Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface Section 1: Introducing PCK: Issues, ideas and developmentChapter 1 PCK: Its genesis and exodus, Lee S. ShulmanChapter 2 The PCK summit: A process and structure for challenging current ideas, provoking future work, and considering new directions, Janet Carlson, Laura Stokes & Jenifer Helms, Julie Gess-Newsome & April GardnerChapter 3 A model of teacher professional knowledge and skill including PCK: Results of the thinking from the PCK summit, Julie Gess-NewsomeSection 2: Research developments and trajectoriesChapter 4 Supporting growth of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in science, Kirsten R. Daehler, Joan I. Heller & Nicole WongChapter 5 Science teachers' PCK: Understanding sophisticated practice, Rebecca Cooper, John Loughran & Amanda BerryChapter 6 Tracing a research trajectory on PCK and chemistry university professors' beliefs, Kira Padilla & Andoni GarritzChapter 7 Assessing PCK: A new application of the uncertainty principle, P. Sean Smith & Eric R. BanilowerChapter 8 From portraying toward assessing PCK: Drivers, dilemmas and directions for future research, Soonhye Park & Jeekyung SuhChapter 9 Towards a more comprehensive way to capture PCK in its complexity, Ineke Henze & Jan H. van DrielChapter 10 The PCK summit and its effect on work in South Africa, Marissa Rollnick & Elizabeth MavhungaChapter 11 My PCK research trajectory: A purple book prompts new questions, Patricia FriedrichsenChapter 12 Pedagogical content knowledge reconsidered: A teacher educator's perspective, Rebecca M. SchneiderChapter 13 On the beauty of knowing then not knowing: Pinning down the elusive qualities of PCK, Vanessa KindSection 3: Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Emerging themesChapter 14 Examining PCK Research in the Context of Current Policy Initiatives, Aaron J. Sickel, Eric Banilower, Janet Carlson & Jan van DrielChapter 15 Science teacher PCK learning progressions: Promises and challenges, Patricia Friedrichsen & Amanda BerryChapter 16 Gathering evidence for the validity of PCK measures: Connecting ideas to analytic approaches, Sophie Kirschner, Joseph Taylor, Marissa Rollnick, Andreas Borowski, Elizabeth MavhungaSection 4: Provocations and closing thoughtsChapter 17 Re-examining PCK: A personal commentary, Richard F GunstoneAbout the Contributors Index