Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Misreading and its creativity in Sino-Western cultural communication at the end of the Ming dynasty / Sun Shangyang
  • Theory and practice : cultural interaction and transformation as well as Christian Mission in the late Ming dynasty / Wang Xiaochao
  • Chinese renaissance : the role of Jesuits in the early modernity of China / Li Tiangang
  • Christianity's dual meaning in Chinese modernisation / You Xilin
  • Sino-Christian theology in the modern context / Liu Xiaofeng
  • A hermeneutical critique of Liu Xiaofeng's "Sino-Christian Theology" / Kwan Shui-man
  • The methodology and approaches to Sino-Christian theology / He Guanghu
  • The basis and significance of Sino-Christian theology / He Guanghu
  • A response to He Guanghu's "The basis and significance of Sino-Christian theology" and "The methodology of and approaches to Sino-Christian theology" / Kwok Hung Biu
  • Inculturation or contextualization : interpretation of Christianity in the context of Chinese / Yang Huilin
  • Sino-Christian theology and nationalism / Richard X.Y. Zhang
  • Christian philosophy and the rise of cultural Christians in China : an exploration in the relationship of Christian theology and Chinese culture / Stephen T. Chan
  • Christianity, Marxism and "The end of history". An analysis of history strung together with the examples of liberation theology / Zhang Xian
  • Social institutions, concepts of value and transcendent spirit : an essay on the possibility and method of exchange of concepts of value / Zhang Qingxiong
  • Religious diversity and the public roles of religion in Chinese society / Xie Zhibin
  • Recent progress of Christian studies made by Chinese academics in the last twenty years / Zhao Xinping
  • The intellectual influence of Christianity in a modern China society / Bao Limin
  • Chinese culture and the development of Sino-Christian theology / Lai Pan-Chiu
  • 20th century Chinese literature and Christianity : studies by Chinese scholars / Liang Gong, Yue Guo-fa
  • Faith and values : case studies of Chinese Christians / Gao Shining
  • The characteristics of Chinese religion and the development of Christianity in China / Li Pingye.