Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 2,204
- Biblia 1,956
- Derecho canónico 1,758
- Teología 1,588
- Teología dogmática 1,503
- Iglesia Católica 1,202
- Crítica e interpretación 1,025
- Padres de la Iglesia 920
- Moral cristiana 842
- Església Catòlica 790
- Filosofía 735
- Development 673
- Bíblia 623
- Application software 614
- Liturgia 608
- Patrística 550
- Història 545
- Teología moral 526
- Tomás de Aquino 489
- Teologia 485
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 484
- Pontificia Università Lateranense (Vaticano) 480
- Computer programs 409
- Litúrgia 397
- -Historia 385
- Derecho 373
- Design 369
- Obras anteriores a 1800 366
- History 352
- Obres anteriors al 1800 342
48761por Tomás de Aquino, Santo 1220-1274Tabla de Contenidos: “…Prima pars, a quaestione I ad quaestionem XLIX ad codices manuscriptos Vaticanos exacta (1888; XV, 509 p.) -- v.2. …”
Publicado 1888
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48762por Església Catòlica.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Tomus primus, A S. Leone Magno ad Nicolaum Secundum, scilicet ab an. CCCCL ad an. …”
Publicado 1733
991005402269706719 -
48763por Saccarello, GaspareTabla de Contenidos: “…Ab ascensione Jesu Christi seu ab anno aerae vulg. 32. ad an. 56. Praemittitur apparatus exhibens compendium historiae ab orbe condito ad an. …”
Publicado 1771
Libro -
48764por Iglesia CatólicaTabla de Contenidos: “…v. III,1 : A lucio III. ad Clementem IV. scilicet ab AN. MCLXXXI. ad AN. …”
Publicado 1964
Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
48765Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- OpenFL -- HaxeFlixel -- Installation -- Installing Haxe -- OpenFL -- Setting up an IDE -- Installing HaxeFlixel -- Setting up target platforms -- Flash -- Android -- iOS -- Desktop -- Hello World -- Creating a project -- Running the project -- Copying assets -- Making changes -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Building a New Game -- The Haxe syntax -- Data types and structures -- Operators -- Access modifiers -- Variables -- Functions -- The for loops -- Classes -- Setting up a new HaxeFlixel project -- Creating the new project -- The anatomy of our project -- Changing settings -- Adding assets -- Adding a background and basic UI -- Making enemies -- Creating the enemy class -- Adding variables -- Setting up the display -- Creating the spawn timer -- Instantiating enemies and adding interaction -- Adding new imports -- Adding variables -- Creating instances and adding mouse events -- Creating the end screen -- Creating the end screen class -- Adding variables -- Adding the background and score text -- Restarting the level -- Implementing the game timer -- Importing the end screen -- Adding variables -- Creating the level timer -- Creating the timer callback function -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Dealing with Menus and Screen Flow -- Adding new assets -- Changing the default state -- Building the splash screen -- Adding imports -- Creating variables -- Adding sprites -- Adding instructions -- Starting the animation sequence -- Creating the next stage of the sequence -- Finishing the sequence -- Navigating back to the game -- Updating the level end screen -- Adding imports -- Adding variables -- Housekeeping -- Adding the group and setting up the window -- Adding scores…”
Libro electrónico -
48766por Església Catòlica.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Tomus primus, ab anno Christi XXXIV ad annum CCCCL -- Tomus secundus, ab anno CCCCLI ad annum DL -- Tomus tertius, ab anno DLI ad annum DCCLXXXVII -- Tomus quartus, ab anno DCCLXXXVII ad annum DCCCXLVII -- Tomus quintus, ab anno DCCCXLVII ad annum DCCCLXXI -- Tomi VI, pars I, ab anno DCCCLXXII ad annum MLXXXV -- Tomi VI, pars II, ab anno MLXXXVI ad annum MCCXV -- Tomus septimus, ab anno MCCXIII ad annum MCCCCIX -- Tomus octavus, ab anno MCCCCIX ad annum MCCCCXLII…”
Publicado 1714
991005051479706719 -
48767por Atanasio de Alejandría, Santo 298-373Tabla de Contenidos: “…De Incarnatione. Epistula ad Epictetum -- v. 2. Homily on Matthew XII 32 (epistola ad Serapionem IV ?…”
Publicado 1965
Libro -
48768por Iglesia Católica.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contiene: T . I: Leone Magno, ad Nicolaum Secundum, scilicet ab an . CCCCL . ad an . …”
Publicado 1739
Libro -
48770por Església Catòlica.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Tomus primus: ab anno XXXIV ad annum CCCXIII -- Tomus secundus: ab annoCCCXIV ad annum CCCXLVI -- Tomus tertius: ab anno CCCXLVII ad annum CCCCI -- Tomus septimus: ab anno CCCCXXXII ad annum CCCCLI -- Tomus nonus: ab anno CCCCLI ad annum CCCCLXXV -- Tomus decimus: ab anno CCCCLXXXIII ad annum DXX -- Tomus decimus quintus: ab anno DCXLIX ad annum DCLXXVI -- Tomus decimus sextus: ab anno DCLXXVIII ad annum DCLXXXII -- Tomus decimus octauus: ab anno DCCLXXII ad annum DCCLXXXVII -- Tomus vigesimus primus: ab anno DCCCXVII ad annum DCCCLV -- Tomus vigesimus quintus: ab anno DCCCCX ad annum MLXXIII -- Tomus vigesimus octauus: ab anno MCLXXXI ad annum MCCCXIV -- Tomus trigesimus: Concilium Basileense sub Eugenio papa IV ab anno MCCCCXXXI ad annum MCCCCXLII -- Tomus trigesimus primus: continens orationes quatuor in Concilio Basileensi recitatas -- Tomus trigesimus secundus: Concilium Florentinum generale, sub Eugenio papa IV, annis MCCCCXXXVIII & MCCCCXXXIX -- Tomus trigesimus quartus: ab anno MCCCCXLVII ad annum MDXXVII -- Tomus trigesimus sextus: ab anno MDLX ad annum MDCXXIII…”
