence Courts: The Case of Lady Justice Meets the Serpents of the Caduceus -- Gender Issues in Problem-Solving Courts -- Mental Health Courts May Work, But Does it Matter if they do? …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 59023
    por Smith, Stephen. author
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Getting Started -- Chapter 2: Loading & Adding -- Chapter 3: Tooling Up -- Chapter 4: Controlling Program Flow -- Chapter 5: Thanks for the Memories -- Chapter 6: Functions & the Stack -- Chapter 7: Linux Operating System Services -- Chapter 8: Programming GPIO Pins -- Chapter 9: Interacting with C & Python -- Chapter 10: Interfacing with Kotlin & Swift -- Chapter 11: Multiply, Divide & Accumulate -- Chapter 12: Floating-Point Operations -- Chapter 13: Neon Coprocessor -- Chapter 14: Optimizing Code -- Chapter 15 Reading & Understanding Code -- Chapter 16: Hacking Code -- Appendix A: The ARM Instruction Set -- Appendix B: Binary Formats -- Appendix C: Assembler Directives -- Appendix D: ASCII Character Set…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 59024
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Understanding Ansible and the Red Hat RHCE -- Chapter 2: Working with the Ansible Configuration -- Chapter 3: Creating an Ansible Inventory -- Chapter 4: Using ad hoc Commands and Ansible Preparation -- Chapter 5: Writing YAML and Basic Playbooks -- Chapter 6: Managing Users with Ansible Playbooks -- Chapter 7: Working with Variables and Facts -- Chapter 8: Working with Files and Templates -- Chapter 9: Managing Services Using Ansible -- Chapter 10: Securing Sensitive Data with Ansible Vault -- Chapter 11: Implementing a Full Apache Deployment -- Chapter 12: Simplifying Playbooks Using Roles -- Chapter 13: Downloading Roles -- Chapter 14: Configuring Storage with Ansible -- Chapter 15: Managing Scheduled Tasks with Ansible…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 59025
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Organizing Code -- Chapter 2: Debugging Code -- Chapter 3: Understanding Closures -- Chapter 4: Multithreaded Programming with Grand Central Dispatch -- Chapter 5: Understanding Concurrency -- Chapter 6: Understanding Data Persistence -- Chapter 7: Sharing Data Between Structures -- Chapter 8: Translating with Localization -- Chapter 9: Adding Search to an App -- Chapter 10: Detecting Motion and Orientation -- Chapter 11: Using Location and Maps -- Chapter 12: Playing Audio and Video.…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 59026
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The contribution of multinationals to value added and labour productivity in the manufacturing and services sectors…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 59027
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Development of the arbitral system in England / Relevant aspects of the English legal system / Arbitration in context / The London Court of International Arbitration / The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators / Ad hoc arbitrations / Commodity Arbitration / Maritime arbitration / Engineering and construction arbitration / Sports arbitration / The English statutory framework / Applicable substantive law / The application of EU law to arbitration in England / Multilateral and bilateral investment treaties and the United Kingdom / Duties of arbitrators / Challenge to and replacement of arbitrators / Rights and duties of the parties and counsel…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 59028
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Introduction -- GETTING STARTED -- Setting Up a Studio -- Finding Inspiration -- SECTION 1: DRAWING -- Surfaces &amp -- Supports -- Graphite -- Charcoal -- Conté Crayon -- Colored Pencil -- Pastel -- Oil Pastel -- Pen &amp -- Ink -- Hand Lettering -- SECTION 2: FUNDAMENTALS -- Value &amp -- Light -- Proportion &amp -- Size -- Drawing Ellipses -- Perspective -- Composition -- SECTION 3: PAINTING -- Surfaces &amp -- Supports -- Brushes -- Palette &amp -- Painting Knives -- Mixing Palettes -- Acrylic -- Oil -- Watercolor -- SECTION 4: COLOR BASICS -- Color -- Complementary Colors -- Primaries -- Secondaries -- Neutrals -- SECTION 5: MIXED MEDIA -- Tools &amp -- Materials -- Painting Backgrounds -- Borders &amp -- Edges -- Gesso &amp -- Mediums -- Stamping -- Stenciling -- Encaustics -- Playing with Paper -- Adding Texture -- Closing Thoughts…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 59029
