Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Álgebra 584
- Àlgebra 209
- Mathematics 187
- Algebra 169
- Matemáticas 146
- Algebra lineal 108
- Àlgebra lineal 100
- Data processing 89
- Aritmética 84
- Matemàtica 83
- Álgebra lineal 70
- Problemes, exercicis, etc 68
- Machine learning 58
- Aritmètica 56
- Python (Computer program language) 48
- Ensenyament 41
- Artificial intelligence 40
- Ciencias Exactas 39
- Geometría 38
- Numerical analysis 36
- Mathematical models 35
- Algebra de Boole 34
- Computer science 33
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 33
- Physical Sciences & Mathematics 32
- Engineering mathematics 31
- Matematicas 31
- Matrices (Matemáticas) 28
- Computer Science 27
2981por O'Sullivan, BryanTabla de Contenidos: “…Defining Types, Streamlining Functions -- Defining a New Data Type -- Naming Types and Values -- Type Synonyms -- Algebraic Data Types -- Tuples, Algebraic Data Types, and When to Use Each -- Analogues to Algebraic Data Types in Other Languages -- The structure -- The enumeration -- The discriminated union -- Pattern Matching -- Construction and Deconstruction -- Further Adventures -- Variable Naming in Patterns -- The Wild Card Pattern -- Exhaustive Patterns and Wild Cards -- Record Syntax -- Parameterized Types -- Recursive Types -- Reporting Errors -- A More Controlled Approach -- Introducing Local Variables -- Shadowing -- The where Clause -- Local Functions, Global Variables -- The Offside Rule and Whitespace in an Expression -- A Note About Tabs Versus Spaces -- The Offside Rule Is Not Mandatory -- The case Expression -- Common Beginner Mistakes with Patterns -- Incorrectly Matching Against a Variable -- Incorrectly Trying to Compare for Equality -- Conditional Evaluation with Guards -- Chapter 4. …”
Publicado 2009
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2982Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Aplicación del tensor de potencia en régimen no sinusoidal ; 9.1 Descomposición del tensor de potencia ; 9.2 Caracterización de cargas ; 9.3 Filtros activos de potencia en sistemas polifásicos ; 9.4 Construcción de mapas de pérdida de calidad ; 9.5 Detección de perturbaciones transitorias ; 9.6 Sumario -- Apéndice. Fundamentos de álgebra tensorial ; A.1 Notación tensorial n-dimensional ; A.2 Notación de Einstein ; A.3 Operaciones fundamentales entre tensores…”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Acceso con credenciales UPSA
Libro electrónico -
2983por Soler Fajardo, FranciscoTabla de Contenidos: “…Trinomio cuadrado perfectoTrinomio cuadrado perfecto por adición y sustracción; Trinomio de la forma: ; Trinomio de la forma:; Polinomios de cuatro o más términos; Cubo perfecto de binomios; Combinación de métodos; Mínimo común múltiplo y Máximo divisor común; Entre polinomios; Fracciones algebraicas; Operaciones; Adición; Multiplicación; Sustracción; División; Fracciones compuestas; Racionalización; Recapitulación; Resumen del capítulo 2; Operación aritmética; Factores especiales; Operación aritmética; Álgebra: fórmulas de productos notables…”
Publicado 2013
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
2984Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Andrea diSessa 9300 -- 12 Task design frameworks in mathematics education research: An example of a domain-specific frame for algebraic learning with technological tools. Carolyn Kieran 10800 -- 13 Gender and mathematics education: An overview. …”
Libro electrónico -
2985por Padiyar, K. R.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Application of FACTS Controllers for Emergency Control II -- Discrete Control Strategy -- Case Study I: Application of TCSC -- Case Study II: Application of UPFC -- Discussion and Directions for Further Research -- Appendix A: Synchronous generator Model -- Synchronous Machine -- Park's Transformation -- Per Unit Quantities -- Synchronous Machine Model -- Application of Model 1.1 -- Simpler Models -- Appendix B: Boundary of Stability Region : Theoretical Results -- Stability Boundary -- Gradient Systems -- Appendix C: Network Solution for Stability Analysis -- Inclusion of Generator Stator in the Network -- Treatment of Transient Saliency -- Load Representation -- AC Network Equations -- System Algebraic Equations -- System Differential Equations -- Solution of System Equations -- Appendix D: Data on the Ten Generator Test System…”