Publicado 1644
991005924249706719 -
48771por Eduonix Learning SolutionsTabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Credits -- About the Author -- -- Customer Feedback -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Creating a Simple Theme with WordPress -- Installing and setting up WordPress -- Creating and enabling themes -- Creating an HTML structure -- Working with the style sheet -- Adding a function in the head tag -- Building the HTML body -- Base styling -- Single posts and thumbnails -- Adding an image to the post -- Pages and menus -- Widget locations and comments -- Working with widgets -- Adding the comment functionality -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Building a WordPress Theme -- Post formats -- Creating a design using HTML and CSS -- Building the HTML body -- Adding CSS -- Creating a WordPress theme -- Displaying blog post -- Creating a single post and adding an image -- Creating custom archive pages -- Different post formats -- Pages, custom templates, and sub navigation -- Working with Theme Widgets -- Custom home page -- Comment Functionality -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Building a WordPress Theme for Photo Gallery -- Creating the layout of the home page in HTML and CSS -- Creating the HTML layout -- Creating the header -- Adding the title and search box -- Shifting the search box -- Adding the sidebar and main area -- Adding the sidebar -- Changing the color of the background and text of the sidebar -- Adding the main area -- Adding images to the column -- Adding a footer in the main area -- Implementing the animation and single.html page -- Implementing the Fade In animation -- Creating animation on the single page -- Adding a single image for animation -- Adding the theme header and footer -- Creating a theme inside the wpthemes folder -- Adding a theme -- Activating the theme -- Converting static markup to WordPress -- Adding the wp_head function -- Adding the body_class function…”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -
48773Publicado 1964Tabla de Contenidos: “…Vol. 1. A.D. 430-839 -- Vol. 2. A.D. 840-947: Appendix A.D. 601-947 -- Vol. 3. …”
Libro -
48775por Berti, Giovanni Lorenzo, 1696-1766Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contingut: Pars prima, quae complectitur chronologiae rudimenta, & decem priorum seculorum synopsim ; Pars secunda, quae complectitur Isagogem ad sacram geographiam & progreditur usque ad annum vulgaris aerae millesimum septingentesimum sexagesimum…”
Publicado 1824
991005823289706719 -
48776Publicado 1929Tabla de Contenidos: “…v. I : Ad libros digestorum I-XX pertinens…”
Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
48777por Iglesia CatólicaTabla de Contenidos: “…v. I : A.S. Leone Magno, ad Nicolaum Secundum, scilicer ab An. CCCCL. ad AN.MLXL. - [36], 423, [3] p. -- v. …”
Publicado 1964
Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
48778por Iglesia CatólicaTabla de Contenidos: “…v. IV,1: Ab Hadriano VI. ad Paulum IV. scilicet ab anno 1521. ad 1559. - [20]., 370 p. -- IV,2 : A Pio IV. usque ad annum secundum Pii V., scilicet ab anno 1559. ad 1567. - [20], 416 p.…”
Publicado 1965
Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
48779Publicado 1956Tabla de Contenidos: “…John Chrysostom: In Librum de Virginiate De Virginitate [Graecum] De Virginitate [Latin] In due sequentes ad viduam juniorem tractatus Ad Viduam Juniorem [Latin] Ad Viduam Juniorem [Graecum] Ejusdem ad eamdem de non iterando conjugio [Graecum] Ejusdem ad eamdem de non iterando conjugio [Latin] De Sacerdatio [Latin]…”
Enlace con el listado completo de la colección ordenado por volúmenes
Enlace con el listado completo de la colección ordenado por autores
Libro -
48780por Cunliffe, Barry W.Tabla de Contenidos: “…The land and the people -- The domestication of Eurasia, 10,000-5000 BC -- Horses and copper : the centrality of the steppe, 5000-2500 BC -- The opening of the Eurasian steppe, 2500-1600 BC -- Nomads and empires : the first confrontations, 1600-600 BC -- Learning from each other : interaction along the interface, 600-250 BC -- The continent connected, 250 BC-AD 250 -- The age of perpetual war, AD 250-650 -- The beginning of a new world order, AD 650-840 -- The disintegration of empires, AD 840-1150 -- The steppe triumphant, AD 1150-1300 -- Looking back, looking forwards…”
Publicado 2017