    por Wang, Wallace. author
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Interacting with the Real World -- Chapter 2: Getting to Know ARKit -- Chapter 3: World tracking -- Chapter 4: Working with shapes -- Chapter 5: Working with lights -- Chapter 6: Positioning Objects -- Chapter 7: Rotating objects -- Chapter 8: Drawing on screen -- Chapter 9: Adding touch gestures to augmented reality -- Chapter 10: Interacting with augmented reality -- Chapter 11: Plane detection -- Chapter 12: Physics on virtual objects -- Chapter 13: Interacting with the real world -- Chapter 14: Image detection -- Chapter 15: Displaying video and virtual models -- Chapter 16: Image tracking and object detection -- Chapter 17: Persistence -- Appendix A: Converting 3D model files -- Appendix B: Creating virtual objects visually…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 59030
    Publicado 1970
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mariae respectu habito ad mythologiam et libros apocryphos. 5 De cultu B. …”
  11. 59031
    por Gasparri, Pietro, 1852-1934
    Publicado 1926
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Concilia generalia, Romani pontifices usque ad annum 1745. n. 1-364 ; 2. Romani pontifices an. 1746-1865, n. 365-544 ; 3. …”
  12. 59032
    por Raynaud, Théophile, 1583-1663
    Publicado 1665
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- vol. 6: Eucharistica -- vol. 7: Marialia -- vol. 8: Hagiologium Lugdunense -- vol. 9: Hagiologium exoticum -- vol. 10: Pontificia -- vol. 11: Critica sacra -- vol. 12: Miscella sacra -- vol. 13: Opusculorum miscella philologica -- vol. 14: Opuscula moralia -- vol. 16: Heteroclita spiritualia et anomala pietatis terrestrium, seu spectantium mortales, ad solidae pietatis regvlam directa ... -- vol. 17: Ascetica -- vol. 18: Polemica…”
  13. 59033
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Tomus tertius, continens historica vitas aliquot sanctorum ac collectanea quaedam quorum catalogum versa pagina docet -- Tomus quartus, continens commentarios in vetus testamentum quorum ordo tertia pagina docetur -- Tomus quintus, continens in sacrosancta quatuor euangelia & alios noui testamenti libros pias & breues expositiones quarum seriem versa pagina exhibet -- Tomus sextus, continens in diui Pauli scripta interpretationes luculentas catalogum verò ipsarum versa pagina tibimonstrabit -- Tomus septimus, in quo conciones & scripta continentur, quae ad populum instruendum, piorumque animos excitandos multum faciunt ... -- Tomus octauus, continens quaestiones aliquot elegantissimas veteris Testamenti, vnà cum doctissimo in Psalmos Dauidicos commentario recens inuento ..…”
  14. 59034
    por Toffler, Alvin
    Publicado 1972
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: La 800.a generación -- El impulso acelerador -- El ritmo de la vida -- Cosas: la sociedad del "tírese después de usado" -- Lugares: los nuevos nómadas -- Personas: el hombre modular -- Organizaciones: la próxima "ad-hocracia" -- Información: La imagen cinética -- La trayectoria científica -- Los fabricantes de experiencia -- La familia rota -- Los orígenes del exceso de opciones -- Un exceso de subcultos -- Diversidad de estilos de vida -- El "shock" del futuro: la dimensión física -- El "shock" del futuro: la dimensión psicológica -- Enfrentamiento con el mañana -- Educación en tiempo futuro -- Hay que domesticar la tecnología -- La estrategia del futurismo social…”
  15. 59035
    por Grover, Chris, 1955-
