Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Pierre Destree and Fritz-Gregor Herrmann
  • What ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry? / Glenn W. Most
  • Poetry and rhetoric in the Gorgias / Fritz-Gregor Herrmann
  • Poetry as flawed reproduction: possession and mimesis / Catherine Collobert
  • Plato's Ion and the ethics of praise / Carlotta Capuccino
  • The hermeneutics of madness: poet and philosopher in Ion, and Phaedrus / Francisco J. Gonzalez
  • Inspiration and inspired poets / Stefan Buttner
  • Plato, poetry and creativity / Dominic Scott
  • Poets at the symposium / Elisabeth Belfiore
  • Tragedy, women and the family in the Republic / Penelope Murray
  • Mimesis and psychological change in Republic III / Gabriel Richardson Lear
  • Poets and mimesis in the Republic / Jera Marusic
  • Antidotes and incantations: is there a cure for poetry in Plato's Republic? / Stephen Halliwell
  • Tragedy, pity and thumos in the Republic / Pierre Destree
  • Soul division and mimesis in Republic X / Rachel Singpurwalla
  • Image-making in Republic X and the Sophist / Noburu Notomi
  • A transfer of energy: lyric eros in Phaedrus / Elisabeth Pender
  • Myth and poetry in the Timaeus / Gretchen Reydams-Schils
  • Correctness' and poetic knowledge: choric poetry in the Laws / Antony Hatzistavrou
  • Legislation as a tragedy (on Laws vii, 817b-d) / Suzanne Sauve-Meyer.