Publicado 2013
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2986Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table of Contents -- About the Authors -- About the Technical Reviewer -- Chapter 1: Getting Started in Cryptography and Cryptanalysis -- Cryptography and Cryptanalysis -- Book Structure -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2: MATLAB Cryptography Functions -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3: Conversions Used in MATLAB for Cryptography -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: Basic Arithmetic Foundations -- Euclid's Division Lemma -- Greatest Common Divisor (gcd) -- Euclid's Algorithm -- The Extended Euclidean Algorithm -- Practical Implementations -- The Extended Euclidean Algorithm -- Prime Factors in MATLAB -- Computing the Modular Inverse -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 5: Number Theory -- Primality and Factorization -- Prime Numbers -- The Prime Number Theorem -- Congruency -- Inverse -- Chinese Remainder Theorem -- Primality Tests -- The Wilson Primality Test -- The Little Fermat Primality Test -- The Miller-Rabin Primality Test -- Algebraic Structures -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6: Classic Cryptography -- Symmetric Cryptography -- Classic Ciphers -- The Caesar Cipher -- Example -- Mathematical Background -- Cryptanalysis -- Implementing the Caesar Cipher -- The Vigenère Cipher -- Example -- Mathematical Background -- Implementing the Vigenère Cipher -- The Hill Cipher -- Example -- Cryptanalysis -- Implementing the Hill Cipher -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 7: Pseudo-Random Number Generators -- Simple PRNGs -- Linear Congruential Generators -- Ranrot Generators -- Blum-Blum-Shub Generator -- Linear Circuit PRNGs -- Other PRNGs -- Practical Implementations -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 8: Hash Functions -- Security of Hash Functions -- Cryptographic Hash Functions -- Birthday Attack -- MD4 Function -- MD4 Function Description -- Cryptanalysis of MD4 -- MD5 Function -- SHA1 Function…”
Libro electrónico -
2987Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Interaktion mit dem BetriebssystemWerkzeuge zur Softwareentwicklung; IPython HTML Notebook; Tipps zur produktiven Codeentwicklung mit IPython; Fortgeschrittene Features von IPython; Danksagung; Kapitel 4: Grundlagen von NumPy: Arrays und vektorisierte Berechnung; Das ndarray von NumPy: ein mehrdimensionales Array-Objekt; Universelle Funktionen: Schnelle elementweise Array-Funktionen; Datenverarbeitung mit Arrays; Dateiein- und -ausgabe bei Arrays; Lineare Algebra; Erzeugen von Zufallszahlen; Beispiel: Random Walks; Kapitel 5: Erste Schritte mit pandas…”
Libro electrónico -
2988Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…READ: Reading a Database Table; OUTPUT: Outputting a Table (or Chart); SELECT: Selecting Various Columns in the Table; FILTER: Filtering Rows Based on a Condition; APPEND: Appending New Calculated Columns; UNION: Combining Multiple Datasets into One; AGGREGATE: Aggregating Values; LOOKUP: Looking Up Values in One Table in Another; CROSS JOIN: Generating the Cartesian Product of Two Tables; JOIN: Combining Two Tables Using a Key Column; SORT: Ordering the Results of a Dataset; Dataflows, SQL, and Relational Algebra; SQL Queries; What to Do, Not How to Do It…”
Libro electrónico -
2989Publicado 2002Tabla de Contenidos: “…Adaptable Similarity Search using Non-Relevant InformationSideway Value Algebra for Object-Relational Databases; Database Selection Using Actual Physical and Acquired Logical Collection Resources in a Massive Domain-specific Operational Environment; Session: Research 2 - XML Query Processing; Structural Function Inlining Technique for Structurally Recursive XML Queries; Efficient Algorithms for Processing XPath Queries; Incorporating XSL Processing into Database Engines; Optimizing View Queries in ROLEX to Support Navigable Result Trees; Session: Research 3 - Security and Privacy…”