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Organizing frames and layers ; Advanced drawing and coloring ; Choosing and formatting text ; Reusable Flash : symbols and templates ; Advanced tweens with the motion editor ; Realistic animation with IK Bones ; Incorporating non-Flash media files ; Incorporating sound and video -- Adding interactivity. Introduction to ActionScript 3 ; Controlling actions with events ; Organizing objects with the display list ; Controlling the timeline and animation ; Components for interactivity ; Choosing, using, and animating text ; Drawing with ActionScript -- Debugging and delivering your animation. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 59036
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Was wird wie vermittelt? -- EdTech oder AdTech? -- Drei Fragen an die Praxis – Intermezzo 2 -- KI in der Bildung -- Die KI-Verordnung -- Der Design-Justice-Ansatz mit einer Anwendung im Bereich der KI -- Drei Fragen an die Praxis – Intermezzo 3 -- Medienreflexion mit Methode -- Der EdTechReflektor -- ›Die Verunsicherung im eigenen Expertentum ist stark‹…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 59037
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: v. 1: Prima pars Sum[m]e fratris Anthonini de Florentia ordinis predicatorum [et] archiep[iscopi] florentini, in qua agitur de anima [et] de p[er]tinetibus ad ipsam ; v. 2: Incipit secu[n]da pars t[er]tie Summe maioris fratris Anthoninij archiepiscopi florentini ; v. 3.2: In no[m]i[n]e s[an]c[t]e ac i[n]diuidue trinitatis incipit [secund]a partis Su[m]me d[iui] anto[n]ini de Flore[n]tia ; v. 4: Incipit quarta pars Summe maioris Antonini archipresulis florentini, in qua agitur de virtutibus [et] gratia ac donis spiritus sancti…”
    Accés lliure
    Accés lliure
  18. 59038
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tutorial A: Getting started with SAS Enterprise Guide -- Tutorial B: Reading data from files -- Tutorial C: Creating reports -- Tutorial D: Working with data in the query builder -- Tutorial E: Joining two data files together -- Ch. 1: SAS Enterprise Guide basics -- Ch. 2: Bringing data into a project -- Ch. 3: Changing the way data values are displayed -- Ch. 4: Modifying data using the query builder -- Ch. 5: Combining data tables -- Ch. 6: Producing simple lists and reports -- Ch. 7: Producing complex reports in summary tables -- Ch. 8: Basic statistical analysis -- Ch. 9: Producing graphs -- Ch. 10: Changing output styles and types -- Ch. 11: Adding flexibility with parameters…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 59039
    por Fitz-enz, Jac
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…CONTENTS; PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION; PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION; CHAPTER 1 Human Leverage; CHAPTER 2 How to Measure Human Capital's Contribution to Enterprise Goals; CHAPTER 3 How to Measure Human Capital's Impact on Processes; CHAPTER 4 How to Measure Human Resources' Value Added; CHAPTER 5 End-to-End Human Capital Value Reports; CHAPTER 6 Human Capital Analytics: The Leading Edge of Measurement; CHAPTER 7 Predictive Analytics: Leading Indicators and Intangible Metrics; CHAPTER 8 How to Measure and Value Improvement Initiatives Results; CHAPTER 9 Outsourcing: A New Operating Model?…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 59040
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tutorial A: Getting started with SAS Enterprise Guide -- Tutorial B: Creating reports -- Tutorial C: Working with data in the query builder -- Tutorial D: Joining two data tables together -- Ch. 1: SAS Enterprise Guide basics -- Ch. 2: Bringing data into a project -- Ch. 3: Changing the way data values are displayed -- Ch. 4: Modifying data using the query builder -- Ch. 5: Sorting and filtering data -- Ch. 6: Combining data tables -- Ch. 7: Producing simple list and summary reports -- Ch. 8: Producing complex reports in summary tables -- Ch. 9: Basic statistical analysis -- Ch. 10: Producing graphs -- Ch. 11: Changing output styles and types -- Ch. 12: Adding flexibility with prompts and conditions…”
    Libro electrónico