Libro electrónico -
2990Publicado 1999Tabla de Contenidos: “…Terminology; 3. The Problem of Algebraic Loops; 4. Scattering Theory; 5. Applying Scattering Theory To Robot Modules; 6. …”
Libro electrónico -
2991Publicado 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Contents; Title; Copyright; Dedication; About the Author; Credits; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Simple Ciphers; 1.1 Monoalphabetic Ciphers; 1.2 Keying; 1.3 Polyalphabetic Ciphers; 1.4 Transposition Ciphers; 1.5 Cryptanalysis; 1.6 Summary; Exercises; References; Chapter 2: Number Theoretical Ciphers; 2.1 Probability; 2.2 Number Theory Refresher Course; 2.3 Algebra Refresher Course; 2.4 Factoring-Based Cryptography; 2.5 Discrete Logarithm-Based Cryptography; 2.6 Elliptic Curves; 2.7 Summary; Exercises; References; Chapter 3: Factoring and Discrete Logarithms…”
Libro electrónico -
2992Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 26: Evaluating Project Risk in Capital Budgeting -- Subject Index -- Author Index -- Finance Appendices -- Web-Appendix A: Deal Terms -- Web-Appendix B: Corporate Debt Funding Instruments -- Web-Appendix C: Investment Bankers and the Issuance of Securities -- Web-Appendix D: Credit Risk -- Web-Appendix E: Financial Statements -- Web-Appendix F: Financial Ratio Analysis -- Web-Appendix G: Estimating Cash Flows of Capital Budgeting Projects -- Web-Appendix H: Merger and Acquisition Strategies -- Web-Appendix I: Conglomerates as a Means of Overcoming Capital Market Imperfections -- Web-Appendix J: Lease Financing -- Mathematical and Statistical Appendices -- Web-Appendix K: Taylor Series Approximation -- Web-Appendix L: Some Elementary Concepts Involving Probability -- Web-Appendix M: Continuous Probability Distributions -- Web-Appendix N: Continuous Interest Rates -- Web-Appendix O: Fundamentals of Matrix Algebra -- Web-Appendix P: Principal Component Analysis in Finance -- Subject Index (Web-Appendix A to P) -- Author Index (Web-Appendix A to P)…”
Libro electrónico -
2993Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; Foreword; About the Authors; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Making a Game Tick; Introducing SFML; Downloading and installation; A minimal example; A few notes on C++; Developing the first game; The Game class; Game loops and frames; Input over several frames; Vector algebra; Frame-independent movement; Fixed time steps; Other techniques related to frame rates; Displaying sprites on the screen; File paths and working directories; Real-time rendering; Adapting the code; Summary…”
Libro electrónico -
2994por Harres, DanTabla de Contenidos: “…Example of a PWM DC motor drivePWM power advantages; Brakeable and reversible PWM motor drive; Gears; Bibliography; 6 Inexpensive Ways to Perform Circuit Simulation; Circuit simulation history; Modern circuit simulation programs; TINA-TI; Simulations wrap-up; 7 Computer Logic; The birth of integrated circuits; The advent of logic; Boole; Shannon; Why is it called logic?; Some algebraic identities; Associativity, commutativity, and distributivity; Logic optimization; Advanced topics in computer logic; Electronic implementation of logic; A logic example - the adder; The Exclusive-Or gate…”
Publicado 2013
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2995por Nielsen, PaulTabla de Contenidos: “…Modeling RealityVisible Entities; Identifying Multiple Entities; Relational Patterns; Normalization; Relational Algebra; Summary; Chapter 3: Exploring SQL Server 2005 Architecture; Data Access Architectures; SQL Server Services; Business Intelligence Services; SQL Server 2005 Editions; SQL Server Tools and Components; SQL Server 2005 Feature Pack; AdventureWorks; Exploring the Metadata; Summary; Chapter 4: Installing SQL Server 2005; Planning Your Installation; Hardware Recommendations; Performing the Installation; Upgrading from Previous Versions; Migrating to SQL Server…”
Publicado 2007
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2996Publicado 1995Tabla de Contenidos: “…J-Unitary matrices for algebraic approximation and interpolation -The singular casePART 3: ARCHITECTURES AND REAL TIME IMPLEMENTATION; Chapter 20. …”
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2997Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…<P><b>1 Introductory Concepts and Calculus Review 1</b></p> <p>1.1 Basic Tools of Calculus 1</p> <p>1.2 Error, Approximate Equality, and Asymptotic Order Notation 10</p> <p>1.3 A Primer on Computer Arithmetic 13</p> <p>1.4 A Word on Computer Languages and Software 17</p> <p>1.5 A Brief History of Scientific Computing 18</p> <p><b>2 A Survey of Simple Methods and Tools 19</b></p> <p>2.1 Horner's Rule and Nested Multiplication 19</p> <p>2.2 Difference Approximations to the Derivative 22</p> <p>2.3 Application: Euler's Method for Initial Value Problems 30</p> <p>2.4 Linear Interpolation 34</p> <p>2.5 Application-The Trapezoid Rule 38</p> <p>2.6 Solution of Tridiagonal Linear Systems 46</p> <p>2.7 Application: Simple Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 50</p> <p><b>3 Root-Finding 55</b></p> <p>3.1 The Bisection Method 55</p> <p>3.2 Newton's Method: Derivation and Examples 59</p> <p>3.3 How to Stop Newton's Method 63</p> <p>3.4 Application: Division Using Newton's Method 66</p> <p>3.5 The Newton Error Formula 69</p> <p>3.6 Newton's Method: Theory and Convergence 72</p> <p>3.7 Application: Computation of the Square Root 76</p> <p>3.8 The Secant Method: Derivation and Examples 79</p> <p>3.9 Fixed Point Iteration 83</p> <p>3.10 Roots of Polynomials (Part 1) 85</p> <p>3.11 Special Topics in Root-finding Methods 88</p> <p>3.12 Very High-order Methods and the Efficiency Index 98</p> <p><b>4 Interpolation and Approximation 101</b></p> <p>4.1 Lagrange Interpolation 101</p> <p>4.2 Newton Interpolation and Divided Differences 104</p> <p>4.3 Interpolation Error 114</p> <p>4.4 Application: Muller's Method and Inverse Quadratic Interpolation 119</p> <p>4.5 Application: More Approximations to the Derivative 121</p> <p>4.6 Hermite Interpolation 122</p> <p>4.7 Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation 125</p> <p>4.8 An Introduction to Splines 129</p> <p>4.9 Tension Splines 135</p> <p>4.10 Least Squares Concepts in Approximation 137</p> <p>4.11 Advanced Topics in Interpolation Error 142</p> <p><b>5 Numerical Integration 149</b></p> <p>5.1 A Review of the Definite Integral 149</p> <p>5.2 Improving the Trapezoid Rule 151</p> <p>5.3 Simpson's Rule and Degree of Precision 154</p> <p>5.4 The Midpoint Rule 162</p> <p>5.5 Application: Stirling's Formula 166</p> <p>5.6 Gaussian Quadrature 167</p> <p>5.7 Extrapolation Methods 173</p> <p>5.8 Special Topics in Numerical Integration 177</p> <p><b>6 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations 185</b></p> <p>6.1 The Initial Value Problem-Background 185</p> <p>6.2 Euler's Method 187</p> <p>6.3 Analysis of Euler's Method 189</p> <p>6.4 Variants of Euler's Method 190</p> <p>6.5 Single Step Methods-Runge-Kutta 197</p> <p>6.6 Multistep Methods 200</p> <p>6.7 Stability Issues 204</p> <p>6.8 Application to Systems of Equations 206</p> <p>6.9 Adaptive Solvers 210</p> <p>6.10 Boundary Value Problems 212</p> <p><b>7 Numerical Methods for the Solution of Systems of Equations 217</b></p> <p>7.1 Linear Algebra Review 217</p> <p>7.2 Linear Systems and Gaussian Elimination 218</p> <p>7.3 Operation Counts 223</p> <p>7.4 The <i>LU </i>Factorization 224</p> <p>7.5 Perturbation, Conditioning and Stability 229</p> <p>7.6 SPD Matrices and the Cholesky Decomposition 235</p> <p>7.7 Application: Numerical Solution of Linear Least Squares Problems 236</p> <p>7.8 Sparse and Structured Matrices 240</p> <p>7.9 Iterative Methods for Linear Systems -- A Brief Survey 241</p> <p>7.10 Nonlinear Systems: Newton's Method and Related Ideas 242</p> <p>7.11 Application: Numerical Solution of Nonlinear BVP's 244</p> <p><b>8 Approximate Solution of the Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem 247</b></p> <p>8.1 Eigenvalue Review 247</p> <p>8.2 Reduction to Hessenberg Form 249</p> <p>8.3 Power Methods 250</p> <p>8.4 Bisection and Inertia to Compute Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrices 253</p> <p>8.5 An Overview of the <i>QR </i>Iteration 257</p> <p>8.6 Application: Roots of Polynomials, II 260</p> <p>8.7 Application: Computation of Gaussian Quadrature Rules 261</p> <p><b>9 A Survey of Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 265</b></p> <p>9.1 Difference Methods for the Diffusion Equation 265</p> <p>9.2 Finite Element Methods for the Diffusion Equation 270</p> <p>9.3 Difference Methods for Poisson Equations 271</p> <p><b>10 An Introduction to Spectral Methods 277</b></p> <p>10.1 Spectral Methods for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 277</p> <p>10.2 Spectral Methods in Two Dimensions 279</p> <p>10.3 Spectral Methods for Time-Dependent Problems 282</p> <p>10.4 Clenshaw-Curtis Quadrature 283</p>…”
Libro electrónico -
2998por Sutor, Robert S.Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 2.9 Summary -- 3 More Numbers Than You Can Imagine -- 3.1 Natural numbers -- 3.2 Whole numbers -- 3.3 Integers -- 3.4 Rational numbers -- 3.5 Real numbers -- 3.6 Structure -- 3.7 Modular arithmetic -- 3.8 Doubling down -- 3.9 Complex numbers, algebraically -- 3.10 Summary -- 4 Planes and Circles and Spheres, Oh My -- 4.1 Functions -- 4.2 The real plane -- 4.3 Trigonometry -- 4.4 From Cartesian to polar coordinates -- 4.5 The complex ``plane'' -- 4.6 Real three dimensions -- 4.7 Summary -- 5 Dimensions -- 5.1 R2 and C1 -- 5.2 Vector spaces -- 5.3 Linear maps -- 5.4 Matrices -- 5.5 Matrix algebra -- 5.6 The determinant and trace -- 5.7 Length and preserving it -- 5.8 Unitary transformations -- 5.9 Change of basis -- 5.10 Eigenvectors and eigenvalues -- 5.11 Direct sums -- 5.12 Homomorphisms -- 5.13 Systems of linear equations -- 5.14 Summary -- 6 What Do You Mean ``Probably''? …”
Publicado 2024
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2999Publicado 2022“…Se demuestran teoremas estructurales como el de Jordan -Hoelder, los de Sylow y las extensiones de estos últimos en el universo de los grupos solubles, los teoremas de Hall.El objetivo central es brindar una herramienta formal y elegante de los fundamentos del álgebra a estudiantes de ciencias, especialmente los de matemáticas a nivel de pregrado y posgrado…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
3000Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Credits -- About the Authors -- About the Reviewers -- -- Customer Feedback -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Relational Databases -- Database management systems -- A brief history -- Database categories -- The NoSQL databases -- The CAP theorem -- NoSQL motivation -- Key-value databases -- Columnar databases -- Document databases -- Graph databases -- Relational and object relational databases -- ACID properties -- The SQL language -- Relational model concepts -- Relation -- Tuple -- NULL value -- Attribute -- Constraint -- Domain integrity constraint -- Entity integrity constraint -- Referential integrity constraints -- Semantic constraints -- Relational algebra -- The select and project operations -- The rename operation -- The set theory operations -- The cartesian product operation -- Data modeling -- Data model perspectives -- The entity-relation model -- Sample application -- Entities, attributes, and keys -- Mapping ER to relations -- UML class diagrams -- Summary -- Chapter 2: PostgreSQL in Action -- An overview of PostgreSQL -- PostgreSQL history -- The advantages of PostgreSQL -- Business advantages of PostgreSQL -- PostgreSQL user advantages -- PostgreSQL applications -- Success stories -- Forks -- PostgreSQL architecture -- The PostgreSQL community -- PostgreSQL capabilities -- Replication -- Security -- Extension -- NoSQL capabilities -- Foreign data wrappers -- Performance -- Installing PostgreSQL -- Installing PostgreSQL using Advanced Package Tool -- Client installation -- Server installation -- Basic server configuration -- Installing PostgreSQL on Windows -- The PostgreSQL clients -- The psql client -- psql advanced settings -- PostgreSQL utility tools -- Summary -- Chapter 3: PostgreSQL Basic Building Blocks -- Database coding -- Database naming conventions…”
Libro electrónico